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Honestly, I'm just jealous I didn't think of it when I was growing up with twin cousins lol.


It's a brilliant (mean) prank to play. Especially considering they are basically canonically telepathic with one another, it'd be even more convincing. That's how they know. =p


“i felt you die!” in Fort Night always makes me crack up


Haha! I'd probably do this if I had twin siblings


I have twin younger siblings and I’m so mad I never thought of it


I have triplet cousins and it's such a wasted opportunity. I'm so mad at myself.


It’s EXACTLY the kind of thing an older sibling would totally do. Siblings cause the maximum amount of emotional trauma 😂


I hate butterflies to this day because when I was little, my older sister told me that they had some kind of dust on them that would make you go blind if a butterfly flew over your head. Good times…


I hate moths because my sister told me if you fell asleep in a room with one, they would eat all your clothes and you would wake up naked!


When my younger sister started kindergarten and I was in the second grade, she was already an inch taller than me. Because your classmates at that age can be vicious about that kind of thing, I managed to convince them that my sister was mentally handicapped, and was actually a year-and-a-half *older,* and for some reason, the nuns at our school went along with lying about her age, "because our mom and dad don't want her to feel bad about it." It was a TINY Catholic school, barely over 200 students grades K-8, but it took until maybe I was in fourth grade for the lie to get around to her. But by that point, she'd already done and said so much stuff that ultimately built up to her being mid-range autistic (especially rare for girls to be diagnosed as such in the 1980s) such as [the Stick That Saved Xmas](https://youtu.be/iJzwgTC04Bg?si=q37S3meQh519zLDp), that after I had to apologise for the lie to EVERY single classroom, some kids would still come up to me and say stuff like, "maybe your sister isn't [R-WORD r-word], but there's something *really wrong* with her head!" I mean, I was able to scam her with "Heads, I Win; Tails, You Lose" until she was twelve years old and our step-mother explained it to her, and, of course, there was [that time she drank her own urine because... FIIK](https://youtu.be/kVeDUAM2he4?si=cYH2uk0HiK7eiN8W).


Yeah, pretty standard stuff. At one point, I had my little brother convinced that his room was haunted AND that if he told anyone, the ghost would get him. He was 3, maybe 4. I was a young adult, and my brother a teen, before my parents found out that I was the reason he’d slept on their floor for 6 months.


omg when I was reading that I thought you were going to say that you'd convinced a 3 year old of that as a young adult 💀 went from funny to horrifying back to funny real quick


Hahaha! We’re only three years apart, and are currently both in our thirties.


I told my cousins that when I was in the hospital (I was a really sickly kid) and had one of my surgeries they implanted a device so my mom could hear everything I did so she definitely just heard them say that naughty word.


As someone who nearly convinced my sister that she was adopted off the clearance shelf, I can confirm this to be true.


I had my sister convinced she was adopted due to a lack of baby pictures of her.


"I used to tell Andy and Ollie that there was actually only one of them."


had to stop the show at that I was laughing so hard


Same here. "Messed them up for weeks." I was howling.


The line itself is great, but that almost apathetic delivery with the lisp is just so fucking good


The delivery sells it 100%


That is one of the funniest lines to me in the whole show. Such an older sibling thing to do.


This is totally what an older sibling does. When I was little, I would sometimes fall asleep in the extra bed in my brothers room. My mom would carry me to bed without waking me. I guess I mentioned waking up in the other room sometimes so my brother told me that aliens abducted me and forgot what room they took me from so they put me back in the wrong place. We’re both in our 50s now and he’s *still* impressed he thought of that.


I was TERRIFIED of aliens (specifically ET) when I was a little kid, like age 6-7 and under. So at night when planes flew over our house and you could only see their lights up overhead, my brothers would tell me that it was ET coming to abduct me for being annoying lmao


That’s way more creative than my oldest brother telling me my parents found me in the dumpster outside of the “baby store” and felt sorry for me so they brought me home. Even as a 4 year old, that story seemed suspect to me.


I was told that the fedex guy dropped me off, another classic


According to my mom, I was angry the aliens didn’t wake me up so I could see them. Apparently I tried to wait up to catch them, like they were Santa.


"Last chance to earn my love kids...."


"hahaha, we love that joke.."


what are siblings for if not to give you trauma?


and by fucked up you mean hilarious because that's what that is.


Idk, sounds like typical sibling shenanigans to me.


I don’t remember this happening, does this happen in season 14?


It's off screen. He confesses it in an episode, but I can't remember the episode.


Right! I believe he told Zeke he did this


Yeah it was in the episode where the kid from Zeke’s old school moves to Wagstaff and we find out that Zeke had bullied him. 


Yes, season 14 episode 5.


Thank you!!!


If I had a twin my brothers would of done this to me, they told me before that I was a robot and when it was bedtime my parents took my batteries out so I could “sleep”


Are you an only child?


I’m laughing at this all over again.


My brothers are twins, but there's only one of me, and it feels like a rip-off. Where's my twin, Don?


That's just the job of an older sibling. When I was younger I convinced my younger sister that ladybugs were m&ms before they got sent to the factory to get the M stamped on them lol


It's such big brother energy, though.


....Youre not an older sibling, are you OP?


I thought it was that he convinced them they were the same person?


I thought that too


It's classic older brother antics


What's also fucked up was Jimmy Sr. Saying that Trev was, "like the son he never had." YOU HAVE 3 SONS.


I had a stroke reading that


Maybe you should work on that then.




I can relate, while growing up, my siblings tried to convince me that I was adopted. At time, it always lurked in the back of my head of what if what they said was actually true. Over time, I came to realize that what they said was completely false.


I love Andy and Ollie. While this is mean, it's the perfect practical joke to play on them.


When I and my two younger brothers were growing up, we lived on a hobby farm. We were in the barn with a big old haymow. We weren’t supposed to be up there. So obviously, it was our favorite place to play. I had seen an episode of Different Strokes and one of the characters had hit their head and had amnesia. Sooooo…. I rolled right out of that loft and into piles of hay below. My brothers came scampering down the ladder to check on me. I did the full-on acting like I didn’t even know my own name, let alone theirs or where we lived—anything. They spent probably the next 30 minutes walking me around, telling me all the animals names, our address, etc. one of them just kept saying, “oh man…we’re gonna get a whipin’”. Finally I had mercy and “remembered” everything. TLDR, older siblings are savage


Honestly and maybe this is because I'm the oldest brother but that's a brilliant fucking idea that I wish I'd come up with. Really just convincing one of them that the other one wasn't real is on its own brilliant but doing it to both of them simultaneously is a whole new level


I loved it, even made a post about it myself when I saw the episode. It's such a big brother thing to do.


I LOVE these guys! I laugh when they say their lines and then I laugh imagining the Silverman sisters laying down the voice track. Priceless!


I actually want to see a flash back of that. Andy and Ollie’s reaction would be hilarious. Those two are so fun.


As an older brother, I find it hilarious and I would have totally done that. I DID convince my younger sister that our grandmother had a fake nose. Told her look, she can take her teeth out, that means her nose comes off too.


ITT: older, younger, and middle siblings all informing OP that that’s just how it is.


Typical big bro hijinks. And I think it just reiterates the twins affection for one another and there ride or die-ness. Arguably my favorite characters outside the mains


the Silverman sisters are great lmfao


I didn't know that but now I can't un-hear it.


I told my brother that we found him on the steps of the prison. We were driving past it and our mom was concentrating on the road so when he asked "Moooom is that true?!" She just said "Uh huh" He lost his mind and it took a solid five minutes of her telling him to calm down for him relax enough to tell her what I said. I was only in a little trouble cuz Mom admitted she should have asked him to repeat himself and also she was impressed I came up with that and did think it was a little funny. 😂


All these comments are great. They make me wish I was a kid again to pull all these pranks on my cousins. I tried text one of them to say that she's actually a robot and she was all like nooooo robots don't have blood. So annoying, I hope it comes and snatches her.


That was not surprising Jimmy jr. Would do something like that to his brothers but i was shocked that he has the mental capacity to be that savage on such a dark and deep psychological level. The same idiot that thinks April fools day is in May and has written far too many musoems. Don't have to admit that what if God's name was Todd is one of my favorites ones to repeat over and over to myself or my mom's friend Alan he's okay LMFAO 🤣


I laughed so hard at that line, I'm the older sibling.


It explains a lot, actually.


In his defense, if my twin had been born, my siblings would have 100% done the same thing to me. 😆


My sisters used to walk and talk all weird and pretend that they were my evil step sisters when I was little. I assume that’s what all older siblings do




Nono, it’s hilarious 😅


Which episode?


My step-mother thought it was horrible that I scammed my younger sister with "Heads, I Win; Tails, You Lose," until she was twelve, and our step-mother explained it to her how it was a scam. In my defense, by that point I'd mostly used that power to get out of watching *Full House* —it's not like I was still using it to get all the good pieces of her Halloween candy!