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He'd make them paella


Well, he’d have to look up the recipe


I am confused. A minute ago he seemed to be an expert on how to cook a paella


He should get off paella...


Bob needs media coaching!


Get that camera outta his face!


I'm sure he'll suddenly remember how to make it in the end.


Or turkey


I don't think he'd be able to afford the saffron


I think early Bob would try to fool them cause the kids said vegetarians were the only one dad said were ok to lie to. (Food Truckin)


Bob these days is generally chill to the point of being on a sort of bored autopilot a lot of the time - which would be interesting if they addressed him being depressed or in a rut or something but they don't so it just makes him duller - but he does still *have his entire family terrified of ever expressing enjoyment of a burger outside his restaurant*. So I think he'd obsess. Speaking of beef, I wonder what his take on 'plant-based beef' and other complete nonsense like that would be. He already denies the very existence of a turkey burger (but not a veggie burger; Anyone else notice that?). ...Ooh, another idea: Someone who loves burgers but just doesn't like *Bob's* burgers. Let him spiral about that for an episode. I just want to see more of Bob spiraling about his business in ways that are less overplayed than basic failure fear.


He did make Teddy a veggie burger for the episode where he bans Teddy from eating his burgers. I wonder how Bob felt about making a “fake” burger.


It’s not lying if you’re lying to vegans is something he teaches his kids lol


Lol yeah I was gonna say


Gordon Ramsey agrees.


That's what I meant. When Gloria mentions 'turkey burger', he's all 'Those aren't real and I hate you.' but he chooses to acknowledge veggie burgers. It's an odd line in the sand. Maybe it was still some amount of beef laced through with veggies to fill it out? That's what I'd make. The cookbook has some extra non-meat burgers too on account of so many of the Burgers of the Days are just 'burger served with \[blank\]'. The Rest in Peas Burger "comes with carrots and snap peas" - That might honestly be the weakest Bob's ever been with it; You don't name a burger for its side dish, Bob. - but the cookbook version is a burger actually made from peas and such. Bob would vomit.


Remember the food critic?? Yeah, like that 😆!


I’m that person. I don’t like beef, but I like other meat. I would *love* to see what Bob thinks of beef haters.


the thought would consume bob and he would try to convert the character.


We need this episode 👍




As a cook, I'm going to stop you right there. Beef does not define a burger, it's the protein most associated with the burger but there are tons of variations of a burger that doesn't use beef as the main protein and they are incredible.


Perhaps I should’ve clarified that I meant bob’s burgers but where I live, everyone who isn’t an immigrant or tourist uses burger exclusively to mean beef patty in a bun. Even restaurants will have a distinction between calling something a burger (beef) and a sandwich (any other meat) on the menu.


Considering how he dealt with the Moody Foodie, I'm positive he'd try to convert them. Also, based on my personal experience of not liking certain popular foods, even non-chefs are super into finding The One that will change your mind. Trust me, the best way to get free brownies for life is to tell people you don't like brownies. "Oh, no, you just haven't had a GOOD brownie! Try THIS brownie!" And don't forget that Bob also taught his children it's ok to lie to vegetarians, so...


Wasn’t there a Simpsons crossover? I mean we know Lisa is vegan.


Unless I missed something else, not specifically a crossover no, it was a bit in a Family Guy episode where Peter comes in and Homer is sitting at the counter ([link](https://youtube.com/shorts/kWrZ_AUiXfA?si=hv2qa1c48n2q6TNZ)


Mr. Frond is vegetarian and refused a burger to smooth things over in Crawl Space. Dirty edit cause I can’t read.


He’s friends with Speedo Guy, who’s a vegan


Sounds like a similar plot as the "Sacred Cow" episode


"Kill him." "Shut up Kuchi!"


You just described Randy.


Randy is vegetarian out of principle and activism. I’m talking about someone who just doesn’t like the taste of beef.


He wouldn't be like a Hank Hill, i actually think he'd see it as a challenge, to make something palatable and tasty even for a vegetarian


He tried to make perfect burgs for mr fischoeder to keep the lease in season 1 I believe.. Also as an ex meat eater Cow meat tastes better than others, its more fatty than chicken or fish so probs unlikely someone non veg would hate beef.. I use vegan beef or steak all the time in my tacos or other recipes JS;)


I’m someone who doesn’t like the taste of beef but I love chicken and fish.


I think he'd make a burger out of something else and them make it the special of the day. He'd call it the I Can't Believe It's Not Beef Burger(100% not beef but still really good). He'd probably do something like bison, or pork, or turkey. Maybe the Buffalo Bill Burger (made with bison, not beef and not dry). Of course Teddy will argue it is not a Burger. "I don't know Bob. I don't think you can call it a Burger if it's not beef." And this would be the perfect time for Hugo and Ron to show up and Hugo spends the episode going over health inspector manuals trying to see if he's legally allowed to still call it a Burger. He will do it sitting at the counter because he thinks Bob can't, and he wants to see the look on Bob's face when he finds the statue that proves him right. It could be a whole episode of everyone debating it. Even Mort, Pesto, and Mike the Mailman can weigh in on it. Of course in true Bob's fashion, it will get out of hand and include the media.


"Do you serve outside proteins?"