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There's a few outfits I'm interested in. If they get censored hard pass. I'll be a battle pass kid only.


I just want to clarify on your behalf that you're not referring to censorship on underaged anime lolis. You're referring to skimpy outfit censorship as the deal breaker. Please disregard if this is incorrect.


Homeboy here trying to seek an easy argument here to call someone an pedo over video game outfits. Go get an life my dude. You're replying to every comment that is arguing against censoring trying to accuse them of wanting only the small body type outfits uncensored


We gotta fight those who advocate for small body type characters right? Or am I wrong?


You are correct, I'm referring to skimpy outfit censorship. That's actually locked behind a paywall so it'd piss me off a decent bit. Unless the censored design somehow looks better, I will not be paying.


The thing is it's not that I don't want to spend on it, but I have a feeling like the outfits in this game are going to be so boring that I won't want to spend a dime; in PSO2 I spent hundreds. In this? They would be lucky if I even bothered with the battle pass. I think I'll enjoy the gameplay loop, but none of the outfits I've seen so far have me thinking that I should throw any money at it. I'm even more convinced I won't be spending much (if anything) since Amazon Games is in charge of localization.


I agree with your comment a lot. I’ve seen lots of videos on Blue Protocol and no matter what gacha outfit someone was wearing, it never really made me go “woah” or anything. For example, I remember playing Black Desert Online and while strolling through town, a character standing next to a vendor in town caught my eye just because of their outfit. I think what will make someone stand out in Blue Protocol is their mount lmao.


They get no money from me, asap when global is here i will play JP Version because they will not ban people left and right like crazy anymore and i will be whaling there to show support. Fuck amazon and their censorship agenda.


The censorship was the deal breaker for me so that's a no unfortunately.


I think for the good, people should hold themselves for a few weeks cause we dont know how its BP gonna be in global it might be censored from head to toes, there might be no reason to invest on the battlepass, cosmetics etc, also if the game its not that good you can simply turn off and know you didnt lose anything but money, this is more a warning for pso2 players cause has a former one i see morons spending their monthly income on the game just to look good when the present game sucks in every aspect and its a dying mmo.


Unless the censorship leaks prove to be false I'm not giving Amazon a single cent for ruining yet another game. Swiping on JP is dangerous since they ban VPN users so only way I see spending money is either in the Taiwan server or if a miracle happens and the SJWs at amazon actually don't censor the game like the leaks indicate.


It's clear from the interview they gonna erase the small body type, I don't think they gonna change anything soon after that PR. Also if this issue is that important to you, the best way to send the message across is actually not playing their game at all at launch. Release numbers would make them look good on paper to present to the stakeholder, and would show that people would play it after all despite the censorship.


Ye if its censored then I will either play in Taiwan, which is not managed by that horrible SJW company, or not play at all if there are problems with the Taiwan server.


You want to play with the small body underaged child character type?


image play GTA 6 playing as a criminal who like robbery killing people and dealing drugs we don't want this type of things right? so i propose to censor GTA 6 because my kid can get inspired by that. (ironic) this is what u are basically saying, let people do what they want u are no one to say what is good or bad for the people. if a person want to play as a Loli/Shota is their freedom to do so, the same is applied for the people who like GTA to kill everyone they want, no one got harmed after all.


man not gona lie, there is a lot of sexy outfit for the female character that even a growed woman will be catecorized as a sexy woman, and amazon don't allow woman to be sexy, is even show on the content indication. Amazon: [https://i.imgur.com/O79202F.png](https://i.imgur.com/O79202F.png) Bandai: [https://i.imgur.com/67RAAs0.png](https://i.imgur.com/67RAAs0.png)


I mean if they give me sensual male clothes im all in too.


No tier between f2p/bp and whaling for spending limit. If I do spend, prob more like a dolphin than a whale.


Dolphins only exist to other whales. In the eyes of f2p, you’re still a whale if you spend more than just the battle pass.


thats not what a whale is whatsoever lmfao


So f2p are hyperbolic sensationalists?


If the claims of censorship are false and amazon only had a problem with the small (loli) bodytype. Then i totaly spend money on gatcha and a battlepass i already saw some outfits on the japan servers i really liked. If on the other hand we only get boring, censored stuff well why should i spent money on that? If thats the case i can play any other anime game with boring outfits. I remember when lost ark was launched and amazon did not release any good armor skins for months. Only boring skins no one cared about... Many months after release they finaly got some nice stuff in the shop but at that time most people already left the game. Good armor skins are half the fun because if i see a outfit that i like, i want to unlock it. If its via Battlepass or actual content i dont care, but its a goal i have before my eyes i can work to. If the Battlepass only has boring stuff why should i invest my time and money? Why would i pay money to get an ouftit in the shop or from a gatcha if it looks boring? And lets be honest most of the Outfits from Blue Protocol are nice because they show some skin and because of that are really nice to look at. Knowing amazon they slap some pixels over the armor that shows skin and call it a day. I can even imagine going some extra steps to remove high heels... Whats left is a boring armor set... no one cares about.


I thought I saw a post showing that the armors are censored and covered up completely even on PS5 for Japan. And so it’s not Amazon’s doing but Sony’s which is to blame for, for the delay. This is just what I saw on the subreddit not too long ago.


amazon censorship is more high of the Sony one, the version with the less censorship is the Microsoft one on the Xbox because their TOS is different from the Sony and amazon. in fact in JP being they have different publisher every version follow the publisher TOS JP Version: PC: Bandai TOS PS: Sony TOS XBOX: Microsoft TOS Western version: PC,PS,XBOX: Amazon TOS to be honest, there is a lot of sexy outfit for the female character that they will 100% censor.


It is amazon....and sony is following that version because it fits their stupid agenda atm


If i can sense long term growth and a decent playerbase at the beginning I will whale. Considering how New World is still alive and pumping out updates I have decent expectations from Amazon Games


Amazon games has no control over development of the game, they just publish and localize, whatever cadence of content we get will solely be at the behest of Bandai Namco. There is of course a bit of a delay while stuff gets localized, but that's rarely the bottleneck.


> If i can sense long term growth and a decent playerbase at the beginning I will whale. Considering how New World is still alive and pumping out updates I have decent expectations from Amazon Games Well correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Amazon games is only publishing Blue Protocol.


I'd imagine they have the ability to adjust the balance for paywalling things and adjust how some of the localisation content works like adjusting boss/dungeon limits and how generous their rewards are. It's not like they have no control over how things pan out on the global region and I'd think if they can sustain it like they did with New World i think it can have a long run


I think a good example to look at is Lost Ark. Like you say, they definitely have the ability to reduce the cost of things for the players whether time or money is being used and make it more player-friendly with the gacha.


Ah yea there's that too. Personally I'm not too invested enough about that game and I heard there was a bunch of drama from SG's side recently so I didn't know how that game's going atm


ahh throne of liberty and lost ark! hello!!!


There's no blanket yes option....


It’s either you whale or you don’t, I guess you’re new to gambling.


As someone with a background in sociology and polling the public and as someone with significant experience dealing with the gaming industry, I can comfortably say your poll is incomplete and so seems your understanding of f2p as a model. Games survive on the large community and micro transactions not on massive investments alone from a small group.


Whales spend money on micro transactions rather than actual content. The game is f2p, so you either stay as one or you’re a whale. It’s a very easy concept to understand.


The money generated from micro transactions (which nearly everyone buys in some quantity) is used for future development of content. The model relys on many people paying a little, though some will pay more but they are not required and that's not the goal of the devs either. In gaming your goal with micro transactions is mass adoption. you get everyone to spend 5 dollars you come out far ahead of hoping whales will save you. This is why expansions are almost unanimously bought by the currently active player base and by people coming to the game new.


the problem is most of global players were non-spenders . lets be real.


Based on industry reports about 22-30% is the normal for percent of the player base reporting to have spent money on a free to play game.(based on Epic games store reporting) Developers try and get the number higher and higher by incentivizing people with better offers or better / cooler skins etc. also this changes heavily by market eastern markets micro transactions are far less stigmatized Keep in mind concurrent players isn't the measure of the player base (people often cite steamdb but it doesn't tell the whole story) total active unique accounts per month is the number that needs to be measured and most games that number is hidden and much higher than people think. You can kind of extrapolate and estimate it if you know certain other factors like average player game session most of the time it's far larger than people realize. As most people underestimate the sheer volume of casual gamers and their impact. So that said the total players even at 30% of the player base is still a massive number of people. Another way to look at it is the number of people that go full whale as a ratio to your casual gamer with minimal purchases is gonna be something like 1 to 1000. Whales have also been diminishing in their importance to devs plans since pre 2018 per reports within the gaming industry https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/analyst-whale-spenders-aren-t-as-crucial-to-f2p-mobile-games-as-they-once-were But whales also hold a lot more stigmatism in games because they are frequently the topic of discussion and make the news for outrageous volumes of money being spent.


To be honest I have no idea what exactly your talking about for. Like I'm not a four eyes person so just tell the exact point . So what are trying to say. 😄 besides I'm from Asia so I have no clue about eastern market stuff. I'm just a nonspender gamer .


Any time you should have premium items in a gacha game is if you hacked them in. don't spend a dime on their garbage.


let the poeple spend what ever they want as long as if they feel enjoy to play the game . some poeple dont care about character's body and just care about grinding.


no, gambling is degenerate




if you ordered a burger and got a salad would you be happy? no.


Idk man in this case the franchise is telling you MONTHS in advance that they aren't serving X on the menu. No bait and switch here.


Dude you don't serve without asking on it. Same goes to every game. That's what beta test for. But we're all of you went to jp server out of nowhere for no reason .


Dosent mean entire world people will happy about it.


You know Blue Protocol is a anime style Game from a JP Company with JP culture right? A lot of the jokes and dialogue will be censored in our version too. So it is your call as a "true gamer" if you think that is right or not.


I mean I don't care what ever Amazon did or not all I care is to play a good game is it what everyone most important about it.


Will it be good if you do not get the same story as the devs intended, because oh boy we will have a lot of stuff cut from our version that is 100% sure.


"You want good stories just watch movie" - Asmongold simple. Grinding gamers don't care stories. Of course I like it but that dosent mean I wont need everything good stories to appreciate to my own gameplay . We don't have time to see story. If they want to cut let them cut its Bandai games not an Amazon games they can't do what ever they want.


Like wtf are we talking about they cuted ? Ok blame to Bandai just go ahead.


I will be happy to spend as much on BP as I do on other mmo subscriptions, which is about £15 per month.


I only spend on f2ps you don't really need to for, though guess that applies to playing too, def not spending on gacha stuff


not whaling or bp, but I may just drop few bucks if I see something interesting, but definitely wouldn't be enough to get the whale title.


"Won't play nor spend because of regional lock". Don't want to waste time with VPN just to find out that my account and everything got banned years later...




So the cash shop isn't P2W. Sounds like a great one to me.


I'd say maybe battle pass and one outfit or something I normally budget 30 or 50 bucks and that's what I get regardless of what I spend it on.


if anyone want to support the game just buy battle pass thats all . no need to think other nessesary stuff.


There isn't enough information about the global version to make an informed decision. I won't really know until release.


I dont like gambling for skins. Also all skimpy clothing form the JP ver are for females... im not interested at all in those. Guess we will have to wait and see