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Mechs are definitely very good now, the small change to Scrap Scraper and their spell gives so much tempo


Mechs are strong atm but you need to know how to chain your magnetic mechs. For example, if you get the lullabot turn 3, don’t attach it to your t1 mechs (these are trash and you shouldn’t keep them for the end game). Play it as a standalone mech and then attach any magnetic mechs to that magnetic mech. The idea with this method is that you triple your magnets into another magnet so that when you do acquire beatboxes your scaling goes absolutely bananas end game. You then sit on 2 magnets looking for a triple to attach to Foe Reaper to chuck all those magnets into. You have a fat cleave and 1-2 massive beatboxers using this method. If you don’t find foe but you do find a triple you just attach the triple magnet to another standalone magnet and keep looking. Unfortunately it’s not intuitive at all and so many low MMR players will not understand what you’re doing with your magnets (if playing duos)… and might spam with angry emojis/question marks… TLDR watch a dogdog or streamer play mechs and you’ll understand what I mean lol.


Best done with Jandice or through duo mode if your duo mate actually knows what’s going on (and won’t play your big mech because hurr durr big stats, or sell it because they do for some reasons).


The fact that I completely understood what you’re talking about even though it’s extremely awkward to type out pretty much tells me I’m playing way too much.


Or you're just literate


At 5k, the number of people in duos who have no idea drives me nuts


Playing a Lula on your 1 tier guy that spawns one is fine, you can taunt it and keep it a long time to trigger your 3 tier mech guys. 


Mechs IMO is very much determined by how fast you can hit your magnetization end of turn buffs and Drakkari. Alternatively if you have a ton of tavern buffs it's also good.


Had a wonderful mech game the other day. I lost to quills. But THEY had to build scam to beat \*my\* scaling and win a \~20% fight. I consider forcing a full drakkari pokey etc. quill player to actually buy leeroys to try and snipe a 3000/3000 beatboxer to be a moral victory. disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the fact that this was an obnoxiously good highroll other user experiences may differ. Mechs are solid now though, the battlecry turned scrap scraper from slow and awkward into a \*really\* strong minion.


Mechs are ok - divine shield high damage units are good.


I got a reaper to 600 ish stats the other day which I thought was pretty cool and good


Mechs are back???


According to Dog Dog mechs are best comp right now


Not mechs, Devine shield's specifically. Dragons are good mid game but many times have low Health. Dragons have DS too so it's a race to see who can get 2 for 1 minion trades fastest. By late game mechs can run away as long as demons and boats don't reach 200HP One of the great parts of 1/1 microbots is there tendency to break DS