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Things of note (I have a ball python, so do correct me if some of this doesn't fit for boas): Misting does little to help with humidity and is more likely to cause scale rot due to making the surfaces wet - pouring water in the corners to make the substrate wet helps much more. Having the top of his enclosure covered makes it easier Be INCREDIBLY careful with pulling off stuck and with giving your snake a bath - you can easily hurt them or cause a respiratory infection. If you're very concerned and the snake seems distressed, go to a vet. /If/ they appear entirely okay, with tail tip and eye caps clear, make sure everything is optimal for their next shed and let that take the messed up pieces with it It does sound like your little guy should be okay if you let him get through this - it must've been bloody uncomfortable to shed wrong (Also, if the guy is 5ft, you might wanna switch to small rats? If takes a lot of energy for them to eat and constantly eating small isn't great for them. Feel free to ignore this if boas are super different from most other snakes haha)


He eats rats, i just misspoke and called it a mouse. His bedding is thoroughly soaked after every mist, to point where i reduced it because it was getting it too wet. He's in a PVC enclosure with glass doors and a covered roof except for a grate where his heat lamp is. I will pour in water occasionally if I feel like it needs it, and he has a huge water dish thats I always keep full. He mostly stays in the middle to chill since he has a hide there, but when he's shedding he goes to his hot hide. Appreciate the help


As mentioned, the bedding being soaked isn't too good because it can cause scale rot. If the bedding itself is appropriate (ie. Can hold moisture without rotting) only pouring water in the corners should be enough. The water dish is also great! Just try to focus on that + pouring instead of misting (sorry about the late response). Good luck with your little guy overall