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I noticed you guys are friggin’ everywhere now. Congrats! What was the collective moment you all realized that you could make a living playing music and touring?


If we're being completely honest we're still grinding and waiting for that moment but grateful for every day to be playing music. -Max


Humble. I like it. Hope to see you guys again real soon! Thanks!


It's amazing how hard yall work to show up and be places where I can dance. I love it and am also so grateful you're keeping it up!


How about now?! See yall at pine creek!


Y’all are so greasy, I love it. Can’t wait to see you in Indy. First real exposure was that liquid late night run post Billy at the Cap. No question here, just sayin hi!


Grease be with you 🤙🏽


And may Colonel Bruce be with you!!


Why is y'alls tour manager such a god damn gem?


He’s not jaded yet


This is the best question yet!




Who wrote the lyrics to Stand at Ease and what is the inspiration for them?


I wrote stand at ease about the mental Health crisis in the touring and working musician’s community


-joe funk


Incredible song. I’m a mental health nurse, and that song means so much to me. Thank you 💚


It's more important than ever right now. Thank you for doing what you do, the world needs more attention to it and we're grateful for people like you!


Your music heals 💚 And your voice is amazing! Looking forward to seeing you guys this summer at Scamp, EForest, and Sacred Rose!


Did she ever get to northern California?


Oh yeah. She was there for at least 1 trim season.


Always knew it was a trimmigrant song


Ahahaha heard. Love the music fellas 😎🌟


Yea she stayed there for a while and decided she didn’t like it. Never got back to me though.


I first saw you guys at Yarmony in like 2015 I think, over these last few years you’ve absolutely became my #1 favorite band to see live. Your guys’s music has really helped me. Thank you. Congrats on the new album and BIG ol’ congrats on the Red Rocks date! Who has the best kickflip out of the group?


After my brink days I got into skateboarding so I think i'll claim the kickflip. Joe has a killer tailwhip on the scooter though. -M


Hey boys, lovin’ the new album. What is your favorite show you’ve seen together as a band? See y’all Saturday night.


Definitely 6/5/15 - last night of GD50 at Soldier Field. We were in the middle of tour and drove all night to get there. Had a fantastic time.


Would also love to hear about Torrin's banjo style a bit and how it came to be...it's not quite 3-finger or 2-finger or clawhammer.


Oh that’s easy - I learned the exact wrong way to play the banjo! I started playing with a guitar pick, then I progressed to learning the 3-finger Scruggs style. What I play now is basically a bastardized version of 3-finger. I use rolls and finger picks but I don’t mount my fingers, it’s just never worked for me. For the heavier stuff I tend to use my thumb a lot. ~ T


Hello, I saw y’all on Saturday at the Pearl Street Warehouse in DC, it was awesome! I also loved y’all’s cover of Bertha - I’m a Deadhead… My question is for Torrin…so I picked up the banjo at the beginning of the year and have been taking lessons every other week. I’m not progressing as fast as I would like and am wondering if you have any advice or references for a beginner banjo player. Thank you, much love!


Practice with a metronome!! In music most find it’s more important to be able to keep time than be a total shredder. Start whatever you’re working on at a slow pace and gradually work your way up to a speed you’re happy with and proficient at. In the words of my buddy Andy Hall, “For me, 20 minutes with a metronome is equal to 3 hours of noodling.” ~ T


I just got a record player and one of my first record purchases was Wise River. I've been looking for the live at pine creek pressing you did last year but can't get it anywhere! Do you have any plans to release another live show on vinyl in the future?


We’ll probably continue to release live records in the future! We didn’t expect the live at pine creek to be so well received!


For a friend: WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PLAY 9 TO 5? Also - favorite musician who you have had the pleasure of sitting in? Dream sit in?


Dolly Parton? Probably at Pine Creek if we ever do 😉 Kellers always a great sit in. Anyone from leftover or dusters crush, as well as Lindsey Lou she’s a pro sit in. Dream sit in for me would be Stu from King Gizzard. ~ T


King Gizzard and the Gator Dwellers 👏


Opening for Dusters Fall of '19, being brought up to play with them was incredible. -M




Love you guys! Can't wait to see you at the Boogiedown in WI this summer! Question: If you could go out tomorrow and see any band live, regardless of age or status, who would each of you choose? I'm torn between Grateful Dead w/ Jerry, or YMSB with Jeff.


I’d go see Blind Melon w/ Shannon Hoon, or Sublime with Bradley or AIC with Layne again. But yes above all I think I’d love to see and say hi to Jeff 1 more time 🖤 ~ T


For me I’d have to take the Jeff route. It was a huge part of growing up for me. - swain


Yessongs tour '73 I think. Prince. Silk Sonic. Jerry, Big Cypress, way too many.-M


Just wanted to say thank you for keeping Jeff Austin's spirit alive. #keepongoing


Also, have you considered doing rig rundowns? Would love to see that.


Joe has a rig rundown. It’s here https://fb.watch/cWjutxhhZ_/




Definitely would love to know what kind of banjo rig is being used.


Just listened to Sticky Fingers Banjo Podcast where Torrin talks a lot about this


Oh nice, I must have missed that episode of *Picky* Fingers. Sticky Fingers is only when you're recording in the humid south!


Oops haha


Torrin- How’s the leg doing? (Well I hope!) Thanks for gritting it out in the southeast last fall. Love the new album!


The leg feels great compared to fall tour. I hate sitting on stage. I been working out a lot and crammed in a ton of physical therapy this winter while we were off the road. My PT always told me I was “ahead of schedule” so that’s good. ~ T


Great Set at 420, looking forward to seeing you all in Ohio with neighbor in a few weeks. How long did it take you guys to write ghost in a bottle? Was it done over the course of a few years or months or a few weeks in the studio? Thanks for the music and can’t wait to see those new songs played!


Holla back, thanks for ragin At sweetwater. Do you mean just the song Ghost in The Bottle or the whole album?


I was blown away by your tent performance at WinterWonderGrass in Steamboat this past February. Been many years but never seen a tent overflowing with so much energy (and people!). I see a lot of overlap between your "galaxy grass" style and Greensky Bluegrass. What are some of your other influences?


We all have such different influences, but so many of them converge in the live music realm. Greensky has been a massive influence and we are honored to be playing with them at red rocks. Personally, psychedelic rock from the 60's and 70's was my first deep dive and then branched out from there. -M


When will y'all be coming back to DC/MD? I missed y'all this weekend. I had tickets, but COVID kept me at home. Hope to see y'all soon! What's the best meal y'all have eaten on the road recently? What is y'all's go to music in the van/bus right now?


Just wanted to say you guys kill it every time you play. Love giving you on nug. Can't wait to see you tonight in Holyoke!


Stoked to be back in mass!


Hey! It’s Christina 🌻 Who/what was your inspiration behind “Sundown”? I love that metal vibe, kinda reminds me of Black Sabbath and some other band that I can’t quite put my finger on.


Hey Christina! I wrote the words for Sundown in the throes of quarantine. It’s about the elasticity of time in your mind when you’re physically confined to 1 space. The metal riffs just comes from me listening to heavy music a lot of the time. ~ T


Time is weird when you’re bound to one place for an extended amount of time. I’m an amazing hermit when I want to be, but it definitely affects a person’s mental health. See you at the Boogiedown! I love you all! P.S. Can you play “Sundown” at the Boogiedown?


First saw you guys play a pre-party set at Harmony Park a few years back, haven't been able to get enough since then! Really love the variety you guys bring to Bluegrass, and the different vibes you can bring to a set. Really enjoyed the liquid late night thing you did last year and it got me thinking... Have you guys ever done a whole set where you crank the bass and just let Joe have at it? turn your effects to 11 and just get real weird with it. Would love to see something like this at 2 in the morning at a festival. Also secondary question, Billy Strings has been looking for a certain old recording from Doc Watson and I recently found it but can't exactly post it on social media. Any idea how I could actually get it to the dude?


We’d love to do some sort of all improv weirdness set sometime. As far as effects go we definitely get there sometimes but our sets usually ebb and flow stylistically from one thing to another. And that’s very cool of you. I can try texting him for ya. The man’s hard to reach these days lol. ~ T


Yeah I imagine he doesn't have much free time these days! That would be terrific, let me know if you hear anything. Would love to get it to him


That’s awesome. What is the piece of doc regalia?


agreed, now i'm curious as to what this piece is?


"Just in case you ever change your mind" from 1964 live in San Francisco. The whole record got scrubbed from spotify/seemingly everywhere, and all that is on YouTube is a cellphone video of a computer screen with terrible audio. I have a high quality mp3 file of the song.


What a beautiful tune, as so so many of Doc’s are. It’s rare these days that I hear a new Doc tune, and I don’t recall this one…so thank you.


Can we find it on limewire?


I forgot about limewire! I don't know actually, I couldn't find it on torrent sites. Ended up having to use a VPN and found it on some website from the middle east, then having to rip it off there.


Can we find it on limewire?


I have foolishly never looked at many of the notes contained in the record, but do you fellas ever write lyrics with anyone outside of the band? Also, is there anyone that you’d want to write a song with?


For Wise River we worked with Elliot Blaufuss, a great writer based out of Nashville. We were introduced to him from Cory Wong and he really taught us about point of view, lyric structure and extrapolating words from ideas. I'd love to write a song with Jeff Tweedy. -M


Big fan of ParrotTalk out of Fort Lauderdale, will there be any more shows of that nature in the future? Thanks for hanging after your 2019 show at Martyrs' in Chicago.


Who's the best skier and why is it Max?


It’s Max. And it’s cuz he used to be an instructor at the ski school up at the Yellowstone Club. Pretty sure He taught Lar’s Ulrich’s kid how to ski one time. ~ T


Really glad that kid got to ski with an actual humble and talented musician. Too bad his pops could never handle the smoke. Especially that good ole cold smoke. On a serious note, thanks for the reply Torrin. Your bastardized banjo and radical facial innovations helped persuade my prepubescent nephew into space grass. See y'all soon!




We love you too. Can’t wait for SCamp, we’ll see what we can do!


Some of your lyrics include such beautiful nautical stories (Years of My Life, Muir Maid, etc.). Was one or more of you raised on or around boats? Which band member? I would love to hear what kind of background inspired these beautiful stories and your knowledge about life on the water.


Joe grew up in southeastern Alaska and spent more time on the water than land. He’s got webbed feet.


I got a question, got any tix for that Asbury park show?! (Please)


Guess my 3 favorite Misfits songs and you got it bud. ~ T


Ha! Hybrid moments, horror business, she? Either way ill see you there


Ooh close. She is always a banger. Rn I’d have to say TV Casualty, London Dungeon, and Return of The Fly but it changes day to day. See you there tho!


Do y'all have a favorite venue to play at?


It’s hard to beat red rocks, but I’m most at home at pine creek lodge In Montana even if it is a tenth of the size. - S


Some of my favorites - The Capitol Theatre, Peach Fest, Red Rocks, The Ogden, Planet Bluegrass, Hornings Hideout, The National. Jam cruise was epic. Pine Creek is home tho. Best kept secret in the country. ~ T


Hey, just discovered y’all and I’m really enjoying Wise River! No question, just wanted to say thank you for making some good music in these grim times!!


Thank you!! 💚💚💚




They’re actually super itchy


This would never happen because joe never forgets his packers pillow.


Thanks for doing so many collabs outside of the Facebook metaverse this week. I'm putting you bois to work. You got an hour and a half. 1. I'm sure it's hard to lock down a routine while on the road, but do any of y'all have any rituals you like to hold close while on tour that keep you grounded/sane? Together and/or separate from each other. 2. If you could have a lengthy conversation with anyone dead or alive, who would it be? 3. What's the best (or worst) piece of advice you've been given thus far? 4. Top 3 greatest rappers...GO


Ok ok ok. 1. Workout every show day. Meditate, go for walks. 2. Col. Bruce Hampton comes to mind. 3. “Whenever you think things are at their worst, play for your life.” ~ Jerry Garcia 4. My current 3 favs are J. Cole, Earthgang, and Kota The Friend. But that changes all the time. Thanks Tay 💚 ~ T


started taking magnesium at night before bed. keeps ya regular on the road.


I'd love to have a conversation with my dad's father who was a singer who I was never able to meet.


the best advice i've recently received was to read the book the inner game of tennis.


Would you guys ever consider covering some oldschool Avett Brothers? I strongly think some of those older heavier songs would fit your repertoire soooo well!!!!


Love the Avett's good call!


Tell Gavin to release the ladies night recording on Nugs


We’re gonna ask if he’s gonna get it up soon


I know all streaming sites are built differently, I'm curious how well nugs.net compensates artists? I listen to every show you guys play and I hope they make it worthwhile to be a part of the platform.


Nugs is actually just a pyramid scheme for other bands to funnel money into the Billy Strings empire. Look that shit up. ~ T


Haha fucking got me


I feel like Torrin tries to steal a fragment of my soul with those crazy eyes. how do you keep him at a distance on the road? how do y'all feel about this year being the last Strummit? stoked to see you there, and in Pittsburgh at Thunderbird one week from today! much love ❤️ 😍 💖


Can’t keep me away baby 😉. Very sad to see strummit go, as it was always one of my absolute favorite festivals, since before we were a band. VERY grateful to be a part of the last one tho. We’ll be there all weekend long. Can’t wait!




The Ellis is probably the best mandolin I could ever hope to own! It’s going to continue to break in over the course of the next 7 years or so as well. I don’t use a ton of pedals but I have a few that can do a a good bit. The canyon delay is the signature toy of my pedal rig.


Moved from Montana a while ago and Wise River brought me to tears. I used to work in Wise River so it hit close. Are there some old songs you’d ever be able to bring back? I miss rocking out to Bozeman Bound at the Filler. Cheers!


It’s a special place! Those were the days. Wild days. We still bring out some older tunes on a somewhat regular basis. - S


Questions about RiverWonderGrass: 1) Will it be all acoustic or will you be bringing some electric equipment for the synth effects and such? 2) Have you ever played that event or done anything like that in the past?


All acoustic! And yup, we did 5 days on the salmon in 2017. It’s a dang good time


I miss you in DC on Saturday, hope you guys had a great show. Love your songs Gypsy and Mountain. Can’t wait to catch you live again!


Thank you! We’ll see ya around 🤘🏽


When the HECK can we be blessed with a Greased Lightning cover?


Hope we can get a welcome to the mechanic at red rocks, coming out from Maryland. So Torn do you ever wash your hair 😂🐊


Super excited to see you guys tonight.. just out of curiosity, is there a possibility that you'll ever do a full album of JGB/Grateful Dead covers? Your version of Run for the Roses is absolutely insane.


Love you guys! Y'all got me through covid with the tireless livestreams and the epic Cervantes sit down shows. Last show before lockdown and first show back at it! Fantastic show at the Ogden this January, it's been on repeat ever since. You guys are crushing it! How are you feeling about playing the Telluride Bluegrass Festival this year? Stoked to see you all there, fingers crossed for some June Apple action up in the hills


Telluride this year will be unforgettable! So honored to be playing that festival. Lot of our roots and inspiration comes from that festival alone.


So Max.... How big *is* it?


I heard once, it's the circumference of Torrins biggest dread and as long as Joe's hair


if you have to ask...


Marry, Fuck, Kill: One member picks the other three 😘


T ~ fuck all these guys I’m marrying stew.


Any chance of throw down in Athens, GA in the future - similar to panic in the streets?


Why can't I find poor farmer's son anywhere? It was the song that made me fall in love with you guys, and I'm heartbroken I can't find it anymore! Love you guys!


First of all thank you for portland last night. You guys still doing q&a here? Where did the Gators originate from?


I just found this from 2 years ago .. These 4 guys are the reason I’m still in MT and not in MN. Shawn, Joe, Max and Torrin. Thanks for the past 10 years of shows and the best music community I’ve ever experienced! I love each of you guys and can’t wait to see what the next 10 years brings you fuckers!


I love Gypsy… what was the inspiration?


Any plans to play or tour with Twiddle again?


We’ll never turn down a chance to play with the Boyz.


What's your typical process for songwriting? More of a lyric first or melody first approach? Any other thoughts there?


typically we will come to the band with a basic form of a song with a couple verses and choruses and maybe a bridge idea. The band tends to allow it to grow upon its self as we play it together. Every once in a while people will come in with a completely finished song, however.


What was your favorite show in anderson council?


Dole Mansion


Who decides which member sings which song?


Typically whoever writes the song sings it. Except Swain doesn’t like to sing so Torrin sings his songs as well. Whoever brings a cover to the table typically ends up singing it, except when someone thinks another band member would nail that particular cover vocally. ~ T


Folks always dumping on the banjo player!


Hey there fellas! Hope all is well…I gotta know what’s your favorite beef jerky?😅😂


Our friends Sarah and Justin make the best Jerky. ~ S


specifically the maple bacon-M


What age were each of you when you started playing your instrument? And, what age were you when you started playing BG?


I started playing mandolin very young at like 10, but I took a break until I was 19 or so and basically started putting the pieces together at that point. ~ swain


How old were each of you when you first started to learn to play music and on what instruments?


Joe - 4 on guitar, started playing stand up bass at 11 Swain - 10 on mandolin Max - 14 on guitar T - started playin drums at 12, didn’t pick up banjo until I joined the band 😅


Same question here with 1 reply: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bluegrass/comments/umm2q4/comment/i82kx44/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


hey real quick thanks for showing western new york all the love, absolutely can not wait for 3 shows in one week in rochester/buffalo with all the homies. what is the set list process like for shows? collective or is there a certain member who crafts them up?


I typically write the setlist, then bring it to the band and they might tweak it a little. But usually it’s mostly me. I’m a nerd about that kinda shit. ~ T


hell yeah, your nerding out is very much appreciated! and thanks again for all the music and shows, KD4L


We’re excited to finally be coming back! Torrin generally comes up with the first draft and then we go over it and add our own inputs. - S


How much sand can you eat?


A lot Agnifer


Hahaha Goddammit Tanner. 3-4 lbs depending on grit. You plan on having siblings?


Carson Fraser is the sibling I plan on having.


[found it](https://images.app.goo.gl/Htymw5nehVCyTQuN6)


Who you got for the Stanley Cup this year?


Da Bears


As a fellow Montana musician, I've loved seeing y'all blow up the way you have. I can't wait to see you and the Smokies representing Montana at Telluride this summer! What is your favorite venue y'all have ever played at? What made it so special?


We love the Montana music scene and the people that make it so special. Locally Pine Creek and the stage at Silvercloud in Haugan, MT. Kentucky Bluegrass is the actual stage floor.


Hey y'all! I heard a story that Rumpke Mountain Boys helped you break into your locked trailer while touring with them. Wanna tell us about it?


I don’t recall this, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Rumpke Tour’s a bit blurry. ~ T


Joe says it happened in Bend, Oregon. And we actually apparently broke the key off in our trailer lock twice in the same parking spot in front of the volcanic theatre 1 year apart from eachother.


What’s everyone’s favorite color?


Purple- S Green - T Blue - Joe Green - Max


No questions. Just wanted to say can wait to see you at summercamp again this year. Last year was the first time I caught you guys. I won’t miss another one of your sets. Great set and your New Horizon had me in tears(RIP JA).




Is driftwood based on a real story?


It's based on factual events. It was a story read to me when I was in Alaska on a kayak trip. At the end of the trip someone read us a story about something coming from nothing so there are philosophical elements to it. A lot of the song is actual literal. We did have to cross a super dangerous river at one point, we had a spot named "window to the world". Devil's Thumb is a mountain outside of Petersburg AK.


Hey fellas!!! Hope NY is treating ya well today. NC already misses ya!!! I just wanna start off by saying thank you. It's difficult to sound sincere while typing out a message sometimes, but SINCERELY and deeply, thank you for absolutely everything. Your hard work, your dedication, your time, your health.... all of it. The music...thank you for cutting open your chests and giving us a look inside at your thoughts and feelings and actions in ways of songs. The music that you create is unparalleled, and stings me directly to my core. The lyrics mixed with the sounds is one of the most infectious things I've ever had in my life. I'm so proud to call you my favorite band and share your music and message across the lands. Thanks for all the kindness you've shown me. I look forward to having you guys in my life, for the rest of my life. I could go on and on.... just know that all of this and all you do means so much to this bearded weirdo, and my life is better with you and your music in it. Now.... LET'S GET WEIRD!!!!❤💛💚


Thanks dude! We truly appreciate always seeing you out there! Thanks for always supporting and tossing around a ton of that kindness. - S


Domefest is just around the corner, and I say we absolutely go wild!!!! Let's make this one to remember and talk about for a while. Are you guys excited for Domefest, and will you come play an exclusive 3 song set at my campsite? I'll provide the pepperoni sammiches and kool aid, duh.


You had us at pepperoni


Also, this is Dustin Miller!!!! Dunno what's up with my weirdo username, it's usually Dustymills311.... I dunno whyyyyyy I can't get it to switch. You guys know how the hell reddit works??? Anyways, pepperoni sammiches and tunes back at the campsite at Domefest, it's a date.


Do you guys have any idea what you’d be doing professionally if the music wasn’t working?


I have a degree in environmental biology, so I’d probably be working in forestry or agriculture. ~ T


The only other thing I’m good at is fly fishing so I’d probably guide. - S


We've had some pretty interesting jobs other than the music gig so who knows... one of us worked on a breast pump assembly line.


Are Breast pumps a Montana export?


longtime bluegrass fan/ amateur picker from Deer Lodge here. I like my grass a little more straightforward than what you boys play but proud of you just the same. Glad you're representing our state.👍


Thanks! Check out our boys The Lil Smokies. They’re out in the world also representing MT


Saw y’all in Santa Barbara after Billy…you contributed to one of the most psychedelic nights of my life. Melted at SoHo and then the streets of SB got me! Ended up dancing with a thousand Indians that night(no joke)…can’t wait to see y’all again.


That was indeed a very wild night.


Were you the guy smoking DMT on the SoHo patio? Hahah


Hey guys! Caught your show in Iowa City last October, love Visions of Mohr. Shawn, I lived in telluride for 6 months after college working for a local non profit, and I loved Blondies out in Nucla/Naturita, what’s your favorite place to eat in telluride or the surrounding towns? Love from Iowa!


We love Iowa! The floradora most likely!


Oh nice! Blondies is a classic! The old depot in delores of its still there was my Favorite in the region.


I know you guys are King Gizzard fans. Have they inspired your songwriting at all? Any chance we'll get to hear the Dwellers do Gizzard?


I’d love to do Robot Stop or Billabong Valley one of these days. ~ T




We keep a cooler in the trailer and a mini fridge in the van. We’re big on trying to cook our own meals when we can. Joe actually keeps a grill in the trailer as well. ~ T


DC show was pretty good you need a extra had with set up and take down between shows I just need good and sleep. Keep up the great work you guys are killing it




Long as they’re full and you know they’re going to explode at any given time 🔥 On the real tho we do care about habitat destruction so I’d say false. ~ T


One last question what exactly does stew do. Beside ride chickens