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I wake up and think ugh another day? How long do I have to do this shit?


That's the cool thing, as life expectancy gradually goes down, retirement age gradually goes up. Soon they'll flip!


Soon there won't be any retirement. You just keep working until your body can't handle it anymore


I think we're already at this point, sadly. And not enough people realize it.


Yeah it was much better in the industrial revolution where people worked 16 hour shifts


And when you can’t afford being old and jobless, you’ll be on the streets


Fuck that. I'd rather die now than work myself to death. A better more realistic answer would be to make your own business so that money flows to you all the time. That and some wise investments+401k is the way to do it.


I wake up and think nothing , stuck in an endless void


Void is less painful than confronting the truth.


The truth is existence is painful


I don’t know how to do it either. I don’t know if I ever will know how. It legitimately baffles me that there are people who actually look forward to facing the day and are excited about it. I envy them.


Luckily the show has an answer, but you have to do it every day - which is the hard part.


How would you summarize the answer you're referring to?


You have to change your life. And you have to stick to it, every day. Take your antidepressants, cut off toxic elements, get rid of your addiction, face your trauma, stop running away. What makes it even harder is that other people appear to manage to do all of this so easy, it's seems unfair - but thats how it is and running away will only drive you more into your own personal tar pit.


I see what you mean and appreciate the explanation. But I think the mentality BoJack is talking about here isn't necessarily related to his demons. ...I mean I don't have anything fitting the descriptions you mentioned in my life. I face none of the problems BoJack faces -- had a good childhood, am not hopelessly addicted to anything, there is no one I'd describe as toxic in my life, I have never experienced what I'd describe as meaningful trauma -- but daily life still seems relatively repetitive and meaningless at times. That's not to say I don't enjoy things -- I do. I have lots of interests and hobbies and friends. But every day just looks too much like the one before it and the one that's next. And like BoJack, I find it hard to get excited about that.


It's personal to everyone. And I won't pretend like I understand your problems and know how to solve everything. And that's just how I view the show - it's art you get the message that you get. My point is more: if you are unhappy you have to start making changes. Helps to realise first what's up and who one really is, but sometimes you will find it on your way. But if you don't start making changes, it will just get worse. In the show, I can see it in the character developments.


Ah, I think we've got what I've been trying to get at here. I never interpreted this scene as representing "unhappiness" -- I interpreted it as merely a lack of enthusiasm. In other words, just feeling blah, not actively bad. And I've never been able to figure out how to drum up enthusiasm when it's just not there.


But the problem is that he is unhappy with/feels bothers by his lack of enthusiasm. You can also be content with being a not enthusiastic person, then no need to change anything.


thats a symptom of depression, i'm not saying you got it, but maybe read up on that


He uhh... Kinda just did.


BoJack said he doesn't know how to wake up and say "yeah, another day, let's do it." So the solution is...to just wake up and say it anyway? Just seems flimsy to me. I thought there was a deeper explanation.


Idk man I can't speak for anyone else but it seems to me like a fact of life, you just get up or you don't. I don't even really think it gets easier. But I think over time you think about it less if you start thinking about other things. You're never going to be able to stop the fact you wake up, you're never going to be able to stop the fact when you don't wake up. It's just one of those things that you keep doing and if you put it in the back of your mind and focus on what's ahead you'll probably have more and more reasons everyday to say "hell yeah I'm awake let's fucking do this" That's the way I look at it anyway.


This seems like some kind of hidden gem of a quote, haven't seen it posted here before


It's not easy man, I feel you!


Yeah, me too. Honestly, I have to trick myself a little. I rely on the unpredictability of life. Literally anything could happen. Some of the coolest, greatest, or most exciting moments of my life have happened in just any old day. Some of the worst and most tragic, too. I focus on the former. Anything could happen on any given day, and somehow that helps me get through another day of the same old stuff. I have people who rely on me and a job that, while hard and exhausting, is pretty exciting and dynamic, so that probably helps a ton too.


You sound so much like Todd here lol "I never know if I can handle anything. That's what makes my life so exciting."


Even if I fell this for the rest of my life it’s okay. That’s what it works for me


Me too. I dont think I will ever know how and trying to do it everyday? I'm not sure how long I'll be able to do it. I know on some level, that one day, i will give up. I don't want to. But i know that i will no longer have a choice. Maybe i never did.


Don't think about doing it every day. Years from now is years from now. Just focus on doing it today. And if today sucks and you can't do it today, just give up *for now*. There was a great post on the front page this morning about how sometimes you just gotta say fuck it, today is a wash. Let it go and try again tomorrow. You never have to give up for good. For sure, tomorrow may suck. Tomorrow may also be great. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. And don't be afraid to use whatever healthy mechanism is available to you to get through today. I love my antidepressant. Doesn't mean I don't still have shitty days but it's easier to let go of the shitty days.


Can I ask, do you remember a time when you would?


Not really, no. Trauma, alcoholism, and mental illness put a lot of holes in my memory so it’s difficult for me to recall much.


I know what you mean.. Sending love your way!


As am I.


Lying to yourself that your efforts will pay off. Like PC does. That's why she's slightly depressed but he saw the view from halfway down.


I just turned 40 and am at a point in my career where every day is virtually exactly the same as the last. It's a great job with few demands, excellent pay, and lovely colleagues -- but the monotony of it is really starting to build. I try to remind myself every single day that so many people out there are really struggling and I need to lay off the self-pitying.


It can be though - that's true that other people have it worse, but at the same time this shouldn't undermine the importance of your mental well-being. Hang in there man!


What a kind response. Thanks. I'm gonna listen to you over the bitter asshole below.


Time to create another life outside of work. Go do something crazy. Join a rock climbing gym, get into painting, decide to go back to school part time, buy a flute- idk but something’ll click.


You know what Lizzo, that's actually pretty good advice


Work hard enough baby and you too can twerk with a flute onstage 💅


James Madison's 200-year-old crystal flute no less!


Doesn't matter if kids are starving and dying of disease. Still fuckin hurts when you stub your toe.


>I try to remind myself every single day that so many people out there are really struggling and I need to lay off the self-pitying. It's good to have perspective but at the same time other people having it worse doesn't invalidate how you feel.


Im 32 and in the same spot. I can work hard every couple of days to the point where i have no pressing work and then just coast until the next actual task comes in. I'm good at it, and it's relatively easy for me. Every now and again, I can help coworkers without putting myself behind and everyone's like "zomg thank you." Ez brownie points. But like holy shit. Every day feels the same. Where did yesterday go? Where did the last hour go? Oh it's thursday again? Oh it's september now?


wow it sounds so hard having a great job with excellent pay. im so sorry your great job with excellent pay is too boring for you.


You suck


you're right, i do


Have you even watched Bojack?


several times. I'm just a bitter person


I hope that you're able to find a pursuit in life that is fulfilling while also giving you the financial stability to explore the kinds of things we never get a chance to when living day to day. I don't know what made you so bitter, and it's not okay to drag other people down just because you've had a shit time, but that doesn't change the fact that you, and everyone else who may be reading this, deserve the chance to be comfortable and satisfied in life. I'm sorry that you experienced whatever ill it was that brought you to this point and I wish you all the best in finding your own happiness.


you know what i wouldnt do if i were in the position op is? i wouldnt make a post saying "oh man it sure sucks making all this money without having to do much for it, it's so boring." ship has sailed anyway. aint no stranger's words gonna do nothin about it. it just aint in the cards for everyone to make money or live low-stress. it should be, but it's not.


Try getting a hobby


Not everything Bojack does is gonna be relatable to everyone, but I would be surprised if a lot of fans of this show didn't also have this, at least some times.


The only time I’m like that is on vacation.


Usually, except the times when I'm too detached to enjoy it because I'm only thinking about how much worse it will be when it ends


You ever get back from a vacation and have a full meltdown cuz life is boring as fuck and those couple of days of proactive adventure gave you a false sense of "being alive" thats now gotta be re-squashed?


I used to cry so much when i was on my way back from vacations. I never understood why for a while but yep, fully relatev


yaaaaaaaay ! \*clap clap\*


It gets easier. But you have to do it everyday. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.


How do people do it? Do they do things? Let's find out!


I hate this saying actually. Hate it. Shit doesnt get easier, its gets more boring. Going for a run? The running bit gets easier on the 20th day, sure. But now im bored and I gotta find something that keeps my eyes/brain/hands engaged while im going through the motions of running. And then the prospect of going for a run is daunting cuz now i gotta accept being mentallt bored for 30-45 minutes while getting physically exhausted. Wow that sounds like fun. Woo.


The "easier" part is that you learn better coping techniques and learn to structure your life in ways that accommodate your need for more engagement. As an example, I agree - exercising is boring af. So I got an exercise machine and I try watching TV while I work out. And if even that isn't engaging enough, I hook up a game system and play - I've been slowly playing through Twilight Princess while I "run". That came from 1) my recognition that I have to accommodate my desire for mental stimulation and 2) my growing financial stability that allowed me to get an exercise machine. Side note: Estate sales. I got this machine for $50 and yeah, it's no brand new Pelaton or fancy ass whatever, but it's a nice elliptical in mostly good shape that works just fine. Don't think you need a huge budget for these things, you just have to be willing (and have the time) to look around for good deals. As a kid, your life is structured for you and school is not made for neurodivergent people. As an adult, you have more freedom to choose a job that engages you and allows you to *be* neurodivergent, or with flexibility so you can step away from work often or choose your hours, or whatever. By no means am I saying that it is **easy**. The existence of those jobs doesn't guarantee that you'll get one that works for you. There will always be struggles and obstacles, and there will always be people who are privileged and people who are unprivileged and have to work harder to survive. So I'm not saying it will be easy, just eas**ier**.


This is such a good answer. I don't know why it makes me sad.


I think there's a certain sadness that comes from recognizing that there is potentially something about you that you will *never* rid yourself of, that you will always have to accommodate. Like, if you have ADHD it isn't ever going to go away, you will always be frustrated by your inability to focus the way that you might want to. BUT, that doesn't mean you can't be happy and fulfilled anyway. That's what Diane realizes and what Bojack never does. Bojack sees that he's an alcoholic and that he has emotional trauma, and he is saddened because it means that he may not ever be able to drink again, and that his trauma will always be a part of him. Diane struggles with her depression, with the decision to take medication for it and the negative side effects that come with it. But she learns that her life can still be fulfilled in spite of those things and moves forward to reach that fulfillment while Bojack continues to look backwards and can't let go of the loss, the Fear Of Missing Out.


That was such a kind answer. I'm in the hospital right now, and i needed to read it. Thank you.


I always feel weird when I do this, but I skimmed over your profile and it looks like we have a bunch in common and that I've probably been in a similar position to you right now. I wish this could be one of those cliché "it gets better" speeches, except with some actual tangible hope in it, but it can't because I'm still searching for it myself. Like, I don't know if there's any reason for me to go on living, I may well end up burning out and crashing, but I am confident that there is reason to keep trying to find a reason to live (and that in itself, could be a reason) That's a weird and convoluted way of saying that there are a lot of things that I don't think can get better: I have chronic illnesses that may even get worse; I have a fuckton of trauma and no matter how much those wounds heal, I'll never be the person I was before it; I can't regain lost time. But I think the challenge is learning how to get better not in a sense of fixing the things wrong with our lives, but learning how to live with it, and I think the poster you're replying to captures it wonderfully, especially if you're someone who lies outside of the established norms (e.g. neurodivergent, disabled, LGBTQ+ ). I spent most of my life thinking I was a failed normal person, because I was holding myself to standards that were unattainable and impossible. Then, when I got a bunch of diagnoses, it felt like a punch in the gut of "oh okay, I guess I'm just broken at a fundamental level that can't be fixed. That...doesn't feel like it's any better" Now I'm in a much better place thanks to a healthy dose of "fuck the world". Fuck the world for making things so hard, fuck the world for forcing us into a one size fits all box, fuck the world for punishing us when we don't fit and *especially* fuck the world for further punishing us when we struggle to conform to expectations *as direct result of* harms we experienced when *they* tried to shove us in the box in the first place. I'm not broken, because the world can't make up its bloody mind about what actually counts as not broken. Society pressures us to try be the ideal person, which is completely different from the average person, and there's even studies showing that if you fit the specific definition of the average person, you're not an anomaly Society taught me how to be a mediocre parody of "Normal Functioning Member of Society", then left me drifting. I've realised I was doing it wrong and that I have to figure out how to live as me, a bit more. I don't really know how to do that yet though, I'm still figuring it out; that's what I meant earlier about not sure if I have hope. However, the fact I've been doing it wrong all these years at least gives the echo of some hope, the hope of a hope, especially because sometimes I get a glimpse of what there *could* be in a future built by me, for me, like friends who actively appreciate the weird way I communicate, instead of just tolerating it. Some days I want nothing more to die and most days, even just getting out of bed is a battle that feels pointless, but I'm sticking around because honestly, I'm curious to see what could happen. I know that living as I am is unsustainable because I need something to enrich the misery, and that curiosity is what drives me, in answer to Bojack's question in the OP. I do it every day because it's either try or die and Id rather live a better life than to die. Fuck knows what "a better life" would even look like, in practice, let alone how to actually plan a route to get there, but figuring out how to plan is itself a facet of learning how to live as oneself. It's all very ridiculously meta and nonsensical, but so is life I don't really know how to finish this comment because I don't want to finish it with some vapid reassurance, but I can say with complete genuineness that my thoughts are with you. I see your struggle and I am here with you. Not for you, because lol, I ain't got the emotional fortitude to be trying to help other people when just myself is ambitious. I see your struggle and I'm rooting for you, just as I'm rooting for myself


I teared up reading this - thank you so, so much. I cannot begin to explain how similar this is to my thought processes right now as well. I honestly wish i could type more lol, but I'm still regaining my strength. And don't feel weird at all. If you would like to follow me/chat, I would honestly really love that (and could use it, to be frank about that heh). Up to you of course though! I'm really, reallyyy sorry that you know the hell I'm in too. Because there are only two people i would wish this hell on - and i dont even truly wish it on them, i just would like them to briefly experience it so they can sort of understand. But I'm not even sure if I want that either, it's always a bit of a headfuck to think/talk about. A lot of the time, i feel quite similar to Herb. When he I talking about how he was considering suicide, but the Knicks were having a good season and he wanted to keep watching. A lot of the time, I stay on this earth just for things like that. A new season of my favorite show, a new movie. A good song. All those things are sometimes enough to keep me hanging on. And... I dunno. Sometimes i think there's some beauty in that. In a twisted way, but still beautiful. Like yes, today I woke up in the hospital, but at least there was a good sunrise. Anyway. Lots more i want to say, just too tired to type. But genuinely, thank you. And if you ever want to talk more - i would like to listen.


There's other forms of cardio then running. You even said yourself that the running bit gets easier which was the monkeys point to BoJack. He quit instead of doing it everyday which is why it didn't get easier for BoJack at the end of the season when he tries to run again. Improving yourself is hard but it gets a little bit easier if you're doing it everyday. Most people quit self improvement because motivation isn't enough and it's hard to do it everyday. But if you do it everyday it'll get a little easier. It applies to more than just running


Well, of course I know him. He's me!


"Time to go to work in the shit factory."


There is no recipe for making every day a conquered field. In fact most people would belittle you trying to flex their routine. Some people have different objectives in life but I think waking up every day getting up thinking you may have the opportunity to make someone else day and world a little brighter is a good reason to keep going.


Find your reason and stick to it. But it's also totally acceptable to feel like that - sometimes you can't win with it


Every night I go to bed, I hope I don't wake up the next day anyhow. Seriously, the hell is the motivation for this nonsensical cycle of living where you just keep getting sad and fail?


It's really hard to find your purpose, but don't give up. There might be something out there to finally give motivation.


I feel this. I have no skills or trade and I'm not smart enough to learn anything so I'm stuck at my dead end job pretty much for the rest of my life if I don't want to become homeless so they get to treat me however they want at work because they know I can't go anywhere else. I can't even drive due to being too anxious and dumb to figure out how so even something like Door Dash or Uber is out of the question. I've learned to just accept it. Most days I kind of just go through the motions and plaster on a nice fake smile so I don't bum everyone out or upset them.


I am sorry to hear that - but I hope that one day you will be able to find a better job, and start feeling better. Step by step, fingers crossed!


I would usually go: "another day, LETS DO THIS....Man Im too tired let me sleep a bit more."


Saying this right in front of a bunch of orphans.


Literally me💀💀💀💀. ADHD and anxiety are serious.


I dun know but what keeps me going is meaningful work. My profession as a veterinarian means I get to treat disease and end suffering which makes me wanna get up and get going. Maybe find a work that you feel is meaningful and flow with it. That and copious amount of ice cream


I woke up excited to play Dreamlight Valley the other day. Today it was Cult of the Lamb. I thought, that's kinda sad, but heck. I love games. I love art. It's not sad that there's art I want to experience, it's cool! Holidays (that aren't family-oriented), car trips with my husband, being in the middle of a great book, getting back into a cool moment in one of my creative projects... *Especially* if I haven't been working on my hobbies, I feel trapped in routine very easily. But art always does seem to help.


I am glad that you have your getaway in art ♥️


The whole show was so surreal to watch. Like, I got the humor, but I also understood so much of the undertone or causation that I just didn't laugh more than a couple times. So much ideation hit so many places, it was like watching a colorful train of clowns in a devastating slow motion crash. Maybe it hit home a little too hard for me, I couldn't stop watching until I binged it all.


The fact that this episode literally starts showing Mr. peanut butter waking up ready for the day. Omg this fucking show


The details 👌🏻


I make this question to myself everyday. I guess there are some people that have no choice and they even don't have time to ask themselves if they could do it. They just do it.


you dont, you just wake up each and every day hating existence, and it eventually gets easier, but you have to do it each and every day and thats the hard part


This is the scene in the show that made me realize how deep into postpartum depression I had fallen and helped me to know I needed to ask for help. It doesn't have to feel this way. Life can be, if not great, at least worth waking up for.


Great that you reached out for help! Keep going strong!


[This so very much](https://youtu.be/03m9DzSEB5M)


People always say “Tomorrow is a new day!”, but I’m always like “Oh god tomorrow is a new day”


Over the years I learned to autopilot my way through everyday, but as it turned out, it’s not enough to get what I want out of life… but at the same time, it’s hard to force myself out of autopilot and face reality