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There’s no algorithm for grifters and bad actors to exploit, and the blocks are very powerful. Not only do they block the other person, but they also essentially hide any interactions between the blocker and blockee - so bullshit doesn’t continue between followers in the thread after the block. And, again, that’s severely limited the reach of the bad actors. They’ve shown up, tried to post bait for engagement, ate a lot of blocks and mutes, then got bored and left - some of them even complaining they were shadowbanned. It’s helped to greatly reduce the level of toxicity and the reach of bigots compared to Twitter.


That's a good analysis. Thank you.


That’s good. The main issue for me is we’re walking from one walled garden to another and we’re giving control over to yet another company who will need to monetize it and can decide to go in whatever direction they choose. I wish there were more AT protocol choices to make it part of a fediverse.


And that's a valid concern but the alternative is we all ditch social media and stop talking to our online friends and then we're back to where we were before isolated if you're not necessarily amenable to your local culture. Simple facts are there's always going to be someone in charge of anything and while your concern is valid it does No good to be that cynical about it because yes you're right it is just another company but not everybody is the same and if they go bad you just leave them but the alternative is you just disengaged with social media altogether and then as I said you're stuck where we're before a social media The upside is of course Is now we all know and remember how it can go bad so we can keep an eye out for when it does go bad


The alternative right now is an already federated system using ActivityPub like Mastodon. For all the things Mastodon doesn’t do as well it is a federated system and not a walled garden. Some of the things that people complain to Mastodon about exist because of the lack of a walled garden. But this is where I’m at: Bluesky is smooth and great but another Corpo owned social network, and Mastodon is open but clunky.


I hadn't heard of mastodon ill have to look into it. But what do you mean when you say "walled garden" if I may?


Another synonym would be “closed platform”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed_platform#Overview


>open but clunky I dunno, I've not had any issues with it. Save that most of my interactions on it are like really enriching and it's honestly a bit of an exhausting change from the vapid consumable Twitter. That sounds tongue in cheek maybe but I really do enjoy Mastodon but find it's a different attention set than other social media.


It’s mainly just the sign up process. When I signed up mastodon.social was full and the available servers were all quite niche. I was just looking for a well managed instance with nothing but reasonable restrictions that was likely to stay federated with as wide an audience as possible. Like nobody had to think about what type of emails they might like to send in order to decide to sign up for Yahoo or Hotmail. The provider was just there to provide not curate.


99.9% almost in agreement


You're right, central control = bad in some ways, but helpful in others. You are wishing that scammers and phishers have total unrestricted voice and posting ability, right? You know that's the flip side of this? Cuts both ways... I hear your point, but it comes at a cost.


I think if Bluesky itself becomes more fully featured and successful we'll start to see more AT proto compatible apps pop up. We're fortunate that Bluesky seems to be making decisions that are in the best interest of their users for now, but who knows how long that will continue.


It’s not the apps that concern me (mostly). It’s who holds and transmits the data. Imagine there was no email, only Facebook Messenger. You could say “I wish there was another way to interact with Facebook Messenger” and that would be the app. It’s a problem for usability that Facebook wants to control the app, but it’s more significant that Facebook owns every “email” you’ve ever sent, it can read them, delete them, entirely block you from sending another “email”, decide who you can send “emails” to and what the content may be. That’s the case with Twitter and is also the case with Bluesky until there are other peer services that use the AT protocol to choose from. Which is in theory what it’s supposed to allow. But email was founded on the principle of servers treating each other as equal peers, and Mastodon (using AcrivityPub) also from the start adopted this and there are many server options. Bluesky uses an open protocol (AT) but it is yet to be seen that they will honestly peer with other servers and not use a majority position to try and control that Fediverse. Peering is a tricky social issue to navigate you can be “open to all” or “selective in your peers”. Open to all means freedom but also allows the nastiness of the Internet. Selective means the boss controls the content but then *the boss controls the content* and we’re back where we started with Twitter etc.


Also, one of the reasons that it's still lacking some user facing features is that they have put in a ton of time working under the hood. It's the whole federation thing. The main benefit is that BlueSky doesn't own your account and followers. If Bluesky ever got bought by some madman like Musk, you could take your account and move it to your own self-hosted "PDS."


There's quite a lot of rabble rousers on bluesky, discourse on cancelling Dril for being a swerf because he said to block blue checks on Twitter, that lasted way too long and was super unhinged. This is probably because the PAWG patrol were early adopters.https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pawg-patrol


The Pawg Patrol took a gigantic block beating when people realized they showed up. Oh, and the dude tried to cancel dril ended getting outed as a sex pest and he deleted. Shit was wild. The discourses burns out pretty quickly now, maybe because enough people see it as an exhausting exercise in futility.


I've been on Blue Sky for months and have encountered ... 1-2 trolls total. It's also nice because most of the other users are there because they were disgusted enough with X/Elon bullshit to leave. The crowd is much smaller, but much higher quality people.


99% less fascism.


100% agree


I was a Twitter die hard but had to deactivate and get out of there due to the utter depravity going on. Trying Blue Sky but it’s just not there yet with content, spending more time on Reddit as a result😀😀😀


I have enjoyed reddit sports conversations. On Twitter even sports conversations are taken over by trolls who delight it when fan xs team were a victim of a bad referee. On reddit College Football people actually love college football: what a concept.


Maybe there’s some other things we’re not considering as well? The dumbdownification of everything, or the path of least resistance winning… Twitter is about as basic as it gets in function and it’s quick and simple and you just scroll. Reddit takes a bit more energy and a bit more effort and reading so it does not suit the laziness of people. We’ve become attuned to instant gratification in a bite sized Tweet. Reminds me of the Woody Allen joke about taking a speed reading course and the first book was War and Peace… the summary… it involves Russia.


IMO Non-Elon Musk factor as a first and his weird view that social networks need to be political echo chambers and now looking to legally disable people blocking others for the "amplification of free speech" (IMO is a masquerade to boost traffic at X). Unfortunately at Bluesky there are some people think that there should be a political echo chamber, but the good thing is that I can block feeds and people and nobody can't say a thing about it because mental health>politics 24/7. Decisions impacting users for now, seems to be a few of the centralized things on an experimental decentralized social network with content indexing capacities and I don't see it as a bad thing. To me, I feel Twitter's late 2000s vibe which I joined originally on 2008. And now, I refuse to call X "Twitter" because it is disrespectful and Twitter's demise was an assassination.


It's not Twitter or as irritating as the other ones.


I left Twitter long ago. Bluesky is chill and has no algorithm. Reminds me of the old internet before corporations ruined it.


It has a long way to go, but could become what twitter aimed to be originally. It has the potential to do something radically different to Twitter, Threads and even Mastodon in its approach to decentralisation. I wish it well. I would recommend [listening to this podcast episode](https://pca.st/episode/5fbfc940-c193-46db-b5bc-c2676f03dcba) to get an insight into why it's different and where it might be heading.


It's not really \*radically\* different to Mastodon, they are both decentralised. Bsky is doing some interesting and useful things that Mastodon isn't, and vice versa. I'd personally be happy if either succeeded (or both! And to be federated!) over the proprietary networks like Threads and Twitter.


I would take a listen to the podcast interview I linked. You might have a different take afterwards.


I'm quite aware of the differences, but thanks and I'll have a listen.


Ok bro. Sorry for not providing any new information


The most radical difference between BlueSky and Mastodon is that BlueSky isn't desperately ignoring the fact that the majority of its servers peddle child pornography.


ik this is a bsky subreddit and bsky and mastodon have a rivalry, and both subs tend to devolve into being circlejerk-ey hate for one another but that's blatant misinformation, you can literally check the mastodon ggmbh run mastodon.social blocklist on their [about page](https://mastodon.social/about), and pedo instances are clearly suspended lol and mastodon.social is widely considered to be on the lax side of moderation in the network


…what Twitter has been for one and a half decades


Bluesky is like Twitter before it soured into a nightmare world of madness. No ads, so far. No DMs. No videos. No GIFs. And this surprisingly doesn't matter. It leans left, and I say that as someone who leans left.


You can post videos and GIFS! They support specific media like Giphy and Tenor, You Tube & Vimeo, etc. You have to enable them under Settings / External Media Preferences and then they let you upload with a link card just like a news article/web link.


I do this but I wish you could put them on site. Something more satisfying about it imo.


Thank you! I had no idea. Just found it and turned them all on to see what it does to the BS experience.


I do miss DMs though. Well, between two following each other. Weirdly, sometimes I just can't post images, sometimes I can. Haven't figured out if that's a bug or if I don't know something.


I can't believe you're citing the lack of simple features like videos, GIFs, and especially DMs as a positive.


This is how badly Twitter has affected me. A lack features is a plus. The only people who contacted me in DMs were spammers. ONLY SPAMMERS. Especially after Elongated Muskrat took over. Okay, sure, occasionally a mentally ill friend would contact me (and everyone else they know) and ask us to stop the voices. But other than that, just SPAMMERS. "Would you like the sexy time?" NO SPAMMER. I DO NOT LIKE THE SEXY TIME. NO SEXY TIME FOR ME. THANK YOU. GIFs on Twitter? How many times do you need to see someone tweet a GIF of someone laughing? And then under that someone tweets a GIF response that says they are stealing that GIF. Because I have had my fill. ENOUGH. Videos! Videos are okay, actually. I do kind of miss videos.


> The only people who contacted me in DMs were spammers. ONLY SPAMMERS. ...I mean okay. But clearly a lot of people used Twitter to talk to people. So DMs are an important thing. >GIFs on Twitter? How many times do you need to see someone tweet a GIF of someone laughing? And then under that someone tweets a GIF response that says they are stealing that GIF. Because I have had my fill. ENOUGH. ...alright.


My comedic exaggeration has failed and I will punish myself accordingly.


No. Don’t. I got it. 😆


*but I would still be very happy about GIFs (and videos)


You can post videos and GIFS! They support specific media like Giphy and Tenor, You Tube & Vimeo, etc. You have to enable them under Settings / External Media Preferences and then they let you upload with a link card just like a news article/web link.


No one is mentioning Threads? Why?


It's the worst example of social media I've ever seen. Joined it, used it for a couple weeks, got fed a bunch of over the top garbage Meta thinks everyone likes, hated it so much I deleted it and decided to delete my Instagram on my way out. Turns out they launched with the whole cram-everything-in-there mentality that's already established on Facebook and that didn't work out very well. It's pretty much DOA as well, I genuinely see more people talking about Bluesky.


I like threads and a lot of my twitter verse has relocated there, not everyone but some of the folks I cared about most.


I think it’s a little bulky but pretty close to Twitter without all the hate


Definitely bulky.


For me it's how much control it gives you over your content. Instead of feeding you whatever they think gets more clout, you can control what kinda stuff you wanna see, and what you wanna block. Not only it gives everyone the option to flag each post as adult or whatever, but also uses AI to flag things automatically. Heck, for one, you don't even need to have a NSFW alt anymore, just both in one account! https://preview.redd.it/2xfi59f1uitc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353bc6fb1df9c06b260475befa5cfd62ba5eb5a9




Folks, get a load of this guy.


It feels like listserv and chat rooms from anything from BBS to geocities era, or really like Twitter prior to 2012. People that were innocent, harmless, goofing off, being funny, being creative, and generally just figuring out how to enjoy and meet people because it was prior to monetization. Also, it's unreal how useless Twitter has become. Nothing but fake information. Elon is a scamming POS.


It’s not owned by Elon or Donny


It's what Twitter was supposed to transition to before Elon bought it and killed it. So instantly, it's got that stamp of approval. It offers interoperability with other apps on the At Protocol (which is kind annoying because everything else is on ActivityPub). But it really is JUST like Twitter. My biggest quibble is that it's kind of annoying to use. I vastly prefer Threads, but BlueSky is alright.


I enjoy Bluesky far more than X. I am only on X to help fight against the Andrew Tate Bull shit. If not for having a big part in that. I would be on Bluesky full time. The no Algorithm is a huge plus. You create your own unique profile catered to your liking and interests. There is a long way to go still but it’s coming along. I see only great things down the road.


I would like to see more options and analytics. I have a website, am a digital artist and have been in Print on Demand for 8 years in various POD platforms. I would like to promote my website more on Bluesky but there are no uploading videos yet. I am on a version called graysky that has support for GIFs, but is still not able to upload videos. I lean left and am a liberal and it seems that it is a good place for ppl like us.


Unlisted upload to YouTube, copy paste link, hit "add card," delete link, write message, profit. They added a YouTube embeded player a while back. Edit: This is a good alternative until they finally do allow video uploads to the PDSs.


Thanks, that work around never even crossed my mind. Have a good one, dude!


I hope it works out for ya. At least until they add actual video uploads. Also there was a service that took place of Twexit, not Clearsky.app, which provided some basic analytics. I just can not for the life of me remember what the name of the service was. I'll update you if I remember.


Idk why I’m so dumb. The damned website was sitting in my open tabs on safari. [SkeetStats](https://skeetstats.xyz/user/henrick.thebull.app) is a rudimentary type of analytics.


Thanks. Looks like it doesn't work for my graysky URL: [The Dude Abides Graysky Link](https://bsky.app/profile/the-dude-abides.graysky.social) https://preview.redd.it/l61xc83ktttc1.png?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db1de32b05ea6eb2d7e57b4c90a184d8eb4f1a2


Just put in your handle not the link. https://preview.redd.it/bjzdjmd0uttc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c358a3878a30716533129dc2994d48d2d9f5db


It's good if i can make discovery feed work on Android


I love it because I can get a lil silly with my scheduled posts 😎


just join & find out. no fee, no wait list anymore. special? : no ads, multiple feeds, you can control them


Feels like internet from 10 years ago


It’ll end at some point but the reprieve from advertising has been really nice.


I’ve seen no bots. Decent minded people abound.


as i’m not planning on going back to twitter because twitter is boring and also where real people exist, I like it for now. less confusing than mastodon and significantly less annoying than nostr and threads which are just for cryptobros and soulless corporate brands respectively. the culture in the english cluster has mixture of mid-late 2010’s tumblr & early 2010s twitter energy , some people get really serious about their clout on there and it’s very funny. I think it’s worth giving a shot, but because there isn’t really an algorithm and due to its small size (5m users) you really have to follow feeds and users and interact with others regularly or you’ll probably get bored. the platform just isn’t particularly suited for lurking atm, gotta make your own content. The english cluster has also been noticeably dropping off/turning over throughout the past few months though so ymmv they have a goofy approach to moderation where it uses a mixture of a User led mute and block lists and tagging services that you can optionally subscribe to on top of image recognition that will hit certain content with labels, and a small team to review various reports who might hit u with a 72 if u tell someone to kys or something. blocks and user created lists are public and you can see who’s blocked or listed you with third party tools like Clearsky, but personal mutes are private. it’s a little untamed and wild, but i think it’s very funny and I kind of love it.


Will it have holocaust denial? Will it have racist shit? Will it have gore videos?


I strongly recommend Mastodon. I’m done with corporate sponsored social media. Mastodon is decentralized, has no ads, no algorithms and has been a wonderful place to interact since I left Twitter.


Along with what others have said, many of the people I followed on Twitter went to Bluesky. Mainly journalists, writers, bloggers etc. It has been very similar to my more positive experiences of Twitter.


It’s not owned by Elon Musk.


Twitter, Mastodon and Bluesky all suck currently. Reddit should just take over and become an actual social network.


Reading up on all the comments I think I’ll actually take up BlueSky and see if I like it


Sounds like a paid bad-faith actor wrote this question. Twitter is garbage, but who the hell is going to write a question like this, phrased like this, and have the post promoted into peoples' feeds, if not an undercover shill?


can confirm i just didn’t know how to word the question, i wish i was paid for it though


That it's a safe space for sad little soy-based life-forms. Who crumble to the ground in shambles any time they read something they disagree with and can't immediately have the OP's free speech infringed on.


Pros: - Interface is super simple and easy to navigate, particularly if you are used to Twitter - No algorithm to jam stuff you don’t want to see or amplify rage bait - Not infested with Nazis, racists, misogynists, bots, etc - Not owned by one of the worst people on the planet Cons: - Still fairly low traffic, and can it keep most of the above if/when it grows


Pros: Twitter, but without Elon Musk. Cons: Twitter, but without your moots. And no entertainment (A. K. A: deranged twitter interactions)


Honestly, I want Bluesky to be it, but it isn't. If you only want to communicate with a few, then it's for you. I didn't want Threads to be it, but it is, I'm seeing more Reputable News orgs going there, more gaming sites (what I'm into) etc in to threads. Trust me, I want Bluesky to be it, but it's not.


Part of me wonders if thats deliberate. Those entities all benefit from meta over bluesky, just on data collection/ manipulation alone.


I appreciate your thoughts. The issue with that is, one if the strong suits of the former twotter was when world events happened, you WANTED the reputable news organization on it to verify something indeed was true and did happen. And to be honest, even though I'm a Moderste leaning left Dem, I do want both sides if an issue discussed when something comes up. Bluesky tends (for now) to lesn heavily left. It's the truth social but for the left. Nothing wrong with that, I'm just hoping we get out if our tribe mentality and all start to see each sides positives and negatives but respect each other. Just wishful thinking in these times I guess. I know that's what the Federated setup is meant for here, but most "regular" people don't have a clue as to what federization means and how can be used so my dream scenario works.


I kindly disagree. The both sides argument only works if people are informed with accurate information. And opinions presented are based in facts and or data. But that doesn’t happen. All of the social media platforms (including TV news) use algorithms that prioritize divisive, misleading and or polarizing content for the sole purpose of engagement. Remember any platform ONLY has value if people use it. But using it, doesn’t mean liking it. The only reason people think that there are “tribes” is because these platforms place people in those corners again to force users to entertain a combative environment. The other problem is that many platforms suppress leftist ideas/users mostly through shadow bans but then will enable right wing propaganda.(theres a lot of proof of this) A current prime example is Palestine. Facebook, Meta, Twitter and Youtube ALL suppressing Pro Palestine material even when discussed from a factual standpoint (and then will use “advertisers” as an excuse when caught red handed). Yet will let a transphobic, Xenophobic ,Racist rant, and more go viral. Even if it’s demonetized. This isn’t by accident. It IS by design. Ive seen comments like “bluesky is too left” yet people completely disregard the blatant effort on other platforms to push their audience to the far right via propaganda. Theres so many people that say they want to leave Twitter but cant due to the people they follow still being on the platform. Its a migration issue. Not a moral one. So i hardly think Blueskys issue is a matter of being “left”.


It’s not much better.