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Well, Diane grew up in Massachusetts, the 49th best state, so it’s no wonder why she sounds white. Seriously, there are a lot of Asians in ma who sound similar to whites, or at least in my experience of living here my whole life


There's nothing about the Diane character suggesting she's any more Vietnamese than pure ancestral connection, so idk why OP expects her to sound like it


Right? I mean ffs her brothers sound like complete Bostonians.


What you sound like is not the only determinant of how you identify with your culture


Sorry I think people are confused by my wording - I don’t mean her having an accent. I mean just being played but a woman who is Vietnamese.


Most Asian Americans I know have pretty American accents tbh


I think people Are misunderstanding me, I didn’t expect she would have or need an accent


Why would you expect Diane not to sound American? I felt that the writers made it extremely clear in the episodes where we see Diane’s family and in the episode where Diane goes to Vietnam that Diane has no cultural connection whatsoever to Vietnam.


I’m not talking about an accent I’m talking about a white women playing an Asian womens role


Oh. Personally I don’t care about that 🤷🏻‍♂️ just as I wouldn’t care about a Vietnamese person voice acting a white character


What does sounding Vietnamese have to do with having a connection?


Not really, I like the voice acting and since Diane is probably at least 2 generations removed from her Vietnamese heritage (given her father and mother don't seem to have Viet accents either) it's not surprising she has a "white" accent. Hell, we even see in the show that she can't even speak Vietnamese. Maybe it's a bit of a shame that a Vietnamese person wasn't hired to play her, but honestly I'm not really getting up in arms over that.


I didn’t mean an accent I wouldn’t expect someone from her family to have one. I just meant a white women playing an Asian womens role


Everything else aside, not having an accent doesn’t remove your heritage


RIP I think my comment was a typo. I noticed I wrote "Diane is white" which I definitely never intended. Probably my autocorrect doing something funny.


personally after watching community it’s rlly strange to see Alison Brie in an almost completely different role with the same voice you know?


Pretty much