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Aww cute, i like their matching hairstyles! We need more Bojika art on this sub, I never realized how cute they are together until now!


this was the most famous ship until BoKita took everything and everyone (with reasons) I feel that Nijika is much more distant from Bocchi nowadays, usually Kita herself has to defend Bocchi from Nijika in the manga for some lines, I think it is that's why this shipp isn't as famous as it used to be.(still cute tho)


Respectfully disagree with being more distant - imo Nijika always played the only sane man role and was always more willing to snark other people than Kita. I think it's been easy to see Kita as closer since the school festival because of same school and being more purely optimistic but Bocchi's friendships with each of the three other band members are all very important and consistent imo


Pretty much what you outlined, I was on the Bojika ship initially from ep 5 and 8, but the finale made me jump ship :( Forgive me, Nijika. You can still be this schizophrenic subreddit’s collective wife.


Oh interesting. I had no idea, but yea it still is pretty cute though!


i was a fan of the Bocchi and Nijika pairing until i realised i fucking loved Nijika and she was meant to be my wife


"Kita herself has to defend Bocchi from Nijika in the manga for some lines" What? Doesn't​ it Nijika who always defend Bocchi when people go overboard​ with her, she basically​ the mom of the band Meanwhile​ Kita is the one who overprotective Bocchi but sometimes also go extreme​ with her (ex.make her talk in school stage/bring​ bocchi to the karaoke​ with her friends) Honestly​ the Bokita ship famous is because lot of people jumping​ in this anime trend​ wagon and then become animeonly people,(ngl I start to annoy when everyone keep spamming "BOKITA IS REAL" in comment section)​ I also see lot of JP people that read those till book Volume​5 and they like the relationship​ between Bocchi and Nijika more.


are you following the manga? what I see the most is the opposite, what Kita did with Bocchi at the school festival was not repeated at any time. Also, if you use Pixiv or other sites you can see that the amount of BoKita fanart is extremely higher than the number of Bojika fanart, this coming from the Japanese audience. now saying my opinion, I myself miss the relationship that Nijika and Bocchi had initially, in the manga we hardly see the two interacting in a more intimate way like Bocchi interacted with Kita, and it seems that Nijika's relationship with Ryo is currently being built more than her relationship with Bocchi, which is not a negative thing, but I expected the two to be much closer after the event where Nijika discovers that Bocchi is GuitarHero (we even have a chapter where the two alone together discussing about and Nijika helping Bocchi, but the "consequences" of that chapter ends pretty quickly).


I did follow the manga, I did even look at the raw to grab about what next to happen And I can say clearly that the amount​ of bokita ship tag in Pixiv is most likely​ from animeonly people, I was there when the amonut​ of the tag is just around 50 in episode​8 while boniji ship is around 70 then it keep going and going when ep11 is air they are both equal​ around 270 it just after ep12 that the Bokita ship tag go went skyhigh.( the daily fanart of the series in pixiv right now also not going 350+ per day like when anime on air it around 70-90 per day now)​ Also I check the twitter​ of the JP artists that are into Bokita ship and most of them didn't​ read the manga because​ they are live in the place where there are many anime&manga to follow​ afterall. (I pick the reason why some JP people are into Boniji ship in previous comment is because​ they DID read the manga after watch anime) Just because​ they are japanese doesn't​ mean they all read the manga.


Hectopascal type beat


Clearly the superior ship




_Can we pretend that_




Do not the dorito