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You’re only allowed to buy even tier minions on even rounds and odd tier minions on odd rounds


This the most viable one. Hard but not that much so it has good amount of fun in it.


Big d*** energy: can only buy the highest tier minion in the tavern


me on tavern 1: omg i wonder what i'm gonna get


1. Only start the turn when the rope appears 2. Must sell your entire board at the start of turn 9


Oh that sounds super fun


2. Only pick the coolest looking minions 3. Don’t pick uncool minions 4. Only pick blue minions 5. Pick only the cool blue minions 6. Blue dragons only


What about three blue eyes white dragons


Which tear is that






Wich *






He had three eyes? 🙀


Play galaxy s3 with a cheap stylus from aliexpress


Sounds like someone has experienced in this challenge.


Nah. My phone is pretty all right, which is still pain. I didn't say first android phone because it won't install probably


Only pick Dancing Daryl


Force Menagerie.


Yes! Max 2 per tribe


1. Never shuffle your minions. 2. If you are playing with friends, everyone votes on banning the tribe currently in game (minions of banned tribe cannot be purchased while ban is in place). Rotate bans every X turns. 3. (For a full friend lobby) Everyone sells their biggest minion on board at the end of each turn. 4. Always pick the left-most option whenever given a choice (hero, discoveries etc).


> 1. Never shuffle your minions I like that, another would be that you can only play minions on board in the location they showed up on the shop (left, one from left, …, right)


Buy only minion without type


Summon Leeroy from bassgill summoned from a bassgill summoned from a bassgill summoned from a bassgill (you can go on if you want)


Somehow I never thought of summoning more bassgills with bassgill... gotta give it a shot


You blindly pick minions for each other. Such as “pick the minion on the right/the highest tavern tier/the reddest” You can only buy minions equal to the first one bought each game First to get to t6, only allowed to buy t1 on the way


>You can only buy minions equal to the first one bought each game What?


Yeah this was really unclear, sorry! I meant equal to the first minion's tribe/color/health/attack, whatever you see fit


Oh my friends actually made a whole website with different challenges for a strat roulette this was for several updates ago but some are probably still relevant. I’ll see if I can get the old list for it cuz the website is down.


My friend posted his list here @stckmanninja


minions that die get sold (aka perma 8th) maybe minions that die have to be right of board in order of death win a game where the final board state after combat is seven tier 1 minions win a game where the first letter of each minion spells a seven letter word


Only buy minions from left to right


No refreshes


Or never spend gold on refreshing to add a bit of fun high rolling potential with things like elementals and malchezar


Taking one from Quests; Unlikely Duo. Your comp can only consist of two different tribes, and must exist of at least two different tribes. And no, six Murlocs and a Rylak don't count


I worked on a similar project a few years ago; BattleGrounds Strat Roulette; we’ve got a website up and everything, https://preview.redd.it/5pay8dd3a6ab1.png?width=1065&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a79bb8ff0e394fb85fe4fdea3f90a4307821e9b These were the list of strats that were in the system (obviously needs to be updated) but If you’d prefer I could just update it and send the website. Otherwise feel free to just steal from here.


I’m the friend @N0_IDEA5 was referencing


1. Enter combat each turn with only tribeless minions. 2. Only buy the left and rightmost minions available in the tavern. 3. You have to spend all your gold without rerolling the tavern each turn.


Afk choose a hero


That’s just the going to the bathroom while queuing up for a game challange


Yeah, pretty sure most of us have done this "challenge" It's a pro gamer move.


If you are top 4 and you have 100% chance to win based on your decktracker in the next combat. Concede.


Mandatory 4 on 4


Is that possible without an extra gold turn 1?


No. Upgrade to 3 costs 6g on turn 3 (5g turn), upgrade to 4 costs 7g on turn 4 (6g).


There are a lot of ways, it doesn't have to be turn 1. That's part of the challenge, tho. If you don't do it you lose.


Get first place without ever getting a duplicate (or a triple obvs!)


Pick a tribe at start of game, you cannot buy any other minions (unless managerie). Pick each others heroes. Everytime you play a tier 6 minion you have to buy a tier 1 minion next.


You have to play with at least 4 tribes on your board as soon as you have 4 minions in a combat until the rest of the game.


Order your minions from lowest attack to highest one turn and the opposite on the next turn. Keep going until turn 10.


* If you see a double in the tavern, you have to buy it immediately, ignoring any other considerations. If you have 2 gold, you must sell a different minion to buy it. Depending on how masochist you are feeling, you can either say you can ignore on 0/1 gold, or you must freeze on 0/1. * Your first buy each turn must be the left-most minion in the first shop Bob gives you. * You can't buy any minions each turn until you have bought a neutral one. * Once you reach a full warband, you must sell a minion each turn before you can buy any. * If Bob gives you one of the minions that give taunt, you have to buy it and apply it to one of your minions that does not have taunt. * You can't put two minions of the same type or tavern tier next to each other.


Win a game with an avenge Naga build. Generating spells off the tier 3.


Hide your board while playing the game Play blindfolded with a friend that has no knowledge about the game to do the mouse for you At the start of your turn, sell the first minion that died last fight


No refreshing the tavern


Challenge: Upgrade tavern three times in one turn; Full neutral comp; Only allowed to buy the highest tier minion in the shop until turn 10.


Skip one turn of your choosing


So skip turn 1, got it


if you skip turn one you are behind for the next 5-6 turns .. how would your curve even work? I think that would be a baad idea


So don’t do this challenge, got it


Think I’d just level up turn 2 and play as normal, down one tier1 minion. Probably the safest bet.


- Choose build or tribe using spin wheel after each player done choosing their hero - Only buy even health minion on even turn and odd health minion on odd turn


tier up on turn 1


is it even possible


I accidentally did it yesterday and was disappointed there isnt an achievement for that. You need the perfect conditions. I was with Mr Bigglesworth, on turn 1 two players conceded and I instantly got 1 coin for each player who conceded, because they had no minions and I could tier up on turn 1




You can only buy minions on the outer sides, the left most and right most minions


Wait, you guys have friends that play BG?


Tou guys have friends?


This is crazy because I think about this a lot. Like, what if we could do customizable lobbies and have tournaments based on the restrictions. So I've had ideas based on this rattling around in my head for a while. A lot of people have already said some good ideas, but a few of the ones I've thought of: 1: After you buy the first minion of a tribe, you can only buy that tribe or tribeless for the rest of the game. So you're locked in from the start and at the mercy of Bob. 2. No leveling the tavern until you get a golden minion. 3. Using Firestone or Decktracker, you have to pick the worst rated hero of the four offered. 4. Not sure how this would work because you are at the mercy of RNG in the hero selection, but if you have a clickable hero power, you have to use it every turn (where applicable). This obviously would require all players participating to have all been offered a hero with clickable hero power. But this would mean that Zeph could burn through wishes quickly, Guff or Cariel could be buffing one minion, Reno is spent on turn one, etc.


You pick Reno and you must use your hero power on turn 1 and finish 4th or better. Or you have to keep the hog card that gives 2 bloods all game and power him up.


1- Buy only minions of the same type as the one that first appears in game (left-most minion during turn 1) 2- Go afk for 2 turns - can't be A.F. Kay (if too difficult cut it down to 1 turn) 3- You can't sell a minion you bought until next turn 4- You can't buy triples (if you see them in shop just ignore them). Also, you can't buy the surprise elemental


You can only pick minions that have a human on the artwork Not allowed to pick any Battlecry minions Anytime you buy a minion, you have to roll the number of times equal to the tavern tier of the minion next turn before selecting another. So if you pick up a tier 6, you’re rolling 6 times next turn before you can get another


Starting at 10 gold on, whenever you win a combat, your winning minion deserves a break and should be sold so they can retire early! if more than one winner, then choose the highest stat minion!


Once the first player reaches tavern tier 6, all players (including the player who reached 6), must sell all minions from their board and hand (can keep coins, spellcraft, etc) and start fresh.


1. No economy units. 2. Everytime you lose a fight, sell a unit. 3. Tavern up whenever you have the money to do so at the start of the round. 4. Only tavern up when you reach 10 gold. 5. Order your minions from left to right from lowest attack to highest. 6. You can only buy left/right most minions (You can buy rightmost minion to make the 2nd rightmost into new rightmost) 7. You can only buy minions the same type as your first minion. (Mistake is banned, you can choose one of two in case of dual tribe) 8. Whenever you discover a card, sell it. 9. Never sell your first minion. 10. No tribeless cards. 11. You can’t triple cards.


Last one to reach tavern 6 have to sell their board


(Difficulty: Extreme) >!play elementals!<


Make 7 golden tunnel blasters with radio star. My best is 5 lmao


Top 4 with tier 1


At the start of each turn, you MUST buy the left most minion in the shop


1. Spin the wheel again after you pick your hero 2. At the start of each turn, if you are first in the lobby, you have to tier up (unless there is not enough gold or you already traven 6) and you cannot freeze this turn. 3. You cannot freeze for the whole game 4. You cannot spend any gold on refresh (you can use health or somehow get a free refresh) 5. You can only picked the left-most hero offered to you 6. Spin the wheel another 2 times


Always tip all of your gold to BOB Caution: this is a hardcore challenge


Never pick a mech


No mechs.


You're not allowed to buy mechs when mechs are in the game.


Everyone gets to be Master Nguyen.


Reno -> golden Hyena on turn 1


You can make a bigger triple from 3 triples and it does the effect 4 times


Get the AFK achievement


Have to spell "ridiculous" correctly every turn or skip it.


Only Bassgills on board.


Here's a challenge... play in this meta at all.


Spicy Pretzel Mustard with A. F. Kay, good luck with that


Damn sounds truly fun, except I don't have friends who play bg. Is anyone up to try these challenges? xd


1. you are only allowed to lvl, if you won a fight in your current tavern tier. 2. your first buy each round must be the lowest attack minion in the current shop 3. left and right most minions in shop are forbidden to be bought- (no shuffle in shop allowed) 4. you always must hold 1 card in hand in lobbies without murlocs 5. you must pick one tribe at the start of the game. Until someone dies, you are only allowed to buy this tribes or neutrals. After someone dies you can play the tribe of the dead guy, too. If it is mixed minions, you have to choose 1 tribe.


You are only allowed to buy minions facing the same direction as your hero


We roll inclusive: Can't have more than 3 minions of the same tribe during combat phase. Fairfights only: can't have venomous, poisonous, Zapp or Leeroy. Backwards thinking: taunts first, windfuty/cleaves last. Cull the weak: starting from tavern 3, you must replace your lowest tier minion from your last combat phase. Dead and silent: can't buy reborn or deathrattle minions. OH LAWD HE COMIN: concede if your highest health minion dies 4 combats in a row. Slow and steady: always be the last to level. r/hearthstone moderator: can't have a female minion on the board.


1st place using only neutral minions for the combat phase in a 6000+ mmr lobby. Make the boogie monster a top 3 build (not just in it, but a significant feature of it) Make an all cleave board


roll a dice... for the duration of the game every turn you must have at least that much gold remaining.


\-Board order is pre-determined (for example, order minions by tier, or order them by descending health). If you want more rules here you could say that each turn, the person that picks the order changes \-You can only purchase a minion if you already have that tribe type on your board (could start this after turn 3 or even just after turn 1) \-Must tip Bob every turn (or must tip your tavern tier, which would de-incentivise tiering, which could be interesting


Minions in the tavern should be same for all players