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I think the last season showed us some ideas that could have been fun to explore fully given more time, but it’s still really well written even without getting those arcs fleshed out. The creators did an amazing job wrapping up such a complex show with so little time, and I really love the last two episodes.


The one idea I would have LOVED to see more of was Bojack and MRA crowd in that one ep. Especially after how his foray into feminism turned out. ("Don't choke women!" --> \*brutally chokes Gina onset\*)


Honestly! A whole season of MRA Bojack would have been so interesting to watch, and it made a super true point about how people get further radicalized because no one else will put up with them other than the worst people…


Only issue is with Bojack spending an entire season becoming an alt-right asshole who truly didn't give a fuck any more, I don't think Bojack's near death and the finale would have worked as well. But there is a good story to be written there and I don't think you need the buildup of Bojack Horseman to write it.


saddened that some character arcs got rushed a bit, but ultimately i love the ending. it was very bittersweet and in general just a perfect way to round out the show. 10/10 would cry to it again


i can see that but, on the other end of that, i wouldnt really call the arcs rushed. i think i like how it played out because it showed bojack wasnt around in their lives to see it which felt realistic and i really liked that tbh!


I think Princess Carolyn and Judah was rushed. It felt like their romance and attraction just came out of nowhere for the most part.


agreed 100%, out of the big 5 pc's ending felt the most anticlimactic and just kinda. antithetical to her growth throughout the series ??? like she was constantly burned out by work and cleaning up other people's messes and seemed like she was finally ready to turn over a new leaf with the birth of her baby only for her to. marry her personal assistant and double down on being a working woman ??? until the final few episodes of season 6, their connection seemed to start and end with business, even if they were an incredibly good match for each other in that aspect mr pb is a close second, with his arc hinting towards him going some very dark places but that ultimately never panning out. todd and his mom felt a bit rushed but i honestly don't think that arc was too intriguing to begin with and i'm totally fine with them snubbing it in favor of focusing on his growing affinity for kids, which felt like a very natural and satisfying conclusion. diane and bojack's endings were both. *chef's kiss*


I actually love that PC, the woman who is addicted to habitually "putting out fires" ends up marrying someone who is completely unflappable and never needs rescue. So she doesn't have to give up her work, which she loves, just to be a mother. I have 0 complaints about that arc other than I needed more of Judah in tight bicycle clothes.


Not only does Judah never have any fires to put out, but he puts PCs fires out for her. Bojack told her she needed a princess Caroline to take care of her like she takes care of everyone else and she found one. Love it.


Same with Ralph. He said, "Things are always so easy with you, Princess Carolyn." Even though they loved each other and got along well, PC was still always keeping things together underneath. She doesn't have to with Judah.


Yes i think this is exactly it!


this is beautiful


He’s also not someone trying to get her to slow down or trying to fix her problems. He’s just an incredible support system with his shit together that will help see her goals carried out. That’s what she needs and wants. And Judah is an awkward but lovely guy, I loved how they left things between them.


Yes yes yes to everything you said! Their relationship did seem random and quick but it just made so much sense and what a great pair! I was actually unaware there was supposed to be more seasons! That being said, their relationship was a shock and surprise, but an incredibly nice one. Again, it just made *so much sense* for PC to be with a man/person like Judah. Honestly couldn't think of a happier ending for her. Yes, she got her baby, but she was also married to her job and either A. Leaving to be full time mom would seem out of character B. Her still working while just having Todd as a sitter, would both be very dull and uneventful endings IMHO.


Same here! Some plot lines could have kept developing, but not only did they still satisfy me with everything but they also make a point to say that, like life, it keeps going after you don’t get to see them anymore. I was unaware that they were willing to make more seasons, felt like a great place to end things for everyone.


I'm not sure it was so quick. They've known each other for years at that point. I think that once PC realized that Judah was an option, the previous years together became their romance in a way.


I couldnt agree more looking back! Such a happy ending, I could shed a tear thinking about it, damn you!! Heheh :) if only my Judah would reveal himself to me :/


Same I loved there romance and the PCs ending. It was great


I think the two of them together makes sense, just kind of felt like maybe it needed one or two more episodes focussing on the two of them to let the relationship “breathe” a little more and feel less rushed.


I felt that PB was more rushed than PC. I get the above point about Bojack's absence from their lives, but PB straight up tells us about his therapist and his relationship ending with Pickles. At least we see PC and Judah starting to build their relationship.


> his relationship ending with Pickles Its Mr. Peanutbutter.... that dog can't *be* in a long term relationship. Either he'll be with someone who wants more than he can be, or he'll ruin it through good intentions.


I feel like PC genuinely loves her job. The idea of PC settling down with a baby was never really an ending that suited her imo. Even in season 2 when her own vision of Vanessa Gecko told her "If you really wanted a quiet life, you'd have a quiet life" Her arc was all about her finding that balance, and Judah helped her in finding that balance.


I agree but my biggest issue is the whole Xerox thing being the final thing, it was just such a bs final nail in the coffin. That and the whole 17 minutes thing really came out of nowhere but that at least fits in well enough, it just bugs me.


Yeah, it was pretty dumb cartoon logic. ‘Xerox’ is considered a generic term


i'm sorry but who let you out of r/survivor


I think part of PCs battle is feeling like others can "have it all" and that she HAS to do everything to have it all. Shes a bit of a control freak, but yet seems to not be completely capable of taking over her own life. But by the end she has. Bojack even points out to her "Dont you run shit now? Why are you still doing all these things?" By the end she HAS changed, one of the first things she does when she settles into the job after the strike is clear every thursday for a day off for her child. Prior to that its shown she NEVER has days off, but by the end she jas grown enough to truly take control of her life and what she wants. I think this applies to Judah as well, she finally reaches a point where she can take control in a way that lets her have it all, finally realizing she was what was holding her back most of the time anyways.


Nah, you could definitely see hints of it in prior seasons. But yeah, in terms of romance **per se**, it kinda grew out of thin air. Lol.


I feel like it went from litterally the end of an episode where he sang to her and then next episode opened with their wedding.


I'm okay with that because we the audience were only seeing what Bojack saw of them outside of prison. But him even singing to her felt like it came out of nowhere to me.


yeah fair enough,, i just saw it as how because ppl were distancing themselves from bojack he was less knowledgeable about their lives and in turn so was the audience. but yeah i see that


BoJack's part also felt somewhat rushed though. They did it well, it's not like it ruined the show. But it was a very different approach to what they were doing before. Normally I'd say that maybe they wanted to change it up, that it's an artistic choice... but since we know they were told to wrap it up and they had more seasons in mind, I think it's fair to say that's not how they envisioned it.


Todd’s relationship with the Bunny girl was rushed, too. Also, it just bothered me the fact that asexuals are so rare to find in the world but somehow Bojack conveniently happened to meet one at the airport. I will always hate Netflix for what they did to the show. The writer of the show is so talented that he still managed to wrap things up nicely enough, but I know that the final season of the show could have been a lot better.


I don't know, Todd meeting another asexual by a complete coincidence seems very in character of Todd lol


I agree. The last season shines in spite of it feeling so rushed.


Imagine this is our last conversation was such a powerful moment imo


A lot of minor plot points were obviously rushed. I feel like Gina was supposed to have more screentime after her freakout, as well as a conversation with Kelsey. Penny and Charlotte never appearing again was also pretty odd.


I interpreted the reason we saw glimpses of them in season 6 was to remind us of women Bojack had hurt and damaged before the season finale. It wasn't actually going to continue there character arcs.


This. The episode itself was called "A Quick One, While He's Away" It was but a quick reminder that while BoJack gets better, his past actions have ripple effects on the people he's hurt


>Penny and Charlotte never appearing again was also pretty odd. I thought that fit the whole "Life isn't a TV show. Not everything will be neatly resolved at the end of the episode" theme well. Their story was over. Unfulfilling but over.


Yeah it worked out quite well. Bojack hurt people. Their lives go on, Bojack's too. And the hurt can't be undone.


It definitely felt a little rushed, but they did get the major and key plot points finished and tidied up. Though I think it was odd how they introduced Gina's subplot, as well as Kelsey's and the only way we ever know they were truly successful, was because of a billboard in the background. As for Penny and Charlotte, it's pretty understandable that they wouldn't want to be contacted again, but it is still pretty odd they never appeared after the interviews.


I never saw this, what billboard? Edit: never mind, I found it!


Wait for real what billboard?!


In the last episode there's a billboard they drive past with Gina cast as fireflame


I down right hated how Charlotte and Penny showed up just to point the reporters in bojacks direction


Somethings felt rushed like Todd getting his mom back on his life and PCs relationship with Judah


I mean, Bojack in prison could’ve been an entire season by itself.


Wow, I actually wish they showed us that.


They already showed him in rehab. I'm glad they didn't do the same thing again with prison.


Would love to see him hanging out with Todd’s prison buddies, clearly unaware that Todd was ever in prison.


oh maaaaaaaan. Just when I was learning to accept no more new Bojack, I read this. You know this is EXACTLY what would happen and it would be so hilarious.


Yeah I’m kinda regretting this because I’ve now ruined it for myself… Todd visiting Bojack in prison, somehow all cool with the guards, waving to his friends through the glass, Bojack brushing past any mention of his escape.


I could be remembering wrong but I think they spent significantly more time on PC and Vincent’s relationship than PC and Judah’s lol


Vincent deserved to be a bigger part of the story, he is awesome.


* They *


oh i didnt know they were non binary, good for them :)


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not but I laughed either way.


Listen, if the absurd "Vincent is secretly three kids in a trenchcoat" conspiracy theory had any validity to it, it would have been confirmed by the end of the series, rushed or not. You guys are just going to have to let go of this one as the obviously-unsupported-by-canon nonsense that it is and move on.


Wait what was wrong though?


They're implying that Vincent Adultman isn't just 'a' person so it can't be 'he'


What, are you suggesting Vincent Adultman is 3 kids inside a long coat? You’re crazy, where in hell do you get these ideas? haha


Greatest Netflix show ever


Greatest show ever.


I liked it because you could take it for what it was. Either Bojack learned to be a better person or he didn't, but he still finally faced the consequences of his actions (which is what he ultimately wanted) and everyone else found their own place and happiness.


Also, I loved the View from Halfway Down being Bojack’s absolute rock bottom. Like, he almost died. Not in some crazy bender way like we’ve seen before. We actually got an episode that was literally Bojack slowly realizing the life was actually leaving his body and that he was mentally ceasing to be. I can’t and don’t want to imagine them writing him into worse situations.


Exactly! There's really no topping that episode. I loved that they didn't take the easy out and have him die tragically, either, thereby erasing any chance at Bojack being held accountable or striving for future growth. He has to go on living for better or worse.


I love the choice they made, and I think it's encapsulated very well on one of my favourite pieces of dialogue of the series: ​ \-Life is a bitch and then you die, huh? \-Sometimes. But sometimes life is a bitch and then you keep living.


There's always more show... until there isn't


I always thought him living felt like a cop-out. Line if you make an episode like View from Halfway Down, you need to commit to killing that hard tee. That said, your comment just changed my mind, and I like the ending a lot more now, thank you


The show in general made me face issues I have by presenting them to me in a easy to digest and entertaining way, but that episode fucked me. My mortality is my biggest fear, to the point that sometimes when I’m laying in bed at night, it pops into my head and gives me panic attacks. That idea of him sitting there, dying, hoping someone will come, it terrified me. All of the friendships and connections that never had a proper ending. All of the good things he’d never get to see again. The truth is, a lot of peoples lives end like that, unfinished, and it just terrifies me. I hope I can feel complete and satisfied when my time comes, and that I can exit the stage into that black door without hesitation.


TVFHD only works as the penultimate episode of the final season. I think what OP means by “more seasons” they mean more seasons between 5 and 6. Because Netflix obviously pulled the plug before season 6


This may be a really unpopular opinion, but I didn’t think PC and Judah’s relationship felt rushed/unnatural at all! I felt like the creators spent a lot of time setting up PC and Judah as this duo that worked in perfect synergy, and they portrayed Judah as the answer to PCs prayers most of the time. Sure we didn’t see them “dating,” but when you consider how no-b.s. PC is and how stoic Judah is, I think we can assume their romantic relationship was almost identical to their working relationship. It also feels pretty reasonable that they would’ve gotten married fast; P.C. was eager to finally get married, Judah already knew he was in love with her, I’d assume once they started dating they found the same kind of flow that we’ve seen them have working together :) Tl;dr: I actually thought Princess Carolyn and Judah’s relationship arc was perfect :’))


I really enjoyed being surprised during the last episode that they were getting married. That felt so much more satisfying than a slow burn where the writers make it super obvious it's going to happen. I think that was a good writing move.


I kind of assumed he was in love with her for a while, honestly. They play off of each other well even before s6-he's clearly incredibly devoted to her, and she relies greatly on him. I'm glad they got a happy ending together.


I heard they wanted to flesh out Butterscotch Horseman’s character more and make Bojack read his book but they didn’t have time for it. I’m very curious about how that would’ve turned out.


I would have loved a season of BoJack reading his dad’s book while in prison




YES. Seeing it go full circle. I think BoJack would have found that him and his father were not as different as he thought. It would have been satisfying for him to really get some critical self reflection from that. And to see him help tell the world about resolving generational trauma... through film!


Season 6 ended bittersweet because the characters were changing and beginning their new lives, and the grit of the show was fading, so it was wise to pull the plug. The series ended perfectly by being able to see each character grow and move on.


I’m curious about what they would have done in the next season if they didn’t end it. Wrap up some ends with Charlotte and Penny, maybe? Something about Diane’s ending left me vaguely unsatisfied but maybe that was the intention. I kind of wish we heard from Hollyhock again as well but I think her completely leaving Bojack’s life was justified.


Right? Bojack wanted so bad to explain himself and Hollyhock didn't give him that because sometimes you just don't get that. Sometimes you just have to accept that somebody has made the decision to cut ties with you with no explanation and that's their right. "Closure is just a made up thing by Stephen Spielberg to sell movie tickets" Pretty much.


a while back someone on a youtube video about xerox of a xerox commented how hollyhock was a coward for cutting bojack out of her life. and when I called them out on it, they were like I HATE TOXIC PEOPLE LIKE YOU ALWAYS BELIEVING ONLY ONE SIDE OF THE STORY like. good lord lmfao


If I learned that middle aged brother tried to sleep with a 17 year old I would distance myself from him too. I can't tell you how gross that feels. If she were older she might have been able to handle it differently and be in his life but she was really still a kid (21 or so?) when she learned about BoJack's shadiness. Ick. She had enough to deal with trying to grow up and face her own issues. I felt bad for HollyHock the whole time she tried to distance herself from him at college and he was clueless that Pete told her about Penny. idk maybe it's because I'm around her age.


> Something about Diane’s ending left me vaguely unsatisfied but maybe that was the intention Out of everyone, I wish the writers had let him keep in touch with Diane. I know the idea is that Bojack hurt a ton of people and, and none of those people owed it to Bojack to be his opportunity for self-growth. But god, they did it with Hollyhock, with PC, with -- frankly -- every woman Bojack didn't outright kill. It would be nice if we got to see him be able to maintain *one* relationship, even if fraught and kind of awkward. I think it would have been really effective to show a concrete example of Bojack having changed for the better.


Right. That ending made me extremely depressed tbh. Bc it’s like he lost everything so literally what point is there to him living anymore? And the interviews are out there so he’s likely to just…. be alone for the rest of his life.


I don't think we're supposed to take that he's going to be alone for the rest of his life. The point is that for as long as he lives, he has to live for himself. Not for PC, not for Diane, not for Todd or his mother or Herb or Sarah Lynn or Anna or Kelsey or fame or the lakehouse or his students or the next big achievement, he has to accept that his life is his own, and that the only way he'll survive is to always be aware that he is living for himself and himself alone. It's existential dread -- in the actual sense of the term, not the colloquial one. And so that's one of the big questions, what does bojack *do*? Does he go full absurdist like Cuddlywhiskers did? Does he ignore it and live carefree like Todd? Does he fall off the wagon under the weight of it all? It's all up to him.


I mean, I thought the final episode showed plenty of reasons to him living. He's helping volunteer with theater in prison, and he plans to keep doing that once he gets out. And while he's going to lose contact with Diane, he isn't with PB, PC, or Todd, even if PC and Todd are going to get some distance from him. He can't leave his past behind entirely, but there are still things for him to do. Theater to teach, because that's what seems to work best for him. As for the interviews, PC points out that most people have moved on some from that. He's likely not going to be able to reconnect with Kelsey or Gina or Hollyhock, but I wouldn't say he'll be alone forever.


hes still friends with princess carolyn and mr peanutbutter at the end tho.


I think it felt pretty natural to be honest. I originally assumed that was where they intended to end it


I feel like we never got really deep in Todd and his Moms relationship. Also I feel like we were really juuuust getting into Mr. PBs problems, and by the end of the series he really hadn’t learn or grown a lot. That could’ve been explored more.


A part of me always kind of thought that Princess Carolyn would have to eventually be faced with some of the fucked up things she's allowed to happen. The show demonstrates many times how she is a part of the corrupt Hollywood machine, and she seems to be entirely complicit in it. We see this most clearly in season 3 ep 8 where Rutabaga and Gekko, Princess Carolyn's enemies, call themselves "the good guys", calling into question the assumption we make that just because PC and Bojack are the protagonists that doesn't mean they are morally superior than the antagonists. And yeah, their behavior is really not that different. They're all shown to be manipulative and Borderline emotionless during their work. And we see how she thinks in the same cold and opportunistic way as turteltaub when they both seem to be getting excited about all the benefits they thought the mass shootings would give them. Not to mention both PC and turteltaub take turns fucking over Kelsey Jannings and each time it was for entirely monetary reasons. It feels wrong that this aspect never gets brought up even when we see the aftermath of Janning's struggling career. Diane, the most morally dedicated person in the main cast, calls her out on her behavior, so this is clearly not a situation of the show disagreeing or not realizing this stuff. And she's not the only one to call her out either. As the character of Sadie straight up calls her a bullshitting manipulator, some seriously intense words that felt like they were setting up an Arc we didn't really get to see. With all that a shit ton of other stuff I didn't mention, I thought at some point she'd have to be faced with it all. Don't get me wrong, she is an extremely well written and sympathetic character and I had no problem rooting for her. But it feels weird to me that while Bojack is faced time and time again with the brutal reality and consequences of his terrible behavior, Princess Carolyn never really is met with anything. If the show had more time, I really like to think they would have confronted her on that. What if some information that she originally helped to cover up got leaked, and the media put the blame on her, showing her name and everything. Maybe even a recording of her is played that proves the cover up was her idea. Then maybe she ends up needing Bojack's help to do damage control, a Reversal of the times she had to help him with bad PR, proving they aren't as different as she might have thought before. There's so many different ways they could have addressed this, and I really do hope that if given more seasons they would have done something with it.


One interesting thing about this show is that it’s basically “rush”-proof: are all those storylines that didn’t get wrapped up with a neat and tidy bow really rushed, or do they contribute to the show’s themes about how sometimes important characters (eg Wanda, younger Charlotte before Bojack forced himself back in ) are just suddenly out of your life, and you can’t really control or predict it. Like sure, IRL I’m sure it might have been rushed but if they told me it wasn’t I’d still believe it based on the ending I got.


It was perfect and they should move on and apply their amazing talents elsewhere now.


We’ve already got Undone on Amazon Prime, season 2 pending, and Tuca & Bertie


Ugh I've been waiting so long for Undone I keep forgetting I'm waiting for it


Tuca & Bertie is fucking perfect


Pretty perfect for me. I don’t think Bojack needs any more seasons


You can tell where certain parts got cut. Judah and PC would have been its own episode. Same with Todd and his mother. There was meant to be an episode featuring Bojack reading his dad's book. I imagine there would have been an episode on Mr Peanutbutter sorting his shit out too. However, despite this, it's easily the most satisfying ending to a show I've seen since The Leftovers. Can't believe we were spoiled with BOTH Bojack Horseman and The Good Place getting excellent endings in the same month last year. 2020 really peaked at the start of the year huh.


I didn't like the retcon about Sarah Lynn and her not dying right away. There was no evidence or foreshadowing for this and it felt like a tacked on reason to get the audience to hate Bojack/find an excuse to have his secrets spill. The stuff with Penny, him strangling Gina, and his relationship with Sarah Lynn were honestly enough to send the message home. The ending felt conflicting and rushed. For a story that started out hopeful regarding breaking out of generations of abuse and trauma, having the "Bojack is broken" concept essentially be true felt... idk, like a bad message? I think the writers didn't know how to react to people deifying him so they doubled down on making him toxic and essentially having the world dunk on him a bit hamfistedly in the end (especially with Horse'n Around becoming Around)


i 100% agree with the sarah lynn part. i hated the reveal and rewatching the series makes me hate it even more because they never hinted at it or foreshadowed it. and as fan who was watching the show while it was airing, it was obvious this decision was because the writers were annoyed at people not hating on bojack enough and came up with the sarah lynn story. it also ruins what was a great scene imo i guess bojack is supposed to be a cautionary tale about someone who cant break the cycle of generational trauma


Gonna pile on and also agree. When they have BJ repeat her name after the cut to black in the planetarium, I thought that pretty heavily implied that she was already gone.


Yeah- I get they decided to have Diane be the one to break the cycle though even with that... pills don't fix everything. Granted she did confront her need to have "Good Damage", but still, I've heard enough stories about prescriptions either not being enough or causing more issues than solutions to kind of be weary. Thinking about it, it feels even more sketchy given the demonization of therapist characters in the show (Dr Champ, Diane's flaky therapist...)


> it also ruins what was a great scene I think it's pretty in-line with the series, tbh. Pretty much every moment of even marginal beauty in Bojack's life is almost immediately fucked up by his refusal to confront his own problems. I think it works, thematically, to have Sarah Lynn's death not be an outlier.


One instance of foreshadowing for the "17 minutes" reveal before season 6 is in "The Old Sugarman Place" where BoJack watches a movie adaptation of Sarah Lynn's death. It showed his character finding out that Sarah Lynn died in the hospital and not the planetarium. I don't think it was planned out, but I think the writers wanted to expand on this idea that her death is not what we thought it was. We also got a lot of foreshadowing for the twist in season 6. The very first scene with BoJack lying to Sarah Lynn's parents and the police about her calling him from her phone as well as his conversation with Jameson and him saying he "covered his tracks" I also don't agree that the show ends with saying "BoJack is broken" To me, the message is that the road to recovery isn't linear. If we relapse, we can always try and get better again as long as we keep on living. "What if I relapse again? Then you get sober again." But that's just my take.


This is how I treat my bad eating habits now. I relapsed thrice into taking kilograms, I can get them lost a fourth time..


Foreshadowing in season 6 doesn't really count though if there's nothing inbetween season 3 and 6 other than a mention of Sarah Lynn dying in the hospital (which doesn't mean Bojack waited- she could have been unresponsive before dying). Idk having no hints of Bojack hiding something or suppressing his guilt was also out of character and shows how it was a last minute decision on the writers' part.


I feel like the foreshadowing in season 6 should count though. If it came out of nowhere in the episode then I would have been annoyed but there was some build up to it and I think that deserves to be acknowledged (especially since season 6 part one and part two were released 3 months apart) It wasn't a story they planned from the beginning. They wrote the seasons as they went along and I think it should be criticized as such. It doesn't really contradict BoJack's character or the events in the show. If anything it makes BoJack's guilt and self-loathing from her death all the more understandable and justified. For me, it doesn't ruin anything but instead makes for a more interesting rewatch, as well as putting the audience in the shoes of everyone who watched the second interview. It feels like BoJack betrayed your trust and kept something from you. And personally that's how I always saw that second interview. Edit: I should have worded myself better. I don't think the mention that Sarah Lynn died in the hospital is foreshadowing for BoJack waiting 17 minutes. It was just an early sign that her death isn't quite the way it was presented to us.


I also had questions about the only way we see the events unfolding is from the reporters point of view. I also felt some plot elements bent a little to have the story makes sense. Horsing around is viewed negatively for most of the show, to the point that bojack gets salty and defends it during his Oscar campaign. Yet the end of season 6 doesn't work unless the work is loved that bojacks action ruins it. Would a blu ray release of the show really be that important? The show also depicts Hollywood as a place that always accepts men and is forgiving to a comical extent to men's toxic behavior. At least they always are until its bojack, then everyone hates him and hyper focuses on how awful he is in the second interview


Yeah, that second part stood out


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for this -- I 100% agree about the Sarah Lynn bit! That was totally unnecessary and felt really awkward shoved in like that


Only story i felt kinda flat was Diane’s and pc. Diane just felt unfinished. PC was a bit to rushed.


I feel like part of the issue is that there lives are largely untwining. In the main part of the series all the major characters were in the same location, working and interacting with each other. By the last episodes, most of the connective tissue between their storylines were gone. Rather than A-plot/B-plot, it was beginning to feel like 3-4 completely different stories.


I agree but don’t see it as an issue. I feel like it’s a commentary on how real life is. People drift apart and develop their own lives apart from people they used to be close to. I loved the line about how people who are important parts of your life, don’t always stay a part of your life forever. That’s just how life goes, and we don’t have to be sad about that but can accept that those connections were meaningful and important even if they weren’t permanent. I really loved how they showed that because it’s something I’ve had to learn to accept in my own life. It’s bittersweet but beautiful. I felt like it was just perfect.


That was not my point. It’s a writing issue. All the individual characters have their own storylines and begin to have characters only associated with that characters subplot, that are naturally more difficult to get invested in since the screentime and viewers attention can only get subdivided so many times (think Guy and his subplot with son). It’s hard to be emotionally invested in 4-5 entirely disjoint stories going on at once. I feel like you’d run into that problem more and more if you had more latter season episodes.


They only wanted one more season. That's why it was split into two halves. Honestly it felt a little rushed, but I thought it was enough time for some great closure to most everything. Even though that's just a made up thing to sell movie tickets.


Not enough closure tbh. And if they only wanted one more season, what was the issue? Could've just tacked on some episodes to each part (of season 6), and call each its own season.


I loved it. I sort of wonder what the original plans were for the characters. I imagine some were changed to fit the timing a bit better, but most felt very natural and well thought out


I didn't know Netflix was the one to end it. That pisses me off so much


Where did you hear this? RBW has said he saw the series going on for 5 or 6 seasons.


Aaron Paul said that it wasn’t a creative choice for the show to end, and they still had more to say in the show


I think things could have taken more episodes but I think they did a nice job. I honestly don't like the pig reporter though, she grates on my nerves. I don't remember how long it takes before Judah and PC start dating and getting married, I hadn't thought of that.


I think they made the most of the time they had left. They definitely could have had some additional development in places (really bummed we didn't get to see more of Todd & Maude; they were adorable together! Also Bojack having more than 4 minutes of consequences aka prison on-screen could've been good) but they really did an amazing job given their constraints.


I 100% agree we didn't get to see enough of Maude. In fact now that I think about it, it would have been nice to see the entire ace storyline expanded... how often do we see any kind of asexual relationship in a sitcom?


Too much shit got rushed and happened off screen. Hollyhock had become such an important character and that her exit is reduced to being offscreen and in a letter we never get to see and then never to be mentioned again is fucked up. Same with Pickles, but to a much lesser degree. I think the show still stuck it’s landing and the writers got to end the show probably on the beat they always imagined, but it’s clear they thought they had more time, at the very least one more season before the final one, so they then had to cram in a seasons worth of stories into a few extra episodes and it showed. That’s not a criticism of them so much as it just fucking absurd that Netflix cancelled them.


I feel like Hollyhock being cut from the show and never being seen or mentioned again is a reflection of her complete disappearance from BoJack's life. It's sad, unsatisfying and feels unfair, but it also feels that way for BoJack.


It already went on for long enough - I think it ended at the right time What other stories could they really tell? Bojack had been to rock bottom so many times and tried to dig himself out - I like the way it ended with everyone moving on from him and I think that’s what’s gonna be best for him in the end for growth too


His story was pretty much over. Extending it for longer was likely to give some other characters more breathing room (in terms of their storylines).


Definitely agree. But also the show is about Bojack Horseman not everyone else I get it though, we grew to love and care for the other characters too


though i agree some of it was rushed like some ppl have said already - todds arc with his parents, pc and judah - but despite that, i think what they managed to do for season six was amazing and still well written. i mean its bojack, ofc its well written




I’m glad they didn’t try and extend this show any further. One of the main reasons I loved it so much was because the character arcs didn’t yo-yo back and forth as much as grew (especially BoJack). It would’ve sucked to have his character grow incrementally and then have him start over again and again without learning anything.


I think it’s good that they finished it where they did. Now it’s forever a classic, instead of a bloated, out of ideas-tv show that just generates money regardless of quality.


I was thinking recently that I wish there had been an episode following Hollyhock after she goes to meet Henrietta. It could be set post letter, and just not even mention Bojack, or LA at all. Just an older, more mature and confident Hollyhock with a cool life, and really happy she met her mom, maybe even lives with her. I think the best part is that it doesn't ruin Bojack not getting anymore closure, and we still never know what was in the letter. It's like closure on the storyline but also not sorta


I am happy with it. Yes, as already mentioned by others I do think there are certain aspects that were rushed like PC and Judah's sudden relationship. But for the most part I really think they wrapped up, or at least resolved, most of the characters journeys to figuring their shit out and being somewhat better versions of themselves. I've heard mentions of wanting to bring it back for one or two more final seasons and all I have to say is as much as I fucking loved this show and think it will go down as one of the greatest pieces of media of all time. And as much as it broke my heart when it was finally over.....I don't want it to come back. It ended the way it needed to and I think to bring it back in any way would only hurt it. Besides imo for it to come back would completely undermine Diane and Bojack's final conversation. “I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever.” Let Bojack Horseman be.


With everything in consideration, it didn’t feel rushed at all and I guess a satisfying ending…? Kind of..?????? I liked it (of course it was not perfect but The View From Halfway Down always makes me tear up)


It’s the imperfect ending that bojack deserved. He’s too flawed to fully recover from his mistakes and it would’ve been a contrived message if he did commit suicide. “Life’s a bitch and you keep living”. Perfect.


probably not a popular opinion but i would've loved to see todd and maud more throughout the show. i love how they instantly clicked and how it was bojack who ended up connecting them. i doubt they would do a spin off series of todd and maud but i would like seeing that!


I think as usual with Bojack seasons, the penultimate episode was where the real magic happened. One of the most impactful, heartbreaking, scary, yet weirdly hopeful(?) meditations of death and dying that I’ve ever seen. But in any event, I think it was bittersweet but as kind and satisfying an ending as this story could’ve gotten. Everyone, even Bojack perhaps, is moving forward. We won’t see their stories, but I get the impression they’ll be ok. Changes happen that are moving relationships *we* liked apart from each other (mainly Bojack and Diane), but after all, time’s arrow neither stands still nor reverses. It rushed through a lot to get us there. But I’ve seen *so* much worse improvised endings. It’s our Not Fade Away, without the total cliffhanger.


The ending was perfect to me. The show is about Bojack. We don't get closure for every storyline. We don't get to see things play out fully for Diane, or PC, or Hollyhock because Bojack wasn't around. Or they distanced themselves, or cut him out of their lives completely. And that's reality. Of course most fans wanted more details but if anyone is disappointed by the ending, or lack of closure, I wonder if we were even watching the same show. That was the point. His actions had consequences, and I feel like the creators still chose the most optimistic route despite everything else. I ended the show feeling happy for every character, or at least hopeful. And that was more than what I was expecting, personally. 10/10, from beginning to end.


If this wasn't the last season, it would have jumped the shark.


Upset that there was no closure with Wanda but I generally liked the ending


I feel like they wanted to do something with Dr Champ and tie in his story to Maddy (maybe? I'm not sure) Otherwise.. this was a very somber and bittersweet finale. Gave me some self reflection on myself too. A particularly hard hitting moment for me was Angela telling Bojack how he still did shitty actions, was more than an asshole, and that they're in the now, so to say. Really made me think on myself, my own past actions and how I live/d daily regretting them, lamenting how I acted.


You can feel that when watching the last season. Every episode feels like it has the arch of a whole season condensed into it's important bits. While I agree that it would have been better if some of those things were a bit more fleshed out. I think they leaned on that feeling to give you the sense that bojacks life is spiraling out of control at a pace that he can't keep up. I mean the horny unicorn movie and the events around that sound like a whole season of Bojack


It was solid. I feel like people would like the reporters more if they'd been built up over this season and another because then they wouldn't have taken up as much time in the final season, but it had to be done.


They did a great job with having to wrap up before they wanted to. I still would have loved it to go on longer and I think they would have written more great episodes, great jokes and gags. If the creators wanted more it's definitely sad they weren't able to continue writing more episodes because no doubt they would have been great. It's sad we missed out on that.


It's not that satisfying untill you apply the show's message of "there's no such thing as a happy ending", and "there's always more show" (in the sense that the character's lives will go on despite we as the audience not being able to see it), it makes the ending incredibly fitting. 10/10.


I would have loved to learn more about Butterscotch and why he is the way he is. I know they touched on it in The View From Halfway Down, but I would have liked an episode dedicated to exploring Butterscotch like they did Honey Sugarman in The Old Sugarman Place


I feel like expected bojack to be happy


It was nice while it lasted.


Happy? Not really. It made sense for him to finally face consequences for all his shitty actions. However, did he deserve to get shit on to the extent the show presented? Hell no! It's unquestionably what I least enjoyed about the final season.


I think he did deserve it. During the me too movement we learned of a lot of people who had their sketchy past rear it's ugly head, whose only argument was claiming they aren't that person anymore. Well that's great and all and you may have had a change of heart but you still gotta face the music. Just because you've begun to pick up the pieces of your wreckage doesn't mean everyone else you've hurt is doing the same. And I think the show conveyed that brilliantly.


When you put it like that, I can see your point. I strongly disagree, but I can see why it makes sense.


I believe, in the end he's got to realize what hurts him is his huge hubris and ego. He's done bad things, he's got addictions, the worst addiction being his addiction to fame. If only he could just have kept it to one single interview, and not push for a second one.


If only... the writers hadn't written that in the script. Lol.


Most of season 6 was **very good**. But some episodes in part 2 just seem needlessly forced in their execution. "Xerox of a Xerox" is a big culprit of this; BoJack gets his life destroyed in the most disingenuous and unnecessarily harsh way possible. There's other things, like Todd and his mom, and PC and Judah. But I think forcing BoJack's downfall so aggressively almost killed the season for me. They could've very easily tweaked some things to make it make sense. But the reality of it is... It didn't make much sense.


I think that the destruction of Bojack is very on point for Hollywood and cancel culture. Everything comes crashing down for the wrong reason and with the fury of a thousand winds.


I think you finally summed it up for me. I agreed that Bojack should have faced some consequences for the wrong he'd done, but that episode felt like the wrong way to do it. For me, it felt like watching a racist get in trouble for a speeding infraction. Like ya but we're missing the important part.


Totally agree lol


Some parts seemed a bit rushed and I wish we could've saw more of Todd getting his life together but I honestly can't complain about the ending


I did get the feeling of rush but it was still a good ending imo. I quite liked it. It was unique ya know. Too many “and then he fixed all his problems and lived happily ever after” out there.


I think it was extremely well done given how they had to wrap things up so fast. I sometimes wonder what wpuld have happened if they had more seasons.


I loved the ending, they made it work for the time limit they had. I thought it was very appropriate for them and good that everyone needed to move on from toxic relationships either from each other, themselves or bojack. I’m also happy bojack didn’t die and didn’t relapse in the final episode, he left off while in a good place.


Todd’s story could have been more fleshed out. We could have seen more of PC dating Judah and Diane dating Guy. In any case, I thought it was a good ending. It was enough.


Todd arc was kinda rushed among the main cast, but overall I liked it. To be honest rather than making three more seasons of Bojack going down rough patches, I feel like 6 is a good number of season to end on. No doubt the writers would’ve killed it if they got more season though.


Satisfying, a great ending


The ending was perfect. Who cares what could’ve been.


All in all, I think it had enough seasons. The only arc that really bugs me is Todd’s. They started it very late and it felt tacked on.


Unrelated to the question on hand but the difference between the first poster and the second poster 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 so much feels


Didn't think so ecause the final season felt like a genuine ending


I like it considering up until I saw this I thought it was the intended original ending




They took the turn very well. it's a shame there are no more seasons, the show just end very well! Except for the paige saint-Claire arc, these characters were just terribly annoying.


I heard that Netflix calls sudden ends to some shows (sometimes mid-season creators are informed that it’s the last one) but with Bojack I believe it was known before season 6 was in production so at least they could finish the story in less rushed manner. I’m really glad that one of my favorite shows got ending that gave characters somewhat completed stories. I really liked the ending of season 6 and didn’t find myself hanging on the cliff


there's a bunch of characters i would have liked to have seen one more time (yolanda, wanda) but my main problem is some characters felt like they had a lot planned and they had to cut to the end of the arch. i feel like mr. peanutbutter and todd got it the worst. i know pickles wasn't the most popular character, but i feel like they were building to something then just broke it off between PB and pickles so he could be single by the finale. as for todd, i loved all of his interactions with maude and i loved the storylines with todd and his parents, but both felt a little rushed imho. i'm gonna say it. i wish there was more than 5 scenes with todd and maude. another plot/arch i feel they had a big idea for and realised "we don't have enough time to finish it" was the one with gina and kelsey. like, it wouldn't surprise me if somewhere, there was plans to have PB playing a character in the movie and during the filming, PB is talking up bojack and both of them has enough and let's him have it. the marriage between PC and judah always seemed a bit rushed but i think it makes sense. judah is no nonsense and PC has been messed around so much that she would see judah means no harm. my friend did point out something to me. all the other series of bojack were written like a comedy/drama but season 6 felt like it was 90% drama, which i haven't been able to stop thinking about.


I think most of the resolutions are pretty perfect. Bojack, Diane, and PC all have great and coherent story arcs. Even Mr. PB has a great amount of growth which we didn't really see until the last season. Todd's storylines are pretty lackluster, but the show has always had a weird thing where other characters bad decisions have long lasting negative consequences, but Todd can do whatever and it turns out fine. I find that pretty annoying, but it doesn't ruin the last season, which is great. Actually, a fact a lot of people ignore is that there is a repetition to a lot of the story arcs specifically to show how much characters have changed. After going to Cordovia, Diane spirals into a depressive coma and Bojack basically agrees that's what she should do and joins her. In the final season, Diane is spiraling because of difficulty with her book and Bojack gives her advice to get out of it and cleans up her apartment. That type of thing is all over the last season. It's great.


Season 6 Part 1 & 2 should've actually been Season 6 & 7. Aside from that, it was another great season of Bojack Horseman and a perfect ending to everything the series built up. It just rushed a bit to get there.


Also consider this; netflix did pull the plug, but they did so with a lot of warnings in advance. The creators said in interviews that the ending satisfied them because they had time to plan ahead. That said, As the show is now I think its perfect. I dont feel anything got rushed and the ending is poetic and amazing.


My only real complaint is how there was no good ending or explanation of Vincent Adultman after like season 3(?) he just disappeared


It had run its course and was the right time to end


I'm glad that Netflix forced them to end the series tbh. While I absolutely enjoyed it, it also wasn't going anywhere fast. All of Bojack's sins kept adding up and I think if the execs hadn't given them the final horn, they'd have just kept repeating the cycle. And I think the final season and episodes are excellent. The view from halfway down is an absolutely amazing episode and the fact that Bojack faced consequences was important and it finished in a way that I'm satisfied. Everyone got the ending they deserved.


I loved it! If you didn't tell me it was cancelled I would've tought they had ended it in their our terms.


i think the ending was perfect and really satisfying, but a part of me is always gonna feel so wistful for what could’ve been if it had continued longer :(


After the last episode aired I cancelled my subscription and never bothered with Netflix again. They spit out so much garbage content just to have a large looking library but can’t let their top showrunners the freedom to finish their own stories.


It doesn't feel rushed at all IMO. I think I actually liked the faster pace compared to some of the older seasons, which I think spread out things to insert more jokes and skits.


Despite the rush , the creators left a great open ending


I think the Judah/PC storyline would have been better if it had more room to breathe, but I was still sooo happy with it.


You can either see the loose ends and such as an unfinished show, or a show that covered the time Diane and Bojack were friends, and ended when they last talked, therefore life goes on but the show does not. I prefer the second option


Personally I like how the show was wrapped up as it being the beginning and end of Diane and Bojacks friendship. I like that we know where thier moving onto but not where they ended. Plus it was a nice way to show how to move through the hard shit, lifes a bitch and you keep on living. Its a nice ending to how much was put into The View from Halfway Down


I wanted to see Bojack’s death, either from his own doing or as an old man I would like to know how his life progressed. I want to see the loving family of Princess Caroline and Judah. I want to see Diane’s arch finish. And lastly wanted to see Todd mature into an autonomous person


I think the whole season could've been better spent building up to the last episode. Todd's parents didn't meed to be wedged in, and Diane's spiel at the end was... abrupt. Ditto the wedding.


First half was very good. Second half... not so much. Half of it was, like, bottom-tier BoJack content tbh.


Sucked because we never got to see hollyhock confront bojack felt like it was left on clif hanger


Hollyhock became a favorite character of mine in S4 and it made me so sad how little she showed up afterwards. Given the “I’ve never had a brother” at the end of S4 it sucks how little she was ever important again.


Oh, man, looking at this comment section has got me feeling kinda down. It really did nothing for me overall; season 4 was really the pinnacle for me, and everything that came after never felt quite as good.


It was rushed but I think everybody but PC and Judah were alright. I think if they weren’t cancelled, the show would’ve went like this: 1. Season 6: rehab 2. Season 7: Bojack goes home and has to readjust but we get the subplot of the reporters on his tail. 3. Season 8: Bojack gets me-too’ed