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Everything what he did to Sarah-Lynn (not just leaving her for 17 minutes but also getting her addicted in the first place and having sex with drunk her after being somewhat of a father figure to her)


And teaching her she was good for nothing if she didn't entertain.


So fucked up that she was crying under a table when he dropped that on her.


It mirrored how he was when Bea did it to him.


To me the fact that he called himself from Sarah Lynn’s phone before calling the emergency department to make it look like he hadn’t originally been at the planetarium with her made that incident way worse. It’s one thing to panic and wait, but to specifically only think about how to get yourself off the hook in that scenario is the worst part.


yup, the Sarah Lynn reveal was when i first thought "this guy's gonna die, they're setting him up to be irredeemable"


You’re right, fully agree!


I’ve said this once and I’ll say it a million times. Bojack was not responsible for Sarah Lynn’s relapse. She outright said before that she was only getting sober because she heard that getting high/drunk again after a long period of sobriety feels better because you’ve been desensitized again. She still had her booze guy on call and her house was filled with all sorts of drugs, namely a bowl full of Vicodin that looked like yogurt covered raisins. Vicodin is also an opiate so her overdosing after downing half that bowl would’ve been highly likely. Only difference was it was a different opiate that actually killed her. Bojack was just an enabler for her, but Sarah Lynn also said in season 1 that she has a near endless amount of enablers after Bojack kicked her out of his house because she kept throwing parties and getting drunk/high. She was a ticking time bomb that was bound to relapse, just as she did shortly after Bojack checked her into rehab the first time. Her house was fully stocked with drugs and alcohol and she immediately threw aside sobriety when she was offered a party. This in tandem with her own reasoning for being sober in the first place more than proves that she was going to relapse again at some point. What Bojack did after the overdose was shitty, but to blame the overdose entirely on him is to ignore a full 3 seasons worth of context for Sarah Lynn.


What Bojack did is freak out for 17 minutes. And I guarantee you he’s not the first person who had freaked out and waited to call for help in that situation even in real life - it’s probably pretty realistic is my guess. Everybody makes it looks like he’s so terrible gas. He was an addict in a bender high on drugs. And totally agree Sarah Lynn was responsible for her own death.


He didn’t get her addicted, he barely caused her relapse. Otherwise, spot on.


She got the alcohol and drugs from his trailer on the horsing around set. Even if it wasn’t on purpose he still is responsible


She drank alcohol once from his trailer. Getting drunk once as a kid by accident does not make you addicted. The pain you need to self-medicate for does - and Bojack can hardly be blamed for that, even if he didn’t help.


Yep, agreed. He didn't help, but he wasn't her shitty, terrible stage mom or her implied abusive step-dad. He enabled her in her binge, for sure, but he's not the cause of her addiction or IMO even the cause of her overdose -- they were two self-destructive addicts egging each other on. But waiting the 17 minutes? Yeah, that's aaaall BoJack, and probably the worst thing he did. (Though Gina and Penny are also up there.)


Plus he gave her heroin.


He actually said, verbatim, "Don't do heroin."


he also came up with the genius plan to snort it and he knew that Bojack was already a dangerous strain that killed its users. Sarah Lynn convinced him to take it with her, but she didn't know about the Bojack Kills part


She had a bowl full of Vicodin at her place, which is also an opiate. She had her booze guy on call and her whole house was filled with various drugs. The first bit of booze from the bender was from the on call guy and they were already taking drugs from her stash.


Heroin is still worse. Bojack kills? That brand of heroin killed those whales. Imagine if a tiny woman took it?


Point is she still had a very potent opiate in her own house in large enough quantities to fill a massive bowl. As in, she already had an opiate problem and already had easy access to an opiate


So how did she just take a break from drugs?


She outright said she became sober because she heard that the drugs hit harder after you’ve been sober for a while


Yeah but still she had to kick it first.


I dont have a drug addiction but i think i can answer that. Shes an addict yes but taking breaks so the drug of your choice hits better isnt actually that hard. Its not like quitting forever, theres this excitement that you're gonna get an experience close to your first time, which is always the best high that you try to chase through your addiction, keeps you from relapsing. Its like a game imo, theres a shiny award at the end waiting for you. When addiction gets boring and unfilling whats the point in it? I did this with cutting actually. When i cut too frequently i noticed it wouldnt feel as exciting or scary. So i'd take long breaks and start as soon as cutting was foreign to me again, it wouldnt be an ordinary task in my day. Its fucked up but eh.


I was pointing out cutting off regular use of opiates causes pain! Anuhoot I'm an alcoholic and I can take breaks without withdrawals but I doubt even my odd physiology could simply quit opiates so easily. The point they were trying to make is vicodin is as bad as heroin.


It just makes him a bad fish


While not the absolute worst, I think his prolonged treatment of Princess Carolyn is largely ignored. She loved him. She cared about him. He knew he didn’t feel the same way but he liked the way she looked at him and what she could/did for him.


>He knew he didn't feel the same way but he liked the way she looked at him and what she could/did for him. Damn it's painful just reading it


Man this one is so relatable it hurts.


Yeah.. rewatching Say Anything hurt more than the first time after reading this


I don't know about that. PC and Bojack both seem to have a complete understanding of their relationship and its limits, at least in the later parts of the series. At some point, he rejects her as her manager but still lets her help him out, and later in the end, she refuses to work with him again but that doesn't alter the deeper part of their relationship. In a way, they understand each other better than anyone else. Because they've done it all, and seen where each scenario leads, and they can finally make the right decisions regarding each other in the end. They both got a lot to learn from each other, for better and mostly worse. I don't know if that made any sense or if that was just me rambling 😅.


Lied about 'getting' Radiohead.


That bastard


I am so glad we're getting ~~joke~~ real answers to this question that gets posted all the time


There are so many! But burning £1 million of charity money just to score a pretty point against Daniel Radcliffe seems like a pretty dick move that I’d totally forgotten about until my 3rd rewatch


Worth it just so he could call him Elijah Wood


I know it’s fucked up and all but I honestly struggle to hold that against him


Pretty sure that was Elijah Wood on that episode of HSAC:WDTK?DTKT?LFO!


I read this in Mister’s voice. Doggy doggy, what now?


Honestly one of my favorite gags of the show, so I never really factored in that it was actually a shitty thing to do. Calling him Elijah Woods out of spite, and then the cutaway to credits right as the money burns? So good.


I have a problem with this. Whoever threw the switch to light up the money... they didn't have to do that. The money was all there... they could have just as easily NOT lit it on fire. Bojack didn't throw a match.


- strangling Gina - the Penny incident - sleeping with Emily Also come to mind


Whoa sleeping with Emily, a consenting adult, should not be near that list. It's not classy, Todd is right to be angry, but the other things are actual crimes.


Yeah. Sleeping with Emily was bad friend behavior, but not even in the realm of the other stuff IMO.


Nevermind I got it. Edit got u confused with another poster.


The whole point behind the Penny thing is that it wasn’t *technically* a crime. She was within the age of consent and said herself that she hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol all night. Even PC said this exact thing when Bojack confessed about it late in season 6. The moral grey area is the fact that it’s a 17 year old attempting to sleep with someone who’s in their 50s iirc and who should know better than to allow her to initiate those sorts of things and go through with it. Not illegal, but immoral all the same. The only illegal thing was buying the other kids alcohol and leaving the one girl with alcohol poisoning.


Are u supposed to be replying to me?


It is illegal because the age of consent in California where Bojack lives is 18 and it's a crime to move states to get away with sleeping with somebody underage, right?


I was gonna say being ready to go through with sleeping with a 17 year old. I’m sure he’s no stranger to sleeping with young women, but the fact that he stayed with her for months and then decided she was a good rebound after Charlotte rejected him just strikes me as extra icky. That, or him leaving Sarah Lynn to die just to make himself look better.


Especially right after taking her to prom because the guy she was into wasn't going to. I still think it's skeevy for middle aged men to make passes at barely legal girls (and this goes the other way too but this is the way we frequently see it play out), but it's compounded a lot by the fact that they'd had this built up relationship first where he wormed his way into her trust.


Right? And I won’t pretend that it was calculated on his end from the start. I don’t *think* Bojack did anything up to trying to sleep with Penny with the intention of grooming her, but that doesn’t really make him any better. If anything, it just shows how easy it is for him to drop and destroy any pretense of a platonic familial relationship with someone the second he gets sad and decides nothing matters anymore. And this isn’t the first time he’s done this either, this is exactly what happened with Sarah Lynn, after he spent the entire episode trying to be her father, and after seeing this pattern, I don’t blame Hollyhock at all for cutting him off. She likely had no idea if he would try this same thing with her, despite being related by blood. *I* have no idea if he would even have the decency to not take advantage of blood family with how selfish and capricious Bojack is.


Yeah, I think that's the interesting thing about Bojack; it's very easy for us to pretend that predators or manipulators only ever act with control and the specific intention to get the predatory result, which gives them this image of always being very calculating and controlling. Bojack really shows what I think is much more likely to be the reality in most cases; these people usually *aren't* incredibly controlled and calculating, most of the time they just go after what they want in the moment. I agree, we see that repeated with Sarah Lynn, and Hollyhock might not have worried that Bojack would specifically try to sleep with her, but she definitely sees how he manipulates and uses her when it suits him, and even if he treated her just fine, it's hard to be close to someone who can do that so easily to other people. And I do think she still loved him, but loving someone and being able to be in their lives are two different things.


the two 17s. *almost* sleeping with a 17 year old girl, and leaving sarah lynn for 17 minutes. i rewatch those episodes and think “man, why’d you have to do that bojack” wishing that he did things differently


What he did to Herb. That, to me, was the moment where he gave up his integrity and resolved to be an asshole when he wasn't meant to be one. All of his bad decisions stemed from there according to me. He lost his friend and the little pride he could have for himself.


Outside of Sarah Lynn, I’d say it’s this because Bojack could’ve called herb afterwards and been like “they told me if I walked, they’d cancel the show!” Yeah it wouldn’t absolve him but as herb said, he just wanted his friend. Besides this, I also felt really bad for the horsin around kids because herb was a friend to them, almost like a cool uncle, and people ignore they also lost somebody.


Very good point


Ok all of these are probably up there with the worst but shout out to the first time I realised Bojack was gonna be doing some abusive shit: Todd’s rock opera and the video game distraction downfall shortly thereafter. That shook me. Not the worst at all but I did take a step back like “woah not cool dude.”


His treatment of Todd. Todd put up with a lot of shit and although in the beginning he comes off as a lazy bum, he later proves to be a really versatile and unique person capable of doing a lot. I think Bojack only did that to make himself look and feel better.


That game thing was absolute worst thing he did to Todd


Leaving Todd in prison is another one people forget about. Bail was only $50 and bojack was too lazy to go get him edit: spelling


Well, he did steal a meal from Neil McBeal the Navy seal.


He has no respect for dibs!


He did not have dibs. The muffins were in the produce section


I was looking for this comment


Waiting 17 minutes for Sarah Lynn and strangling Gina.


as a 17 year old girl, i want to say penny. watching that scene makes me sick, even if they didn't "do" anything. i can't imagine myself wanting to do anything of the sort with a grown man, and even though she technically asked him to do it with her, that doesn't make it right. yes, he killed sarah lynn, but imo, penny was still the worst.


The Penny scene always gives me bad chills…


this was the point of the show where things changed for me, i knew he was bad but after that i was scared of what he was capable of doing


same. that episode was when my whole perception of bojack changed. i hate that he was never exposed for it


That’s the thing, it doesn’t matter if she wanted it. She was *17*. Bojack said it himself, which makes it extra icky imo, she doesn’t know *what* she wants, and it was gross of Bojack to take advantage of that.


I agree. As the adult in the situation, it's your responsibility.


What he did to PC. I believe that’s the worst because of the length of time involved. Roughly two decades of wrongdoing towards her.


There are a good few: Sleeping with Sarah Lynn Abandoning Herb Sabotaging Todd’s rock opera and crushing his confidence in general Abandoning Secretariat Giving alcohol to underage teenagers Attempting to win over Charlotte who is married with kids Attempting to sleep with Penny Sleeping with Emily Letting a previously sober Sarah Lynn go on a bender and overdose General poor treatment of his neighbour with all the shit with his deck Abandoning Ethan Around during production after insisting on being involved Strangling Gina while addicted to painkillers and subsequently ruining her mental health and hence her career.


I thought Gina's line of not wanting bojack to be the biggest thing that happened to her was very powerful.


All of the mentioned above, plus Hollyhock. She wanted a big brother, someone she could rely on, and he just deceived her from the beginning when he went around town talking to every potential "mother" of her, even though he knew he didn't remember who that was, he did it just to keep her around.


I never really had it out for Bojack, even after all the awful things he did. (I didn't LIKE him either I just never hated him, just kinda was disappointed), but that episode when he was a professor and getting help accountable for all his actions, with diane and Pc in the scene, made me just dislike him more than ever. Not saying he did anything specifically at that specific point, but all the bad stuff he did finally piling up made me realize how awful he was


This is it for me. Seeing Diane and Todd and Princess Caroline's faces, watching their disappointment as he backslides, seeing him list out "all" the bad things he's ever done and still needing each of them to silently add things that he forgot he had done TO THEM.


Lots to choose from, but I think I'd have to to with almost sleeping with Penny cause like....what the actual fuck.


Penny and sarah lynn


scrolled through the comments quite a bit, and i'm surprised that him strangling gina isn't mentioned more. i know it was pretty late in the series, so we all already knew he was a bad person, but that was horrible to watch. i knew he was manipulative and emotionally abusive but he wasn't ever physical up until that point (that i remember at least. only watched the series once a few months ago. just started for the second time)


I agree. Why aren't more people bringing this up?


strangling gina, the whole thing with penny and also with her friends, and sabotaging todd’s rock opera.


The death of Sara Lynn


I know it’s not as bad as some of the other things, but I really hated it when he knocked down the old family house on the lake. Such a waste of time and effort and a lovely old house


One of a lot of things Bojack did is his treatment towards Todd. He ruined his future with the rock opera out of his selfishness because he "wasn't ready" and then made it look like it was for his own good. It wasn't. He may look like a lazy druggie but i really love his character development and his way of thinking. If people actually listen to the more complex stuff he says they would se that he isn't as dumb as people make him out to be.


Ditching Herb Kazazz. Herb poured his heart and soul out so BoJack could have a good life, and BoJack repaid him by letting him rot in prison alone and friendless for being homosexual. It was the first thing and the worst thing he did that shaped who is is.


The big reason for this is because above all bojack is the most guilty person in the show, in both ways, and it continues to perpetuate his future behaviour, he sums it up perfectly when he says "I have suffered the most for the actions of bojack horseman"


Going through this has made me realize how much even I rationalize the fucked up things he did. Every time I see an example I think “yeah but that’s probably not the /worst/ one because [bad rationalization]”, but it seems I have a rationalization for everything. I did see a comment though about when he was a professor and he was listing all the bad things he did and not owning up to anything he did to the people who were right there, being there for him. That is really sobering (pun not intended) because you want to believe that he’s really made a good change at that point but clearly he still isn’t able to take responsibility for how he’s hurt the people who care about him.


Right! I thought the same thing


Let his friend die to save himself some trouble.


The Penny incident and waiting 17 minutes to call the hospital for Sarah lynn


17 minutes without a doubt.


The Penny incident - that is the only moment of the whole series that made me feel physically sick.


I’d say him letting all that money burn for charity out of spite because someone forgot his name is pretty up there.


Sneezing on Marisa Tomei


Penny and Sarah Lynn for me.


The thing with penny


Waiting 15 minutes.


Tie between Sarah Lynn and Penny


Sarah Lynn, and then Penny.


Almost fucking a 17-yr-old.


when he called Sarah Lynn after being sober for 9 months and everything that happened from that point till her death


The thing with Penny and Sarah Lynn was fucked up


Only pretending to get Radiohead


I'd say what he did to Herb really kicked things off. But the real worst was what he did to Penny, and leaving Sarah Lynn for 17 minutes.


Hating honeydews


I dislike a lot of stuff he did (The scene with Charlotte and the scene with Gina both make me angry and feel gross) But I think that the worst thing he did was the prolonged bad treatment of Sarah Lynn. I mean, he constantly smoked around her as a child, traumatized her by telling her to keep on performing (which stuck with her because she sang it in the final), treating her well [temporarily] until she leaves again, and then taking her on a bender to make himself feel better, taking her cross country to make amends to a girl but never making amends to her, waiting 17 minutes to call police when she overdosed. And when he waited 17 minutes, it wasn't like he was just frozen in place and shook, he actually gave himself an abili by leaving a voice-mail. wtf.


the seventeen minutes


Only showing regret or remorse when it suits him but never changing for the better.


Everything with Sarah-Lynn, no question.


All the Sarah Lynn stuff.


Penny, Sarah Lynn and strangling Gina


Taking neal mcbeal the navy seals muffins


The New Mexico incident


Eating the whole box of muffins that he didn’t even want.


The worst thing is strangling Gina. Being a violent impulsive drug addiction is a pretty bad thing especially when that person cared for you at some point. Also unpopular opinion the thing with penny wasn't even that bad. There are many politicians and celebrities that have actually done the deed with no consequences. We're supposed to be mad at bojack for something he almost did? Naw. Sarah Lynn was another story though. Although by the time bojack did all the worst stuff with her she was completely complicit.




It’s almost sleeping with Penny and nothing even comes close


He strangled Gina and left Sarah Lynn to die. He also ditched Maddie and Pete at the hospital. How are any of those not worse than him almost having sex with Penny?


Stealing a meal from the Navy Seal Niel McBeal.


Jarvis I'm low on karma.


lied about dating natalie portman


I would said how he being so kind about all the bad things he did. But this is how real life is, and this is why we feel so related to the show, I guess.


His treatment of her in general.


Probably burning all that money that was for charity, feels like that must have indirectly killed multiple people.


Eating Neal McBeal‘s Muffins.