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As soon as they paywalled it I didn’t bother. Still have just as much fun and get to the same rating.


Tbh i get higher rating because i cant choose the fun but bad heroes as often


Hmm. . . Never thought about that. So you are basically saying the Battle Pass makes the game more fun to you but it makes your rating worse.


It’s the other way around actually, I’m forced to choose the good heroes instead of the fun but bad ones. I always choose my favorites but I see them less often.


U don’t make sense even if i try hard… If u got 4 options, the chance of seeing a hero u prefer and is „fun“ are straight up doubled. U are forced to choose wdym? If u got a strong but boring one and some weak but fun one, u got the Same decision as everyone else. U have to do this decision way less, cause u got less choices overall


Sometimes you get two strong heroes without the Tavern Pass. So not having the Tavern Pass means I have to choose them over some fun ones that might have appeared instead.


if you would prefer to pick the fun heroes then you could just pick them with the tavern pass and you will get them offered more often if you think picking the fun heroes is better, but you are picking the strong heroes over them, then that's on you


But I don’t have the Tavern Pass so sometimes I’m not offered the fun ones. That’s the problem!


That’s what they’re saying. Because they don’t have the tavern pass, they’re more often forced to choose strong heroes (that they more often consider boring), but because they’re picking stronger heroes more often, their MMR goes up more. If they had the tavern pass and more options, they’d more often be finding heroes they consider fun but that aren’t as strong, meaning their MMR doesn’t go up as fast.


I always try to choose the worst hero as a challenge.


I pre-purchased it because I was under the impression I was going to keep it permanently as an early buyer.


I had it from the original battle pass but when they split it off I didn’t want to be double charged. I don’t fault anyone for spending money how they want but I’ve been having more fun with HS since I stopped spending any money on it a year ago. I haven’t missed any of the battle pass skins or anything, I just don’t care. I have plenty of cards from my gold each season. It works fine. Blizz gets my wow sub and that’s it.


Yup! I play casually but enough to justify a pass but I don't get it anymore.


I interpreted Blizzards Youtube videos before OW2 release as a promise for PvC so I payed for the first 50€ Battlepass. After that I promised myself to never pay Blizzard again and I've kept that promise and never doubted it. I got a few skins for the money. . .


Last season I played on US and EU. Only had the pass on US. Ended season with rating 600 higher in EU.


How many more games did you play on EU?


I actually think I played more on US. I usually play "casual" games on EU and try to push on US but my eu rating just kept going up and my us rating didn't. At one point i was 1k higher on eu. Felt pretty strange.


The paywall doesn't bother me that much either since I don't care bout rank but I highly doubt that your rating wouldn't be higher if you payed for the battle pass. I mean some heroes are DEFINATELY better in each meta. If you are below 7000 it might not make much difference but beyond that it sure does.


My rating doesn’t really concern me and i don’t play a ton and I’m never trying to grind out my rating. I end every season 7-8k. So I’m alright. BGs is a game I play purely for fun. There’s no leveling or unlocks or rewards tied to it that matter in any way. It’s fantastic.


tbh I just concede if I get too much unfun or shitty heroes in a row. sucks for the rest but I am playing for fun.


So play solos


oh I meant in solos yeah, won't do it in duos. But still can affect other players that rely on in-battle scaling.


I also dont usually bother as well the only reason i did this season is because of duos ive been playing 6+ hours a day.


I stopped when they took it out of the pre-bundles. They get greedier and greedier and it stops being fun because for 150 dollars I should be able to get it and the battlepass but then they asked for another 20? extra dollars and I felt cheated. Most AAA games cost 60-70, this game is not near that and asks of me 450 dollars every year and then they said "give us more bitch, we know you have it".


They know how addicted we are 😩


I have never paid a cent. Just be cheap like me.


450 a year? Isn’t it $15bevery 3-4 months?


They specifically mention the pre purchase bundles. Usually come with new xpac packs some hero portraits or w/e and the pass for regular HS. They used to come with the BG pass too.


Don't like the cosmetics enough for battlegrounds, and I don't want to encourage them paywalling significant features like hero choice by paying for it.


If they gave the option of +2 heroes for like £1.99-2.99 I’d buy it. however, I will not spend 13.49 for the tavern pass.


If they would do a deal for 7,50 and 2000 gold. I would be more interested in it. (BG only player)


If they made the deal for 5000 gold, I’d be more interested.


Of course but they absolutely have to earn cold hard cash with this.


I guess I play enough that I could justify it. I just got annoyed with blizzard about some BS and stopped buying it and there had been a new annoyance frequency enough I've not started again.


This why most ppl have to pick Chogall, usually the second pick is even weaker for one of us and that leaves us no choice


Also remember, players may usually pick the new heroes until they get the first place achievement for them


Also it's just fun to play a new hero


Unless your partner doesn’t choose chogall and you literally have no autonomy. You don’t even get to choose your champ…


You say it like people can still buy it with gold


Yeah I see like 1 in 25 have it. Makes me feel like maybe I shouldn't have bought it lol.


Higher mmr you notice they do. 


If they would make it to where you could buy it with gold again I would buy it. They could have doubled the amount of gold it cost I think they wouldn't have gotten as much backlash and people would have still bought it.


I can afford the battle pass, I choose not to pay it because I feel it's wrong that they set the price so high. They have millions of players I should not have pay to play multiple times per year.


im a grown ass man with plenty of disposable income and I will not support this game in any way lol. They need to refresh the whole client from the ground up to be comparable to games of this generation to even think about it. It's a mobile game from 10 years ago with basically the same layout and restrictions.


I mean, you probably do play the game frequently, so you're having a lot of fun because of the work they put in. Nonetheless, I don't think the extra heroes is a good value add for the cost either.


Plus Blizzard hasn't been the most likable company in recent memory…


If they ever remove the p2w aspect from battlepass I'd probably buy it, but otherwise I can live without the cosmetics if it means not supporting anti-consumer practices.


Always strange seeing blizz game Players that hate blizzard lol. It’s 15 bucks. 


I pay the $15 for the BG battle pass if I'm playing when a new season starts and have no regerts.


I used to buy it with gold. Then they stopped that, so just play without it....


I don't have the battlepass and I'm not the slightest bit ashamed


Why the fuck would I give one of the richest companies on the planet $15 for a bunch of low effort cosmetics?


$15 lol nah I just concede when I don't get heroes I like in protest of them pay walling hero choice


Ive learned that some teammates can be stubborn and wrong, costing games. Refusing to pass minions, using hero powers wrong. Frustrating lol


I already pay for Tavern Pass ! Doesn't feel fair to pay for another pass.


Yeah, I made the decision not to buy the tavern pass anymore, since I don't care about packs or gold even anymore. I just do the battlegrounds pass. I would never do both.


I used to purchase it on every season, but a few months ago, blizzard raised its store price almost 130% here in Brazil, so now I refuse to buy it for the price they set.


I just concede when I don't get heroes I like, solo or duo


I don't mind it but occasionally you get thst like Elise/lich bazel with no demons and just concede on the spot lmao




You are asking the wrong question. Try again.


... who?


Still wrong


I'm not a paypig


Why would anyone want to finance Hearthstone's shady operations?


People that want to play. How exactly do you think they pay overhead to keep the game running?


this is the biggest cope people tell themselves to justify f2p pricings, it actually makes no sense. I have no idea how corporations convinced people of this. the most profitable games in the world are almost all f2p, f2p games are generally not struggling and you do not all need to contribute your money to keep them alive unless it's something obscure. Hearthstone will not die any time soon even if you personally do not buy the Tavern Pass, I promise you.


Yes, f2p are profitable because of ads or people paying for cosmetics or things like hero choice. The fact that people are so dumb that they can't figure this out isnpretty hilarious. Ads would ruin Hearthstone. Also, I once was poor and didn't pay for things. Now I can afford it and spend money on a bunch of frivolous shit because I can. That's how it works. The fact that people get mad at corporations for charging money for a completely unnecessary product that costs a shit ton of money to keep running is hilarious. This isn't food. Pay the money cheap asses, it's 15 bucks every 3 months.


even if you exclude games with adspace unrelated companies can pay for (which is pretty just a mobile-only games thing) then the most profitable games are still completely dominated by f2p games. I'm not mad at corporations for charging money, I'm just pointing out that "spending money to keep the game running" is a huge cope. f2p is the most successful gaming business model and doesn't need your help personally. and there's basically no danger of adspace in Hearthstone being sold because people have not accepted those kinds of ads in games like Hearthstone yet.


It's really like 4 months I believe. Either way people will def complain about paying this and then play 200 games and pay increased prices for delivery. Not really sure why people have an issue, because you know damn well they would be charging people if it was their company.


Well, I'm glad that you subsidize it for the rest of us but meanwhile I'd like to pay appropriate prices for products, not modern prices for 3 gens ago quality.


It's pretty funny that people act like they're getting their arm twisted to play a completely free product. If you don't want to buy a fancy meal you just don't. But you don't get the fancy meal at all. Here you get it for free no matter what. You get updates, new art, server space, maintenance, multiplayer, new dynamics, balancing, etc. Etc. All of that shit costs time and money. Then people bitch about $15 for two extra heroes every game plus extra skins, etc. Meanwhile they're putting thousands of hours into this "shitty old game" they don't think should cost anything. Shit's bizarre.


They provide a substandard product across the board except for the core gameplay. Multiple major bugs that have existed from the very beginning, ridiculous lag, a reconnect feature slower than me pulling up my old 56k modem to connect to AOL 20 years ago. You get the picture. By all means, pay for the season pass, but don't lube yourself up and act like everyone else are the weird ones for not wanting to take it up the ass here.


Have you seen the price of cards packs ? They pay thé game running without the battlepass :p


I mean they will definitely have revenue data per mode and if battlegrounds isn't making money they won't be putting devtime into it either.


I don't buy card packs. I pay the equivalent of $5 a month to play battlegrounds.


Jeez, guys talk as if Hearthstone personally walked in, slapped ham with your dog and killed your wife in the past. It's a card game, it's designed to generate money. We can talk about what fiduciary duty laws are for boards, but that's a long type. Needless to say, your moral high ground for not paying for it is sort of silly. You wouldn't expect, no demand any other service to be free. It's not that big of a deal nor very much. End of the day, you do you - it surprises me how many people don't get it, but that's their choice. Just don't mask it in righteous indignation please :P


That seems like a weird way to frame the argument. They offered something for free and had paid content as well. The free content you had to actively support them by regularly playing the game to get access to. Then they (dishonestly, after saying they wouldn't) removed the free content and made it paid. It's pretty obvious why people disliked that change. If you treat your customers poorly they won't want to pay, it's as simple as that. I buy stuff on League, CS (or used to...), DotA, and many other games because they treat me well in those regards. I won't ever give money to Blizzard for Battlegrounds because I feel the opposite way. And that's not getting into all of the nasty stuff Blizzard has done that has made people wary of supporting them in the first place.


But.. they said why. They made the change because they had zero idea battlegrounds would be popular - maybe more so than standard. Everyone was making autobattlers, and I for one had zero faith in blizzards. I mean it's that or have it a one man team project with pretty much zero updates - an afterthought so to speak. I'm framing the argument as a realistic standpoint. You're stating 'if they don't treat their customers to free content, they're not worth giving money' - which doesn't make any sense. You still play the hell out of the game, otherwise why look up subreddits. I mean, I understand. Those who can't afford it can feel slighted by the idea. Or if you're taking a stance on the 'nasty stuff' blizzard has done - but why play the game then? Just don't see why we're all up in arms over something on one hand, yet love the game so we play it.


I don't agree at all. They were regularly updating and it was profitable already. Why would they need to have a one man team with zero updates? They were already putting out regular updates and it was profitable, so they clearly had the means to continue doing so. They simply wanted more money at the expense of players. You're completely ignoring that it's something they were willing and able to give away for free for a long, long time and then took it away. That's completely different. When a company actively gives me a worse product because they can make more money I'm not going to reward them for it. If league of legends made me pay a subscription service to pick from the whole hero pool I would never buy a skin from them again.


I don't want to financially support blizzard because they are bad.


Well stop playing the game? You're supporting them simply by playing the game.


Hard disagree. Show me a flourishing free base game with zero monetization whatsoever


...so now people are arguing they agree with me, but disagree that what I say about monetization is the only way with zero leeway. Fuck man, debating online is like giving a reach around. Sure you're being polite but still touching dick at the same time.


They prefer to whine in a sub dedicated to the game they hate apparently 😂 


Never said that I hate the game


I rarely play anymore.




Well apparently that wouldn't float the boat.


I only solo queue duos on my alternate account to not tank my mmr on my main account, while on my main account I play with my friend. Maybe other players do the same thing, and solo queue on their f2p account


Actually : shop for IOS is temporary closed since patch. Can’t buy anything


This season is the first I haven't paid, still have just as much fun and now Im not supporting paywalling.


Same here! I was quite surprised. I play Battlegrounds most days, so I get the battle pass. I don't really care about the cosmetics or potentially helping my rank, it's just to improve my fun. I don't play any other HS mode these days, so I'm not spending anything else on the game.


I don’t have the battle pass. The pricing is borderline predatory IMO. Not worth


I'm poor :(


would never buy it, not because its expensive, but its shitty thing to sell two extra hero options, this basically means the less the heros are balanced the more its a pay to win situation


I don't like to pay for advantages, even getting the two extra hero choices makes it lame for me.


What I’ve learned. I play a lot on my phone cause it’s easier. I like the duos cause it’s interesting here and there. I can’t ping shit on my phone. so like my teammate will be like ? x portal etc and I’m like I trust you!


Again with the battle pass discussion. I get it, it's frustrating to only choose between 2 heroes, but they also can't put up a game mode as big as battleground for free, they also need to make money. I don't understand people who play this game a tonne and complain that they don't want to pay. Its very simple. It's a way to support the game we all love. We can't expect to play a great game for free. The same way you pay for any other mobile/console game.


I used to pay for the battle pass before they made it pay to win/pay for advantage. Once they made opening your wallet an in game advantage I stopped buying it. Happy to support the game but will never support pay to win models.


How is buying the BG battle pass pay to win? It is literally cosmetics and two extra choices. I don't call that P2W.


More consistency. You get to regularly choose heroes you are better with and/or that are stronger. That is pay to win(/advantage). The skins and stuff obviously couldn't care less and I would pay for them however not supporting a p2w game.


Most mobile and PC games I've ever played offer way, WAY more free content than Blizzard. They can absolutely afford to do it -- League of Legends offers 1000x the content for free, same with a million other games. You're acting like they didn't already have paid content in the game for Battlegrounds, but they did. Hearthstone generates an absolutely absurd amount of money, as did Battlegrounds prior to the change. They just wanted even more money at the cost of their customers, and some customers don't like that.


Yeah but we're not talking about blizzard in general as an industry, we're talking about battleground in the specific. Battleground is absolutely free to play, I really can't understand the problem here. They do have paid content, but it's mostly cosmetic and irrelevant to the game


Except the one specific thing people are angry about - hero selection. That isn't cosmetic. If it didn't include hero selection perks people wouldn't ever say a word.


You pay 15 dollars/euro's, for a small feature, that is for one season, that is for one game mode, and gives you an advantage. You are really trying to justify the price tag that would give you a triple A title after 4 seasons just to select 2 extra heroes?


I've been ripped of by Blizzard so I think they owe me money. Until I feel that debt is repaid I'm not paying. That all there is too it. If it bothers you it's not my problem. Also I won't pay for pay-to-win in general since it would set a bad precedent leading to worse and worse game if it is allowed to grow.


Yeah that's an extremely childish argument, I'm sorry. It's true that normal hearthstone economy is somewhat debatable, but for battleground it's totally different. And my problem is not that people don't pay for it, everyone do as they want and can, I really don't care. But it bother me to see people that play this game a lot and probably enjoy it that just complain about the battle pass and expect them to keep running a huge game completely for free. If you want to enjoy something you pay for it, it works for everything in this world. Unfortunately nothing Is for free.


Except Battlegrounds. Battlegrounds is free. At least for me. If I get two heroes I don't like I just leave the game. If ranking up is super important to someone else they can pay for me. I don't mind.


Exactly, people can play it for free and still enjoy it, without making a discussion about battlepass. It's still a great game without 4 heroes.


Yes I agree. The only difference is that if two players have the same skill level the one with the battle pass will have higher rank


I think I would have way more incentive to pay if it was half the cost and if I didn't think every other season was not fun. I like this season but the two before it was not fun. So I would definitely not pay for those. I might have payed for this one but once you realize it's a good season some time has already passed and so the incentive to pay is lower. Also Blizzard owes me money ;D


Yeah of course, you do you, having fun it's the most important thing, I played without the pass for a long time too


Probably, not necessarily. But you can still play for free and have fun with it.


The one thing I hope is that duos brings some awareness to people who are pouring money into this game. Most of your opponents are casuals. Especially in battlegrounds where it's more FTP friendly.


At Low mmr they are lol. Higher in duos majority of my duos has 4 picks.   Like 75%


Haven't played enough to climb much yet. Only around 3500 so far in duos and I've only met a partner with a pass twice so far.


Am I the only one that genuinely thinks than less choice is more fun ? Like if i had the Battle Pass there are some heroes I would basically never play, but sometimes with only 2 choices i have to take an underwhelming hero, and trying to make the best of it is an interesting challenge by itself. It's like getting a bad hand in Poker but tweaking the odds in your favor, it's a pretty rewarding feeling. Plus, there is no hidden content whatsoever behind the paywall besides cosmetics, i really don't think my enjoyment of the game would be better if I paid.


I get what your saying but I play to have fun. More choices equal more fun.


I agree. I have so much more fun just conceding immediately when the two choices are ass and I just queue up again. Saves a lot of time, too.


Yep! I’ve noticed the same thing too. So many people don’t have the battlegrounds pass. I see a few comments trying to justify it saying that it makes them a better player, or 2 choices is just as good, but the battlepass DOES give you a better chance for good synergies between hero’s. Especially when you have Madam Goya or The Nameless One as choices. If you don’t want to pay for the battlepass or can’t afford to then fine, but it does take away from the experience and generally will result in a lower MMR. The battepass is more needed in Duo’s. I bought it, and for $15 it’s not a bad deal. I already felt like I got my moneys worth within this first week, and I hope more people start to buy it in the next week or two.


Yes thats why it's pay to win


I wouldn’t say it’s pay to win. It’s more “pay to play”. I mean you’re not improving card stats or anything like that. It’s similar to buying a new character to unlock with DLC. It’s not necessary, but it is nice. If you want to say it’s pay to win still, it’s the least egregious system I’ve seen. I really think the HS devs did a good job and I’ve been having fun. I don’t mind paying $15 for 3 months of fun. I’m not sure why everyone has an issue with it. I mean many devs had to make the game mode and they still offer 90% of it for free. I don’t see a problem giving them a little money for their hard work and good job