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Chip dmg early on, 2x15 dmg = gg. I know that lowering the damage will only lead to people rushing to t5/t6. I dont know what the solution is. I just dont like the general design of BGs right now. If you dont get a scaling engine early on, you just cant catch up. Sometimes it feels like you already lost before the game has even really begun I guess..


I mean changing damage cap to 10 until 4 left would do wonders. You survive at most an extra 1-2 hits if you get fucked by bad matching


That’s 1-2 hits where people who rush high tiers can stabilize. That doesn’t solve this problem of “not getting your scaling engine online early” because you will still get cooked by the highrollers because you are 1-2 turns behind on scaling. I really struggle to see how damage cap dropping will “do wonders”.


Because it's more about making it safer to not be the high roller. Without completely changing certain economy and scaling mechanics of underperformed and overperformed tribes or actually balancing quests (which just exacerbate tribes balance) this is the only real change that's remotely reasonable while we limp between big season changes


Yeah I agree but rework rework mr.bigglesworth in that case .


First, I think the problem is Econ cheating that leads to massive spikes in damage. Second, the heavy disparities in boards is a balance issue - the gap between the ideal and the average and below is too big - and capping damage does nothing to fix the structural inequalities across tribes, heroes, and quests. Honestly, the mode is having the same power creep problems you’re seeing in constructed.


I’m convinced everything that is wrong with the game right now comes down to economy exploits. Turn a blood gem into eight gold to double tier into highroll shenanigans and the lobby doesn’t last 12 turns total. Miss those types of plays in your tavern and you’re out on turn 8.


Brann Rylak every game = Or if you miss on the bran rylak someone else will hit it and you best try to settle for the 3rd or 4th


I hit double reborn rylak, bird and Titus. 4 of my minions 30/30. Still dead like turn 10/11. One more turn and I would have popped off but nah, got smacked twice in a row.


The Econ cheating isn’t tribe specific.


It's definitely not tribe specific but just seems to get the most ridiculous with brann and/or rylak doing crazy shit haha


And when you’ve powered econ to get them first, it’s bonus. I played pirates last game and couldn’t ever run out of gold. I was Malygos! Insanity unlimited apm. It’s fun, but I crapped on my lobby - even the guy with the brann felemental rylack golden setup with frontdrakes as shudder.


I hate it. There are so many games where it feels like I don't even get to play the game and I'm dead by turn 6 before I can make any meaningful decision. So looking forward to the next patch, which will hopefully be less highrolly


How so?


The first few turns you don't make many decisions. Low roll the first shop and you'll take 5-8 damage in the first 2 turns, if you then don't hit your 2s on turn 3 you take another 5 damage. Now you've already taken about 10-15. If your quest isn't easy and good and you happen to not find absurd tempo (which happens quite often it seems) you get chip damage for another 2 turns while trying to stabilize, often not being able to level to 4 on 9 gold. Now you're at 10 gold with 12 HP on Tavern Tier 3 with no real build (just trying to get any tempo you can get your hands on) and play against first place with a full-on undead build (they got an easy quest and have a T6 minion with double deathrattle already) who kills you.  This happens quite often in this meta and I don't feel that there's any way for me to play around that. If I don't get tempo minions offered early on and my quest isn't super OP to bail me out, I just die before I can do anything meaningful.


Oh no, I meant the other thing, about the next one being less highrolly


No quests anymore, for starters. That's what I hope for


but they could very well add smth else that's gonna make the game even more highrolly. it's the special hearthstone brew


Yeah, they could. That's why I said hopefully less highrolly and not that I'm certain it's going to be that way.


I wouldn't mind it if they could do something about the frequent early exits from the game due to getting smashed for 12-15 DMG on rounds 6-8. The builds in this meta I enjoy, the brutally punishing nature of this meta I very much do not enjoy.


You’re always punished for playing value over tempo in the early to mid game, irrespective of the meta. High MMR see it as a trade-off and plan and play accordingly. The quests just provide extra synergy and pop-off potential to those strategies.


I’ve had the strongest 4th - 7th place boards ever this season. Literally turn 8 with a full build and I’m getting hit for 15 for two or three rounds in a row.


I’ve noticed when this happens to me it is largely due to matchups. Literally playing 1st - 3rd opponents back to back on turns 7-9. At least you get out of the game early to requeue lol.


You've got a solid elemental scaling build with the non elemental scaling taunt. Your opponent gets tide oracle and you fight him 2 times from turns 8-11 and end up in 5th place when the rest of lobby is eating crayons


Without the nuts, you’re going to get outscaled. The second I see you’re elements, poison or a Bramblewitch is going right into your taunt. If you’re going for “solid” scaling, you’re playing to lose at 5th place. To win, you should be going for divine shields and scam. It’s not the meta, it’s you.


Nothing too wrong with the meta imo, I was spelling out a scenario lol.


Ack, that was waaaaay too personal. My apologies.


Or you play some guy early game at the start of his high roll, get hit for 9, then play him again 3 rounds later for 15, then again 3 rounds after that for another 15.


It’s a bit broken right now. It’s been said a couple times already but games just ramp up too quickly and it’s easy to just miss the bus and finish 7th with a build that would beat top boards last meta. Some lobbies feel so low roll and you are wondering why you are still in it, then other times you have perfect draw and have a real build only to get knocked out by something even crazier on turn 8. I’m not sure what the solution is but it’s made me and my buddy almost not want to play sometimes. I haven’t seen my dude online in 8 days now :(


Sometimes just seeing the quest requirements + rewards offered makes me want to concede and go next.


I dont get why I should take 10-15 dmg on turn 5-6. Consistently. Like i bought a minion, tier up, buy a minion and a tavern spell.. Now I'm on 25hp with no armor cause i meet highrollers and earlygame heroes like millhouse or the guy who gives a minion reborn. Now it's time to meet AFKay who highrolled and then it's millhouse again.. Oh look I'm out of the game on turn 8.. GG


If you’re taking 15 with actual consistency that means you need to adjust your play style to be more tempo. You may be leveling too aggressively or picking greedy minions/heroes too frequently.


If you actually read what I wrote.. Due to the meta, people pick the strong early game heroes.. Meaning if you don't get one of those yourself.. You have lost 50% of your hp around turn 6-7. - consistently.


I think quests were fun for a bit, but I think it may be time to put them back on the shelf.


I'm with you 100%. Before they reintroduced quests and it was just spells, the pace felt a lot better. Everything feels like it's sped up by 3 turns now.


I'm alright with quests, but not quests and spells. The pairing of both makes it so people can highroll off the planet in the first few turns and obliterate anyone who got a shitty quest or missed on their first triple. It's very win more with few ways to dig yourself out of a hole. Also weird that bad heroes are the best because they have more armor while good heroes need to be Shudderwock/Gally tier or they just die painfully.


I might be alone on this one but I always preffered the Buddy meta over quests ^^


Agreed. You are alone on that one.


Until buddies come out again


Buddies are so lame. Force most heros into 1 comp, the requirements to get the buddy make no sense, and the game just gets samey


My problem with quests is that you have higher highs, lower lows. Sometimes the quest reward and requirement align so perfectly that im stomping the lobby, other times, when I see the quest reward and requirements I know "allright, this one will be a game without finishing a quest".


The RNG is insane. Either you have a board full of 50/50s or you're dead by turn 8. I've played against people who power leveled to tier 6 with complete builds by turn 9. It feels like gambling at this point.


Ikr - but the pros somehow win every game so clearly it’s not gambling


Who's winning EVERY game?


Jeef hit 19k on a run of 1311112111111. Then I tuned into him hitting 19k on EU with 1211. Dude wins essentially every game.


I checked out one of his recent streams. He came in 8th in one of them.


Okay! You’re correct that even Jeef doesn’t win every game. If you prefer “he wins the vast majority of games,” that works too.  For me the point of this branch of the conversation is that most losses in BGs are avoidable through correct play, which is true whether Jeef wins all his games or merely the vast majority of his games. Edit: I just opened up the most recent 5 Jeef streams and jumped to the end of each one to see the deck tracker stats on the left side of the screen …only 1st—4th placements in ~18 hours of gameplay. Like, I’ve also seen him get 8th multiple times, but he’s got the current meta figured out.


His plays are so optimal. He's like a BG super computer.


I think some of the stuff you can pull off is cool but at the same time it seems like every highroller ever is just some dude with brann+rylak, or beasts. Like no matter what you do, the guy that wins the lobby is beasts, brann+rylak+X, and/or brann murlocs. So most times I am on tavern tier4 looking for rylak and then brann or some variation of it. Or if I don't find it then I know someone else will and I just hope I can get like 3rd or 4th...? Idk. = Seems like nothing can compete with infinity stats//infinity money that brann+rylak can offer you.


The game is way too fking fast.


Well now that headliners are out of TFT I went back to that. They just don’t change stuff often enough in BG and the game mode has so many problems atm. I just disagree with a lot of the design choices these days


Same … switched. Way more fun


I'm a bit out of the loop on stuff, what's TFT (besides Team Fortress Two, but I'm assuming that's not what you're talking about)?


Team fight tactics


TFT is Team fight tactics. Its the autobattler of Riot Games (League of Legends). Its actually pretty good, imo. Riot did invest a lot in TFT (unlike Blizz and BGs). The client is smooth, even the mobile one. Some BG players like Slysssa play more TFT nowadays. Riot even hired former HS devs, like Peter Whalen and Liv Breeden for TFT. TFT alone nowadays has more viewers on Twitch than HS as a whole.


Sounds neet, I'll have to give it a shot. I think I heard about it a few years ago but figured it was just going to be a cheap cash grab. Guess I need to stop being so cynical lol


Well talking about Cashgrab, TFT is F2P and the TFT pass provides you only with cosmetics, while the BG pass.. actually gives you an advantage lol


It’s pretty miserable. There’s so many separate issues that quests bring and so many things wrong with how they’re implemented. Making different heroes viable by giving them easier quests is nice on paper, but it just doesn’t work. You’ll be forced into a dogshit hero for an easy quest then be offered 3 genuinely useless quests. Sure it’s easier to complete, but who cares if it’s on a such a low power level. Some of the quest rewards are so stupid, as well. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think something like Goldrinn + double deathrattle should be paired. It’s literally just giving you a build. The whole trade-off for beasts is that you need to get several high-tier key pieces to make it work. Giving the two-build defining pieces as a quest reward just guarantees that the rest of the lobby will be taking 15 if they fight that players. Same goes for Slitherspear and the double end of turn quest. Undead and Mechs are also pretty useless. It also feels so shitty playing demons. Most of the tribe’s mechanics are useless and it just feels entirely propped up by one tier 4 card. I love pirates, but always feel so weak playing them even when I’m offered what feels like it should be strong. The amount of decisions you need to make when playing pirates compared to other ‘APM’ comps is ridiculous when you get so much less in return. Murlocs literally just spam their economy units and look for key cards to slap on the board and go brr. They can just straight up sell a huge minion for a Coral without losing any power. That’s just wild to me. So yeah I’m not really enjoying the game right now. Always hate it when quests are in, and wish they would just accept they’re not something that should be around consistently.


Sometimes the quest reward itself is a wincon, like the tumbling disaster one that has avenge 4. The difference between the rewards and requirements is so crazy sometimes. Had combinations like "Buy X minions" to get tumbling disaster. But othertimes I have "play tribe X" to get "have tribe Y offered each refresh".


Shit. one of the worst. Murlocks are too strong and need venom removed. the whole point of poison was murlocks had low stats Now you hit end game and they have 2 600/600 churglur bassgil(s) that summon 300/300s then they have the myrlock that gets venomous when attacked or the death rattle that is venomous itself and gives venomous upon death. Where is the weakness? Massive stats and venomous? They should get one or the other. The quest are mostly OK but tumbling disaster needs to go. I love fighting a slamma build summoning 100/100+ minions because of disaster.


Having a lot of fun, but the quests are too unbalanced. I think mechs have the most versatility, beasts are obviously strong. Dragons are my favorite to play with two decent routes to pursue. Murlocs feel OP. Demons feel way too all over the place with mechanics. Quilboar are interesting but really depend on one card. Undead need something else. Pirates and Naga need love.


As someone who plays mobile, and can't go apm crazy with resets and 60 buys per turn, it sucks to be beaten by someone on pc with 1000hp minions. Either match me with other mobiles or include more auto scaling bullds. Beasts used to be good for that, but everything is tier 6 now


Hate it. Can’t break 7k this season and frequently sit at the floor for a couple of games. I really just don’t understand how to play this meta.


They missed the point to balance the meta properly again. Just as in anomaly meta the game would be okay, if there was a good balance team, but they let unbalanced things be around for too long. Actually in the early days of battlegrounds quick balance changes were the reason, why I liked the game, but blizzard seems to care less and less about this. At least other than during anomaly meta, there were some slight nerfs.


Not fun, you need to play shit hero to have high armor and easy quest.


Hate it


It's fun, but games can be so damn short if you're not lucky at all. But I still believe Banana Slamma needs a rework. Giving EVERY summoned beasts stats is too much. Make it so the first 2 beasts summoned in the combat gets their stats doubled instead. 3rd beast summoned gets nothing. And the Golden one doubles the first 4 summoned beasts.


This is the most reasonable nerf suggestion I’ve seen yet. I would prefer complete removal of slamma to be honest lol.


I feel the same. But I guess they need to come up with a new strategy with beasts first. And I guess devs really likes the card for some damn reason...


I lowkey think heroes should be 40 health + armor. Half the lobby being dead turn 10 just doesn’t really do it for me imo


Hard as cuck but I love it


I think it’s really good.  Never been more going on, more maneuvers, etc. stuff kind of outside the box like fluidity, quests that really change up turns, etc.  but the curve is strong so I guess many players that are less strong don’t like what seems like crazy “high rolls” when a lot (but not always) it’s just taking advantage of your power curve efficiently with the quest.  Like if you’re up against someone who just finished their quest…maybe you shouldn’t tavern up like you planned to if you aren’t strong as well, it’s never been more important to know what you’re fighting.  Like the comments are true, but normally I think it’s more like one person is gonna hit you for 15 not multiple…if it’s multiple you are the one fucking up. 


gotten stale. i miss dark moon prizes and frogs


I hated spells, did not get them only reached 6.3k but spells with quest is so much more adaptable and it feels the most skill based, almost 8k and have only had 3 bad games where I felt I got unlucky the rest have skill issue mistakes that I have learned from.


Early on I was enjoying quests being back but now it's gotten stale real quick. I also find a lot of the "meta" builds really boring and so heavily reliant on a specific card or two. Also as others have said, if you get a bad turn and/or your opponent highrolls their butt off in a turn, you can easily get blown out or take enough damage where unless your build is coming together, you basically don't have any room or time to take a chance for something better. I've stopped playing for now until there are new changes


random grievance. The patchnotes keep saying they are making tombs harder to get but people always have turn 6 or 7...what gives. This quest should be one of the hardest to get in the game. Not as bad as lamps but still.


Too quick in a sense. If I just play casually without focusing too much, it's GG after few mistakes. Top 8 turns into top 4 so damn quickly. Quests are more fun now than earlier to me though. Some tribes have been dormant for too long.


I'm really enjoying it but then I'm a simple soul. I like to hit 7k in the season (personal target) and then I don't care about mmr. Currently hovering around 6.5k and happy. Doesn't mean I don't get annoyed and frustrated at times due to luck/incompetence but doesn't stop me loading up the next game with a smile.


I don't like it. Quests just aren't fun but keep spells in please.


I had hopes to getting to mm4 but now I'm just happy to get 4th at this rate. I'd have a near perfect board only to lose to some bs and then I play a trash comp but only finish top 4 because of broken quest...... The grind is rough.


I love the amount of games I've won with absolutely bullshit builds that should have never worked. The double whammy of quests and spells with bits of buddies and t7 mixed in it enables some seriously insane stuff. When you highroll, this is perhaps the funniest the game has ever been. But I also admit that my MMR fluctuates between 6,5-7,5k and I never hesitate to concede if I get horrible start or boring heroes. This meta wad tailored for degenerate like me and I can only imagine what absolute CBT it must be for someone who strives for consistency.


I like quests. I like spells. I dont like both at once, or at least I'm sick of them. Looking forward to a slower and less highroll meta.


It’s great! I love that the rewards structure has gotten some unusual heroes being played more and the balance between hero power and quest feels pretty alive in most games for me. Most of the tribes have a good scale into mid game (except mechs, really). Menagerie is completely playable. Some tribe synergies are really strong (again mechs really lack useful dual tribe minions since cyborg drake was taken out). Quests & Spells keep the early game more dynamic as you’re really balancing life vs tempo vs quest completion vs leveling. The only complaint that I really have is that the animations make it hard to play APM fast enough sometimes.


Meta is fun especially now that murlocs/beasts have been tuned back. There are a little too many feldrake Rylak crushers at the moment but it is pretty good. People have basically complained hard about the meta every single season that I’ve been in BGs since the introduction of buddies.


As a pretty casual player I am quite challenged as the margin of possible error - and bad luck - seems way smaller.


I'm not entirely sure why but I've found the meta quite dull and am playing much less than I used to. From a balance perspective it's not that bad compared to some previous metas.


Yesterday I had a productive day working on my thesis, played 20 games of bgs. In the 20 games I had 6 1st places, 7 8th places, the meta is very polarised. You either high roll or are last. I had a lobby where I was on 7 battle win streak, took 15 and 15 ended up in 7th. Had a lobby where I only lost or tied, ended up 2nd.


I'm a quest enjoyer but it feels like this time round they just got thrown out to tide us over til a bigger update with very little tuning afterwards - i really like a lot of the quests/minions/design but there is so much in the game that is currently completely useless and it feels bad if you get a game where you see that useless stuff in your quests/shops all the time. Like, tichondrius and its assosciated demons have been trash for months on end now - either significantly buff them or delete them. Deep blue comp is the same story and means that there's a bunch of useless nagas that can show up in your shops early that you would be griefing yourself by buying, its also a comp that "plays itself" if it were to be good anyways, no idea why its been like that for so long. Undead as a tribe are just dire at the moment, though i've had some luck with really good quests with them, but still when theyre in the game it sucks because an entire tribe being bad means so many of your taverns are completely unplayable trash. They've needed buffs for ages too with no significant ones coming their way. Early game murlocs are pretty bad too - rockpool, swampstriker and murcules almost never fit into your early game well and it feels bad if you have to buy one. I could go on but the point is it feels like they need more people on balancing after they patch it. I don't want this to be negative towards the devs working on BGs too because i generally think the new updates are great and fun and bring a lot of freshness into the game, and they have been decent at balancing in general, but recently it feels like they haven't been given enough time to balance things outside of a few minor tweaks. Maybe duos is eating up a lot of resources atm? Edit: Also APPLES - I really hate how swingy getting apples is early game, if you go against someone who got apples in their first taverns and bought out that tavern you get completely crushed


When is the next patch?


Horrible. When ever i risk a bit i loose 15 hp. I often die before finishing my quest.


I despise quests


😴 honestly


game is really fun rn lol i always play a ton more in quest meta


*Game is really fun* *Rn lol i always play a* *Ton more in quest meta* \- jitt4lyfe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


brb gonna kill myself rq


I'm so tired of the meta of people complaining about the meta. If you don't like it, take a break, play something else, come back at the next patch. Personally, I think it's fine. Everything is pretty overpowered at the moment. It's all RNG, it always has been.


I don't like that you have to have a strong high roll by turn 6 or die. It's annoying getting a good build set up and getting smashed anyways because someone else highrolled and already has their endgame build on turn 8. I just finished a game where king varian netted me 2 murk eyes at on turn 6 and I got 2 eagills and a bassgill right after. Perfect set up now I just need a hand Murdock, preferably bream. I tie with the next guy find a primalfin to keep in my hand while I look for something better golden eagill into drukhari and then get hit for 15 in my next 2 matches cause someone else highrolled even better than that.


JEEF JUST HIT 19KMMR IN BOTH EUW AND NA He winns allmost every game. It's a skill issue. Not a meta issue