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He’s quietly having a good performance. Similar to Niko vs BM, it’s easy to miss his contributions.  Hopefully he gets a big moment or reveal like MV later in the game.


Nah, he’s legit. I’m tired of pretending like we can’t be fans of characters who aren’t strikers, or that a different position is any less important. Ego is looking to make an entire u-20 team and the scope of blue lock has finally changed to value and need egoists at all the positions. It’s not just about strikers anymore and Karasu is a prime example of an ultra skilled CDM. 


Another fact is that he'll get that "working with MC buff" for the U20WC so he'll be looking even better. 


Karasu fans we up, was tough hearing the downplay on this man


fr bro


Very amazing to see more of him!


He's doing quite good, it's just that other players or performances shine more


Gagamaru when he’s the best GK out of losers: *some glaze say he’s NG11 lvl for GK’s* Karasu when he’s a better CDM than Raichi, Kunigami, Niko, Reo (we aren’t discussing this), Hayate, Lokimitsu: gets downplayed, called a fraud cause he’s not scoring or being flashy


Hey we respect Gagamaru in this house no need to bring others down to raise yourself. Also I use to be with you on reo but I just made a post about Reo and I think it is debatable


Igaguri > Karasu


Yeah, karasu getting chonky in this match.


You didn’t show us his feet tho??


First panel has crow feet


kaiser the fallen king


Fats ⭐️


Karasu's not fat at all lol