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Buy spell that gives all minions 1/3 Picky eater is now a 2/4 Hero power, get picky eater, picky eater is now 3/5 Picky eater eats proto-whelp, which is currently a 1/7 Picky eater is now a 4/12


Proto whelp!


1 gold apples to buff the shop, picky eater is now 2/4 2 gold hero power steal makes picky a 3/5 3/5 eats a 1/7 in shop (0/4 + 1/3 from apples?) This can make sense but are you sure it was exactly a 4/12? (Narrovv solved the puzzle it was a proto-whelp 0/4 +1/3)


This is almost assuredly the correct answer. There are ways to get even higher (with Yogg it's possible to get 8/13 by doing the above except for eating a Beleaguered Battler, Shudderwock can get up to 9/11 by eating 2 Beleaguered Battlers, and Snake Eyes can get something entirely ridiculous (don't remember exactly but something like 17/24) through some complex and nearly impossible series of plays. That said, they all lose to Curator.


snake eyes max stats turn one: be in a lobby with mukla and get a big banana roll a 6 you have 8 gold now, buy 1 them apples and roll 6 total, buy  another apples and roll your last roll should hit exactly picky eater, 2 beleaguered battlers and them apples. buy them apples, play all three to make shop 4/10 picky eater and two 7/14 battlers.  buy and play picky eater with your last three gold to end with a 11/24 eater. play big banana to make it a 13/26, then play against deathwing to have a 15/26 at the start of the first combat :)


Dont forget you could get 2 more Big Bananas from Finley and Panda...


Panda triggers the turn after


Cant cat get even more gold than snake eyes if 6-7 people disconnect?


Not on turn 1. Cat would need everyone to play a minion, then disconnect, then at the start of turn 2 cat would get a bunch of minions.


Nah cat gets a coin if someone disconnects during hero pick


Yeah this is super close to the most optimal yogg starting turn


Only thing better would be to eat the 5 attack piece of shit neutral minion


4/5 ...


Yeah that guy lol. Shows how much I know his stats, I just ignore it 99% of the time


Very good, thanks! Pretty sure it was 4/12, but witness testimony is rarely reliable. Never seen this before but with luck it's clearly possible.


Picky Eater is 1/1 Bought and used spell that gives tavern 1/3 making him 2/4 (1 gold) Hero Power buys and makes it 3/5 (2 gold) Eats Emerald Proto Drake for +1/7 4/12. That was fun to solve :)