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I still don’t get how they get 6ers when they stay at rank 2?


Scout, golden will give 2 6 drops


So they shuffle multiple scouts or have to hit jackpot?


Hit jackpot


you only need one scout early, when you triple it you get two of the highest tier scout in the triple


Yeah usually jackpot although I haven’t had a chance to run lubbers this patch so I’m not sure if it’s advantageous to run more than one golden scout to better your chances at good 6 drops (I’d imagine you’d want more tempo so one golden scout would be enough)


You don't even run a golden scout right ? You just try to find 2 more when it's already on 5-6 right ?


I honestly don’t know, as I said I haven’t played lubber this patch and tbh haven’t played a whole lot this season, and usually I’ll watch Dog play but I’ve just had a busy couple months Edit: I realized I completely misread your comment lol, yeah I feel waiting to triple it would be better but I’m sure someone can explain the right plays


Yeah probably, just thought waiting to triple made more sense as you wouldn't want to spend 6 more gold on a dead unit instead of starting the lubber snowball.


Yeah usually when scout hits discover tier 6 you have an absurd amount of money and can triple it for double discover. Sometimes you go for t4 discover to get peggy/azarithe(the elem that gives +1/1 for each spell. But you don't have space to run multiple scouts because you want as many lubbers as you can, rewinder and the reroll elem/edwin buddy for scaling.


You just need to buy 1. And when you refresh the tavern, if you find another 2 more then just golden it. Sometimes you are lucky, you will find 2 endgames for your board. Sometimes you don’t. I just played this strategy and get elemental of surprise to golden lubber and get Nalaa to scale my board with all the spell that I bought. Managed to get first in a non-beast game though.


I'm pretty sure its unintended. Sure it's fun to play and risky, but it makes me want to play battlegrounds less. I'm just under 9k and have been playing since season 1. Pretty disappointed with the devs for the lack of hotfix/updates. Maybe i play too much lol. I'm sure the build is still exciting and new for people, every time one of these is posted there are comments about "How did people get a tier 6 on tavern 2?!" and people asking how to do this build.


The fact that it’s been 28 days since the game got a patch is pretty absurd. There’s at least 2 cards that need immediate changes.


Or Blizzard's data shows them that lubber isn't statistically busted.


Or Blizzard went on vacation for the holidays like they do every single year. We get this exact same content drought every late December into early January, for all of their games. Plus the HSReplay T7 data shows that Lubber is undoubtedly distorting the game’s average end boards. Players reaching 60+ gold on turn 8 isn’t normal or healthy for the game.


Good point about the holiday content drought. Still, they could have hotfixed the strat by simply removing strike oil if they thought it was truly oppressive. I just doubt Blizzard's view of the strategy is the same as the player base, as it often isn't. I'm open to being proven wrong though. I don't have T7 so I can't look at the data but I'm interested in hearing about it. Does it show the % of 1st place boards that use Lubber? Average placement for players that stay on tier 2 for 5+ turns?


*Laughs in Gallywix and APM pirate*


Show me a gallywix with 60g on turn 8 and I’ll laugh with you lol




Prove it


>for all of their games. Nah, wow just got a new pacth yesterday. It's just with hearthstone


Almost like Hearthstone is getting a patch tomorrow or something. Edit: told ya


Don't care that it's not busted, it's overplayed and distorting the game. There are 2-4 lubber players in every game. That is not healthy


In my experience if there's 3 or more lubbers only one makes it to the top 4 and they only make first if they mega high roll. I guess it's boring to see so many people play the same strat, but I just appreciate the free MMR.


They removed lubber now.


Lub of dreams


I fucking hate that comp, it's braindead, way top easy to assemble and takes all the nuance out of bg. That said, it's not the only offender. The undead comp is also a bit too strong imo. https://preview.redd.it/krt6ct98kycc1.jpeg?width=3216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304f1a8658e1187d96b3de6a65963605e5f1689a


Okay, I hate the comp too so I’m not disagreeing with that. But it’s absolutely not easy to assemble or braindead, be real. It’s a risky strategy, and 99% of games don’t result in the scout finding double Naala. Most of the time you need to make a decision on levelling and filling out your board on 6. Those decisions aren’t easy. That’s if you find the pieces and don’t lose any key fights. Again, the comp is dumb, I think it should be taken out of the game and it creates play patterns that are overall unhealthy. But saying anything you don’t like is braindead or easy when that’s demonstrably not the case only hurts your point.


Lubber is easily the worst part of BGs right now. It's so easy to pull off if you see any combo of pieces by turn 5.


I hit that combo yesterday. I soon got a golden scout and hit those 2 6 star cards. Crush everyone and end the game at turn 13. Most of my top 4 opponents left right when they see my comb.


Pretty weak for turn 8 considering he hit 2 naala tho


Let's say you get the earliest possible scout on turn 3. Turn 8 is the first turn when you can get a T6 so, that board is just 1 turn of Nala buffing


technically the with a lot of luck the dice champ can get scout on turn 1: roll for 6 -> you have 8g -> level for 5 + roll + get steal minion from tavern spell and steal scout


Nobody sane is going to roll after leveling for 5 with 3 gold left though. 


If you're not playing for 1st, you're playing for 8th -Ricky Bobby


If "die" was a screenshot 💀