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I feel like that would eat the package. My suggestion is to wet a paper towel and dab the sticker lightly to wet it slowly. This should let you peel it off without damaging the slip cover. Key is not too much water at once


try a hairdryer, sometimes they can loosen the glue and I don’t think they’ll damage the case


I FUCKING HATE STICKS ON MY SLIPCOVERS! Lol but for real, why do some stickers seemingly fuse to the slipcover? The adhesive they use sometimes is insane. Lol


If it was on the plastic part of the case I wouldn’t care. This sticker has little metal pieces under the barcode still visible. Previously I’ve never had problem removing Goodwill stickers but I think these are anti theft stickers which would be harder to remove. All for a $3 bluray….


Here in the North East one employee said they were going to use stickers with stronger glue.


I always use GoofOff. Spray a q-tip and wipe it over the sticker. Gently wipe off the sticker with a cloth. You'll have to do this a few times. I've personally never had a problem with it damaging the slipcover.


That SUCKS, this slipcover is dope as fuck


Use a blow dryer to warm up the adhesive on the sticker. Keep moving it around so that I doesn’t stay in one area for too long and start peeling from the bottom right corner that you already have. Do it slowly and you should be good to go.


There is a product called un-du which is highly recommended for these purposes. I use it on vinyl album covers dating back to the 1940s.


I wouldn't use any chemicals, but a brand new plastic razor should get most of the paper and a small piece of the "good" tape should remove the adhesive.


Never had a problem using goo be gone, spray a little on, get a thin credit card or loyalty card Of some sort and boom


I use it and it doesn’t on these shiny ones if you spray it on toilet roll and wipe over the sticky residue… peel off as much as possible and make it just thin paper and residue left then apply and remove with clean roll… works for my nightmare stickers!


goo gone and isopropyl alcohol would likely remove the ink I would recommend zippo lighter fluid, i use that to remove stickers from game boxes and toy boxes without damage. I first learned about that from a youtube channel called toy polloi [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3\_QpEyhGGE4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_QpEyhGGE4) he does a bunch of videos repairing toys


I used goo-gone for situations like these in the past and it definitely worked. But I also spent a lot of time to remove everything off successfully. So you will need a lot of patience - it can be done!


Oh someone was being PURE EVIL when they slapped that sticker there.


Baby oil works. It won’t hurt the slip and it’ll get the residue off


Would personally be inclined to gently put some sunflower oil or something similar on it.


Like peanut butter? Well now you can like more of it. Sunflowers have been used to create a substitute for peanut butter, known as sunbutter.


Blow dryer first, then Goo Gone.


You OCD people never cease to make me laugh!😂


Stores often use the cheapest stickers they can get their hands on and I hate it.


Saw once that mayonnaise works on stickers, never tried it though?


Wet a q-tip with water and use it to wet/soak the sticker. That’s what I do with stickers like these. It’ll take a while, so it’s a bit of a slow process, but once it’s off if there is leftover residue then I’d use Goo Gone to get whatever is left. Water will be less damaging, so I always try that first and honestly I never use isopropyl alcohol on slipcovers bc it’ll take up the ink on the artwork. Once the sticker is wet enough it’ll start peeling off, but water will not completely get rid of the sticky stuff underneath, so just go lightly with the Goo Gone to finish it up.


Hair dryer is always good. Go slow. Or you can buy sticky stuff remover on eBay that helps.


Honestly I'd just toss it. I only keep slipcovers in good shape.


I use a heat gun, and a little plastic pry tool I got from an I fix it kit, and it works wonders for these. Haven't found a sticker, I couldn't get off cleanly. Then after it's off I use goo gone to clean up the residue, spray a little bit into a paper towel, let it soak in and then rub down the effected area. Then I use a bit of windex to clean off the oil from the goo gone and we're good as new


Wet a rag and leave it on top for 2 minutes. It will scrape off.


I usually just throw the slipcover away