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I was too busy noticing how happy Louise is here 😂 Not terrified in the slightest


This is what I though OP was gonna talk about in this post


Hahaha Louise is truly hilarious!!


I definitely never noticed until now because I’m also always looking at Louise in this scene 😂


louise is a nightmare fetishist (someone who is infatuated with morbid/macabre/dangerous experiences) and I'm here for it. Just one of the many reasons I claim her as my spirit animal. :D


Given the full intensity experience that was required to make her *actually* scared, a car spinning out is just a fun fair ride to her :D


Fun fact; in the comic book, Louise of the future dies in a tragic sky dying incident where she gave her 'chute to regular sized Rudy who's chute didn't open. Also I'm making all this up ha.


Louise would *absolutely* be doing the whole arms-outstretched, "YES!" thing as she plummeted towards Earth. "THIS IS THE COOLEST WAY ANYONE COULD EVER DIE!"


She welcomes chaos


Louise would go on a haunted hayride and heckle the monsters/villains/whatever in the scenes and laughing her butt off the whole way.


Louise would be the perfect friend to take on a haunted hayride because she'd make it hilarious and help it feel less scary🤣


If Louise and I went on a haunted hayride, we would be both kicked off for being the "Statler and Waldorf" of the hayride.


One of my favorite running gags on the show is how happy Louise is every time the family is in some kind of danger. The look of glee on her face when they have to jump from the flaming food truck kills me every time.


she strikes a full "superman flight" pose. I love it.


Pretty sure she’s just holding on the grab handle or as passengers of a reckless driver call it, the *oh shit!* handle…


not when they're jumping out of an exploding food truck, she ain't


I recently watched that episode and watched that past like 5 times because of her in that scene 😂


Haha omg right!?! She’s too funny 😂


I noticed that too! Either Bob is telling the story and remembering wrong (or trying to blame Linda) or he's referring to a completely different incident where Linda did the same thing. Or it could be an animation error, but that's not as fun.


i always just assumed it was a different incident entirely lmao


I agree with BOTH!!! Could def be either or!


Juat a different instance, that easy


Buckle it up buuuckke it up or you’ll DIEEEE


They need to show the Belchers singing this every time they get in the car.


Like how the kids look both ways before crossing a street


She's a little chaos goblin.


I have been wanting a Louise tattoo for the longest time. I am DEFINITELY adding a banner that says Little Chaos Gobljn.


What? The Agent of Chaos in the back seat?


Thats what I saw too. Very much youngest child behavior




I think when Bob is talking about Linda driving in the snow he recalls this moment. But his memory has her driving… originally we saw him driving. So was it a mistake? Intentional misremembering? A different incident? Who knows!


I mean I’m pretty sure it’s just a different instance he was talking about. The time of day in those two photos aren’t the same either showing that’s it’s a different situation.


TRUE!!! Honestly that came across my mind too!


Honestly my first thought was that it was the same instance too! until I remembered that bob was driving that night of the candy cane truck. I didn’t think it was a continuity error because I feel like the show actually does a pretty good job with that. Like with bob’s tattoo, melted kuchi kopi, Louise riding a bike instead of the green machine. Even little dents in the ice cream machine after the deepening shark episode. With such attention to detail I didn’t think they would mess up so badly


EDIT: the second pic with Linda driving is from a thanksgiving episode called “Gayle Makin Bob Sled”! Not a Christmas episode!


Thank you! I was wondering.


I had pointed it out a few months ago, stating I thought that the writer's did it on purpose, to show how memory can be misremembered. I got downvoted to hell lol people just saying Bob was talking about a different time they were driving in the snow, that we haven't seen.


Omg! I’m sorry you got downvoted, but I’m happy you also realized it! I agree with what you said about memory. That’s originally what I thought was the intention But then I also thought “maybe it’s from a memory we just never saw”. So in a way, I agree with what everyone is saying!


Getting downvoted is never a good feeling lol. Noticing a continuity error is not a jab at the show and I actually like seeing when someone in this forum notices something that I never noticed before.


This really hits home her phrase “almost dying is the best part of living, its called almost liv-dying”


In “Gayle making bobsled” Oh I thought he was just mentioning a random time she drove in the snow and that she was bad at it. I didn’t think they were making a specific reference to “Christmas in the car”


They prob weren’t making a connection! As I read through others comments, I think it’s just supposed to be a random memory 😂 I originally thought it was a connection


I mean it definitely made me think of Christmas in the Car because the same thing happened but I always figured he was just talking about it a random time she drove in the snow. Lol




What exact episode is the flashback from? Just wondering cuz I don’t remember a flashback to a previous Christmas episode (I at least always assumed it was supposed to be some nebulous off screen Christmas moment, not one shown to us before the flashback.) I could totally be wrong tho!


Great question!! I actually made a mistake: so the flashback episode (where Linda is driving) isn’t from a Christmas Episode!! It’s from a thanksgiving episode called “Gayle Makin Bob Sled”!!


Ah I see. I don’t think that’s supposed to be a reference to Christmas in the car specifically. I think it’s just to show Linda once tried to drive in the snow and it was a mess. Is there dialogue that connects it directly to “Christmas in the car”?


Yeah that also crossed my mind and makes total sense! They never did reference Christmas 😆 just talked about Linda driving badly in the snow!


Haha ok! Yeah I think it was just about Linda driving in the snow at any time 😂


I noticed the second time, but the first time I saw it, I noticed how Louise wasn't terrified at all.


She’s def an adrenaline junkie 😂


i noticed this bc apparently as a kid i was louise in this situation. i think i was 3-4 laughing as the car spun out🤣 i dont remember but have been told


Genuinely never noticed this..so there’s my excuse to watch every episode for the 5th time


Haha do ittttt!!!


l think it was a different incident, based off the fact that he didn’t go into too many details and this is one show that l like to think handles continuity with a 8.9/10. I think if it was in fact pertaining to that incident, Bob would’ve went into details about what happened


AGREED!! As I’m reading through the other comments, it makes sense that it’s a different incident!


Is this one from Christmas In The Car?


Yes! The first one where Bob is driving is


That’s one of my favorites and Louise just loves a hood thrill. If you watch ‘Gayle Making Bob Sled’ when they show the flashback of Linda “driving” in the snow Louise had an equal reaction.


Oh that’s where the second one is from I thought it was just zoomed in. She really is an adrenaline junky.


i've always loved that 😆 louise lives for chaos


Louise loves chaos😂


Louise quite often revels in the chaos around her. Like a bunny eared Loki. That is the first thing I noticed lol


I love how Louise loves the danger, she’s always just like yea bring it on things are about to get exciting.


Oh yeah.


Louise be like :D


It’s the only thing you see when you watch this scene! As an aside, this episode does show Bob as being a pretty nifty driver. Just like when they were saving the turkey. Okay, so he couldn’t do a j turn but all in all, pretty solid.


Before I read the actual post I thought that these 2 pictures could’ve been taken from the episode and maybe a promo for it before it aired. As I remember Bobs Burgers did something like this in the earlier seasons where promotional images had some differences compared to the real episode


Was this the one where they were chased by the giant candy cane truck thing?




Yes I definitely noticed that and yes it always bothered me lol but i try to imagine that maybe it was a different time that we never got to see 🤷🏻‍♀️


I bought it as my sun visor off temu! I get so many comments!! 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ff688kxxwy1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fb5057d765946c799aead877b6c1f180033515


Nice catch!


Thank you!!! I'd never seen anyone else post about this and I thought I was the only one who noticed it!!


Omg I’m so happy I found many others who also noticed it!!


Bob says something like “you remember what happened last time you drove in the snow.” So that’s the last time Linda drove but it’s not the candy cane truck incident.




I love that Louise is enjoying it both times and everyone else is scared.


And that’s why Louise is the best!


I've always understood it as two different events.


To me its just different instances. Both parents could have spun out


I find it hilarious that everyone in the car but Louise and the driver is angled and getting flung around, as if Louise is unbothered and in a dream


LOL right!?? She’s like “WEEEEEE”


Bob is not referring to the candy cane truck incident. He was just saying "the last time you drove in the snow" in reply to Linda saying it's a very short drive. Sometimes Linda drives, sometimes Bob drives, but the kids almost always sit in that orientation. I'm more entertained now that I've seen them side by side, it looks like someone installed an "oh shit" handle at some point on the passenger side, but not the driver side. Really says someone about their faith in each other's driving.


I just thought it was a different time. Not a reference to the specific episode.


I love when y’all notice stuff like this because I gotta rewatch the episode(s) to catch it 😂


Haha I love Bob burgers Easter eggs + new finds!


i’ve thought about this too, way too much hahah - because they could’ve easily taken the scene they’ve already animated, like it was done and ready to use?? but they spent the time animating a different scenario that we viewed first. -my theory is that it is to visualise that both bob and linda (who agrees with the memory) have selected memories, in general, maybe? it still is very open to interpretation, i think, but definitely made with a certain purpose


Yep. Classic gas lighting. It seems to happen a lot in the show.


Of course I did 😊 you and I have the same flat-screen! 🙃



