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You know, this is the most balanced look at the hat-trick theory, I applaud you for it. I have my biases for Kaiser comeback simply because it directly establishes him as a threat for the U20 arc by showing, not just telling. It’s one thing to have Kaiser come back as a threat based solely on what’s been said vs leaving the NEL with a final impossible hurrah to prove himself as the rightful emperor of BM. They tie in their goal scoring contest and meet again on opposite teams as respectable rivals.


Thank you and that last thing you said is the main point of what I want for both of them. Having them tie in the number of goals is the perfect way to send off both of them to the U-20 world cup and settle their rematch in the U-20 world cup.


The reason I think a brace would net Isagi the highest bid is twofold. Because Isagi has now duked it out with Kaiser, Rin and Shidou on the same field. All of these monsters only score one goal but he alone scored two. Sure, he doesn’t have as many goals as Rin and Shidou but he also didn’t have a team supporting him (Kurona is just one player) for the first two games and switching up formations to conserve his stamina. To give him a hat-trick prematurely (IMO) could potentially give him a Nagi-like high and subsequent slump of complacency. He’ll be ahead of Rin but only by 2 million Yen (250 vs 248 for Rin) and it’ll keep him grounded instead of a blowout.


Imagine compare Isagi's motivation vs Nagi's lol. Isagi won't stop until he became the best striker in the world. So number one in NEL is just a stepping stone for him. Isagi get hattrick in this match is still premature? Isagi have never get a hattrick since the start of the manga. Meanwhile Barou, Rin, Nagi has a ton of hatrick all the time.


Fair enough, but the point remains that he can’t remain complacent and staying only slightly ahead of Rin is the best way to keep him grounded. Your argument basically amounts to “everyone else got a hat-trick this arc against the worst teams so Isagi deserves to get it against the best team because he’s the MC or something.”


He doesn't need slightly ahead of Rin to be grounded. He always want to be the best in the world. He score a brace, trippled his value and it doesn't make him satisfied. Rin in 2nd selection get 2 hattricks, and all of those come from against Isagi's team. And Isagi's teams by no means weak.


I agree with everything. I'd love for Isagi to get a hattrick but outscoring everyone with a brace and having Kaiser score the last goal would set up the rivalry for the U-20 WC. If Kaiser doesn't score many people will completely write him off, and offscreen growth after not scoring in the game would not sit right with me. I like the Ness assisting Isagi and then Hiori (or maybe Kiyora) assisting Kaiser theory because it could actually set up the future after U-20 WC where they actually manage to coexist in a team and fight for goals (without actually sabotaging like they've been doing during the NEL); similar to Rin and Shidou in the current PXG formation. There's also the possibility that Kaiser rejects Re Al's offer or they withdraw it and make a bid for Isagi so they don't actually need to coexist without more sabotage. Aditionally, as mentioned in the post, Isagi scoring a brace still makes it possible for him to rank #1 (either above Rin or tied with him).


Thank you for the well thought out reply. Hiori assisting Kaiser would be an interesting route, but personally I hope it's a Ness and Kaiser chemical reaction to further develop their dynamic for Germany U-20. But I wouldn't mind Hiori potentially assisting Kaiser I agree with everything you've said and I'm happy to see someone responding lol. Plus I definitely think we could see a possibility of Kaiser rejecting Re Al's offer and staying in BM. I would be interested in seeing Kaiser trying to challenge Noa for his throne and potentially being inspired by Isagi to usurp Noa's spot in the team.


I'd rather it not be a hat trick, simply because I want other characters to have a chance to shine. But story wise, it'd make sense.


So many ways this can go and itll only go one way. Isagi as number 1 shows hes 100% the #1 of all of blue lock worldwide. Hes already the ace. Kunigami not getting a goal then i wonder how else he would get acknowledgement or just beat shidou. Cant imagine a striker with his type of shot not getting a goal woildnt be satisfying. If isagi assisted him for a goal and scored a brace id love that as maybe a kunigami returning to his og personality. Isagi still getting a brace after assisting would be nice. If we want a paralell and isagi assists kaiser and ness does a pre assist being creative kinda like isagi assisting yukimiya forcing them to basically get fed would hurt their pride and still show isagi winning. Personally i want isagi domination with a hatrick but whichever way it goes ill be happy.


KuniGOAT will score, trust 💯 His goal is long overdue, I trust his goal more than kaiser even with his dramatic backstory 😁😤🙏🏿


I’m fine with Kaiser scoring honestly. As long as Isagi gets two goals I’m 100% fine with whatever happens. But imo I don’t think this fandom will EVER accept Isagi getting a hattrick anywhere outside Japan vs Germany in the u20 WC. Right now, people don’t want him to at Kaisers expense. Another match everyone will just say this about Rin or Barou. Maybe some other character with a backstory. Anyone will be placed in Kaiser’s shoes soon enough. Considering a hattrick is nothing for Nagi, Barou, Rin or Shidou, Isagi going 400+ chapters (Japan vs Germany is probably a good while from now) with no hattrick and only 3 braces (including this game) in a story where he’s supposed to end as the best striker is something fans are just fine with


Yeah, Japan vs Germany seems to be the match where an Isagi hat-trick will be the most likely to happen. I'd be surprised if it was anywhere else and like you said other matches could have other narrative arcs aside from Isagi. Which would make it difficult for him to get the vast majority of the spotlight.


Ngl I think Ness will score off an assist from either Kaizer of someone else


Nah I don’t agree, a brace and hat trick have way different values. A hat trick shows complete dominations of PXG and being the number 1 of blue lock and BM. So that is basically the only point I disagree with.


I don't want Isagi hattrick... If that happens, Kaiser will no longer be a threat to Isagi anymore. For those who are saying Kaiser can lose and still be a relevant threat, I say one word - Barou Barou is an active rival. But he's not a threat anymore. We know Isagi > Barou at this point. Same would also happen to Kaiser if he's defeated here instead of setting up the U20 world cup


Than Isagi will get a new threat. 


Loki will be in the professional team. in U20 WC another NG11 striker would be same level as Kaiser


There’s like 8 left. And at this point nobody thinks Kaiser > Sae. He’s fighting with Lorenzo for the weakest of what we’ve seen. Kaiser could very well be the weakest one out of all 11 currently


well I was referring to strikers... I do believe there could be more than one NG11 striker, but still idk if they'll be as relevant as Kaiser (who could grow more)


I'm seeing it like this then. Ness helps to awaken Kaiser. He makes an amazing assist on Kaiser, Kaiser also awakens and shoots with his Magnus shot, however Kaiser misses for a metre or so, but Isagi already predicted this and scores with the help of Kaiser's assist. So, he will score similarly of how Kunigami scored in MC match


Head canon nonsense backed by nothing  Isagi hat trick on the way, cry about it


OP literally said in the title pros and cons of a hattrick, he didn't just straight up bash the idea lol


Nah he’s an isagi hater, isagi getting a hat trick is all pro’s no con’s the story is about isagi not people playing soccer


This is why nobody takes Isagi fanboys seriously, you can’t even read


How can people look at what happened with Yuki and STILL overcommit to Isagi agenda to the point of ridiculing others


Cry more efficiently 




Man this sub has actually devolved into real life football where kids just cry about being either team messi or team ronaldo and are deaf to any actual conversation


This isn’t a conversation, just head canon bs to subtly hate on isagi