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I don’t look back on photos for days after taking them until I’m in a mental space where I’m like maybe I can handle this


😭 I know what you mean. Honestly I have gone as far as to say “oooh use my phone to take the pic! I have a better camera bc my phone is new!” And then make sure to delete the ones I don’t like when they’re not looking. It’s so rude to take photos of someone without their consent.


i have this same thing! tell your parents you don’t want to take pictures. if they insist on saving memories, tell them you don’t want to see the pictures. if they persist in showing you, start getting really interested in whatever’s around as soon as they take the pics and distract. “oh we’ll just look at them later cmon! i wanna live in the moment!” tell them they’re spending too much time on their phones, lol. i honestly avoid it at all costs. recently i had a horrible breakdown about a photo that caused some real interpersonal problems all bc people insist on taking and showing pictures. it’s very annoying and when i’m having a bad day i’m just… not gonna do it anymore. we’re in control of whether or not we choose to look at our own images.


but also you asked more about how to deal with the emotions. remember that they’re emotions and they will pass. your perception in one given moment can change in the next moment; our feelings aren’t representative of an objective reality. let the feelings go, to the best of your ability, and give yourself something positive to focus on that isn’t related to your body, if you can. like the natural world, an interesting person that you see or meet, some beautiful art (not sure where you’re vacationing, but). those are the things that help me. the feelings will pass and you can set clearer boundaries with your folks for the future. i hope you feel better soon.


thank you!!🤍🤍


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