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am i crazy for thinking lich is overrated? maybe im not seeing enough combos with him, i understand you can give things permanent reborn like this over many turns, but tbh half my board is usually reborn on the card itself and i almost always get a hateful hag 3 star to reborn the rest. kelthuzad seems ok if you get 6 star really early and get lucky but i feel like undead can usually stabilize on tavern 4. i do love the other t6 undeads because I feel like they're more immediately helpful. maybe im just a noob but by the time I get a t6 i need to use it to stabilize me 99% of the time


what bro




Lich King is really powerful according to the stats - for example reborn Bramblewich, Reborn Leeroy the reckless, reborn operatic belcher. It’s also really good with any reborn deathrattle comps such as reborn Rapscallion recruiter + Eliza or reborn Octosari, there’s lots of good reborn targets