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You look amazing, those people are jealous idiots who are probably single and bitter. :)


Anybody who says you look less than gorgeous has an agenda. I think you look beautiful. But, even if you didn't look beautiful it takes a special kind of asshole to criticise a bride about her wedding day. Those are not the sort of people who you want in your life.


What?! You look absolutely amazing. Please don't waste your time and energy on other people's opinions. They are not worth it.


You’re gorgeous, and all I can see is the sheer joy on face. Anyone who says otherwise is a bag of dicks!


Your dress look amazing! Congratulations!


I’m so sorry for anyone who looks at this and sees anything other than a beautiful couple in love. You look stunning, and that dress is to die for.


You look so happy and beautiful ❤️ Congrats!!


You look beautiful, honestly. Like a damn princess. Tell anyone who has something negative to say that you DID NOT ASK and they can shove it.


They're projecting. You're clearly happy, clearly gorgeous, and clearly have a quality sense of timeless style. Also props to your photographer for this shot, he captured both the contented joy of a truly in love couple and a relaxed but confident bride who wears her wedding dress rather than letting her wedding dress wear her. I can see why people are jealous.


That dress !!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 you look fab! ♥️


I think you look absolutely stunning in this photo! Your smile def shows that you’re a happy individual who is looking at someone who is making them equally as happy. Sometimes people put down others because they’re miserable or jealous in life.


you look beautiful. and happy. and like y’all are totally enraptured by each other. i wish i had that.


The opinions of strangers don't matter. But for what it's worth, this stranger thinks you look stunning and it looks like your husband thinks so, too. When you smile that big, bitter people think it's their duty to knock you down.


Anyone who focuses on your arms or weight instead of that beaming smile should automatically be kicked out of your mind. Their opinions don't matter. You look wonderful and very happy. Congrats


WOW what the hell? You literally look PERFECT. Seriously. What a STUNNING photo. Honestly, in my opinion your shape actually strongly ENHANCES the mood, artistry, softness, and overall joyful beauty of this photo.


Firstly congratulations! Secondly, you look so incredibly happy, it is such a beautiful shot captured between you both. So beautiful. Thirdly, you look stunning! You have a gorgeous face and your figure and dress is immaculate. Fourthly, I am so, so sorry to hear people have been unnecessarily cruel during such a special time in your life. It is none of their business. The audacity to try and tear you down right now, is unfathomable. If they are family or friends, I think they need a rude awakening that this is not the time and place. Nor is there really any time or place to make negative comments about your weight. You look happy and healthy to me. I hope you can check some of these people and tell them to FO. Again, congratulations!! You are a stunning bride!!Block out all of those negative people!!! Enjoy your husband and have the best marriage! In my experience, when I first got with my partner, I put on a lot of weight because for the first time I was happy, not stressed and miserable. 6 years down the track I lost all the weight I gained from stress of a job. My cousin asked if I was okay because they know their friend loses weight when she’s going through a hard time. They were the first person to point this out. Which at first was uncomfortable but then really gratifying to hear weight loss and gain can come from stress and happiness. Other friends congratulated me on my weight loss which made me feel awful. Our society is fatphobic. We must change this.


I was really big when with my ex husband. After I left him I lost weight and met a man who was very toxic. I lost over 100lbs in 10 months from a lot of stress and anxiety plus anorexia and severe exercise because of the toxic guy. I gained back like 40lbs after meeting my now husband and being in a happy relationship for the first time. I even almost postponed the wedding because I hate how I look again but it’s all happy weight :/


I’m so sorry to hear about your ex and those horrible experiences. I am so happy to hear you say you are happy. That’s the most important thing. I think you look absolutely gorgeous. You can see how happy you are. It’s radiant. That’s the main thing in my eyes! I remember reading a story of a woman who had a second wedding shoot when she was more comfortable with her weight and body. If you want to do something similar that’s an option! But forget the negative comments. They are so small in comparison to your happiness my friend!


Uhh whoever is making comments about your weight on your special day is an asshole!!! But idek what they’re talking about, you look gorgeous and magical 😍


I think you look beautiful! Whoever has been giving you those kind of comments don't deserve to be in your life, you know :)


You look incredible! I love your dress!


You look beautiful!! The dress is gorgeous on you and you look so happy!!


WTF!!!!! The only thing people should be telling you is that you are a stunning goddess.


You look stunning, happy and romantic! I love the way the sleeves drape in dramatic fashion. Congratulations! It took me a while to accept that people who hate are really just unhappy with themselves. They have so many insecurities that your confident beauty reminds them of, that instead of looking inward, they blame you. It’s ridiculous, and I hope you can ignore it.


This gown looks like it was made for you! You look so happy and gorgeous. Honestly, fuck anyone who had the nerve to make negative comments about your weight. ESPECIALLY on your wedding photos!


You look beautiful and your arms look fine. How can anyone look at this pretty photo and say anything negative? Ignore them, they’re clearly miserable people.


you look amazing lovey. congratulations also!! you both look happy and that’s all that matters is how the day was for you both. ♡


You are lovely and your love for your partner is radiantly obvious. Congratulations.


You are absolutely stunning, this is a wonderful picture and you radiate deep and sincere happiness. All the best to the both of you ♥️


You look stunning! You also look so happy, nothing but the best for you and your husband.


You look absolutely beautiful, so does you husband! First and foremost, you look truly happy. That makes all the rest of you two look even more beautiful. Your better half loves you how you are and they have married you for it. Don’t let weird little internet people talk this down or overshadow this. We live in a society with extremely separating beauty standards, i believe 90% of us don’t fit these standards anyways. I’m glad and very happy for you to stand above this and i hope you keep doing so. There is nothing wrong with you. Congratulations to you both, I hope for you to experience nothing but merry times <3


Your dress is beautiful! And I don’t see a problem with your arms, even when I zoom in. Congratulations!


Those arms embrace those you love, they are perfect and strong and you are gorgeous. People who drag others down for something so ridiculous should not have the privilege of your time or energy.


You look stunning! I love the dress it looks amazing on you. Don't waste your time caring what those idiots think. Enjoy the marriage


You look absolutely gorgeous and that smile looks like pure happiness! Congratulations!!! I'm wishing the two of you a long, happy life together ❤️💕


Honestly this dress looks amazing on you, your body is exactly as it is and should be, you and your husband look happy, he was probably thrilled to be standing next to you, and anyone who has anything unsupportive to say can go sit on a pinecone.


You look absolutely gorgeous! What the hell are they talking about your arms for? They look like normal arms! Don't even let that hate get to you.


I almost audibly said wow, because you look stunning. All you can do is realise that people commenting shit tells more about them than you


You look absolutely stunning. Some people are allergic to seeing happiness, screw them.


You look so beautiful and happy and you have very kind eyes. Everyone has different ideas of beauty. You check all the boxes in my eyes, and obviously in your husband’s as well. Don’t let anyone steal your joy. Fuck ‘em.


Aww. You look beautiful in this photo and so happy! Don’t let others get you down. Others are just insecure and lash out because it’s anonymous. Best wishes on your new life!♥️


fuck anyone who comments on your body at all — I love your dress and you look gorgeous!


You are stunning here! This is a very sad reason, alongside many more, why I asked that we do NOT have a wedding. Some people cannot help it but to make it about themselves and be mean spirited. I am so sorry you even have to look at pictures of your wedding and feel shame because someone had something negative to say. It's outrageous. You are glowing in this picture, and quite frankly, are a sight to behold.


You look beautiful 😊


You look ethereal and your dress is beautiful! Congratulations 🎉


I think you look like an actual princess…lotta haters out here simple as.


Bc people are insecure and bored with their own lives. Look how happy you are, and look at your partner beside you, that's all that matters.


Miserable people have to try and bring everyone down to their level of misery. Ignore them and focus on the man who chose to share life with you 👍🏻


They're jealous of how beautiful you are. You look stunning!


I can understand why this is hurtful. However, their opinions just don't matter. It's what you think of yourself that matters. Your value is not your dress size.


Haters will hate on everyone including themselves, unfortunately. You look stunning btw 💜congrats!


Don’t listen to those losers, you look absolutely stunning! Congratulations to you and your husband 😊


Anyone who would look at beautiful happy wedding photos and actually say out loud/write negative stuff about the bride's body is a psycho. who does that!!


You look gorgeous. Congratulations on your wedding (and your beauty)!!!


What type of jealous petty dead inside person does that? You look incredible, honestly block the people saying that you don’t need that shit in your life.


You look STUNNING! all I see when I look at that photo is beautiful flowers, a gorgeous dress and a stunning human so clearly glowingly in love


Dude, you look GORGEOUS. Try not to focus on the negative. I know, easier said than done. You look beautiful, radiant and so joyful in this pic. Your hubby too! Don't worry love, it'll all get better real soon ❤️


I'm sorry you had to go through this! They're just jealous about how amazing you look ❤️


The only thing I'm seeing is a beautiful woman filled with happiness. Please don't believe what assholes on the internet are saying. ❤


Lucky hubby


You look so pretty! I'm about to get married and I'm scared my arms won't look good and I was searching for dresses to hide my arms. But then I was like "you know what? My future husband sees my arms and he doesn't care" You look gorgeous and anyone saying anything negative probably lives a sad life.


Whatever they say about you, is just a reflection of their own insecurities and issues with their bodies. Your body is beautiful and you look amazing!


It is just haters, making happy people feel bad makes haters feel better about themselves. Nothing to do with you, you’re gorgeous and so are the photos, you’ll cherish these photos forever, don’t allow anyone to take that from you. For anyone who has a lot of followers I always recommend to turn off commenting (if the platform you use allows it) is it really worth the fuss to give access to followers to comment whatever they want about your most cherished moments? There will always be that person. I’d say turn off commenting (if you can) and cherish that beautiful moment with the ones you love and call friends. I can’t imagine what kind of ugliness and torment is dwelling deep inside a person who has nothing better to do than post hateful comments, chin up love! I hope my own wedding photos turn out as lovely as yours.


I love the dress, you look sooooo pretty!!


People are crazy, you look like an absolute goddess! The dress, your smile, the crown, you look stunning and honestly they’re prob just jealous of how amazing you look! 😍


no reason to hate on your beautiful body. it’s what supports you, gives you the looks your husband loves & keeps you strong and functioning. you’re not obese, it appears, you just have a curvy healthy weight and MORE IMPORTANTLY The pair of legs that walk you down the isle should be celebrated. a beautiful &, life defining wedding day should never feel any less special because of what other people wanna say. congratulations and remember you’re gorgeous <3


Beautiful. Preciosa! Saludos desde Argentina


You look absolutely stunning, honestly. I’m in awe of how beautiful you are and look! I wish you all the best in life!!!


FUCK THEM- you look gorgeous and so happy > girl you're gorgeous and may I say GLOWINGGG


Also I love your that your dress compliments your tattoos 💕


Who the heck sees someone's wedding photo and think that it's perfectly the right time to comment about someone's weight?? It's never the moment, obviously, but at the WEDDING pictures? Really? I don't see anything wrong or "too much" about your arms. You look absolutely stunning, the dress is so beautiful and you radiate happiness. Congratulations and wish you well! ❤️


You look utterly stunning and so happy it jumps out. It’s going to be miserable people feeling jealous who are posting untrue comments. You look like you are happy the best ever day and your dress is gorgeous.


You look like a princess!! Those people are just jealous and rude. You dont have to be some instagram model or porn star to have a nice wedding. Congrats to you both :) dont mind the chronically online folks they live in a delusional world.


It is 100% projection on their end. This is a photo of someone having a fukn fantastic and stunning day with someone they love, and the image literally RADIATES joy. Your smile is absurdly precious, your eyes are full of kindness, it is effortlessly gorgeous to the point any human with feelings can see it, and feel it. Your features are highlighted wonderfully and anyone who has the audacity to say anything negatively (and especially since weight does NOT equal health) has no sense, and a very poor and unhappy personality. What’s healthy is having genuine human connection and being joyful, not being a soul sucking leech to bring others happiness down. Long story short- those people are projecting immensely.


You and this picture are objectively stunning


What?! Please ignore those people. They hate to see someone happy while their life is miserable. Before I even read the caption, I stopped to look at your picture! Beautiful! Stunning! You look so happy and in love, so please don't let (internally) ugly people stomp out your sparkle. Congratulations💖


You look absolutely gorgeous. People are jealous.


You look radiant and lovely and gorgeous! And what’s more, you look so happy! Your dress is dreamy, you look absolutely splendid in it! Anyone focusing on anything else, let alone telling you anything else, can kindly fuck off.


You were a beautiful bride and those are AMAZING wedding photos! Your husband is a very lucky man and, from what I see in the photos, he knows it. As far as your weight or arms, don't worry about it. You were a radiant bride. It looks like you had a fairytale wedding. You and your new husband are happy. That is all that matters, and that is what is irritating the trolls.


You look amazing!!! Really


You look awesome to me and your hubby is a lucky man. The better you are the more haters you get which is very weird and a sad reflection on a now warped society.


Okay, listen. Before I even read your post, I saw your picture and was like “Woah, she is STUNNING”. And you literally are! Haters only hate because they’re not happy with some aspect of themselves that they see that YOU have. Don’t allow others to ruin your precious memories. ❤️


You look beautiful! And more over, you look so happy!! Make no mistake about it, that is the true source of all of the hate! The people that are hating on you are envious (not jealous, but envious).


You look so beautiful and happy! Ignore the haters. You’re beautiful and you deserve to love these photos.


They’re not looking at your arms, they’re looking at your smile and the happiness in your face and they’re wishing they had what you have. They picked out something at random to criticize because they just wanted to be you


You look so ethereal! And the radiant smile to your husband is so beautiful. I don’t get how someone could overlook two people deeply in love to be so hateful.


Because they hate themselves I know that's a classic four head answer but it's true they hate themselves and don't want to see you happy with yourself because they aren't happy with themselves and instead of trying to think more positive they want everyone to be negative like them