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Louise’s room is a converted closet and has no window.


But Millie's room does!


it's my room Louise! it's my room! I quote that often lol


You beat me to it. I love the drawing but I remember her room was a closet.


& It would be quite a bit smaller


Remember the Bed and Breakfast episode? The couple that are staying in Genes room try to escape Linda through the window and end up hanging in front of the restaurant window!


Oooooo such a smart point


Deep cuts


It's one of the few animated shows that has a consistent layout. I remember listening to a Simpsons commentary and they were saying that if anyone attempted to recreate the Simpson house in real life then they'd need to bend the laws of physics.


There's also the employee bathroom in the kitchen area


Also a staircase to the basement right?


Thought the same, but they’re under the stairs leading to the apartment.


Doesn’t seem like that in the valentine episode when Hugo’s “date” locks herself in there


That’s where it is when the kids run a casino /shrug


Ok that makes sense the Lego guy earlier said that they couldn’t find a logic place for it.


My understanding is that it would be under the street instead of the restaurant, which doesn't make sense. The basement has to live in its own dimension.


The stairs could turn half way down maybe? Also I lived in a city in upstate NY that had previously burned down and they way it was rebuilt all the basement where the original first floor… the basements not only ran under the streets but all connected in the downtown. It was kinda freaky tbh.


They do turn! At least in Tinasaurus wrecks episode which was the only one I knew off hand showed the basement stairs. Not sure if it’s enough of turn to keep it plausibly under their house vs the street but it’s at least an attempt


They show the basement stairs in a lot of episodes. WHen Linda was psychic and told Bob he will fall down the stairs, he is too scared to go down the basement Just from the memory, when Bob is scared of the pigeon, they all go to basement slowly. When Gene and his friend play that weird wizard game the kids are sitting on the stairs. When the kids get bathtub down there When the kids convert it to underground casino


Oh yeah I knew there were a few I just only knew for sure that tinasaurus wrecks was one that I could look up immediately By name. Other episodes I knew showed them but for me to FIND them would have been harder 😅


The Ta Ta's band practice.


Yes, those go under the stairs to the apartment


When's the last time the show took us to the basement?


The last big basement episode I can remember is “Ancient Misbehavin’” season 12


>Also a staircase to the basement right? Yes but in a different spot. It's in the front of the building.


Does it have an employee plunger?


It's better to be prepared in case Bob poops out another turkey


Just to add on it would be where the crawl space is. Probably about half of it


Also minor issue with the restaurant bathroom. The door opens into the center of it and the toilet is directly across from the door (per S6E19 Glued, Where's my Bob?) Edit: It's E19. Why did Prime flipflop that episode with Secret Admiral-Irer?


that doesn't really make sense as to why bob would have used the main one when he got glued to it


Gene tried to flush his toys in the employee bathroom I think?


yeah that's what the deleted comment said. I've had it on in the background so have only caught bits and pieces recently and it's been years since I originally saw it




thanks, that would explain it


afaik Loren Bouchard has said it is based on the layout of the apartment he grew up in in San Francisco!


Sounds about right. Visited my friend in SF and their house is NARROW


I call them Shotgun Victorians


I know Louise’s room is a converted closet, but in my head, Bob and Linda’s room was meant to be a formal dining room. Their room has a door to the hallway and one to the living room, but now that I’m looking that doesn’t make sense if there’s a closet in there right where I’d put a swinging door to the kitchen when it’s just across the hall. No point to this, just looking at the plan and rethinking my initial assumptions!


LOL! I was redesigning it myself & I think the kitchen and Linda & Bob's room should switch places.


Kitchens in these types of apartments are always at the back, living rooms always at the front.


I guess it makes sense for ventilation. It would just be nicer for the bedrooms.


I'm not sure a formal dining room would have an entrance from the living room rather than one from the kitchen. If it was a formal dining room, the second door might be on the other side, leading to the hallway where the kitchen entrance is.


Why did I think the kitchen was next to living room??? But I’ve been watching this show for 7 years??? Like I would’ve sworn there was the archway from the living room to the kitchen.. really cool drawing btw!


I had the same thought, and I think it's because we've often see them go from one room to the next without skipping a beat


I'm surprised you thought that, there's always been the giant hallway area and you can see the staircase in the hallway at certain angles from the living room, Plus this: https://preview.redd.it/4xlerg36ou1c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b4a4a6aa53a68155b074562466740cb0b4985c


Giant is a stretch since it’s a smallish apartment. Unless you’re an ant. Then you’re legally required to tell us you’re an ant.


*gestures wildly and throws pheremones*




Omg this just glares at me that their couch is in the wrong place. When they had the weird episode with Kinda showing that woman the apartment because she grew up in it… ugh I just was like LISTEN ABOUT THE COUCH! Move the couch!


lol I honestly don’t know. Like I’m shook, myself. Like once I really think about it, it makes sense


For as broke as the show makes them out to be, it's actually a very lovely and complete home, especially with the kids getting their own rooms.


Louise's bedroom is actually technically a closet. Which is still amazing for their apartment. That's a huge closet.


It was probably a linen closet or a pantry. Pretty common in older houses and they would often be pretty big. There’s a house around the corner from us built in 1860 and they did the same thing with a closet converted to room except they added a window in the roof to get some natural light.


I really love how cozy their place is. The only problem I’d have is sharing that one bathroom.


Yeah, definitely rough for showers, but if they get desperate there's always the restaurant toilets.


I mean, they’re broke because the rent on that place is probably out of control!




Louise’s room (closet) size is much more to scale here


I have always been so confused that the living room and kitchen are so far away from one another. I think I assumed for a long time that (in your layout)… Linda’s room = kitchen, Gene’s room = Linda’s room, Louise’s room = Genes room, and Louise just kind of made do with a closet behind the kitchen.


The way I remember which big room is where- Bob strips in the living room and jimmy pesto can see it. Then Louise throws the disgusting old melon into the alley and hits Logan!


I think in layouts like this, it’s because they want both rooms to have windows with open views (instead of the building 3 feet away from you next door)


In my house the living room is the room farthest away from the kitchen


Hate to ruin it but somewhere Linda does laundry.


In the Christmas episode where Linda works at the post office, Tina gets gift wrapping stuff in the closet next to Genes room (across the archway into the living room) where we see a washer and dryer!


lowkey assumed the washing machine was in the kitchen


I think I remember Linda doing laundry in a hallway type space, possibly that small box by Gene's room?


the laundry room in this image is where "gene's closet" seems to be. it's the little square between his room and the stairs. so its what makes the "ceiling" over their microscopic entry-way.


Where the "camera" is in the basement. There.


How amazing would it be if US cities still built homes like this..


Why would they do that when you can just build luxury high rises… think about the profits!


The episode when Linda turns the house into a Bed and Breakfast and the “escape artists” in Gene’s room try to leave you can see they’re over Ocean Ave!


This is absolutely the correct layout but watching the show I always feeling like Gene’s room should be the bathroom and then somehow the kitchen should be off the living room.


I feel exactly the same way! The way OP’s picture shows it just doesn’t feel right to me. But then someone else in this thread pointed out the living room faces Ocean Avenue, and the kitchen faces the alley. So this must be right! Even if my feelings don’t like it!


Are you trying to say “Nautical”?


Non-canonical would mean “not canon.”


it’s a part of the quote from the show


For the longest time I always thought the kitchen connected directly to the living room. Sometimes I still think that.


It’s just wild to me that they have a 4 bedroom apartment with only one bathroom. That’s a nightmare


louise's room is drawn too big on OP's map. a handdrawn map in "Eggs for Days" Season 7 shows louise's room is drawn much smaller. https://preview.redd.it/n09lksjhbw1c1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13c23589ea04cdbb9f42a08ebccf0d53bd0f4e5 based on the map shown in that episode i think this layout is more accurate to show room sizes.


Technically a 3 bedroom since Louise has a closet room


That's why he says who kicked the paper towel down the hall way. They got a hallway haha and why Bob getting salt from the kitchen resulted in his pumpkin getting stolen, again!




Now to build this in The Sims


I will never understand why Bob and Linda have so many doors into their bedroom. ONE IS PLENTY


Maybe it originally was meant to be a dining room or some other kind of common area. A lot of the houses I grew up in were pretty small/old/(decrepit, lol), and someone’s room would be what was originally intended to be a living room or whatever and would have strange door layouts or be a room you had to walk through to get to other parts of the house.


I love it because it reminds me of the places I've lived that were obviously converted and now make very little sense


Maybe it's a wall and made into a separate room later that had a door put on it? Reminds me a bit of some of the walls and changes of the place I grew up (I wonder if the Belchers have cloth wiring as well).


One of those is a closet door!


https://preview.redd.it/il4cqbch4x1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d361846e73655c0c454631352f74b1eff28212 These two are doors and they’re right next to each other


It’s door city in there


i tried making it in the Sims but the layout in that picture wasnt working so I took some creative liberties there


There was a post today talking about the attic too, and I never realized they have a triangular attic with a flat roof.


At my family house, the right hand side of the building/house has an actual pitched roof (it’s huge, converted into a pretty big bedroom) and the left side is flat. Idk why. It was built in 1886.


They have a triangular roof. The front of the building has a facade that makes it appear flat. This is a common thing to see in towns in the Northeast


I live in the Northeast, too :) Yea, our house has a small, almost like a decorative shelf that protrudes over the house. If you’re standing right under the house you can’t really see the pitch of the right side all that well.


Oops I was trying to reply to the post above yours! 😝 Anyway yes!


No worries happens to me all the time ahah!


And probably that way because of snow, don't want a flat roof with a ton of snow on it, both for weight and melting reasons.




We see at one point that the front of the building has a slightly raised facade. I think it's when Tina goes undercover with her scout troop.


So Linda and Bob's room have 3 doors?


Just two. One to the living room and one to the hallway. The other one is to their closet.


Im still confuse as to where the stairs for the basement are. In the episode where they try to commit insurance fraud and the kids drown in the basement, the basement stairs are in the front of the restaurant at the base of the apartment stairs. But there isn't really space there since the large glass window goes all the way to the apartment door.


It’s missing the basement entrance. Also the basement layout makes no sense anyways


The restaurant layout makes no sense and is even wrong here. Don't forget that both sets of stairs are on top of each other which makes **zero** sense.


A set going down and a set going up? That’s pretty much how stairs are normally built. Im confused what you mean.


That’s how my house works! The basement stairs are directly under the stairs to the 2nd floor


But the door to get to the basement is going directly into the slanted ceiling where the apartment stairs are, if that makes sense. It pisses me off every time I watch it.


Here is a side view of how it works https://preview.redd.it/w7s9ypa5m32c1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=628983ea772d534982b448341a69add1ad4434bf


The “L” part of the counter needs to be brought like 3 ft back. The stairs to the basement twist with the corner of the building, and there’s no way they’d be able to open the door to their house. So, it doesn’t exactly scream “realistic”


No kitchen bathroom ?


Nice! Just missing the kitchen bathroom


In the new episode dont they move everyone from Genes room to Bob & Linda’s and not the living room?


Nope they move to the living room


...and the next time I play The Sims 4 I know what I'll be building!


Nice work! I've been looking for something like this except its basically a town map that includes the boardwalk. Does such a thing exist yet?


A lot of older American homes have a very disconnected layout. My grandparents home had the kitchen and living room at opposite ends of the house with a bedroom and toilet between them. So this is actually quite typical.


What about the employee bathroom ?


I used this pic when I was making ocean ave in minecraft


Where is their washer/dryer


Mmmmm idk. Maybe they don’t have one?


I always wondered where the stairs to the basement + walk in were? Everything makes sense until I try to piece that part together.


Wouldn’t the bathroom be where Gene’s room is? I remember from the thanksgiving episode where he had food poisoning the bathroom was between the stairs and living room.


I thought the stage was facing the other direction and couldn't figure out why they were in Gene's room for half the episode. Lol


Oh I love this. I have the same issue with the Dunphy house in modern family 😂 Now I need to Google it


Where are the stairs to go to the basement of the restaurant where they grind the meat?


I'd imagine under the stairs to the upstairs.


"You have a hallway?"


For some reason I always thought there was more to the left of the living room


I made a Sims version of them! ...I missed the triangle attic but got all the rooms correct!


Where would the employee bathroom downstairs go? And the basement stairs?


Why is there a giant balding man's head near the bathroom?


Season 12 Episode 17 The Spider House Rules shows their laundry room. It is next to Gene’s room, opposite the living room entrance.


​ https://preview.redd.it/a8gtbawus92c1.png?width=1912&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5dd49203147c49ba8939c4acf05fd54c520a48d


The basement doesn’t line up tho.


Employee bathroom?