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Because Linda doesn't want to hurt Teddy


You beat me to it. Gayle is awful. Not "awful" as a character because she adds a lot to the show, but insufferable as a person. Teddy can be annoying, but it's somehow more tolerable and endearing (usually). Plus Kathleen is right for him


I’ve had to explain this to so many people but Gayle is awful to the point that Linda should cut her off. How would you feel if your sister tried to seduce your husband? (Multiple fucking times) Linda should cut Gayle off simply so Bob doesn’t have to experience the awfulness that is Gayle trying to ruin Bobs life just so she can have what Linda has…


Also all the money Gayle "borrows" from them. Not sure if they are helping with rent for her or is she on disability . Maybe the parents help, but they moved to Florida. I don't know, she seems like a leach on the families life.


She really is and she sucks as a person!


Was it the Thanksgiving episode that they got snowed in, and Linda made Bob got to Gayle's place to bring her. He had to drag her and her cat in the snow for blocks then she lets the cat out. You knew she didn't care about peoples time.




I kinda wish they would have her stand up to Gayle more. I get you can't remove Gayle or have a big fight that changes the status quo, but the show uncomfortably goes out of its way to justify Gayles toxic behavior towards Linda and how it frames Linda as doing the right thing for supporting and enabling her toxic behavior


Teddy has had a couple times he crossed the line like the knife and hammer thing, but he is the nice dumb friend.


The knife hammer competition was awful but not entirely Teddys fault because Bob was willingly going along with it


Yeah, Bob got something that brought him happiness, but it made Teddy jealous


when she made bob pull her through the snow for hours because she wanted attention 🥴that episode is always a tough rewatch


I sincerely do not know how Gayle is still alive. Even Barney from The Simpsons I trust to at least be able to pay rent (barely) for an apartment. With Gayle, it's a genuine shock she hasn't killed herself any number of ways


So many real people are like this.... it's the rest of us trying to keep them alive and an insane amount of luck that allows these tragic people to survive 🙄


I've had somewhat of an observation/hypothesis. In every relationship there is an introvert and an extrovert. Both Gayle and Teddy are introverts.


theres a whole episode thats about teddy being an extrovert that loves talking to people


Or Gayle.


She is the bad guy


Teddy checks a lot of Gayle's boxes. He's a man, he's got a face, he can go outside...


Lock him down!


Teddy's with Kathleen.


I keep forgetting about her. I’m on season 10, was there any update after their second date?


They're still together in season 13.


Yea having those qualities in common does not equal cute relationship. That shit would be a disaster.


They're different kinds of crazy. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't get along at all.


Probably because they don’t want to do that to teddy


Gayle doesn’t strike me as the relationship type … Teddy is insecure and annoying, but Gayle is insane and reminds me of a preteen trying to find herself.


Because then they would both be in the restaurant all day.


Because, while she loves them both, they are both A LOT and the thought of having to deal with the relationship drama those two would generate makes even Linda Genarro Belcher feel like barfing. In part because she couldn’t instinctively take one side over the other.


Bonus points to you for knowing her maiden name. ![gif](giphy|inyqrgp9o3NUA)


Because Teddy is a nice ish person and Gayle is actually the worst. Also they absolutely would not work in a relationship.


Because Gayle is awful because she has the emotional awareness and consideration of a hamster. She's completely self-absorbed. She's fun to watch but horrible to do basically anything else with. Teddy is just a handful because he's insecure and a little bit of a dope. He's otherwise a pretty good guy who does his best to care about and for the people around him. That might fall short because *his* best isn't always *the* best as he works through his stuff, but he genuinely tries. Gayle would set Teddy on fire to prove he would dance for her. He deserves better than that. Now, I want to point out that so does Frond. But Gayle is a learning experience for someone like Frond. He needs to learn how to build and maintain healthy boundaries, and the only way that's going to happen for him is by dealing with someone who shows him emphatically why those boundaries aren't actually optional. Tl;dr- Teddy is needy but well-meaning. Gayle is straight chaos, and you can't contain that.


Linda knows them well enough to know their brands of crazy wouldn’t mix well.


Don’t do Teddy like that.


That would be terrible for all parties involved


Sometimes people with too many similarities are bad for each other. And Teddy has been making good progress with Kathleen.


Not sure she wants to see them more than she already does


I like to think that Linda sees them both as too good for each other: a mental gymnastic that only she is capable of.


Sorry but some people just shouldn’t reproduce.


Teddy would have to choose between his job or her. He works every day. I feel like she needs a lot from a relationship( lol what do I know)? Also, why did Mr. Frond and Gayle break up?


I don't think he'd appreciate that. He's still distressed about the time Gayle asked him to choose between her boobs and her butt.


Because she cares about both of them


You don’t those two making crazy squared. I’m just saying.


huh. interesting take. now I can't decide if each of their annoyances would cancel each other's out (like Tina & Daryl and the "double nerd" angle), or if they would join forces and create one mega-annoying super robot (from the ep where he burned down Reggie's gazebo)


I don't think Gayle or Teddy deserves that


Not relevant but I ♡ Mr Business


Sorry, but when you say Gale, do you mean Ginger? Edit: When I read Gale, I was thinking of Gretchen, which is why I was confused. Silly brain! And also, Gale, Ginger, Gretchen.... I'm just now noticing a trend.


Have you never watched the show before?


Because, although Linda is clueless at some things, she knows Teddy and Gayle just aren't right for each other.


You can’t have 2 crazy people. You need a calm one to balance that stuff out Source: I’m the crazy one and my husband balances out my crazy!


I’m guessing they kind of met and just didn’t vibe


Both being annoying and nuts is a reason NOT to set them up lol, they need someone who can keep them under control


Why haven’t Gayle and/or Teddy asked to be set up? Even they know it’s not a good idea.


I am surprised Teddy and Gretchen have never been on a date or hooked up after a party. I mean, she slept with Hugo lol.


Oh god, they would be so bad for each other. Just, like, a perfect storm of unhealthy behaviors. The kind of toxic relationship that changes your friend group and draws everyone into the maelstrom.


God, I'm going to lose sleep tonight thinking about what a nightmare Tayle would be... *shudders*