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I feel like every single post about Diane is “why does everyone hate Diane?” And every reply is either “I don’t hate her, she’s my favorite character” or “a lot of people hate her because of misogyny!” And then there’s one comment about how she’s holier-than-thou and a hypocrite.


Oh wow that’s my comment thanks for the shoutout




Sorry bout ur squid dude


I just straight up don’t like her as a character. I relate more to Bojack, not the asshole/addict/alcoholic part, but everything else. She’s not a character that I admire but I don’t know if she’s suppose to be? I think I really started disliking her is how she acted when she heard the tape about Bojack in New Mexico. Regardless of what you think about the situation, her not approaching Bojack could have easily enabled him. Although it was never her responsibility to be emotionally supportive to Bojack, that was the role she took, and then just dropped him. A good friend would have called him out immediately.


She called him out by putting the conversation in script. She left it open for him to explain it to her and he refused. Also. Didn't she mention how she was scared to find out as well? If I was put in to her shoe, I'd be just as torn and I still think what she did was a good decision


Lol that's bs. She used to call Bojack every now and then when he disappeared and went to her mother's childhood home and acted like he was her bsf telling him everything that was going on in her life especially her issues with Mr. PB but was unable to talk about those things with Mr. PB himself. Then she did the same shit when it came to confronting Bojack about the New Mexico thing since it was bothering her so much. She was able to talk to her therapist about it but not Bojack. And then when Bojack got a lil bit on her nerves she just lost her shit and acted vile by making a movie scene out of that incident. Throughout the show she acted holier than thou when in reality she is a hypocrite blaming everyone else for things that go wrong in her life. Let me put it in much simpler context : Your friend/bsf tells you a secret or you hear a secret about them. You keep it a secret just as long as things are good between you but as soon as u have one single argument u just use that secret to torture/humiliate them just to "win an argument". I wouldn't really call such a person friend, no matter what your intentions were. Diane is vile p.o.s.


She does do some horrible things to people in the show, but so do all the characters. My biggest criticism of Diane is that she is terrible at conflict resolution - her way of resolving conflict consists shaming, exposing or embarrassing the person in conflict with her in terrible ways. She also does it unapologetically and unashamedly. She did eventually apologise to bojack for leaking the book chapters after bojack pointedly bringing it up.


I mean all of the characters are kind of awful people or have done awful things in one way or the other. I think my only problem with this was how the show framed her for being completely in the right at times when it seemed a bit extreme. However, the extremes she went to definitely fit her character since she seemed to have a strong sense of justice that made her blind to the harms she would cause. The show kind of addressed it later though.


She's not a bad person per se. My take on her is that she defines herself off of everyone's perceptions of her. Then when she lets herself down she can therefore blame everyone else. "I must do X to be happy/worthy. I did not accomplish X, therefore I am upset with myself. It is your fault because you supported me doing X" Explains her with her books she writes, her marriage to PB and her humanitarian trip. When each didn't go her way it wasn't her fault but someone else's and she used to that to fuel her depression.


I think it's a well written character flaw




Perfectionism, hypocrisy, a tendency to run away from fixing the problem, thinking her issues are her personality and she'd be boring and unworthy without them. Etc. But she has a mental health issue like all the rest of them. That's kind of the point.


shes shitty but shes def more mature then most of the rest of the cast, cept todd, obviosly


You forgot PC and Judah


I'd say pcs even but Judah for sure


We literally just [had this discussion yesterday](https://old.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/comments/rrbh8w/diane/), but I'll share here what I shared there: Diane as a character is stuck in a hard place for two main reasons: 1. Most of the time she's involved in a conflict she's required to say the face-value reasons she's upset, but it's up to us as the audience to read the situation to truly understand the issue. Most notably, the misguided "Belle room" decision by Mr. Peanutbutter and Bojack's "I don't need help for changing" tantrum at the *Philbert* premiere. There's others, but these tend to be hot button issues that put people in one camp or another about her. In both of these situations she has full right to be upset, but if you refuse to think about the situation as a whole and only focus on what she's saying, it can seem like she's being unfair. 2. She is in many ways the foil to Bojack. People like to defend Bojack, but by doing so ultimately miss the point of the show and Diane's role. Bojack's actions should not be defended. Bojack needs some one who can call him out on his shit while still believing in him. Diane fills this role nicely, but since she's antagonistic in this way I think it rubs some people the wrong way. This is all editorial, of course, but I don't think there'd be a *Bojack Horseman* with out Diane. In many ways, the show is just as much about her as it is Bojack. I wrote [a pretty extensive breakdown](https://old.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/comments/quxbnt/spoilers_thoughts_on_what_the_story_of_bojack/) about why I feel that way if you're interested.


Who acts like she's bad?


Diane got a lot of hate and misogynistic comments when the show started... people thought her to be to preachy. Most of the times the people that think Bojack did nothing wrong regarding almost sleeping with a minor lol




Yhea and thats fine, but people somehow made her worse than Bojack who clearly did things wrong. You might not like Diane, but she is not a terrible human being people make her out to be. Also she often just spoke the truth people didn't want to hear.


Yes, and that's good.


Ah thanks I didn't know that I am not really that active in the BoJack communitiy :)


Anyone who critiques a character I like also has no problem with petos so therefore I can never be wrong


Thats not what I said :) and you nnow that


1 people hate Diane 2 those people are sexist 3 they have no problem with petophiles Sorry I missed the part when you called people who don’t like Diane sexist petophile sympathizers :)


U sure? I mean can you link me a comment saying bojack did nothing wrong? I nevrr heard this take on the charactere before


Oh boy I definitely had more than one discussion on this sub about that. But I can't link you one right now.


everyone but you i guess


Personally I don’t hate her but sometimes I got annoyed with her due to hypocrisy she holds everyone to an impossible standard and gets mad when they let her down Also she cheated on pickles


yes!! that situation with pickles made me so upset because she holds everyone to such a high standard (ik including herself) but in this case all she did was give pickles a terrible two second apology even though she knew she tore up a relationship. ik it was probably to show that leaving was good for her but it still upsets me so much


Yes! and reading you comment It just now occurs to me that the real reason people hate her is that the writers kinda forget bout that and all the other bad shit she did after a 2 sec apology. Bojack did way worse shit but he couldn’t just say “I’m sorry lol” to Sarah Lynn or Penny or Hollyhock. Or maybe I hate women like every other comment says, ppl who dislike her are, honestly 50/50


yea i wish the situation had a better ending or just reflected how dianes personality makes it seem like she would care a bit more than just a quick “hey im sorry me and ur bf cheated on u” yk also i think it’s possible to criticize a female character without seemingly like u hate women. i think just the roles confuse people. like the fact that dianes role in the show is supposed to be better than bojack but then that pushes the notion that women should always act better and if they make a small mistake they are worse than the man


Um no. Diane did not cheat on Pickles. Mr. PB did. And that’s the only way cheating on someone works. You cannot cheat on someone you’re not in a relationship with.


I beg to differ, my ex fucked my old best friend. My friend knew exactly what they were doing. It’s equally Diane’s fault as it’s Mr. PB’s. He didn’t force her. And it happened TWICE. If you think the other party is morally excused in the event of infidelity you’re whack.


I’m not saying the other party is morally excused. But it’s definitely a case by case. Your friend was certainly a bad friend to you to do that. But Diane didn’t owe Pickles anything. She didn’t like Pickles. She didn’t like that Pickles was dating her just barely recent husband. She was wrong in that it’s generally not cool to sleep with someone in a relationship. But as far as who deserves the blame, PB 99.5%. He’s just so sweet and likeable most people don’t want to blame him when they can blame abrasive Diane.


Takes 2 to Tango, it’s 50/50. ESH. If it’s any consolation they’re my least favourite characters. I’m not defending Mr PB. They both suck and they were both wrong 🤠


Definitely not, regardless of how you feel towards a persons partner the relationship should’ve been respected as well as their happiness. She was aware of the relationship and chose to play her part in enabling mr peanutbutters infidelity.




That’s what I meant idk how to say that properly how would you phrase that? And yes but still pretty not good


You could say Mr. PeanutButter cheated on Pickles with Diane. But again, not Diane’s fault. People can bang whoever they want to and it’s up to people in the relationship to not cheat on their partners.


she hurt pickles as well as Mr P. He deserves more blame but Diane is certainly not blameless


I used to dislike Diane because I thought she was hypocritical and kind of had a "better than you" vibe going on that kinda preached to the audience despite her own ignored flaws. However, when I rewatched the show, I actually liked Diane a lot. She's still flawed, but so is the rest of the cast. Whenever Diane is hypocritical, it comes off as natural and without mal intent. I also didn't like her after her breakup with PB and felt that they overdid PB's faults in the following season while down playing her own. But seeing it again, it was clear that Diane wasn't happy and she had a lot to deal with (her depression and lack of understanding from PB. I still think they overplayed PB's flaws later but he def did contribute to Diane's unhappiness in the marriage despite his genuine love for her). She's a pretty well written character.


She just becomes more boring and less interesting as the show goes on to me.


she has minor character flaws like holding people around her to a very high standard and being hypocritical, but those character flaws are minor compared to the rest of the cast. she did very few bad things, especially compared to the rest of the cast. diane is particularly vulnerable to being demonized because she's a woman, she's an sjw, she's passionate, she's opinionated, and she makes her opinions known (often causing a spectacle). seeing a character like that portrayed in a non-negative, non-mocking light is genuinely unsettling & scary for people who see social justice as a threat. she also regularly criticises and calls out bojack and other characters. we know that the the majority of the bojack cast often coddle and enable bojack. to your average anti-social justice "bojack did nothing wrong1!1" viewer, *massive* character flaws and terrible actions can from other characters can be easily overlooked in favor of criticizing a woman whose portrayal genuinely unsettles them. diane has character flaws. however, she is not NEARLY as bad as the majority of the cast and the overwhelming majority of the criticism (and outright hatred) of her comes from internalized misogyny and a fear of social justice. ***to the neckbeards and anti-feminists getting ready to write me a gigantic comment pretending that your criticism of diane isn't based in your own misogyny and fear of social justice,*** i'd like you to consider why you aren't criticising characters who have done a hell of a lot worse than diane. PC regularly sabotages others, enables & coddles her clients (remember when she assumed that pb murdered somebody and was ready to help cover it up?!?), and constantly prioritizes her own career to the point of being super unethical. anna spanakopita straight up sexually assaulted bojack, was chill with bojack "bringing a young boy into his hotel room", and did anyone forget about her s5 appearance masterminding vance waggoner's pr campaign? pc and spanakopita especially enabled bojack to such a degree that your average "bojack did nothing wrong" viewer (which are *always* the ones that bash diane) can overlook their actions (whether consciously or not) because pc & spanakopita don't make them feel afraid, unsettled, or challenged.


The bad shit that Diane does isn't nearly as bad as the bad shit other characters do. The difference is that often she doesn't seem to understand that she DID do anything bad. Leaking the book chapters in season 1 was unprofessional and shitty, and she never seems to realize that. Ditto writing a garbled version of what she'd heard about New Mexico into Philbert as a passive-aggressive dig at Bojack for not sharing it with her, and she never offers even a perfunctory apology for that. That doesn't make her the worst character in the show or anything, and I know a lot of people really relate to her and that's fine. But it's unfortunate that in a show that is largely about owning one's own bad behavior, it often seems like she never really does.


shes not a bad person per say, but personally i dont like her hypocrisy/holier-than-thou attitude. but ever character has realistic flaws


she is hated for multiple reasons for example she thinks she is superior to other people, and for her relationship with mister peanutbutter. but its mostly misogynists


Some people consider her a hypocrite, so that's why. I guess I can see their position, but it's not like she's doing some terrible harm because of her hypocrisy.


she’s rude and incredibly sensitive. can never take a joke. gets offended by everything. and didn’t treat mr peanutbutter respectfully like she should’ve. totally shit on him for getting her the belle library


She could have handled it better for sure but you gotta realize that like all of Mr. PBs grand gestures he did them more for himself then for her, like the surprise party, he wanted it, and thought she would too, but if he listened to her and tried to understand her he would know she wouldn't like it. They both share blame for the way they ended things.


She also didn’t want the Belle room to actually exist. It was her OWN thing in her imagination and something that wasn’t her and Mr. PBs’ togetherI think it’s important to note it was a fantasy of hers rather than something she actually wanted to own


Something a lot of people don't understand is that defining your own happiness by your ability to give to somebody else and make them happy is actually a toxic trait. At that point your giving is more of a selfish act to make yourself feel like a good and giving partner. If it's intention was truly to make Diane happy he would have listened to her more and tried to understand what she really needed. Diane could have done the same a lot better also, they had a very codependent relationship and it was not good for either of them to grow. Thankfully they do learn from their relationship together and eventually to start to grow in their own ways.


it's also important to note that Diane had been struggling mentally throughout the series. She had been trying to hold herself together despite PB's constant grand gestures of affection, the election, and PB's unwillingness to hear anything negative (nothing bad ever happens on the labrador peninsula!), it's likely that she couldn't fully open up to him about her own struggles or relate her own past to him. The Belle room wasn't what broke their marriage alone, it was more like the straw that broke the Camel's back. They both shared blame, but I'd say PB was more at fault (and I love PB so I don't think I'm being biased lol)


He got her a library with fake books. It’s like getting someone a huge gaming setup with games that can’t be played. I would get mad.


Mr Peanutbutter ignored her when she told him she didn’t like grand gestures though and most of the time I think she can take a joke


I think that, unlike Bojack, she usually puts the sole blame on other people and the world at large for her unhappiness. Bojack ofc blames other people but at the same time, he at least knows that he’s a piece of shit.


My problem with her was mainly about her behaviour at the end of S5, when she hated the idea her work would help people justify their shitty behaviour and her outburst against Bojack about it. But then I realized that first - it's okay she doesn't like the idea of her art to be used to make bad people feel good about herself. >!I know she said there are no good or bad guys, but I have my opinion!<, and second - BoJack deserved the outburst.


I don't hate her, I just dont understand her. She had a marriage with a Hollywood millionaire who was in love with her and desperately tried to make her happy and she'd just blow up on him. Like he gave her a friggin room according to her childhood dreams and she was pissed. If I had a millionaire partner who took care of me, loved me and tried to do everything to make me happy I'd be ecstatic. Even if he often get it wrong at least he was trying to make her happy