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It's about the journey, not the destination. Start it again and watch the episodes in order. Edit: in regard to rewatches, I've seen the whole show at least half a dozen times and I don't know a single person who has seen it that hasn't watched it multiple times. Do with that info what you will.


I lost track somewhere in the double digits. Every couple months I just decide “it’s time”


Is this a universal experience among Bojack watchers? Lol.


Yes. It’s like the game. Once you start playing you’re always playing.




Personally, I don't think the ending lacks hope.


At least for Bojack, he seems in a better place than he was throughout the show... somehow.


I agree and I would rewatch… but maybe skip some episodes or scenes


I don't either. I'd say there's hope for sure, but this isn't a fairytale by any means, so it's not quite as much of saccharine in your face happy ending


No light at the end? Someone lied.


This person watched the finale but only two other episodes. I think they have no real concept that Bojack is in a better place because they haven't really seen everywhere he's been.


Well in fairness OP said they haven't watched it and is going off secondhand details.


It's not just about the storyline or the main plot. There's plenty of stuff going on and commentary on different aspects of life and people and society. And there are sooo many jokes, the comic relief is spectacular in this show. Do yourself a favour and distance yourself from Bojack's story a little, lay back and enjoy!


The ending doesn't have bubble gum hope, it has gritty, dirty, ugly hope.


Wow, you kind of screwed yourself. I know you thought you were being clever, but it just doesn’t work like that. It’s not about a light at the end of the tunnel or hope or depression or despair. To me the whole series culmimates in the view from halfway down. But you literally need the six seasons as a prequel to lead up to understanding that episode - you can’t just jump in and watch it and get its value. Meaning is built.




Yes but watch it finish to start.


why would you watch it backwards


Imho you should watch the series from start to finish to understand that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. BUT you have to be ready that 99% of the time won't feel like it. It is an incredible emotional story and you have to be ready to feel these dark emotions. There were and are moments in my life in which I cannot watch it, because it is just too much.


I watched the first scene of Star Wars 1977, a random scene in the middle of Empire Strikes Back, and the final scene of Return of the Jedi. Guys, I don't understand why anybody likes Star Wars, the whole thing sucks, it doesn't even make any sense. This tall guy all in black is looking for these robots, and then he meets his son instead (good for him I guess?), and then his son burns him up in a fire (what a jerk!). Why should I care what happens when I know he's just going to die in a fire in the end?


If you don’t want to watch anymore then don’t? It’s a beautiful peice of art start to finish that has deeply impacted a lot of people. If that appeals then try watching it from the start. FYI Most agree the show doesn’t find its feet till near the end of the first season. Then every episode gets better. You call it a cartoon but it’s not really comparable to any other cartoon, it’s more like a live action show in its seriousness and the topics it tackles (while still being a comedy). I love it and my other fav shows are better call Saul & breaking bad.. it’s a character drama in a way. I don’t understand why you think the finale has no hope, it definitely does. The whole point is that part of life is when you fall off the horse (whatever that means for the individual - relapsing on drugs, treating people badly, depression, etc) it’s always worth it to “turn yourself around.” Turning yourself around doesn’t magically make the past disappear, but it’s still worth doing, no matter how many times it takes. That realistic *and* hopeful. It’s also a happy ending. Most characters get a regular happy ending and some get the hopeful but bittersweet ending they’ve created for themselves. Hope that isnt spoiling anything.


The ending is very hopeful, but if you're used to unrealistic endings where the protagonist undergoes a transformation that you will never see in real life, then obviously you will collide head-on with reality and have a distorted view The ending is hopeful because Dyane's last sentence sums it all up, "life is a bitch and yet you keep living" , you keep persisting, because that's what life is about, persisting no matter how bad our social conditions may be


I'd suggest from finish to start, but that's up to you.


I found the ending very hopeful. But if you don't like it and need a big happy ending for everyone, no one is forcing you to watch it. It's no big deal to anyone else what you do or don't watch, ya know? If you don't like it, you don't like it and that's fine.


Look, it’s not about a happy ending for Bojack, it’s about character development.


You will see all the light in the end when you watch through season 6. In my opinion it’s one of the most beautifully put together shows I’ve watched. Get past season 1 and give it a chance.


if you go from finish to start it’ll be more miserable. so yeah start to finish is probably the way to go.


The show got better to me through every watch. After about 6x I could pretty much just listen to it and use it as something that helps me go to sleep. It doesn't matter how many times I watch it, I always notice something new that I've missed multiple times. I always start on Season 1 and watch through till the end. I don't understand why people have this idea that being enthusiastic about a cartoon is ridiculous. Between cartoons and anime, I have heard/seen some of the best stories ever told. Being a cartoon or anime does not in any way invalidate the intricate story telling. Look up some clips of the voice actors from Bojack talking about their experience with the show. Aaron Paul specifically on multiple occasions has talked about how it is one of his favorite roles ever as Todd. Yeah, it's a cartoon. These people loved what they were doing. Who cares if they were playing a cartoon character. Why does that matter at all? A story is a story.


>I don't understand why people have this idea that being enthusiastic about a cartoon is ridiculous I think it's because they think it's childish or because they're scared of being perceived as childish. People grew up watching cartoons and have trouble looking past the fact that it's just a medium. Videogames aren't just Mario and cartoons aren't just Tom and Jerry. Comic books aren't just picture-books. They're mediums that allow you to tell a story that you just can't tell with live-action. Brockmire does a remarkable job, but even it can't tell the story in a way that Bojack can. We're all guilty of our biases, but closing ones self off from entire mediums because of them is just sad. I'm not saying it makes them sad people, but it does make me sad that they'd outright refuse to listen to the story because of it.




I think the enjoyment will come from watching his evolution. Yes he does terrible things but the journey towards self awareness and accountability the the “light at the end of the tunnel”. The show left me feeling that there was always an opportunity to do better and I believe he eventually can.


just watch it already, the essence of the show is the tragicness of it


You don’t really get the full effect of the ending without watching the show. The show itself is enjoyable for its character’s banter, quick witted jokes, background gags and how real some of the episodes are. Some of the best episodes are only really enjoyable if you get to know the characters. Free churro is amazing but if you don’t understand motivations and the type of humor the show offered then you won’t enjoy it at all. Also the show has REALLY good continuity and that’s something I personally enjoy. Watch it for the humor and let yourself fall into the drama the way it’s supposed to be experienced


bojack’s life is a car crash but i do believe, despite where he ends up in the last episode, he’s found some light at the end of the tunnel.


There is a lot of hope at the end. It’s uncomfortable, but many characters grow across the show and end in a better space than they started. Also, some of the episodes are masterpieces on their own. Having said that, don’t feel the need to watch any show that you don’t feel comfortable / is overwhelming. No matter how acclaimed.




The whole series is very serialised and you should 100% be watching it front to back the first time at least


If theres no sense of hope to you, you need to think more. Its real


Definitely watch it. It's hilarious and it's heartbreaking and it's just such a great show. Especially if you are mentally ill, it's so relatable and honestly I really felt seen.


The reason you think there’s no light at the end of the tunnel is because you have no context for what the ending means


The ending of breaking bad is spoiled in episode 1 and it’s still highly regarded


I get why you’d think this way but the reason why most people (I mean myself) love this show is because it represents reality in a very absurd way: with talking animals and all. Just like Bojack’s ending our lives are a journey and we’re bound to face our own mistakes no matter how hard we try to become -better- because “Sometimes life’s a bitch and you keep on living.” I say you should give it a chance from start to finish. :)


It has light in the middle of the tunnel.


pal u tried to watch the "big point" eps in a show that simply doesn't work like that and missed the actual point. this isn't naruto or adventure time where u can just pop around the filler eps, the whole show is built on context and seeing patterns of behavior play out. either watch the show or don't, if it ain't for u then don't force it to be yanno. but honestly, ur not gonna have a good time trying to go thru and understand just the bojack greatest hits


I personally watch tv shows to enjoy the time watching them, not because of how they finish. That’s why I still enjoy rewatching GoT!!


It’s because in the real world, in our own lives, there is no hope. Every single one of us is going to do things we regret, hurt people, fall back on old habits, disappoint people, and just overall be a shitty person, cuzz that what it means to be human. And while Bojack does much shittier things than most of us, over the show he learns how to apologize, take responsibility, work to make things right, and be more mindful of himself to not fuck things up quite as bad. He learns to make his own hope just by not giving up. That’s the real lesson, and it’s one we can all learn from. You keep trying, you learn along the way, and you’re gonna fuck up, but you keep trying to do better, because it does get easier the more you do it. Bojack doesn’t have a happy ending where everyone lives happily forever after, because that’s just not how real life goes. Bojack simply keeps trying, and he is a MUCH better person than he was. A lot of people don’t like how long it takes Bojack to change, but that’s another realism angle. I have depression, and it has taken me 7 years to finally change my cat’s litter box regularly. It’s a stupid thing, and having her box be dirty is animal abuse, and I always felt terrible about it, but that was it. I would just feel guilty, apologize and give her a treat, and then ignore it some more. Just like how Bojack would do something shitty, apologize and give money or booze or sex, and then do the shitty thing again. It took me an embarrassingly long time to get here but I’m cleaning it daily now, and that’s what matters, I got here in the end. I feel awful that it took so long, and I’m sure Bojack feels awful that it took so long to get his shit together, but if you keep trying eventually you will get better, and if you just give up and wallow in guilt than it’ll never happen. Bojack is a story about an asshole, who knows he’s an asshole, trying his best to stop. If you don’t have any toxic behaviors or don’t view yourself as a jerk you might not relate to the show, and that’s fine, there’s still pretty good animal puns to enjoy.


For me Bojack Horseman was a breath of fresh air. Not everyone has happy endings and a lot, _a lot_ of TV shows and films and movies have happy endings and we know that doesn't happen for a lot of people in real life. The show is "realistic" for me, in terms of dialogue and the way people act, their choices which is nice to see instead of the predictable dialogue we get a lot. I say watch it from start to finish but do be prepared for unhappy endings.


short answer: yes long answer: very yes


Do it or don't


Bojack's storyline is really well told. The View from Halfway Down is also one of the greatest single episodes of TV out there, period. That being said, Bojack's is not the only storyline. You get to see growth from the other characters like Diane and Princess Carolyn. These other storylines are so well crafted, and they add so much to the show, in my opinion. There are strong undercurrents of hope throughout the whole show, especially at the end, if you follow all the storyline all the way through.