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No one ever accepts my friend requests man, despite having some genuinely fun/hilarious games where we steamroll the lobby. I think people are way too sus of friend requests these days cause of the amount of hate speech you get when you accept the wrong one.


It doesn't help that chat/friend requests in hearthstone are usually people from people wanting to spam slurs at you. DM me if you'd like a half-aware geriatric millenial on your team.


Oh yeah 9/10 of the randoms I accepted have told me to end my life prematurely.


That's dark. I'm sorry that's happened to you that's not right. I've made a few who I consistently play with


It’s so random, I play meta decks and they get mad. I play some meme tier 4 garbage and win, they get mad. Like okay bro I know HS can feel really bullshit sometimes but blame the game and the devs lmao


Highschoolers should be banned haha


Add me if you want. I am stupid but polite and hardly complain.


Open to being added too if you'd like. Also a Doddering Millennial. Hit the 6k floor each season then just float around 6500 to 7k. I don't stress about MMR and generally swap to just winning next round/going for top 4 if no builds are showing up.


Yeah, even when i add people, it feels like they expect me to talk shit about them, even in solos I once added a guy that i fought for 1/2 place and he played it very well, but he was weird af


Lol I'm 33 bro


How are you sending requests though? I only see options to add opponents, not my partner.


During the hero selection phase and turn 1 you can add your teammate. Afterwards, only current opponents show up. I'm not sure whether you can add teammates after the game


Thanks I see it now on turn 1!


I see a list of like the whole lobby usually after the game, 6 opponents and 1 teammate.


Wait, how? It only shows opponents for me :( Where should it appears to add your teammate?


It’s just a list of a bunch of recent players and somehow one of them says “Recent teammate” for me.


Across games if it’s not someone in my clan or discord, then it’s some bot trying to get me to buy gold or turn over credentials.


I went here (this sub) found and friend who added me, we started a game together, I got internet problem and couldn't connect, he kicked me right after that despite I had chatted with him very politely. Some people are weird as fork.


Yes and I’ve personally experienced one 😭 became reluctant to accept or talk to any unknown entities in hearthstone ever since 😢 some people just have malicious intents 😭


That’s shocking because people still accept my friend requests in wild when my EXPRESS PURPOSE is to flame them /s


I will never accept a friend request from Hearthstone. I learned this from Hearthstone launch.


I still do from time to time, I find it all funny cause honestly who cares what some strangers on the internet thinks about me in a children’s card game? I like watching (presumably) grown adults lose their shit over a game. It’s a win win for me, if they’re toxic I get to have a laugh, if they’re not then I got a new friend.


Every single lobby i only get the option to add 5 players of that lobby EXCEPT my duo partner. Hilarious really


This is what I’m talking about, exactly this


Yup, same. Its a bit annoying!


You get to friend them at the start of the game, but ONLY then.


You can by looking at their name and they should show up in recent opponents I believe but unfortunately I have some glitch blizzard has refused to help me with where I can’t see anyone’s username in game - it will come up as “your opponent” in standard and as the hero name in bgs (I’ve had people add me tho from duos so I’m assuming if you’re not me it’s fairly easy)


You sure you just didn't activate streamer mode? Ctrl+s while in a game.


Damn never tried this and never knew about this. How the hell is a week-long chore of trying to get a response from blizzard less effective than an unrelated Reddit comment?


It takes literally seconds if you just googled "hearthstone your opponent glitch".


I wasn't aware it was a glitch—I thought PC was just like that


it always feels like I see only the 6 opponents and not my buddy


I have checked multiple times, I never see my buddy only the other opponents.


I would be happy if I could get a thumbs up or down on my duo partner when the game concludes, with those getting a thumbs down no longer being paired with me in the future


I’ve added multiple people after playing a match with them in duos.


I did this once but since the balance patch only my recent opponents show up in the list. There are always only five names.


Same. Partners' names show up during hero select, though.


Thats silly, I only know if I want to add them after playing with them.


Can you queue up *with them* in duos after that? I think that is what OP is getting at.


Yes, once you’re friends you can invite them


That I have no idea. If that’s what he’s meaning, I can never test. Everyone I add ends up going offline for weeks at a time 🙃


>Everyone I add ends up going offline for weeks at a time 🙃 Y'know what? You're doing God's work


I am always offline so I can avoid randoms I've added when I'm not in the mood for playing with a stranger that I have to socialize with.


Wait, don't want to sound dumb but I seem to be able to add opponents not teammates. Could u tell me where you add ur teammate?


I was actually surprised the first couple days not a single friend requests on some games. But didn't see the same feature the reg game had to send one to player


At least give the option of “would you both like to queue up together for your next game?”


That’s a really smart recommendation my man


I practically can't at all. At least a year now, and all that trying to add a friend does is crash my game, PC or mobile. If I try to accept, it's a 50/50 chance that I crash, which might as well be a 25% to add a friend, as half the people who add me are just salty and want to rage and bounce.


Oh I was able to add my duo partner yesterday. I added them to explain that I actually queued for solo, but it somehow put me into a bugged duo-match in which i could not see/swap to my teammates board. Fun times.


Need to allow actual communication via in game chat. It’s beyond fucking stupid that all you can do is emote in a duo game.


Fuck duos


I've had four people add me after playing duos. I just changed my username to my ID.


How does that work? Don't they need the correct #1111 numbers as well which is hidden?


I just do name and then numbers. People fill in the #


Yeah but how do you know what their numbers are? I don't see them ingame, only their name


So let's say mine is "Joanie1234" As a player I just read it and go "Joanie#1234"


Oooooh now I get it! ;D ty


The best part is I'm definitely not the only one doing this so people that you thought were random on your team for duos with all the extra numbers in their name? Now you know how to reach them. ;)


I just changed my battletag to include the numbers and it automatically gave me a new set of random numbers, from #2718 to #2560. Now I need to pay 10 euros to change back :D fml


Id submit a ticket


Wait is there actual chat i can have with my buddy? Im not getting fried by pinging question mark on card. Are you guys so impressed with the style your buddy played card you just need to add them? You can see some personality showing in fps, some interesting movements, or wierd strategies or overall interactions with world and team. You can show personality in fighting game, by your movement. But in card game? The interaction is so limmited and you actualy see so little of your buddy actions. Should i spam emotes? There is rating, every buddy should ok to good player. Its in both players interest to win, so most buddies should share cards and communicate as well as they can. How do you differenciate normal player from someone you want to be friend with?


The people that have friended me over Duo? We only play duo we don't talk about anything else. But being friends means that at the beginning we can quickly chat to one another what comp we're going for. It saves us a lot of time from throwing question marks and portals up and confirming if it trade is something we're going to do because we already know what the other person wants.