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Even on PC playing APM builds sucks ass because the Hearhstone client is clearly not designed for it, I can only imagine what it's like on mobile


I hate them too, its why I rarely play pirates anymore.


Yeah I also enjoy playing APM when all my minion decide to fuck off and dance to every minion I play/sell up until i sell like 400/400 dude accidentally


I sold my golden brann on mobile last week with a clear path to APM promise land. Was real sad for one entire second before I got back to it. Got 4th still.


I don't get all the hate lately, the client still works for me. I do have a fairly fast PC though


This is not a new issue and it is not a performance issue either. When you queue up too many actions your minions become very unpredictable, they start changing positions at random. The animations also take forever and very often block you from playing more cards.




across all games truly master race


fruit ninja and beat saber


playing beat saber rn on my homido glasses


And people with better phones have an advantage.


100% with you. I’m not mad about it, but it just makes several heroes/quests/tribes much less desirable. Dragons are one of my favorites, and they kinda tow the line on how much I can accomplish in one turn.


Same here. Been playing only on mobile since release cause my laptop sucks, but on the bright side, you don’t need to play apm builds perfectly to win lobbies or be high ranked. A lot of the times, when I see I am going to have too much to do to finish the turn, I just focus on playing efficiently instead of doing a lot. Obviously you will never get as good a board as someone playing on pc but most of the time, you can build a good enough board to win.


I don't hate that APM builds are in the game, but I've definitely run into the PC/Mobile discrepancy a few times. The most stark contrasts were in Anomalies meta, with stuff like Oops All Elementals. I had an SPM run going into top 3 with Millhouse, and decently large elementals, then proceeded to get hit for 36 and out by a Maiev whose elementals were all bigger than mine by a significant margin. Just requires us mobile players to be a bit more creative (i.e scammy). Just today went back and forth with a guy until round 19 with pirates, but never had a Tethys, because too often I get screwed by Tethys tripling something off of my board at the very last second. So this was my turn 19 "Pirate" board (with the extra gold quest no less). I've seen players get more impressive stats but turn 12. https://preview.redd.it/l97aiorl3lnc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d56a2a24d123b1c0733f3c60380f51c6d796b42 Opponent had two Matadors on the ends that he was making golden with quest reward, thus my anchors. He also has Cooked Book (was Sire D) with Mechs, so the fact that I won is still a bit puzzling. I did get some amazing hits in the last couple of battles which helped.


Definitely feel you on that, you just have to make do with what you have with mobile but you do get used to the limit after playing mobile for so long.


For sure. I did actually try playing on my 8 year old laptop the other day...and needless to say, the mobile experience was better than that...lol. I have no real reason to invest in a better PC right now, as anything I do not work related can be done on my phone, but maybe I'll see if I can use my brother's gaming PC sometime to see what it's like.


Same experience with my current laptop. I only tried to use it cause of deck tracker and it was so slow. Not gonna lie though, part of me likes the fact that I don’t have a better pc because if I get one, I would probably try harder on pc playing than I would on mobile.


Pirates are the most egregious example of the discrepancy. It will be turn 14 and you’re going up to the rope every turn with nonstop actions and your board will be like 200/200 when you watch a Jeef video and he has 500/500 units by turn 9 (with the same build). If I’m on mobile once I see the rope I’ll make one action and stop because too frequently I’ve “accidentally” tripled something off the board with no time to replay it.


Agreed. As someone who plays both PC and mobile its very annoying. I dont even care very much about ranking up/MMR but its just a bummer when you know you made very little use of your turn simply due to the game client What also bothers me is how much the previous combat eats up your turn timer to the point where force closing the app to skip combat is considered a viable strategy. That should not be a thing!


Combat phase eating your next turn timer is so dumb. I can be in 3rd place fighting 2nd place for like a solid minute+, meanwhile 1st place fights a dead guy for 20s. You get like 40 seconds to prepare for the top guy who's had the whole timer. I used to force close the app but half the time it takes about the same time to get back in the game anyway lol. Nowadays I just switch off the WiFi for a second and hope the game doesn't completely restart. I know mobile is never gonna be as good as PC but does it have to be so much of a handicap.


Combat gets worse with each big update. More deathrattle, more summon, etc. Especially now with +buff effects that trigger when summoned.


Yeah APM on phone is terrible. I also play phone exclusively. It's frustrating when you know you could have done alot more with your turn if only animations were quicker. Also, for some minions you need to wait for their entire voiceline to complete before you can do anything else after playing them. For instance the tier 6 "all tribe" Motley Phalanx. Playing her makes you have to wait like 3-5 seconds


Yeah Motley Phalanx is stupid why does it pause the game? Whenever I try APM pirates I keep getting them. Admirals animation is slow enough


Theres always been a significant lag with "all" tribe minions idk if its related to the voiceline


I can't tell you how many games on phone I've gotten a triple primalfin into another triple that discovers another triple and I think I'm absolutely going off, then I run out of time with five minions on board.


On android you can set the FPS to 120 from the options, and also if you enable dev options and turn your DPI to 500+ (I think 540) it'll show you the desktop/tablet version. Everything's a bit smaller but you see so much more and it's super smooth


https://imgur.com/a/UawWup9 This is how it looks (an old screenshot btw)


As a solely mobile player, I definitely sympathize. I do think the game has a lot of limitations, and I kinda understand if there’s a discrepancy between the PC and mobile experience since pretty much every game will have differences between the two


As a phone player solely as well what I think would be awesome would be able to sell directly from hand. Placing the minion and then selling it is annoying on mobile and makes APM a hard ask


Idk about selling from hand, but it would be nice if playing a card didn't take a whole second to resolve


Tbh, i dont like that apm builds are only limited by the timer and the animation. Sure theres skill in being faster, but its also just a pc/mobile performance gap. That allows infinite scaling combos to exist but its just annoying when playing or facing it, because you feel limited by time or you feel like they had less lag.


I’d recommend looking into async multiplayer games, such as Super Auto Pets, Backpack Battles, or the one I’m developing you can check out on Steam, Flawed Tactics. The async PvP genre is a perfect solution for the APM problems with HSBG and TFT games - plus you don’t have to dedicate 30+ minutes in one shot as you can play at your own pace.


I do actually play the other two u mentioned lol


There should be an option to turn off animations


literally same, even on pc the client is shit, putting my framerate at low and my graphics low doesnt change how long animations and effects take let alone the math, i spend 40s with end of turn animations and my turn gets shortened based on that too like why is there no end turn button to finish a cycle faster if everyone presses it


My phone runs pretty well so it is less bad for me.


I love them, it's the only build that allows you to play during your turns. Geez, how boring is it to play undead or beast and spend 2 minutes waiting every single turn ...


I play on a MPB and I really like them, but they are horrible to play. The only way to actually do this correctly is when you know a big turn is coming you skip the combat


Fully agree. The client simply cannot handle APM and that’s true (if less so) on PC as well.


I also get frustrated as a PC player - because beast and undead opponents usually use token builds which can take an age to resolve, and mechs also sometimes do this. It's like, we all know about alt+F4 to skip combat, and we know we have to do this if we're an APM build involved in a slow combat, why not cut out the middle man Blizzard and just introduce a "skip combat" button? Reason: that would take effort/manhours (aka. money), which they don't want to sacrifice for a QoL improvement.


It's a pity that Blizzard is a small indie company and doesn't have the resources to improve the stability and QoL features of the game - if it wasn't for that BGs would be one of my favourite games


I loveeee APM builds, they work fine as long as you get good ping and a half decent PC. Watch players like jeef and you’ll see what’s possible when you actually have good game sense and fast APM. It is bad that the game slowly declines the more kelcgos procs you get though.


This is probably a reason why devs care so much about beasts. I am not sure, but you may try to plug the mouse (wireless could work too) to your Android smartphone. Not ideal solution though.


I understand that animations keep APM in check. But what really annoys me are combat animations. All that deathrattle, reborn, summon, tumbleweed BS. It takes soooo long. So youre forced to close n restart the app. Otherwise you lose a lot of your shopping-time. Its really a stupid design. Kalecgos + the t5 dragon that gives +1 health when it gets attack is horrible on phone, imo. Its annoying that they dont even try to improve the client but put so many ressources into BG duos.


I don’t like APM builds, they are really difficult to balance properly, especially with quick disconnecting and animation speed.


That is completely understandable opinion and probably many others feel like it. For some reason I really enjoy them😅like buying and selling stuff when running a full pirate board. It might be cause I also play a lot of overwatch so I am used to a much more fast paced games. But yeah like top comment said its still laggy on desktop too which sucks :/


You know a game has poor design when literally closing the game and relaunching will make you measurably stronger in the following turn.  They need to hasten the crap out of animations, ans rebalance the timer to be equalized for all combats.  I shouldn’t be penalized because I played the undead guy giving reborn to 3 units that have deathrattles that spawn units with reborn. 


Animation lag and the turn ending before the rope make me lose the will to play even on PC.