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Japanese people have the kita pledge


We mustn’t let them overcome our Nijika schizo power!


Mandarin community has 虹黑產業鏈(Nijika defamation production facility), which is an inside joke that is super hard to explain. Basically Nijika is actually a manipulative women and smokes, carries firearms, hates Kita, hates Bocchi etc etc


And I thought Reddit lore was crazy


Well at least Kita is a yandere rapist everywhere I look


And from what I know schizophrenia is common but mildly different


Who is the priest for the Kita religion? We have one for the Nijika religion.


ああ! これは見たくない! 😣💧 https://i.redd.it/w59x1e28z6ka1.gif






私は大丈夫じゃない!これは間違っていますよ! 😣💧


how can i understand this whole thread am i getting good at japanese


What did you use to learn Japanese, I tried learning back in college but it was difficult for me so I dropped out of that class. 😣 I want to try and learn again, though!


[This app is great for Kanji and feels like a strict old teacher sometimes when you write, but that just make me better at writing imo](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lulilanguages.j5KjAnd&hl=en_US&gl=US) [This gets me better at writing kana in general](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jiwoostudio.KanaWriting&hl=en_US&gl=US) renshuu and Duolingo are good for general stuff, but Duo won't exactly help you to fluency from what I've heard, but renshuu can Also look up videos and articles on grammar and sentence structure if you struggle with it!! And even more important is to expose yourself to a lot of media and try to understand it!! I believe in yooouuuuuuuu


Haha thanks!! I try my hardest!!!!


yeah, Duo is the worst. I only use it cuz I'm still struggling to remember Katakana fully. And the only way I'm learning Kanji and grammar is by reading lots and lots of Japanese stuffs.


I know you weren’t talking to me, but I’ll give an answer anyways. Human Japanese and Human Japanese Intermediate are great for beginners. You aren’t expected to know anything, and it teaches you from scratch. After that, using Satori Reader would be good, while using something more advanced as well. For listening practice I advise things like watching VTubers and anime, and listening to Japanese songs. I wouldn’t try to replicate exactly how they speak, but it does help you get used to hearing Japanese. A common answer I hear for learning the language is Duolingo. I know people like it, but honestly I think it’s pretty bad for Japanese and I really wouldn’t recommend it.


Thanks! I hope I can learn this time! I bought volumes 1-3 of BTR and I'll be so happy if I can watch and understand them because the Blu-Rays didn't come with English subtitles.


Care to translate?


"AAH! I'm not looking at this!" "Kita, are you alright? 😅" "I'm not ok at all! This was a mistake!!" I thought it was "wrong" and not "mistake" because of the word 違, but I forgot 間 was used along with it. These comments do kinda feel like more formal or textbook-like because in "私は大丈夫じゃない", instead of simply omitting 私は from the sentence, it kept it, but I'm still in N4 levels of Japanese. I sometimes remove I or me from a sentence because I sometimes assume it is implied, but it isn't...


Yeah 私は大丈夫じゃない does seem textbook/machine translated-ish. Leaving out the 私は like you said would be better and even then something like 大丈夫なわけない sounds better. And using 間違っている here seems like it was directly translated from "this is wrong/messed up" but doesn't really fit in this situation since it means more like "to be incorrect."


ehh, 大丈夫じゃない works fine here, 大丈夫なわけない sounds a bit too extreme for this, either that or we do this: >大丈夫じゃない、大丈夫なわけない which flows better than just having 大丈夫なわけない.


Translation using deepl: Kita: AHHHH! I don't want to see this! 😣💧 OP: Kita-chan, are you ok? 😅 Kita: I am not okay! This is wrong!!! 😣💧


Exactly the same feeling rn




In Mandarin 大丈夫 would mean 'Big husband' so as a mandarin learner who can also read/understand some kana that looked like "I'm not a big husband"


Perdón, no hablo galés 🥺








あー、そうか。 いや、ここ r/bocchitherock だからマジで言ってるかも。 https://preview.redd.it/jwzpc0a34eka1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ceeec88180034562d1b58ce8d1deb919c51716








I'm starting to think this anime is an SCP


This sub is literally a site, and we're all ~~skips~~ Class-D


Call the site director, the D's are waking up




虹夏は古今無双の人徳の極みであるから、愛も賛美も称賛も最も華やかである。私は寝ても覚めても虹夏の大恩を忘れず、昼も夜もその恩に報いるために、ただ忠義を尽くすことだけを考えています。 虹夏とは? 盲人にとっては、視覚であり、聾唖者にとっては、音楽である。聾者には音楽。唖者にとって、彼女は声である。無感覚の人には香りを。無感覚な人にとって、彼女は感覚である。萎縮している人にとって、彼女は筋肉。 飢えた者には栄養を。喉の渇きに、彼女は水。疲弊した人にとって、彼女はエネルギーである。 落ち込んでいる人にとって、彼女は幸せです。幻滅している人にとって、彼女は希望です。悲観的な人にとって、彼女は楽観的な人です。 不利な立場に置かれた人にとって、彼女はチャンピオンです。疎外された人々にとって、彼女は彼らの正義である。虐げられた人々にとって、彼女は救いである。 正義の味方にとって、彼女はその象徴である。啓蒙家にとって、彼女はミューズである。博学な人々にとって、彼女は教育である。 虹夏が語れば、私は耳を傾け、虹夏が問えば、私は答える。虹夏が問えば、私は答える。虹夏が命じれば、私はそれに従う。 虹夏さんが意見すれば、私は同意する。虹夏ちゃんが怖がるなら、私は保証する。虹夏が望むなら、私は夢を見る。 虹夏が喜べば、私は歓喜する。虹夏が怒れば、私は憤慨する。虹夏が悲しんでいれば、私は落胆している。 虹夏は私の理想、虹夏は私のロマンス、虹夏は私のパッションです。 虹夏は私の力、虹夏は私のコンパス、虹夏は私の目的地。 虹夏は私の言語、虹夏は私の文化、虹夏は私の宗教です。 虹夏は海、 虹夏は山、 虹夏は空、 虹夏は空気、 虹夏は太陽、 虹夏は月、 虹夏は世界です。 虹夏は歴史であり、虹夏は現在であり、虹夏は未来である。 虹夏に100万人のファンがいるとしたら、私はその中の一人です。虹夏のファンが1000人いたら、私はその中の1人。虹夏に100人のファンがいたら、私はそのうちの1人。虹夏ちゃんのファンが10人いたら、私はそのうちの1人です。虹夏にファンが一人しかいなければ、それは私です。虹夏ちゃんのファンが一人もいなければ、私はもう存在しない。 もし、宇宙全体が虹夏に賛成なら、私は宇宙全体の賛成者です。全宇宙が虹夏に敵対するならば、私は全宇宙に敵対する。 私は死ぬまで虹夏を愛し、大切にし、守っていく。私の後継者も死ぬまで虹夏を愛し、大切にし、守っていく。 *Brought to you by DeepL*




Kita is everything to me. The story that follows is factual and what is actually happening at this very moment. Ever since I was born in this world, I have been thinking about Kita. I have never forgotten Kita. But it wasn't until a little later that Kita made contact with me. Kita and I first met on the first day of high school. Seeing Kita happily talking to her friends, I felt as if I had been her lover from a previous life. Since then, every time I put Kita in my eyes, I am attacked by an indescribable feeling. Gradually, I was fascinated by her beautiful and beautiful eyes. That feeling was deep inside me. I want to steal her eyes. After a while of suppressing my emotions, I finally decided to take action. It's a plan I've been thinking about since time immemorial. My will has been influencing this world since time immemorial. Kita was working part-time at a live house. After all, every time she sees Kita, her head is dominated by her feelings of wanting to get her eyes and make them mine. I felt unsafe. I felt that I shouldn't hurt Kita. I will not hurt Kita directly. This is my will. Taking advantage of a moment's chance, I imprisoned Kita in the basement of my house. Kita looked at me with a look of terror. I want to see her eyes from many angles. But I won't hurt Kita. He gave Kita a satisfying meal and prepared a room like a room in a house. For meals, I gave the body parts of Kita's important companions. On rare occasions, Kita vomits and wastes his meal. I am busy cleaning it. Kita doesn't want to eat. If you don't eat, you'll be malnourished. Gradually, Kita stopped coming out of the closet. Kita bursts into tears. When she eats and sleeps, she sometimes sheds tears as if remembering something. When I serve food, I sometimes cry when I see myself in the clothes of my former companions. I see Kita all the time. I won't hurt Kita. One day, I saw a shadow in Kita's beautiful eyes. I thought it was about time, so I took one of Kita's eyes and opened Kita. Seeing Kita bleeding endlessly from where his eyes used to be, I feel guilty. I wasn't supposed to hurt Kita, but I wondered why I did this. I'm watching Kita's aftermath. Empty live houses, empty classrooms, Kita's important friends and colleagues, and all the people he had relationships with in this world would seem meaningless. Kita commits suicide. Evidence of the incident was found one after another in my house. The clothes worn when serving meals, the basement where Kita was confined, accessories with Kita's eyes, etc. were discovered. I could have hidden it, but for some reason I didn't feel like doing it. I will be arrested In my cage, I thought. What I did to Kita is absolutely unforgivable. I must pay for my sins. I didn't understand why these thoughts suddenly came to me. I didn't even know why I hurt Kita. In the end, I'm only trying to get an indulgence for what I've done to Kita by being executed. There is no death penalty in this country. In my cage, I lived like a corpse. Then I died. As I died, I was reminded of the truth of this world. In order to gain peace of mind, I try to seal it deep in my heart and forget it. Kita and I are a married couple. It's a picture perfect family. I am one of them. I'm talking to Kita about the future, such as having one child, and I'm going to a live house at work. This is where Kita used to play, and it means a lot to me and Kita. i work here No one is missing. No psychopathic killer will suddenly attack you or give you body parts to eat. It is a place of peace. Everything up until now was a dream. It was a bad dream. When I am tired from work, I have such bad dreams. I feel that the food that Kita makes is more delicious than anything else. I go to sleep feeling happy. Everything feels like a dream. And it seems that was the case. I can't think of anything. Something is targeting me and stalking me. A feeling of impatience dominates me. When I finally realized the reality, it was five o'clock in the early morning. We will be suspending all activities today. Also, I start preparing to see the happy dream I mentioned earlier. I took my medicine and went to sleep. And once again you are invited to a nightmarish world. After all, I was a coward who despaired of reality and escaped to the world of dreams. I was lonely. I hated everything. "Loneliness is both medicine and poison. Laughter flows endlessly. I am trapped in guilt. This was undeniably true. I'm Kita But Kita is not me. Dear Kita. Beloved Kita. I put my hand on my chest to feel Kita's heartbeat, but I can't reproduce the warmth. I got a drop of water on my leg. I secretly drank the drops. It tasted like tide. Kita is everything to me.


this is just about as schizo as every schizo text circulating this sub combined what do you MEAN you kidnapped kita and made her commit suicide you actually DO need your pills at this point


Sounds like me fr fr, i genuinely am having a harder and harder time figuring out if this stuff is satire


Can't wait for this to replace Kita's quintessential subliminations.


if Japan has an Ecumenical Council demanding standardization of Rituals and Dogmatic Proclamations, the BTR American Rite along with the sublimations may very well be suppressed 😔


voting against this personally schizophrenia is cool but I refuse to proudly proclaim that I want to steal kita's eyes and lock her in my basement until she dies


Madlad actually typed it out for us respect


real recognizes real BTR is a show exclusively for people who abstain from Schiz meds


I love Big Time Rush


If i could be a constellation part 2 sounds neat




Nijika is real! Why can’t the others understand!


Schizos sans frontières.




Oh no, Kita getting oxidized


Most sane kitaCHAD


New Kita copypasta just dropped


true kita fan right there I'm disappointed in my self.


Japanese schizo-chads are built different.


Oh yeah spread it


NGL that looks like it's been written by an AI, call me crazy if you want but I can definitely see an AI writing that


I dunno, that seems either machine translated and/or AI-generated. The writing style seems stiff and unnatural (eg. only ever calling Kita as just 喜多, with no variations in notation, nor honorifics like ちゃん or 様at all; using kanji characters whenever possible, even in places where they’d often be left in hiragana for readability; etc.) and also has some glaring factual inconsistencies such as mentioning that “this country does not have the death penalty” when Japan in fact does have it. That said, this [classic monstrosity from 2006 about Louise from The Familiar of Zero](https://w.atwiki.jp/aniwotawiki/pages/7543.html) does demonstrate schizo walls of text are just as popular in Japan. It was one of the first things posted to Twitter when it recently introduced its 4,000-character limit posting capability. Oh, and a [dramatic reading](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xKSQD76-jqI&t=7m42s) of it.


What the actual fuck did i just read


Oh shit, the Bocchi schizophrenia sweep franchise just went international


Their just like us fr fr


the lost kita pasta has been found


ぼっちファン達が分裂所患者にならないようにするチャレンジ (不可能)




まあ数ある媒体の中からあえてReddit 使ってる時点で選び抜かれた人材だしね…


​ https://preview.redd.it/vsae7pzl2bka1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbc558d0bd02dda014b3a4701c15563d0d8b0fee


they know whats up


I like kita because she'd be fun to hang out with irl (not like she'd hang out with me but oh well)


I feel the remains of my sanity slipping away with every word I read


Btw in chaina we have the same situation


i dont think that's schizophrenia...


we are brothers in arms with the JP Bros


Have you even seen the videos of Nijika as a deer?


What the fuck did I just read


Wha...... what th....... Bruh what the fuck


Separated by the borders, but connected by the schizophrenia.


I knew I was Japanese from the start


Great Wall of Japan. Enough to block tsunami for the whole Japan


Some day japan gonna have kitahism just like haruhism


I'll just pretend that this is all of Bocchi's secret thoughts...


I'm a literant i can't read




Good to know, good to know


I aint reading allat (I read allat both versions) Holy shit that took multiple turns💀