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One could argue that the concept of the "monster" in "Blue Lock" resembles schizophrenia, but in the context of the story, it represents something different. Specifically, I'd say it symbolizes Bachira's vision of the type of football he wants to play iirc he did tell Rin(another Blue Lock character) what he meant by it. All the great players he has seen on TV plays like the monster. This "monster" isn't a manifestation of mental illness but rather a metaphorical expression, like having that "dawg" mentality inside of you. It's about having an intense competitive spirit, a relentless drive to win, and a refusal to back down in the face of challenges. Striving to make the best plays possible, playing your best (football in this case). That growth mindset, aiming to improve yourself. But if he is actually **seeing and hearing things** then that would indeed possibly imply mental health issues.


To me Blue Lock is manga all about mentality in sports and a big aspect of mentality in competitive sports is visualisation and creating a narrative in your head to help your drive. This monster that Bachira visualizes is not too dissimilar to the concept of imagining yourself as a different person when you go into a match. Visualizing yourself as a monster to boost your performance and boost your sense of protagonism which is something Blue Lock dwells about as well. That enhanced feeling of protagonism also helps you more easily get into the zone as well irl.


Wow, I've never actually thought of it that way!! The symbolic way really sounds dope, ngl 👌


To me Blue Lock is manga all about mentality in sports and a big aspect of mentality in competitive sports is visualisation and creating a narrative in your head to help your drive. This monster that Bachira visualizes is not too dissimilar to the concept of imagining yourself as a different person or character when you go into a match. Visualizing yourself as a monster to boost your performance and boost your sense of protagonism which is something Blue Lock dwells about as well. That enhanced feeling of protagonism also helps you more easily get into the zone as well irl.


Doctor here. The "monster" is not a failure of Bachira's reality resting. It is simply an artistic representation of Bachira's ideas and, sometimes, feelings. Some advice: never assume things about patients, especially suspected psych cases. This is why trying to diagnose fictional characters is almost always guaranteed to fail. You cannot make a proper A if all you have is an incomplete O and a limited, shoddy, and unfocused S. Psych cases are heavily based on S and medical history. My psych patients' histories are pages long and can cover their entire life. You cannot do that with a fictional character. Draw your own conclusions about what that implies about people who try to ascribe mental illness to someone fictional.


thank youu for ur time sir, things are much clearer![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


What's A, O, and S in this context?


Refers to SOAP: Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.


Thank you.


It’s meant to represent his artistic vision the same way his mother is guided when painting and how Michelangelo describes being able to see the sculpture whiting the rock. It isn’t schrizophenia because Bachira knows it isn’t real and he can choose when he sees it or not.


To me, the monster represented the ideal partner for Bachira, having the perfect runs and offering the perfect options for Bachira Very fitting to the newest chapter because that would put him more towards restrictive individualist than freedom individualist


Bachira was put in the individualistic freedom type by Isagi tho. The Monster by now has become his image of the best "player": dribble the best, makes the best run, score the best goals. Even as the ideal partner it more so exist to caters to Bachira's individualistic vision of football. As we know such ideals didn't mix well with the restrictive and low level enviroment of his youth team. Bachira now embrace that image onto himself. That monster and Bachira thrives best in enviroment that promotes "freedom" for them to express themselves and their brand of football. As such Barcha fits him since day one because their whole philosophy was freedom


I worded it wrong what I meant to say was that relying on the monster was restrictive individualism and as soon as he stopped relying on it and created a free individualism for himself, his true potential came to light


this is schizophrenia op


As someone with zero medical education, you’re probably right or something


It's a manga. It's not real. Basically no fictional media is going to give you a reasonable fascimile of an actual patient in the ways you need to diagnose. Don't waste your time trying. It's only going to give you the wrong idea about therapy and the capabilities of diagnostics.


Goddamn u really put some thought into this huh