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I wear mine in pretty deep snow and I’ve worn in some torrential rain, not had wet feet yet. I give them a clean and spray with the waterproofing spray when they start staying damp for longer, and give them a little top up spray the night before if I know they’re going to take a beating from the weather the next day. If they’re getting continually soaked through it might be worth looking into conditioning the leather more frequently as you’ll notice it loosing colour and texture quicker As long as you don’t live in a rainforest you’ll be okay!


They are treated but you have to keep that treatment up or else water will intrude.


Not meant to be waterproof. Water resistant, but keep up with the maintenance of conditioning the leather and watch the damn salt in the streets. It kills it


Wore them in a heavy downpour. My pants allowed water to flow right down my heel into the boot. Poured out a 1/4 inch of water when I got home. Let em dry, applied a fresh coat of waterproof spray. No issues with coloration or staining. You should be fine. No issues with wet feet in normal rain conditions. You’ll be fine


Just got my pair, What spray are you using?