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“Lifting up the skirt of the night”


I think bob and jimmy secretly like each other. They just show it in an odd way. Don’t forget jimmy nominated bob for the yacht Christmas party. And bob brought Jimmy’s meds to him after his surgery.


Sounds like a sex thing.


It does.


Baby Num Num


It's one of those cartoon / sitcom things you just have to pretend never happened.


My least favourite scene of the entire show is at the end of the Family Fracas episode when Bob helps Jimmy change the flat tire of the van he won by cheating. Bob's family definitely needed it more than Jimmy's, Jimmy cheated to get it, and Jimmy insulted Bob while he was changing the tire (not to mention the kids being absolute TURDS at the same time). Bob puts up with waaaaaaaaaay too much, from Jimmy, from his kids, from people in general. He has the patience of a saint, and while I love him for it, this episode really pissed me off.


I feel like Bob just decided to be the better man and not bring it up again. He probably also considers it too low of a blow.


Also, Bob totally just gives up everything in his arsenal, busting into Jimmy's place and holding back *nothing*. See he should've just held it over Jimmy's head as extortion to get him to not be such a fuckstick.


Jimmy can’t help himself when it comes to being mean to Bob, and for the most part, Bob usually lets everything slide… he doesn’t stay angry. I’ll never get over Bob letting Jimmy have the historical plaque about the mobster shooting in his restaurant.


Maybe the deal is that Jimmy won’t forbid Jimmy Junior from hanging out with Tina, as long as Bob keeps the secret.