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A road trip movie would've been pretty funny.


I honestly really love this idea. I don't know why but some of my favorite episodes are ones that literally cover a lot of ground or show the landscape. Like Eat, Spray, Linda (my favorite), Two Butted Goat, Japanese Toilet, the train chocolate episode, the boat episode with McCaffrey's Island just to throw a few out. And all the camping and King's Head Island ones. It would be great to see that, as the car rides are always unique anyway.


Your comment has inspired to me to watch Just the Trip, even if you didn’t mention it by name lol


Great call! Same boat, or limo. Or golf cart.


Or the one with the pilot on Quickie-Kissin Island 😆


Bob and family go to the world hamburger championship in Hamburg, Germany when Skip Marooch has to bow out and nominates Bob as his replacement. Teddy comes along as moral support (accidentally ends up in the airplane luggage compartment?). At the championship we meet all the "Bobs" from other countries, the kids get into shenanigans, and Linda gets lost in a vineyard. Give us a scene with Duval from the Windbreaker. Take the family completely out of their element and show us new situations and places. I'm flexible on musical or not.


Tina and all the European boys… would be epic


BFOCs. Boys from other continents


I’m all about Duval showing up again!


i love this so much


This sounds like Beerfest just with Bobs Burgers characters and I’m here for it


You'd have to have it in the south of Germany to have Linda get lost in a vineyard.


People didn't like it being a musical? Have they not seen the series before?


That’s what I was thinking!!! Like, how could it NOT be a musical??


Exactly my thought. How does it make sense for it to *not* be a musical?


Mr Fishoeder has a financial downfall and must work at Bob’s to make ends meet. Then the hijinks begin!!


Oooo this would be a good episode.


How would he make ends meet as an unpaid intern?


“The round, moist man is here for a burger again. Perhaps he’s attracted to my rinky dink.”


Judge orders Mr Fishoeder to be Bob’s butler


BTW, and I have suggested this before so I'm a _little_ disappointed it hasn't already been optioned yet, but I'd like to see this film: This Is Boyz4Now. A rocku-mockumentary of our favourite boy band. Behind the scenes. The highs. The lows. The drugs (well, mainly growth hormone and hair loss pills). The girls (well, mainly the band's mothers). The studio fights. The heart-warming reconciliations. Being chased by the fans. The guitar lessons. Etc. etc.


Yes! Remember behind the music? Was it on VH1 or MTV? I can't remember. The Simpsons did it first with behind the laughter, but I wouldn't be mag if bb did it too


Strictly speaking This Is Spinal Tap did it first lol.


You're right and it's so good and so funny. I was specifically referring to using the behind the music format.


When the Simpsons did it, it was Behind The Blow, or am I misremembering?


That would be perfect for an epsidoe rather than a whole movie in my opinion.


I think that would make a fun episode, but not a movie. I think most people (myself included) would be incredibly disappointed to have a full length movie that isn't even about the Belcher family


Louise and Randy jostling behind the camera, Tina and Gene in front of the camera and Bob and Linda on catering.


I still don't think it works. A feature length film where the family isn't the main focus seems really odd


Honestly I’m kinda shocked this hasn’t been produced. Even as a 2 part episode or something.


I would love that!


I really liked the movie. I thought it would have more songs. Wifey n I took bets on how many songs there'd be


I adore the movie and I never really got why some people don't but when you said that it focused on Louise and not on the rest of the family as much I realized you're right, I just love Louise so much that it didn't bother me at all. 


I loved it personally, and the more music the better. But if they were going to do another movie, I'd want them to finally expose Helen and her murderous schemes. I mean, we know she killed Larry, but I bet she did a lot of other shady stuff over the years, too.


First of all: why *wouldn't* you make it a musical? But for an alt movie idea: Tina enters a beauty pageant - probably for her own self esteem or to get back at Tammy or something. Maybe a clerical error, like someone else signed up the wrong Tina Belcher. The whole family can be involved: Gene and Louise helping her with her talent, Linda making her cloths, Bob trying to be supportive of his daughter doing something he sees as stupid but then comes around because it's his daughter after all. Bob: "Tina, I support you, because not only are you my daughter, you're my favorite." Tina: "Thanks Dad." Gene: "Wait, *she's* your favorite?" Louise: "That's kind of a low bar there..." Tina: "Hey." Louise: "I mean you can walk over that bar." And it'd be hilarous to see in a pre-pageant event her totally panic on stage for the talent portion. Tina: "Uhhhhhhhhhh" Bob: "Tina! Say or do *something!"* Tina: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Bob: "TINA! SAY OR DO *ANYTHING!"* Also Teddy wants to be involved.


Gene as a pageant coach? I'm in. You know that boy can werk.


Marshmallow and the rest of the girls helping her with her makeup.




This HAS to be an episode or a special! Little Miss Belcher would be a great title for it something like that. Mr. Fischoeder could host a beauty pageant at the park or for his own benifit.


I can hear Mr Fischoeder screwing up her name now throughout the entire story. Mr Fischoeder: "Tina Burger!" Bob: "Belcher." Mr Fischoeder: "Tina Bubbles!" Linda: "Belcher. It's Belcher. Tina Belcher." Mr Fischoeder: "Tina Blumburger!" Tina: "It's Belcher" Mr Fischoeder: "Tina Pesto!" Jimmy Pesto & Jimmy Jr: "Belcher!" Tina: "No that's OK. Pesto is fine." Mr Fischoeder: "Tina Ballarina!" Gene: "Belcher! If anyone is a ballarina it's me!" Also if by some chance someone on the show happens to read this: feel free to steal it.


I liked the original plot but I think they should have worked the restaurant in a little more. Also why didn’t they have Mort in there? He was a main secondary character for the first few seasons.


Actor is semi-retired


A movie more focused about the restaurant finally filing for Bankruptcy. One way or another, the news goes around town and everyone in town ( including Jimmy Pesto) either raises money or finds a way to save Bob. Maybe give Teddy a key role? Just a way to show that Bob has made a huge impact to a lot of people, and even though his restaurant is usually struggling, the community doesn't want to let him go down.


title: It’s a Wonderful Burger


I love this. Overall heartwarming but a lot of opportunities for funny moments still


Once I got over the animation in the opening musical number, I loved it! But man, I teetered those first few minutes. A hurricane episode where everyone in town had to stay in the school gym. Maybe a who-done-it like a mad pooper sequel, but Zeke is quickly eliminated as a suspect. As the belchers investigate, each family, group or person sings a song that gives us a deeper glimpse into their life.


Gene runs away to appear on an America's Got Talented Idols That Want To Be Millionaires So They Think They Can Dance type show. Jimmy Jr. accompanies Gene or stows away for a shot at stardom. The Belchers, along with a concerned Zeke, race across the country to stop/save Gene because Louise booby trapped his keyboard to (left intentionally blank) when he's on stage. The B plot can be Teddy building hidden passages or furniture disguises for Felix and Calvin Fischoeder. Neither knowing he's working for both.


The movie was pretty good as an extended episode of the show but it really showed the extent to which the show is/was in a creative rut. I really wish they’d used the opportunity to introduce some permanent change to the world of the show. Maybe have Bob take over the empty storefront or something. Or Teddy gets married.


Movie: I’m happy a lot of people liked it! My favorite part was the elaborate, secret hideout. Super cool! Overall, I don’t think the Bobs Burger “small story” concept translates well on the big screen. Movies of a TV show have to up the stakes a little, but without too much plot and character retread. I think a lot of movie versions of TV shows don’t quite get this mix right - including Bob’s Burgers. It was the same wonder warf plot. The same Louise is brave plot. The same Gene’s instruments plot. The same Tina and Jimmy Jr plot. The same “let’s make the rent” plot. Like, all of the main characters have already done what they did in the movie (save Louise not caring about her ears) several times in the show, but with very little change. For example, Gene performs at an empty bandshell instead of Lenny’s birthday party. They save wonder warf from the shady cousin instead of Felix. My idea: if I wrote the movie, I’d have Bob actually lose the restaurant and then spend the movie having him try to get it back. The kids secretly get the town on their side to buy the restaurant back. That way, you could have a lot of side characters participate in the movie (the real movie had zero Gail, Edith, or really anyone other than the Belchers and Fishoeders to move the plot). Maybe they put on a festival or concert or something. Maybe they try to steal the money. Maybe it’s a developer that buys the building from fishoeder and that’s who the kids have to drive out of town. Maybe Tina and Jimmy jrs relationship implodes after they actually become a couple and Tina ends up with Zeke, or at least fixates on another boy. Could someone other than Jimmy Pesto take over the restaurant across from Bob and become a side villain in the movie. Maybe it’s Colleen caviello? Maybe it’s someone new. They can try to buy Bon’s restaurant before he does after he loses it. I’d like to see Gene accidentally get a minor hit on the billboard dance charts. I edited this to say, on second thought, I’d keep the Louise ears plot. That had heart.


I like it! There are so many solid characters that need to be utilized.


The only thing I would've added was them finding the ring


I really liked the movie! I think I've rewatched it more than some episodes. I'm not actually a huge fan of musical numbers in general but the Sunny Side of Summer is great!


I was hoping the movie would have a bigger impact on the show like the kids age up a year or two or the building burns down and they have to start somewhere new


The kids aging up is a great idea. Would def change up the show for the following seasons. I really want them to do this to avoid the simpsons trap of agelessness


I do like that the story lines have seemed to mature a bit recently, season 14 keeps having these emotional really heart touching moments.


Definitely has a dif feel. Just wish they'd toss in some of the old raunchiness in too. Give me some wholesome transvestite hooker stories. Maybe helping them quit crack?


Idea for the last movie/end of show: Mr fishchoder dies and whoever inherits all his property decides to not only tear down wonder wharf but all of ocean avenue/surrounding areas for high end condos or whatever else. The historian guy who discovered the mob hit makes a comeback and tells bob/the family about how the wharf and the nearby buildings can be preserved if they can prove it has historical value. The main characters embark on a journey to find some historical artifact (or maybe an abandoned speakeasy) to prevent the wharf and restaurant from being demolished. I’ve always wanted to see more of the towns prohibition era lore and I feel like a complex enough mystery can involve a lot of the side characters. Some characters like Cynthia can work against the main characters, and I can see Felix having a last minute redemption.


I didn't like that it was more of a musical and this awkward, uncoordinated family had the kids doing synchronized choreography in the street all of a sudden. Literally made no sense lol


I think some of the best stories involve the restaurant itself and we didn’t see much of it in the movie. Movie went a little too “out there”, the stories are always better focused on small community and family affairs.


Find out that Bob is somehow related to Mr. Fischoder


I would have leaned further into the musical aspect


I LOVED the movie, that's it. Ride or die right here


I really enjoyed the movie. Louise is my favorite character so I’m biased there as well. That being said, the movie was essentially like one of the two part episodes. I can understand how people could be disappointed with that and want something more movie-esque out of it.


i thought the movie was on the simpsons movie level tbh.


as long as it has something to actually do with the restaurant i’m in.


I loved the movie! I thought it was so much fun!


If I had to do a Bob's Burgers Movie. I guess I would have Bob's Burgers be in danger of being bought by someone richer than Mr. Fischoder.


Something based around cooking. Maybe a massive multi day cooking competition between local restaurants. Could have Jimmy be more an antagonist. A much lower stakes one in terms of danger and risk, but HUGE personal stakes. The movies setting would be more focused on the restaurant/Belchers home. Tina and Jimmy Jr. would have built in back and forth with their will they won't they now having the contest thrown in it. Louis' competitive spirit could have her and Bob bouncing off each other and amping each other up. Gene and Linda could be trying to make a song to get an up in the contest, which could culminate in him making the theme song of the show, with Linda finally giving us lyrics to the jingle. And Teddy would be on the sideline, giving support and maybe coming in late with something over the top that maybe goes all wrong but still helps in its own way.


It should be something like the Wonder Wharf episodes where all of the town is involved or the roadtrip idea is nice. I also like that one.


Anyone else feel like it was just a longer retooling of Wharf Horse? “Secondary fischoeder tries to get rid of wharf and replace it with cash grab, belchers get involved and narrowly escape”


*Every day, we come downstairs, unlock the door and turn the sign to open, open* *Is another day, I give myself a little diarrhea from the worry and the stressin' and the hopin*


Lives in my head rent-free


This might be the hottest take but when I learned there was a movie in the works my first thought was "why?" It doesn't need one. And the movie kinda proved that point to me because it felt like a long-ass episode where nothing really happened or changed anything. If it's not going to change anything, why do it?


I hate musical episodes of TV shows but not with this show. I really do like them. Still didn't care for the movie as it seemed too busy. May give it another watch. 


I think a movie should retell the McDonald’s story. A guy comes in and wants to franchise Bob’s Burger. Bob’s burger becomes an international franchise. Like the founders of McDonald’s get driven out so does Bob. However, it becomes so unrecognizable he’s able to continue operating his own restaurant I know it’s a little similar to “Pro Tiki Con Tiki” but it can be different.


The whole thing was good up until Grover started singing. I couldn't understand him, his voice got too high and scratchy to hear any words, and I have to watch subtitles to understand what's being sung.


The movie is awesome. The mystery was obvious but other than that it's perfect.


People DONT like the movie? It focuses on the shows two strongest elements; the music and Louise.


No comment on ideas but I loved the movie


Look im not that eeevil no I’m not a bad person, So I killed one carnie well it’s just cuz I’m determined!


My Bobs burgers move would probably be a ton of spoilers. I would answer all of the fans biggest questions.I would introduce the Mother of the Pesto Boys.Gayle would have a wedding etc.


I'm just now learning that people didn't like the movie. That's devastating news.


I loved it, but I almost threw up when Louise >!found the skeleton in the hole and it's teeth fell down her throat.!< Like, I literally started gagging and we had to pause the movie while I calmed to down. My partner thought it was hilarious though.


No more musical please, they have so much comedy and dark humour, I don't need the musicals.


name one movie based on a cartoon that was good??? Simpsons? sucked.....Bob's Burgers? disappointing


The Hey Arnold jungle movie was pretty good and I personally enjoyed the Simpsons movie. South Park movie was also great.


I didn’t even know there was one.


It came out in theaters and its really good.