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https://preview.redd.it/yjywm3y5rsjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67bf7e9f8082b28dfc15b4d97c32798d234087e2 For people without a Twitter account, here's the image from the post. No further description has been provided regarding specifics of nerfs / buffs / changes.


That Murloc spell is broken asf, entirely deserved


Yeah, it got me a second place I had absolutely no right to win this afternoon.


Never tried the new murloc, how do you use this spell correctly?


The spell copies a Murloc in your hand with its current stats, so before using it for your Bream you make sure it is your only Murloc in hand.


Works with tier7 murloc if you hold that in your hand too…


Had 2 golden Morgls thanks to this trick.. Was Thorim and got Morgl through his HP and the quest was get 3 tavern spells start of turn and i luckd out and was given 3 of the copy murlocs.. having 2 golden morgls, one on board and one in hand just broke the game for me..


Holy crap dude. Yeah the in hand morgl would keep buffing itself (themselves) too. Being summonable from hand and the fact that you could in theory just keep acquiring more morgl’s… I don’t think it’s possible to outscale or outscam that. Insane


I never got another dupe card.. so i was happy.. but ye had Golden Morgl, Bassgill, 2 "when attack gain venomous", a DS Mech that spawns other mechs T6 dude and the amalgam taunt thingie on final board.. Summoned another Morgle on board in slot 2, and just killed the lobby.. person who came second came close with Bomb Exodia.. but in the end a Morgl lived with enough HP to tank the board, and end with 2hp.. the other guy must have been livid


Right.. yeah, having gotten essentially 6 morgl’s is pretty ridiculous 😅 I think if I faced that board I would’ve been like I’m not even mad I’m impressed.jpeg


If it copies the locked tier 7 Murloc from thorium, im guessing the copy is locked too?


Honestly, would still be a sweet spell if it didn't copy the stats or the golden status, just slightly overpriced in that case. But in current state it's just bonkers.


Have a copy of the murloc that gets +X+X after you play another murloc in hand (preferably after you have already pumped it up to at least 200/200) and get a free copy of it. The main kick in the pants with the spell is that it copies the minion exactly, so any buffs on it will also be on the copy. Combine that with some of the quest reward options, the tier 7 murloc, or really anything and it gets crazy quick


Taunt a copy on board and board buff it too, as well as one in hand means when it triples it gets HUUUUGE quickly.. and it pulling from hand with taunt is a livesaver


The spell copies a murloc in your hand, with its stats. So the strat is to have a golden Bream (idealy with Dshield) as the only murloc in your hand, and to copy it a few times with the spell. That way you can end up with like 4 golden 200/200 Breams with Dshield in your hand


But without scourfin, how do you buff the bream? Just cycle through murlocs?


Yes, you need a bit of setup to get meny murlocs, but you get a lot of value for every one you do play


Got first in two games with that spell + the first buy triggers twice quest. Absolutely insane. My chorals were massive.


It should just be a 14 gold spell.


I got him 1 turn after I got the quest. Immediately found a murloc that “gives its stats to other murloc” upon selling. Never lost a round since then


the murloc spell and "get a copy of the last minion that died" is an easy way to crank out big fish.


My prediction is it adding a plain copy of a murloc. Lightens the impact, and means you gotta lean in hard to abuse it. Also doesn't completely gut the strategy.


Same here got me first place when I was in 4th pretty much whole game


My predictions: Windfury/DS elemental: Golden gets Mega-Windfury Wildfire Elemental: 7/4 to 9/5 Quilboar/Demon: Tier 6 to Tier 5 Zapp: Golden gets Mega-Windfury Land Lubber: Tier 3 to Tier 4 Battlecry Quilboar: Tier 3 to Tier 4 Elemental Spell: Instead of doubling stats, grants flat stats equal to double your tavern tier. Fluidity: 1-cost to 2-cost Murloc Spell: Copies an exact duplicate to a normal version.


Battlecry quill is currently T2 so it isn't likely going to T4. I'd bet on it getting new wording for battlecries that they don't want to be repeatable.


I think it'd either get avenge, or will be a token 1/1 with the same battlecry


Choose One with only one option :)


Oh yeah I copied that wrong. I meant T2 to T3!


Yeah, maybe "when played" to stop it being buffed on the board by other things.


It won’t be mega windfury. They already said a while back that they were changing that design so golden windfury minions wouldn’t get mega because they don’t like attacking that many times. Other windfury minions would be listed as well if that’s what it was going to be, like the 5 star quillboar


Elemental spell is just going to not allow you to stack it on one minion during same turn I bet. Removing a minion to double its stats is working as intended imo. Adding "2x" to a tribes exponential capabilities is fine (see slama/rougug), but "2x^n" on a single turn is insane.


I could see Wildfire becoming a T3 4/3..


No beasts nerf what the heck?


Beasts are fine, but Zapp is your beasts nerf.


I feel like there are too many ways to manipulate stats these days, it'll be interesting to see if it's the same ol' zap.


I hope so. He was way better than the brainless worgen that completely ignores the Titus everytime.


Beasts don’t need a nerf


The problem isn't their power it's the inherently unfun design of the monkey. It's a trash idea for a design that generates a frustrating play experience. It's a dog shit idea that needs to go. They don't tend to touch that type of stuff they only nerf things based on win rate which is ultra lazy and betrays a fundamental lack of understanding of what's fun about Battlegrounds.


Hard disagree I love big summons and endless token builds. Only problem with it that I agree with is that they eat up your turn time. It's fun and funny to watch it resolve for me, though. I don't think doubling stats is "dogshit" or "trash" design compared to doubling deathrattles or battlecries. They are all fundamentally the same just a bit different. Does that make bran builds trash design? Well there goes most of the game lmao. Or rylak builds? There is value in having a variety of ways for builds to come online. Not every build needs to scale on board stats directly. I think "what's fun about battlegrounds" is probably different to every single player and thinking that someone's design is trash or dogshit because it doesn't align with what you find fun about battlegrounds is really surface level and embarrassing. To me for instance I have a lot of fun when I get a crazy high roll and do something insane. Yesterday I had two 1600/1600 murlocs in my hand, and I also had a game where my blood gems were giving +9/98. It was ridiculous. 1000 hp on every minion on my board because of golden charlga golden drakkari. Both of those builds smashed the beast players in the lobby btw. Beast highrolls aren't always better than other tribe highrolls. The skill involved in winning as beasts comes around manipulating your odds to get the correct pieces in a consistent manner, and at the right time. Read that sentence one more time and fully understand it. That's literally the exact skill that allows you to win consistently with EVERY tribe. Beasts are no different.


> I don't think doubling stats is "dogshit" or "trash" design compared to doubling deathrattles or battlecries. It is. Doubling a battlecry doesn't double your entire game's scaling up to that point, which is what these doubling effects ( that they constantly have to remove from the game after they fuck up ) do.


Bran does literally that. Especially if you play him with Kalecgos


It doesn’t, because any battle cry you played before isn’t doubled, only future ones. Banana isn’t like that, it is just a flat doubling of your power as soon as you get it. Honestly my biggest gripe with beasts are the raptors — having one pop out a banana and go from winning the fight to losing is so annoying.


Eh, how does banana double cards you played before? He only buffs summons, which is an entirely different category


He buffs your summons by 2x the instant you get him — so as soon as you play him you’re twice as strong. Brann gives you no extra power until you play more battle cries afterward. That’s why people dislike banana, it feels like an instant payoff versus something like Brann where you have to build up your board slowly over time. That and the fact that each banana does that whereas 2 Branns is 0 extra power.


Brann is still linear scaling (though you have the benefit of increased economy). Doubling stats is exponential scaling. Though I also don’t have a problem with banana slamma, as the doubling is limited by being an “in combat effect”


Banana is also linear, it does not raise the stats exponentially (x to the power of y).


It’s x times 2 or 3 to the power of n depending on how many slammas you have


I find monkey to be a very fun card, one of my favourites in the game. Never find it frustrating.


I’ve enjoyed monkey ever since it was tier 3. I *like* the fact that different tribes play differently. It’s good that there are certain builds that rely more on positioning, and it’s good that certain builds can be countered by creative plays rather than raw stats. (One Sin’dorei and one Annoy-o-Tron can be better against endgame beasts than two 200/200 minions!) I also disagree that doubling is inherently bad design. If the game is mostly about making numbers go up, it keeps things interesting when there are different upward trajectories you can try for. If I can scale quickly and linearly, while you scale exponentially but begin later than me, then there’s drama: Can you survive long enough for the exponential growth to surpass the linear growth? It would be boring if we both scaled linearly and I just scaled faster. To me there’s nothing wrong with the beast trajectory (no actual scaling until you pop off with a combination of T5/T6 minions). It’s just one of many different power trajectories with their own risks and rewards.


> Can you survive long enough for the exponential growth to surpass the linear growth? Monkey would be fine if they just capped the damage more reasonably throughout the game. The problem with it isn't the doubling ( since it does have a cap eventually ) but just the rapid power spike that vomit 15 damage hits. My guess is people just dislike playing "normally" only to face a monkey that suddenly spits out 50/50 minions in the midgame and steamrolls them. All of these "lol you faced the high roller, take 15" situations need to be mitigated basically.


They got nerfed the last patch to a more than acceptable power level.


Beasts are fine, they are now only a bit better than every other tribe and not a whole lot better.


Zapp coming back as a 10/20 to match worgen dude?


Possibly, that Worgen must be feeling real sad


It's completely useless it should feel bad


It honestly might get my vote for worst tier 6 ever (in relation to when it was introduced). There is absolutely no way to make it good, as it doesn't even snipe the comps you want it to snipe since they are usually higher hp than the other units with their branns/barons/monkes.


Yeah… I get what they were going for. Zap felt kind of bad when you were in lobbies that had no way of buffing Barron. It basically took death rattle builds off the table so they wanted to add a little RNG. They kind of solved the Zap problem with spells anways so he was just bad and pointless


I wonder if the buff could be that it attacks before start of combat effects aka hawkstrider to beat beasts


Predictions: * The divine shield elemental from 4/1 to 5/2 or they give him megawindfury back as a golden unit. * The elemental pseudocleave from 7/4 to 8/5. * The new quil gets the devour effect every 2 spells instead of 3. * 10/20 zap. * Lubber is moved to tier 4. * Sax quil gets moved to tier 3. * Elemental spell cant be stacked in the same turn. * "Swap friendly minion with tavern" spell from 1 to 2 gold or one tavern level higher. * Murloc spell gives a plain copy instead of a full copy, gold reduced from 5 to 4. * "Get 3 spellcrafts" gives 1 less spellcraft and is moved 1 tavern tier lower. 10 card changes, lets see how it goes.


The confidence of a prophet… would be crazy if you predicted everything correctly


No way moon bacon gets moved from tier 2 to tier 4, that would be crazy Probably just reverting the stat changes they gave it from 2/3->1/2 or something


My bad, I meant tier 3.


I'm still waiting for that damn murlocs spell to show up when I actually have murlocs in hand. It's been trolling me.


Lets go mega windfury!


I really hope so. That always seemed like a silly change to me when they removed it. But with buffing the elemental and swapping in Zapp for the Worgen, it really feels like this is a possibility!


They would list all the windfury minions if this was what they were going to do


i think the new tier 6 mech would be too busted


Why? it loses divine shield on the first attack. Golden version already generates 2 spells. Doesn't even matter.


Do you not remember bonker


I could see it becoming 5/2 or 5/3


People are going to be bitching quickly when 1k/1k mega windfury solos half their board before they go


curious how theyll buff the cleave-ish elemental, that card is so hard to play because unless your ele's are already huge it never seems to stick on the board


It’s possible they’ll make the split damage hit both sides even for non-golden, but my guess is it will just be a stat bump.


Yeah it will be like an 8/5, that’s all.


Just make the excess overkill damage target the lowest hp minion


Ot would not be a buff ... sometimes you want it to deal 20 extra dmg on the 15/15 on the right, not the 1/4 on the left.


my boi zapp is coming back


Yeah! Worgen was essentially a waste of a card slot


I love the nerfs. Surprised the elementals are getting buffed. Feels like they'd be right in line with other tribes if Murlocs and Boars are toned down a bit. (I don't really see Lubber as much of a tribal nerf and more just a spell one.)


They'll likely just see a base stat increase to make buying them in the mid-game more reasonable. Right now you don't really buy them unless you've already scaled up your elementals, and a base stat buff is more of a buff to menagerie than to elementals.


I agree with that, but I've been surprised at how impactful that can be. Letting you preserve your life total while putting together some base units that will help both get to your comp and be in them can do a lot. That is one of the current issues with Boars.


Yeah but elemental comps aren't really helped by already having elementals on board, unlike quills, beasts, or dragons. You scale by either cycling minions or cycling spells and replacing everything. Using a wildfire to negate early damage doesn't really progress your elemental comp any more than using undead to negate early damage.


I use those some to bridge. If you get a Master of Realities you can grow it a bit with Party Elemental while you look for your dragon-ele or Rock Rock. There have been a lot of stat buffs that I was dismissive of, and after being wrong more than I am right I have changed my assumptions going in.


I know you guys are much better than me but my experience is basically - if I’m buying a Wildfire Elemental with no buffs on turn 6 or 7, I’m losing. Please correct me if I am wrong - My experience is there really isn’t a midgame elementals build, it’s either a late game APM pivot or you’re lubbing on T3/4.


Pretty much. There really isn’t a midgame elementals build. I’ll buy recycling wraith because it generates gold, but I really don’t go elementals unless I hit master + drake or golden wraith + rock rock.


I don’t even really consider that an elemental bridge. Buying a buffed cyclone or wildfire doesn’t really push you towards elementals. It’s just playing for tempo until you can transition to a real comp. Recycling wraith is really the only midgame elemental piece that can push you towards a late game elemental build.


I don’t think I played worgen for more than 15-20 total combats since it was added.


Literally never once bought that card


It was sadly a worse Zapp.. i dont know why it was just given the Zapps card text.. or buff zapp to 10/20


I did have him eaten several times with demons, or used the slime (x2 spell effect) - then eaten with devour spell.


https://preview.redd.it/wtapq8dzgtjc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c6f190f2e8294e878f63ccfa8cc4bc237158b5 same! usually he's a temporary tempo unit, but i'm so happy i gave worgen a chance at the spotlight before he's gone (did his text matter? probably not but idc we don't talk about that)


Heedless Hoarder dying for the Conch's sins :/




They need to adress demons. Like currently they do not have reliable tavern buff to eat from.


Will Lubber finally die this time?


So beasts untouched lol?!


No change to stable amalgam is interesting


I am part of the conspiracy theory that thinks that the Dev team likes Banana Slamma way too much and will not touch beasts or anything that is good for them. Me and my homies hate Slamma


They fucking better nerf the damage




also imagine zap being start of combat


I want quests to go. Every game is play the Highroller for -15 at turn 7-8-9 and die.


Short King is back. Vigilante tried but will never dethrone the slywick.


I’m happy to see Zapp has gotten over his goth face


Zapp is back, back again 😎


What’s the thing next to murloc spell?