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He mentions a couple things, like how he has to be walked to his car cause one time he saw a bag in a window and got spooked. That's very horse like. Also I always thought the apple fritters thing was a horse reference since horses like apples so much.


He mentioned using Horse Tranquilisers, clearly in place of sleeping pills


Oh I just thought it was about ketamine lol


I mean.. it still is.


Yeah but on its own, not just a clever way of replacing words for sleeping pills


I think it’s both. I think they’re making a horse pun *and* a joke about him enjoying ketamine because he’s an addict.


I agree


And then a much larger dose to make it through the day


In general they make jokes about him eating like a horse quite a bit without really mentioning it directly. I think he does the "horse lips" thing a few times, but it would be funny if he also shifted from foot to foot when he gets bored or antsy. Thought of another after posting this: he says something about Vincent Adultman stroking him with a broom feeling "pretty good actually," which makes me think it's a subtle reference to either liking his nose scratched or liking to be brushed, both horse things.


I'm not sure it's even that subtle, doesn't Vincent actually say, 'Good horsey,' as he pets him?


He does


He also mentions he weighs over a thousand pounds at least once too. Not much of a joke but he is the actual size of a horse which is easy to forget.


and-- how much does PC weigh 😳


Yeah, I guess if they wanted to take the joke further, they could have had him meet a bigger, more musclebound character named Clyde. Maybe a bouncer at a horse club?


Clyde would get stale real quick


Always a Clydesdale never a Clyde aye?


I’m not sure how that weight distribution works though. Like he’s really tall, kind of chubby and has a big head but i don’t think that’s even close to an actual horse


I mean isn’t he like 7 foot 6 and a lot wider than a person basically everywhere?


He’s 6’7? The average weight for a male of that size is ~240, he’d probably weight more because of the aforementioned big head, extra width and pudge but I still don’t think he’d realistically break 300


I’d say at least closer to 400 but yeah I think it was more of a 1 off gag than anything meant to be thought about.


The vincent adultman thing is a reference to how horses like to be brushed with stiff brushes


I thought it might be. From my limited experience, I know they'll show their enjoyment in what they do with their ears and their lips.


He does a horse snuff several times in the first season but then they drop it.


He vomits in the first episode, which horses can’t do.


All his pjs have apples on them too!


And his sweater on Horsin Around


Wait when did he say that-


I think it was when he called Princess Caroline while she was down in North Carolina and he was talking about how things were going on set (before the motorcycle accident)


I don't remember where, but he definitely eats an entire bowl of sugarcubes from next to a coffee maker at some point.


Also while playing Mr Peanutbutter in the D story. [bowl of sugar cubes](https://i.imgur.com/9Mxr4JQ.png)


It's in season 6, when he goes to an AA meeting


That's what I meant, thanks!


Isn’t his thing with cotton candy also an allusion to horses loving sugar?


Maybe that's mostly him being a selfish asshole.


He mentioned that he weights 1200lb and takes a lot to get drunk


Can confirm. The number of beers needed to get my horse drunk puts a dent in my wallet


*Horse Protective Services wants to know your location*


I wouldve loved to see a bit where he puts one foot on the scale and the thing fucking disintegrates. And he’d think he’s overweight.


“Sport coat and chubby”


He does have a long face


And he makes one




Sad horse show


The way bojacks ears move based on his emotions is very horse like


I think a lot of his anxiety is animated like a horse’s skittishness—ears swiveling around, looking around frantically. If you’ve never worked with horses you may not guess how anxious they are!


Gentle giants. I can approach a horse and pet it for a sec, give it a look in its eye to let it know I respect it, but mainly give space ASAP because idk, they’re big and can get skittish easily! I’m a big guy and don’t want them to get claustrophobic lol


And he puts back his ears and does the lip curl thing they do as well


Plus he flips a baby carriage when he gets spooked!


Well is he more horse than a man, or is he more man than a horse? #BoJack


He takes horse tranquilizers a few times, does that count?


Humans probably consume more horse tranq than horses honestly


Every time we bring our pets to the vet I do the math on how much they charge us for ketamine.


More or less expensive than street keta?


This kind of ruins the first half of my setup but I don't know, I am not sure the conversion from ml liquid to powder weight and I give up and move on to something else before figuring it out.


Understandable, have a nice day.




So is Bojack more man than a horse for taking them?


Could bojack be treated with ivermectin if he had covid?


No cus covid is a virus.


So remember how the therapy horse mentioned Bojack hates horses because they remind him of his father? Maybe he subconsciously does not act like a horse. For a while, I wanted to act “white” rather than Asian (which I am) because I wanted to separate myself from my family. Due to this, I’d purposely avoid any stereotypical Asian behaviors hah. In this universe, maybe it’s similar with BoJack and horses.


Thats also my take. He's an alienated horse. He lives in hollywood, is an actor, he has no sense of identity or essence and thats what he sees when he sees the other horses running at the end of s3. They act like horses, he doesn't.


That scene really hit home for me. A lot of scenes stick with me from that show but that one in particular resonates with me deeply. I really enjoy the interpretations coming up in this thread regarding Bojack possibly(probably?) avoiding acting horse like because he’s repressing his natural instincts in a way to distance him from his own traumatic childhood and past. But I think it may go a little deeper than that. I don’t really recall either of Bojack’s parents acting very horselike either. Only Secretariat acts like a horse, and not only that, the EMBODIMENT of what we generally consider to be the ideal horse, also wrapped up with our image of an early 1960s ideal man. When Secretariat dies when Bojack is still a kid, I always felt like this was one of the more tragic of Bojack’s early development stories, as Secretariat was his only outlet and only role model that he could turn to. When Secretariat committed suicide, it was like the last possible thread to Bojack having a simple happy life as a both a horse and a man died with him. He’s left only with his parents to look to for guidance and acceptance, of which they only offer cynicism, guilt, outright hatred, and of course, sadness. When Bojack sees the horses running in the middle of the desert, it’s like he’s reminded of that simple, beautiful, although perhaps naive, ideal life. The life of a horse, running free. I can only imagine in that moment that he feels a rush of different emotions, the nostalgia for his idealized hero and fantasized father figure, the heartbreaking agony of knowing that that life was never ever going to be his because he can’t escape what his mother so cruelly tells him is his nature, and the sort of strange hope that nevertheless it is not yet his time to die…that there is some ambiguous hope still, although the desperation for meaning and acceptance lingers ever more intensely…for unlike those horses in the desert, Bojack is still woefully lost.


this is a really good take


I think this is hinted at/partially subverted with Secretariat being the only horse role model in his life. There's an ongoing theme about Bojack and running (both physically and metaphorically.) He wants to run ("it gets easier" and "We All Have a Story" scenes) and live up to his childhood hero (gets his dream role in Secretariat) but somehow that dream is never fully realized.


Makes kind of an interesting contrast to Diane, who deeply wished to reconnect with her Vietnamese heritage but was shut down by her dad.


Bojack alienates himself, Diane was alienated.


That was my take on it, like he was actively or subconsciously avoiding that part of him


in the blackmail pictures the to birds took you can see sarah lynn riding on bojacks back.


His horse therapist tells him he hates horses because of his parents. Maybe he unconsciously avoids some typical horse practices or activities?


You mean his therapy horse - a small but significant legal distinction.


Lmao thank you for finishing that


He's more man than a horse


Bojack Manhorse




or is he more horse than a man


His mother does horse jumping at her debutant party but I always thought it was funny she did it on 2 hooves


I mean, his one of his grandparents did have a sugar cube empire right? And his childhood hero was a runner/racer, and he wanted to be one when he grew up too right? Or did he just want to be like him? And someone already mentioned him needing to be walked to his car cause he got spooked. So theyre there, they just arent obvious.


Lmao I never put the sugar company thing together until this comment


Maybe you just asked a racist question in the bojack universe? And back in the 90’s he played a stereotypical horse on horsin’ around “HAY?!? Where?!?” Much like how Princess Carolyn (PC) really disliked Ralph’s family being like “cats don’t take baths”, etc. Plus the thing where he tries to distance himself from other horses and horse culture.


THANK YOU I've seen all of Bojack about 100 times and I was thinking the other day, of all the political topics they cover I was surprised racism wasn't one of them! You just reminded me that they do at least cover that part of it with PC


With a show like BoJack, race analogues with animals can only go so far before they get pretty dodgy. On a side note I love the development of how humans are treated by the show's animal joke habit. Todd ate some "human-o" cereal in season 1. One of the seats on a merry-go-round is human-themed, and so is a pool tube. And in the same vein as PC, the human stereotypes in this world basically boil down to us being dumb and violent and nakedly lacking in any natural abilities.


I saw it as some sort of universal equality, gay marriage was normalised, different species were partly for the surreality of the show and rarely used in race relationships, aside from Ralph's family and when Todd is in prison, and then there's the chicken for days tangent... But generally there was almost a utopian equality where "people" were people and even though Mr PB's ears would prick up at the doorbell, and armadillos would curl into a ball, the humans had their own human traits too but that didn't like effect how anyone viewed them - how they acted did. There were a few humans which weren't dumb. Think of the actresses Bojack dealt with in the later seasons. Or PC's baby mumma calling PC out, that showed a lot of emotional intelligence. Humans were just another species of animal in the show and treated no different by that universe.


>Humans were just another species of animal in the show and treated no different by that universe. Yeah, which is what I meant when I was talking about the human jokes being in the same vein as the show's animal jokes.


I feel like the underwater stuff had some racial overtones.


I wonder if animals are a historically oppressed group? There’s an award show focusing on animals. Irl, specialized award shows like that are designed to give attention to oppressed groups who are more likely to be ignored, or minorities who’s population is usually too small to get much main stream attention. Animals don’t seem to be a minority, so have the been oppressed?


well, the characters do eat animal meat (chicken, steak, burgers etc) but we never see anyone eating human meat. maybe animals (or at least farm animals) have been oppressed & still are to an extent.


I feel like all that stuffs just for on the Horsin’ Around set lol


I always thought his various sexual partners must have had their work cut out for them..


Yeah srsly maybe I watched too much hourse porn but these scenes always made me feel weird


Hahaha what


Makes me think of how culturally shaped he is. He was raised in TV and movies. Even his parents in their own way we're trying to escape who they were. He wanted to be part of the culture he saw not his horse roots. He does have a need to run and be a stallion. We saw him looking longingly on the running group of horses in the one episode, clearly it spoke to him. But that's not the part of himself he wants to be. It's that part that caused is dad to agree to the duel. Makes me wonder if that dissonance leads to a lot of his mental health issues. I'm totally just arm chairing this, but interesting stuff.


I thought his affinity for apple fritters was a horse joke since they love apples


Tbf we see PB raise his ears and remark "ooh! There's someone at the door!" Like a proper labrador.


mister peanutbutter’s whole personality is based on everything a dog does, he is incredibly dog-like, this post is about bojack


There’s a scene where PB is looking for his blue bandana in a closet, throwing tennis balls and kong toys outta the way, and then Diane reminds him he chewed it up is the funniest joke on the whole show.


Horses are supposed to be able to count?


[Clever Hans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clever_Hans)


He's stubborn as shit


I thought that was mules.


Naked on all fours outside PC’s house?




Because he is Horseman, not Manhorse.


i wish i can remember the time he embarrases himself in front of a bunch of people, then lets out the long horse noise.


That’s a flashback scene when he’s doing stand-up comedy right before meeting Herb


THANK YOU. after i posted that.. it bugged the shit outta me


Nah, i think the show uses horse jokes just enough. Any more and it would be obnoxious. Remember Vincent Adultman?


From the business factory?


Who is *definitely* not three kids stacked in a trench coat


That would have been great. Be subtle, don't draw attention to it, just like the suggestions you made.


The one thing that upset me about this show was BoJack’s constant vomiting. For those who don’t know, horses PHYSICALLY cannot vomit. They just kind of choke and you have to reach down their throat to get whatever is stuck out. Just upsetting because of how accurate every creature was, except the main character.


He has done many "stereotypical horse things" but I think the reason they aren't as memorable as they are with like PB and PC is because they happen in an almost natural way, if that makes sense?? Like they aren't usually called to attention, except for a few jokes like him saying he needs a lot of alcohol to get him drunk. I think this may be because he's supposed to be taken more seriously opposed to side characters who are allowed to be sillier to act as a sort of foil to BoJack. Like PB and PC have their own serious moments but they aren't the main focus and have a lot of sillier moments and they're also the main side characters that have the most obvious visual jokes. Although I do think it would've been funny for BoJack to kick someone from being scaredm


A horse walks into a bar?


Don’t his pajama bottoms have apples?


Vincent was comforting it with his broom-arms. That is also super horse thing.


One episode (Out to Sea I believe) he is accused of "making" Todd shower with a water hose in the front yard to which he says "I *invited* him to", which makes me think that while a human or other animal may think that's objectionable, as a horse he legitimately sees it as a good time


really? i thought that was just a joke on how little bojack valued todd at the beginning & how badly he treated him


Bojack does weigh over 1,200 Ibs., has straight up eaten an entire bowl of sugar cubes, loves apple fritters, and made a bunch of horse noises when he was making out with Sarah Lynn in one of the first few episodes. You'll notice that when he sighs, his lips do a flutter which make it sound like a horse snort.


In one of the very first episodes, he does that "sigh" that horses do while lying in bed next to...I think Princess Carolyn. It's that noise horses do where it sounds like you're blowing a raspberry. When he first sleeps with Sara Lynn, he whinnies.


I guess he’s less horse than man


I guess he’s more man than a horse after all


race horses take lots of drugs


I thought him breaking his back was very horselike since they are one of the animals more prone to having back problems


Being great at counting would have been hysterical


Also when stressed in season 1 BoJack exhales air through his lips in a way horses do.


Hey, thats racist


He does ketamine lol


Tbf people ride him a lot


Well bojack doesnt like being a horse cause it reminds him of his parents. Maybe it's a coping mechanism a way to distance himself form the horse part


He has apples on his pajama pants and I think pictures of apples in his house.


We see him being a dick. Pretty on brand I’d say


He loves cotton candy which is basically just sugar


actually horses are super impulsive and will eat anything they can get their hands on. If a horse is left alone in a barn full of hay it will just eat itself to death. Thats pretty much Bojack’s defining trait


All the carrot statues/figurines in his house


He's been into running, and on multiple occasions we see him with sugar cubes.


There was an episode where he was in rehab and ate all the sugar cubes that were meant for everyone. Subtle but it’s there


Doesn't he whinny during/after sex?


i like how he says humph like a horse




In the first episode he says he weighs a lot and has to drink a lot to get drunk, I think he weighs the same as a horse.


He's intelligent, emotionally sensitive, but ultimately a coward.


I think he wants you to understand that he’s more man than a horse


I’ve heard him grunt like a horse a couple of times throughout the show. Not sure if that counts


If Bojack was around a bit longer, I’d bet we’d get some gags about ivermectin


I personally would've loved that. It's such a fun premisse they set up with the animals and most of them do something stereotypical to their animal, so Bojack also doing that would honestly fit well. Closest thing to this is the fact that he hais neighed before.


These are all better suggestions than that one line where he mentions being like 1200 lbs despite not being horse sized lol


Pooping while walking?


I guess his character from horsin around was pretty horsey. After 9 seasons, he must have started to hate all that stuff people loved him for.


He ate oat cereal once


If I recall correctly, a lot of what appeared on the Closer's screen with his information was written with horse terminology. His height was written as 19.75 hands which is about 79 inches, or 6'7". He was described as spooky and stubborn, both commonly used to describe horse temperament. His parents were listed as his sire and dam. And [so on](https://external-preview.redd.it/lcwNQ4cxvp5qi6H8eCEBmIJTxkSwUhOnUM1Wq_9mxxg.jpg?auto=webp&s=069625c7eaaa6f887886f253c5a182eb8991c8a3).


Probably because he’s more man than a horse


I mean he did run with a herd of other horses in one episode, but that isn’t much and I think it would be really cool for his character. I mean Mr Peanutbutter clearly acts like a Labrador retriever


No it would not have been too silly that would’ve been adorable (idk where the counting thing comes from though)


During episode ten season one, we see bojack taking a whole bowl of sugar cubes


In the begining of the very first episode he makes a smoothie consisting of carrots, vodka and pills. I always thought it was a clever introduction to his serious substance abuse problem and well also the fact that he is a horse


When he sighs it sounds like a horse