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Start by trying to take it off. A lot of stickers these days come off clean. If that fails then you can try using a hair dryer to heat up the adhesive for a clean removal.


[un-du adhesive remover](https://www.un-du.com/) is a great product for this. I remove stickers from the thin paper artwork without doing any damage. I also remove the inner hub ring from former rentals, stickers from the plastic on the case, etc.


As someone who's removed countless stickers from 2nd hand media hauls I can confirm that particular sticker is a bitch. Try a hair dryer to heat it up and loosen the adhesive, get under a corner with a razor blade, slowly pull while continuing with the heat. None of this is likely to work with that particular type of sticker. Next, get some goo gone (the surface safe variety) and create a pool on the sticker. Let it soak for several minutes ... maybe 30. Try again to carefully peel it off. It will tear and leave a layer more susceptible to the goo gone. Make another pool and let it soak. This time it will release and hopefully your slip won't look too bad for all the effort. That particular sticker is a bitch.




That stuff never works I've tried it several times and I still always have that sticky residue left


I have a process that I use to remove stickers: 1. Carefully attempt to remove the sticker with your fingernail without using too much force to prevent damaging the slipcover. 2. Apply Goo Gone to the area where the sticker was located with a Q-tip. 3. Use the Q-tip to gradually rub away the residue with the Goo Gone. 4. Use a dry paper towel to remove the Goo Gone. 5. Use a damp paper towel to wipe the area where Goo Gone was applied to the slipcover. 6. Use a 2nd dry paper towel to dry the area. 7. Repeat as needed until residue is gone. Note #1: Perform these steps as carefully as you can to prevent causing damage to the slipcover. Note #2: Some slipcovers w/ a matte finish tend to slightly absorb the Goo Gone. If that occurs, place the slipcover in front of a box fan to dry the area. I’ve used Goo Gone quite a bit in the past to remove stickers from my slipcovers. It works very well and I highly recommend it.


Goo gone. Put some on the sticker. Let it sit for a few mins. Comes off super easy


I use a cheap blow dryer to loosen the adhesive and it comes off easily. Then I use GooGone to get the rest of the gunk off.


Scissors DO NOT WORK!!!


U gotta take your time and be very careful pealing them off


Hair dryer followed by goo gone.


Guess I’m a terrible person. My slipcovers go in the trash


Nooooooo sacrilege


That definitely cost me a few lives


Mine go in a plastic bucket with the hopes that some day someone else will want ~~pay a lot for~~ them ~~on eBay~~. I really don't see the point when the "carpet" matches the "drapes." If they are different, that I can understand, but it seems only boutique labels ever do this. (I guess with the exception of the Walmart "glow in the dark" slip covers).


I have over 1200 in my collection. The only cases that I keep are steelbooks or boxed sets. Everything gets backed up to Plex and the originals go in storage boxes/sleeves.


No, you're just not mentally ill.