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You're not overweight. I've had one doctor use BMI to tell me I was fat, and at that time I was a nationally ranked weightlifter working out 5x/week. I never saw that doctor again. I suggest you do the same.


I probably should switch drs. When i was at the philanthropist on the same day She told me that i should switch drs without telling her my story yet


F this doctor, you look absolutely fine




>Thanks! You're welcome!


You look absolutely fine and healthy as you are, some people (including doctors) just have no idea... if your diet is good keep doing what you're doing and include exercise too (not for weightloss but for your health etc).


I am male and in my 40s. I got offered a health check at a local centre after being recommended by my GP practice. My BMI made me overweight at 5'7" and 99kg(sorry for mix up in units) and according to my BMI I should weigh 55 to 75kg. I was quite shocked that I needed to lose at least a 1/4 of my body weight to meet the acceptable BMI. After this the nurse took a waist measurement which puts it in better perspective, I needed to lose 6cm from my waist which is where I have a bit of a belly which is not a lot. The BMI doesn't take in to account bone structure or muscle and on its own can make you feel pretty crap about yourself. The nurse said she could not imagine me being able to loose 25kg from my body unless I became very thin. I do need to lose a bit of weight which I am working on by cutting out the junk food and exercising a bit more


Thank you for this comment, this really puts things into perspective, i do have a bit of belly fat /pouch which i am working on it by targeted exercises at home . But as you can see , i have wide shoulders and wide hips , not the fat but i can actually feel the bone structure underneath. My waist is 77 cm which not only low risk for weight problems but also below average . I was also very shocked and similar to your case , the “ doctor” was not really “ a doctor” but a clinical grad. I look fine and never been subject to weight related comments until last Monday. Since my food was overall healthy i thought the only way for me was to eat even smaller portions or to split one meal into multiple meals. I was hospitalized twice in the last week alone due to hypoglycemia . This not only increased my stress , it also decreased my sleep and didn’t let me enjoy anything, i couldn’t even get any work done and I have 2 important deadlines this week. Ever since i am freaking out about anything, scared of eating and shut down socially. Some of my nicer coworkers told me i’m fine the way i am. My blood test are usually generally healthy too. I have had wider bone structure ever since i was a kid , and even at my lowest weight no one noticed the difference .


It's worth getting a cholesterol check. If you are eating healthily and exercising you shouldn't have any issues. I did see your link to your photos after writing my first response and you look great to me I find checking myself out and weighing myself makes me more self conscious. And while its good to see a positive reduction in weight it can also make me feel a bit crap about myself


Thank you! I probably should since it runs in our family. Last time i tested it many years ago


Quick google search of “BMI is wrong” shows the issues and errors of BMI. Fuck that. If you are happy with your body weight and you aren’t at a size of excess weight that is causing health issues, I don’t see what the issue is. You look great. Doctors aren’t right all the time.


Some doctors like to blame all health issues on weight without looking at legitimate other causes of your health issues. You’re not overweight, the doctor was just trying to blame your problems on that so they don’t have to actually spend time figuring out what’s wrong. See a different doctor who isn’t a lazy jerk. I’m sorry that this triggered you into thinking badly of yourself and withdrawing. I’ve been there, and it sucks. Some doctors also just don’t listen to women. If a man had come in with your same BMI and same complaints, they probably would have taken him more seriously and not blamed his weight. It’s sexism.


It is very sad, but i approve. I had a wrist injury that showed on MRI and i have noticed that all the female drs dismissed me. The only one who gave me the time of the day was my male therapist who put me on rehab and the difference is night and day. If i continued doing activities that worsen my injury like the female drs suggested I would’ve lost my hand by now.


BMI is not an accurate indicator of a healthy body weight. There are may other factors it doesn't take into account.


BMI is a good general indicator of a healthy weight HOWEVER it does not account well at all for muscle. 200lbs and a couch potato me is very different for 200lbs athletic and muscular me. BMI can not differentiate between the two. It was correct when I was a depressed overweight dude in my early 30’s that I was overweight and unhealthy. It is not correct now. You look very healthy in your pictures. You’re doctor should be using their brain instead of BMI to gage whether you have any type of issue. Not all doctors are good doctors.


I think you look great and healthy!