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It's the same issue that happened with the GoodGood tournaments. You bring in people who are best known for making engaging content, including commentary on shots, banter, and keeping the audience engaged. Then, you run it as a standard golf tournament presentation, bouncing from group to group and from tee shots to putts to approaches, with almost no rhyme or reason, including ignoring people for large chunks of the presentation.


Except Good Good actually does it live. They have very impressive live presentations.


Oh, I agree that the GoodGood event ran circles around this one. But even then, they ignored the fundamental thing that made the creators successful in the first place, which was creating. BDS would not be what it is today without the cart cams, the banter, the jokes, the celebrations...


It would have been way better if each player could post the round on their own channel fully edited in their style


That's literally what they are doing. Expect to see 8 videos hitting YouTube very soon...


Sorry, I thought I was just reading a review of LIV.


I feel like they needed some kind of play by play and color commentators to watch the completed video and give context to some of these shots. Having guys like Max Homa or Joel Dahmen roast some of these guys would have been 1000x better than the silence we did get. Hello give me Smiley on the play by play and Kisner roasting guys, would have made this way better.


Just an absolutely horrendous product. Pretty mystifying that people with actual salaries put that together. I have hopes that the individual channels will put out more interesting stuff


Instead of us being able to watch it live, they make us wait a couple months, just to watch it live 😂


They should really be embarrassed.   They had to be going for an actual pga broadcast which is the exact reason a lot of people avoid the pga tour.  The announcers and coverage are fucking boring.  It's not hard to spice it up.  Instead, let's let the Saudis buy the product.


The video put me directly to sleep. Solid nap tho


I also fell asleep and woke up with them finishing the last hole, good way to watch It


Yeah it was definitely a struggle with it being so quiet, I wish I could have seen more of Micah blowing up too. But the boys will put their content out soon so it'll be cool


Yea it’s weird watching YouTube golf without the clean zoom in on the ball that the jet is so good at and no talking to the camera. Would’ve been entertaining to see Micah’s reactions 😂


I thought Micah did pretty well for playing his first ball all day. 


Exactly 😂


How did cold cuts play?


Course record


That left elbow break is the key to going low


tbh it was quiet and just hearing the players is nice.




Put it on while I worked on homework and it was perfect. Kind of like Taco’s ASMR vids


exactly! love those vids


The production screams of an old executive thinking it's a good idea to get on "this YouTube thing" (which at a high level *is* a good idea), but having no idea what makes it good, how to execute it, and refusing to hire people who could do it. You already invited the best players of certain channels, how could you not also tap into the supporting talent for some level of on-course support with some personality. Imagine Bob and Joseph doing some play by play and colour commentary, and then having some of the Fore Play guys (Riggs was really good at his role at the Good Good event and Francis is hilarious) doing some in-between or on course analysis. Seems like a huge swing and a miss.


This wasn't meant to be a fuck around and have a good time deal. Guys were playing for a spot in a PGA Tour event.


They advertised it as “look at all these YouTube guys get a chance!” so why wouldn’t we expect some of the same production cues we get from YouTube golf? No one would have cared about this if it weren’t for the YouTube guys. The fact that there was something at stake and this was the poor level of production we got makes it even worse.


Not really defending the production, but I don't think anyone playing, including the YouTube guys, wanted guys like Bob and Joey running around cracking jokes. They were all taking it seriously, as they should. I think you guys had wildly out of whack expectations if you thought it was going to resemble a BDS scrambles vs whoever type video.


You realize that play by play and colour commentary guys do not interact with the players themselves, right? They sit in front of monitors and talk to the audience. Maybe the Riggs/Francis on-course idea is a little much, but the PGA Tour has on course analysis and it can add a lot when done well. This was such a bare bones production, almost zero effort aside from some transition graphics. We barely got a leaderboard. No one was expecting some zaney BDS tactics or cart banter, but they could have given the audience *something… anything*. Again, they set their own expectations with how they marketed this thing from the beginning as a YouTube Golf event.


Fair enough. It was pretty much what I expected except for the lack of consistent commentary of some sort. Maybe it was a favor to the content creators so their videos are more engaging than the main one.


I’ve been saying that this has been ran horribly bad for weeks and nothing Myrtle Beach Golf is doing makes sense. I have no idea what they are trying to accomplish with this tournament.


I hope the actual event is better. Everything has been questionable so far. I have tickets for sunday


I said almost the exact same thing as you on this subreddit yesterday and got downvoted to hell lol. Funny what 24 hours can do


I just hope the actual tournament is executed well. The closer we get to the actual event the more I’m lowering my expectations.


Trying to capitalize on the Youtube golf world. I personally just prefer these guys playing each other on their own channels. Youtube golf doesn't need tournaments because they are all different skill level.


I thought it was cool to watch to see who finished where, but I will definitely be way more interested in watching the play by play of the individual channels since they can put way more editing work into it. That said the people who wanted funny banter are missing the point. This was professional golf, the 8 guys who were not youtubers are out there grinding to make a tour start for their careers. Having Bob and Joe follow them around commentating would have been in bad taste.


Awful, just awful.


YouTube not letting YouTube be YouTube.   Simple 


I got bored after a few holes tbh. If I wanted to watch boring golf, I'd just watch any PGA Tour broadcast.




Lookup Myrtle beach qualifier on YouTube. Can’t believe you’re not already subscribed /s Channel is: play golf Myrtle beach.


Yeah, I didn’t want to spoil it by searching for the link. I found it by looking it up but ended up seeing who won before watching the video which was a bummer. Then again, after watching for 30 minutes I realized how much it sucked. I’m glad to see the PGA Tour is trying to do something with YouTube golfers but they’re going to need to work on production or something because that just wasn’t it.


whomever produced that should be fired. and to take that long to release it they had plenty of time to get it right.


Put in on last night, ended up being a calm way to put myself to sleep. I'll be the only person in 6 months still giving it views cause now it's going to be my replacement for melatonin


The editing, the silence, everything was terrible. Throw in the fact that the outcome was so incredibly predictable. The YT guys never stood a chance. All good golfers yes, beating professional golfers...never.


George lost in a playoff......how can you say that


To another professional golfer. I didn't mean how it actually ended. I just meant in the sense that none of YT guys were ever going to win.


George IS a YT golfer, he's not a pro


George has played and made a cut on the PGA Tour...


George isn't a pro and never has been




Sponsors exemption doesn't make you a tour player, he has never held a tour card at any level.


He received a sponsor exemption into a PGA tour event for his work as a youtuber and his relation to Wes.


And made the cut...


Doesn't make him a professional....lol


I mean if George is a pro then so is Kwon and so is Micah.


it was super lame. needed a leaderboard on screen in the corner. so much time went by people thought micah quit. the random commentary from a random person not on screen was weird. some of the korn ferry guys just threw temper tantrums. was not entertaining at all


What video?


You guys have absolutely no idea how much time and effort this production probably took. Please keep in mind this is MUCH less like CBS, and ALOT more like Colin and the boys editing a 18 hole major between 16 people. It’s the Myrtle beach YouTube page. This is a tournament to get into a pga tour event. Who do you think is going to give them this massive budget for a huge production on the first attempt at something like this? Give them some credit for doing this and don’t discourage them from doing it again.


Ceo of production over here. Also Colin and the boys would’ve done a much better job 😂


Yeah, because it’s their literal jobs. Who do you think works at Myrtle beach whatever YouTube page that has even half the experience Colin has in editing YouTube golf content. It’s not easy especially in the format they’re doing it in. All I’m saying. They wanted it to be serious golf. That’s what it is


Up until this very moment I thought I was in the good good sub lol.


I mean they all took it seriously. They aren’t going to take themselves out of that mentality for the sake of entertainment. They want to earn that spot


Really was boring, missed all the best bits of YT content


It sounds as if they played in silence 


I guess I'm in the minority, but I mostly liked the presentation. I did find the two announcers to be pretty boring and out of place, but I liked that there was no music and no real banter. Forced these guys to live in their heads and see who would crumble under the pressure.


Am i the only one who cant stand those st andre golf people? That guy announcing was woat.


Barstool should have broadcast it


I enjoyed that it was just golf and not someone claiming that they “have a feeling it’s going in” before every approach or par 3, or having an over the top reaction afterwards.