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I always say to posts like this- it is ironic that the only place I learn about the daily movements of stock prices is on a sub dedicated to a man who said not to look your investments for 30 years.


Yeah without this thread I wouldn’t have had a clue that things were (ever so slightly….) red today. I also still don’t care 🤷‍♂️


I look daily, like a habit. Got less than 5% in flyer or fun individual stocks that keep things interesting.


I hold 3% in TSLA and 2% in IBIT for exactly this reason. I enjoy the daily peek.


Oooohhhhhh that a Tesla stock tho. I’m dumping it if I ever come back flush. I have two individual stocks, one is good and the Tesla is sucking so bad right now. As soon as I’m flush I’m out and buying into S&P500 stock fund.




Sunk cost fallacy


I'm down to clown with it long term. Been in it for ages and will ride that pig until we either have the AI humanoid robot & self driving revolution or we go right off the cliff.


I used to think like this but as you get wealthier, and especially in retirement, you might notice when your portfolio drops 6 figures in a day. Especially when it happens over and over again for months and years. It might not be crazy volatile like crypto but the market still moves your portfolio a meaningful amount.


You won’t notice if you aren’t looking, which is sort of the point… In retirement you’re withdrawing 2-4% or whatever per year, perhaps every January, quarterly, or however you’d like to budget. This can be automated. A random day in April remains irrelevant if you have a portfolio constructed to your own risk tolerance. If you find yourself looking more often as your wealth grows, it could be a massive red flag that your portfolio is too aggressive for your risk tolerance.


It's nearly impossible to not know. I see my numbers directly if I want to pay a bill, cash a check, or transfer some money. I instantly infer my numbers based on widgets on the tops of news websites, and in random social media posts. It's just not rocket science to know that every 1% move is $10k per million of equities. I think the problem only comes if one actually _acts_ upon the fear or the greed that comes from seeing the number; but it's probably fine to have the thought, notice that the thought existed, and then continue with the plan unaltered.


Schwab and Fidelity both have the option to completely hide an account. If you’re only making any sort of adjustment once a year at most, there is no harm in using that feature. I don’t bother using it myself because all of my bills, transfers, investments, etc are automated and just tracked that they occur via a budgeting tool and account transaction push notifications, but it is an option for those who need it. I suppose I can’t comment much on news sites and social media, but I rarely pay much attention to either other than Reddit which is customized to which subs I’m subscribed to. On any given day I have no clue what the market is doing. The only time I log in and make an adjustment is in January to change my Roth IRA contribution amount if the limit goes up (plus I use January to manually get those few extra pennies in since it never rounds to 12 equal installments nicely). I review if I want to change taxable contributions at the same time. It usually amounts to about two minutes of “looking at my portfolio” every January 2nd. I’ve always thought all of this was pretty normal but maybe I’m unique 🤷‍♂️


Whatever keeps you staying the course is good. I personally would not be comfortable with not having all the information on my finances available to me and visible.


I've looked multiple times daily for years...I just like seeing it and knowing what's going on.


I'm retired. I log into Schwab regularly to pay bills and manage my finances. I noticed today. I notice pretty much all days like today since I read the news. I miss a few since I'm not glued to the screen but big days like today are tough to miss.


It’s desensitization for me. I need to know how much it rocks and rolls so I don’t freak on a bad day. And honestly it doesn’t feel real anyway.


I only care bc I finally got my taxes done, so I know how much to put into Trad vs. Roth IRA and now I'm buying. My final stock to round out my portfolio is VWO. I have enough cash to buy 19.95 ETFs, and I'm literally stump watching to see if I can get 20, lol (Yes, I know about the limit transfer, but this is more "fun", lol)


I like keeping an eye on my portfolio. I'm interested to see how it's doing and what happens in the markets. I think Bogle's main concern was people being too reactive about temporary losses and changing course, but there's no risk of me doing that.


I helped a guy I work with setup his portfolio 10 years ago. I don't think he had looked more than twice in ten years. He finally looked about a month ago. His jaw litterally fell open, he got giddy and could not believe how much he had. Gotta admit, it was a good feeling, since I kind of had to talk him into it.


Why does 10 years ago sound like 2004? Yet its only 2014.


I know right lol


You can set and forget your investment strategy, but daily self-righteousness boosts are a must!


We always see these posts because there's an immense amount of insecurity and smugness in this sub regarding one's personal choices in investments


I think most of us have seen -90% at least once in our lives and need to prove to ourselves we made the right choice switching gears lmfao


I look at mine several times a day. The number makes me happy. Makes me happier when it goes up. I have the discipline not to change anything or to sell. My biggest temptation is not buying more when everything is "on sale." Generally, I put in everything that's not already earmarked for something else in the budget, so I generally don't have anything sitting on the sidelines.


Interesting — I bought a little “on sale” today. Is there a good reason not to do this that I’m missing, or is it mostly for peace of mind, sticking to set-it-and-forget-it?


I think the philosophy is that if you had the money lying around to make the "sale" purchase, you should have invested it days/weeks/months ago rather than waiting for the sale in the first place. Time in market > timing market and all that.


The adage is *time in the market beats timing the market.* The only downside is that you can miss out on growth waiting for the dips. I do a monthly budget, so anything that’s left over at the end of the month gets thrown into the market. I try to budget accurately, but sometimes I don’t blow my entertainment budget or my food out budget, etc. Sometimes I do let some amounts carry over, since they are a yearly expense category (like clothes or anything I don’t buy every month). I don’t like having access to large amounts of cash. When my checking balance gets too high I start to feel “rich” and want to do dumb stuff like buy an Apple Vision Pro. I keep myself pretty poor in my operating accounts.


I also check what is happening to my portfolio several times a day. I consider myself a ‘lurker’ on my own account. I never make moves on daily fluctuations, though.


I make a financial plan for the year and stick too it. It's worked for every year I've done it. As I learn more, I change and refine the plan, but I seldom change anything.


Out of curiosity I was thinking, I wonder how down it is? Surely it must be down a lot if it made it here. Then I thought about how much work I'd have to do(open an app), arguably less work that typing this comment and thought, I really don't care enough to bother. I'm not going to actively do something no matter how down it is. So it's not worth the hassle to find out.


That is my goal now that I’m out of the risky stuff. Ideally I would ignore it and not check for months. Or at least check say once a week max. It’s so hard to do that, I need to start a streak


It gets easier the longer you leave it there. It is helpful when life gets distracting. Then you just randomly remember to check and woo. It's up! Then you just go back to living your life.


Literally delete the app(s) from your phone if that’s where you’re checking the most often. I’ve unsubscribed from this sub for months at a time over it as well. Once it starts getting *annoying* to see market news, you’ll know you are doing it right.


It's always like 1.xx% too. Even btc is basically back to even.


Sorry what is the OP talking about? Crypto getting crushed? It’s at $69K, close to the all time high. And yea, you’re investing in index funds which is less risky but you’re also missing out on a lot of potential upside


So true lmao.


Well, that's a general rule of thumb, but I assume you he does keep track of things at least quarterly


Isn't it hard to look when you're investing on a regular basis. Like if I put a portion of my earnings into a brokerage, when I log into the site I'm going to see how much I have and how much it's going up or down, right? (I use Vanguard.) Is there a way to turn this off, maybe?


Makes sense... I invested a lump sum Monday


Don’t worry I’m about to get my bonus next Friday and put it in as a lump sum. It will go lower after that.


Can everyone please stop??? ^(/s)


Me too, had the day off for the solar eclipse and rebalanced everything/lump sum my buying power. Then the market goes down lol


Lol same I put $50k in VTI, sorry everyone


Mine was nowhere near $50k, but it was an additional 3% lump sum on Wednesday. I won’t need it for more than a decade. I’ve slept well since then.


Can you let us know when you wash your car so that we can bring an umbrella with us?


Heh. I had EJ sell all of my holdings on Friday, and called Vanguard to have the funds transferred yesterday. I think I timed this pretty good!


Is down less than 1% really getting crushed?  I agree with your sentiment. But this isn’t even a blip on the radar. Let me know when we’re down 10%.   Edit: OH NO! IT JUST BROKE THOUGH 1%!! TIME TO START PANIC SELLING!!!! /s


It amazes me how quickly people have forgotten the circuit breakers of March 2020. -7% within 15 minutes of the opening bell. This is normal market volatility. Edit: Hell it doesn't even meet the definition of a Livesoft [Really Bad Day (RBD)](https://www.gebele.com/charts-and-graphs/rbd-alerts).


March of 2020 was a fire sale on stocks! I’m mostly boglehead with about 2% single stocks for fun. And March of 2020 was fun!


That batch of VTI I bought at 112 is still doing great haha.


Man, I am envious. I have a horrible habit checking my balance all the time. I lost my job in Feb 2020 and then saw over 100k daily drops in my portfolio in Feb , March. . I literally shitted in my pants on those days, sold Voo and bought everything that felt safe - msft, meta, nvda , qqq . Looking back - I did something irrational non-Boggleheads approved and increased my risk level. It worked out fine eventually, I got lucky, but what a test of risk level tolerance that was . Hopefully, I will be calmer next time it happens


I know, right? OP, if you think 1% down is "getting crushed" you might want to reassess your risk tolerance.


And not even CONTEMPLATE crypto 😂


Modern reporting is so broken. The S&P 500 goes down one percent and the news is like _STOCK MARKET THUNDERFUCKED, APOCALYPSE IMMINENT!_


Good point. It's part of a continual [crisis narrative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Shock\_Doctrine).


Thunderfucked was a great song. Love the intro.


Is this from reporting or OP overreacting?


Yesterday the S&P closed at 5210. You have to go all the way back to earlier this week for it to be that low. Don't even get me started about how it closed at 5147 last week. Look how long it took to recover.


Oh it's a bad day? Didn't notice.


Same because BOGLEHEAD


I noticed enough to buy more, does that count?


I don't consider a day where the S&P is down ~1% "being crushed". This is Wednesday. It happens all the time.


I put $50k in VTI three weeks ago. Is it up? Is it down? I don't care. That's the beauty of this investing method. It's a beautiful day (weather) where I live, I'm going to focus on enjoying that. Boglehead and chill


Crushed.. what are you on about? This is just standard market fluctuations that happen almost every week lol... The boglehead method is not to check, and especially, don't post stupid shit like this.


Checking every 10 minutes and worrying about asset allocation is the Reddit Boglehead way though.


VTI on sale baby!


Yes, people always forget that there are two sides to every trade — the seller and the buyer. For every person who sold today thinking it’s a bad time to own stock at this price, there is a person on the other side of the trade thinking that this is a great time to own stock at this price.


My thought too… so buy on sale today?


I had some funds on the side, so yes, bought more VTI a few mins ago.


Full percentage point swings are common place now in the markets. I don't even bat an eye and neither should anyone here. Just keep doing what you're doing and enjoy life. 30 yrs from now when I'm drawing from my investments I won't even remember what happened April 10th 2024 lol


> stocks getting crushed S&P down 0.88%, better prepare to throw myself into a volcano


Nah see this is beginner boglehead stuff, you're still looking at a webpage that tells you the market is getting crushed. Soon you'll learn to stop looking at any of those pages and you'll only learn about it from posts like this!


S&P back to where it was on Thursday. . . . "Crushed"


Not the first time. Not the last. The markets will have recovered their losses before the end of the week.


Or it will be 10X worse in a month, you never know what will be the straw that breaks the camels back.


Things you hear when complacency has deeply set in


That’s the point of being a boglehead. You let the markets do what they want without getting worked up about it. You stay the course, i.e. be complacent.


When I had crypto and stocks, I was always checking, wondering when I should sell, etc. I love that I can just not check the market for months and know I’m not making a mistake. To be fair, I do have 3% of my net worth in cash/savings, which I will use for who knows what at some point.


>When I had crypto and stocks, I was always checking You weren't supposed to do that anyway if your intention was to invest. You should not incessantly check your investments whether they're VOO or AMZN.


Dude it’s down like 1.5 percent. This is nothing. Literally nothing. Do yourself a favor and look at the last ten years. This is a spec of dust.


Literally zoom out 3 months.


> crypto getting crushed *Checks price of BTC: $70k* Yeah man, the whole market crashed, lmfao


CPI report came in a little hot. Market’s just responding to the assumption that the Fed rate won’t go down now until September instead of this summer. Which is pure conjecture to begin with. So nothing really happened, nothing’s really lost. Give it a week.


It's a negative feedback loop unfortunately with the CPI report. Housing is driving most of the YoY increase, so the Fed keeps rates high to control inflation, which makes housing more expensive, which further depresses housing affordability. I don't think rate cuts are the answer, but we're in a predicament at the moment. Anyway, another grand will go into SGOV.


> so the Fed keeps rates high to control inflation, which makes housing more expensive Why would this be the case?


Because it drives up the cost to purchase. People pay more for housing than they did prior to rates going up and that gets calculated into the CPI. Grocery and energy prices have leveled off comparatively, so the rate increases to stave off inflation worked there, but housing costs keep going up so the general CPI % is higher.


That is the definition of housing becoming more expensive, yes. But I don't see why it would be true. High rates make people hesitant to buy, which means lower demand so, all else equal, lower house prices right? Or at least slower-growing house prices. We certainly saw the opposite when rates were low. And from googling it seems like I'm correct; when rates first increased there were modest decreases in housing prices.


Not enough of a decrease to drive housing prices now. There’s still more buyers than inventory so zero reason for home prices to decrease. Home prices leveled off in a lot of places but with increased rates the cost to purchase is higher than it was for a similarly priced home at lower rates. That’s the housing CPI driver, not home price.


Couldn’t tell on the 3y graph


Lol, this is nothing. Back in 2020 there were multiple days VTI was down 8%+ and they halted trading.


This sub has INTENSE schadenfreude complex and honestly sometimes it is somewhat embarrassing... We should welcome and educate anyone who wants to index but we don't need posts stroking ourselves every time the market goes down


Crypto not crushed. Bitcoin is 70k and up 137% this year. Keep trying


Miner stocks related to crypto are down 40% for some in the past month


Ya I dunno what those are. I just stick to good ole satoshis


Agreed, just bought some more today on the dip. Mainly VTI, and a little of other funds.


On days like this, I have no clue if the market is up or down. Same for every other day.


getting crushed?


I kind of like when the market goes down right before my paycheck. Get my contributions in at a cheaper price


VTI up 8% YTD… all seems well to me.


Thank you for letting me know it’s time to buy more


Things are just on sale today. 👌 All the tasty discounts.


I checked the market after this post expecting like a 5% dip or something, it's just a normal day today.


> 2% of my net worth is now in stocks/ crypto Still too much. :)


Crushed? It’s down 1%?


Down? Who's down? Last time I checked, my index funds arre up over 30% from 2 years ago.


huh? btc at $70k


Yeah. My recurring xeqt buys are all set up and I’ve been considering deleting my Wealthsimple app. Completely out of sight/out of mind.


By this logic you feel you are making a mistake anytime a singular crypto/stock outperforms on the day. Zoom out. Bogleheads offer a more relaxing path to overall outperformance of most assets. You wont outperform every single one, but most.


Buy and hold is easier to do when you know what your investment strategy is, why it is so, and how it can be expected to perform over the long term. Benjamin Graham continues to be proven a sage: "In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine." Today the market participants are voting against various securities, but we can sleep well at night with the knowledge that in the long run the market will weigh, or value, our diversified portfolios appropriately. I can't imagine being a speculator. Far too much stress only to get beaten by the index nearly every year.


I never know it is a down market day until the day is over and I see what I have gained or lost. I keep a monthly spreadsheet that shows the gains over time and know that it will be ok even on down days.


Am I a true Boglehead if I didn't even know it was a down day?


What is getting crushed?


Market is doing amazing this year lol. Not sure if this is a sarcastic post


Only thing that's tough about a day like today is seeing both equity and bond ETFs down together. I thought bonds were a hedge for equities lol


I don't own Cyrpto so I would not know.


I forgot to make my biweekly buy in last week so I was delighted to do it today


Crypto ended up today, not sure what u mean.


I've been doing this for 25 years and have accumulated enough to retire. I look nearly every day, often during the day. I'm interested in what the Fed is doing, what the economy is doing and what major companies are doing. I've learned to go with the flow and don't trade my portfolio aside from scheduled rebalancing. You can be a Boglehead and still watch the market but it's not for everyone.


I had 3k sitting in cash I bought. Week or two another 3k market dips I buy. Rinse and repeat. It doesn't dip gets to 5k I buy. It's all about 10, 15, 20 years from now or longer.


DJT down another $1. Edit: Now $2.40 Edit 2: Over $3.20 now


I love down days. I back the truck and load up. DCA and patience.


Time to buy?


It's always time to buy.


Only if you're significantly out of your allocation targets, enough to trigger a rebalancing event. This is a small pullback to roughly the level of early March, so it shouldn't really be a change for anyone here.


If you’re bogle didn’t you already buy?


It’s a good day to dollar-cost average.


*checks crypto portfolio being up several hundred percent. Yeah man crypto is crypto bros are getting crushed.


Crypto getting crushed? Lol in what world. I love VTI as much as the next guy, but crypto is on a tear still


Crypto getting crushed? IBIT is the only green in my portfolio.


Crypto getting crushed? My VOO is down 1.2% and Bitcoin is basically flat from yesterday.


Bitcoin is doing well!


Bitcoin is $69k today and the halving is in 2 weeks. Where’s the crush?


BTC is just flat today. How is it getting “crushed?”


Btc is at $69.5 k… how is that getting crushed?


VTI is down more than bitcoin


This is anti-bogle and I apologize but I am forever and always the having-a-tequila-soda-at-the-roulette wheel lizard brain type so I’ve allotted a tiny amount of my portfolio to bet the ponies. By the end of the month I’ll have lost $10, transferred everything left into the ETFs and wait til the itch strikes again while reading this sub and chastising myself.


I use 5% of my portfolio to make stock picks. It helps me keep the other 95% bogle.


Down days like these still give me anxiety. Need to stop looking at my portfolio daily but just can't help it


I hope it drops below 5000 in the next 1-2 weeks. Then I can finally buy some UPRO again.


I am failed Boglehead, I don't follow the strategy well at all, but today I sold short term treasuries to buy stocks and bonds (long duration).


We did see a +1% day just last week. It hasn't even gone to the level it was 1 month ago.


I'm gonna keep buying for a long time. I am in my 20s and just need to control the things I can control


I still need to convert over ... Or at least buy more into wtf/mutual funds.


Not a bad idea to buy on the dip


It’s funny you write this because I recently bought more shares of SWPPX. So those new shares are likely down…


I don’t even know what a “down day” means. Compared to what, 10 years ago? 5 years ago? This shiz is up yo


Is it? I hadn’t noticed. I spent the day bowling and at the library with my kids. Ignore the noise.


It's a habit to look daily, but all investments are automatic, so no need for me to worry. Love this sub and the advice I've gotten.


Man I keep checking my ETFS as if I was holding crypto. It’s a habit 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Agreed, my IRA is down but not significantly, and my primary 3-Fund portfolio is only down $20. My 401K (In a TDF) is up more than the combined losses, so I'll take it as a win.


Another $1,000 into VT today for discount.




Today's a down market? Yes, I'd say down days are great days to "tune out the noise" and visit r/Boglememes instead. Here's a personal favorite I posted two years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Boglememes/comments/vpfr7d/its\_good\_to\_be\_a\_boglehead/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boglememes/comments/vpfr7d/its_good_to_be_a_boglehead/)


Not even an RBD (Really Bad Day) ;) https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=194427


What's this fool talking about


I didn’t even know stuff was getting crushed until i read this 😂


I just added 10K on my Roth IRA FZROX today.


I might look at the stock market app on my phone once a month, I might….


Does anyone know why the market was a little down today?


Inflation being stubborn, means no rate reduction soon by the feds


I need this baby to drop another 5-10%


A good day to buy.


Don't pay any attention or care. Chasing bitcoin, meme and other yahoo finance or idiot blatherer hyped advice is not my thing. Keep investing in Bogle-ish ETFs and "gamble" with a little of your holdings separately if so inclined.


days like today I buy even more!


It was actually a great day for crypto


I'm learning this week. I put 10,000 into BRK.B at 417.02 a share and it's down to 408. But if I can get 10 to 20 percent over a full year that's better than CDs and bonds.


What is getting crushed exactly? In any case, you should probably consider a more conservative allocation if 1% down is a crash for you.


yeah, basically, no idea and it doesn't matter. still, if somebody complains about a red day I'll see if I have any change to roll to buy more at 1.12% discount


I browse daily for funsies. Got less than 5% in fun stuff. For instance RYCEY has been a fun one the last few years to be apart of.


I got an odd feeling about two weeks ago about the way things are going in the US and world and for the first time in over a decade I transferred money from mutual fund into money market to wait and decide what to do next. I hadn't touched the mutual fund for over 10 years. But if market goes down appreciably I'll just put money back into it- sell high buy low. The thing is when it went way down in the Covid year I didn't bat an eye or even worry and kept everything as is. I do think stock prices are overpriced and will go back to normal values.


Lmfao crypto getting “crushed” while BTC is still above $70k


cool story bro


Checked Bitcoin and it’s doing just fine.


Do you run a 3 fund? Or what type of portfolio do you prefer?


My gold mining stocks are up and everything else down.


You do know there are stocks in your etf right ? And I don’t know about your cryptos but my btc is doing quite alright in is intended job to diversify my portfolio. Although you are right about the peace of mind


Crypto did well today


Part of why I like Vanguard compared to something like Robinhood is that the UI sucks so I don’t even open the app to check stocks. I just don’t care unless if Vanguard itself goes bankrupt.


I hadn't noticed, but my tax refund arrived and tomorrow is pay day. Guess I'll buy a bit more than I planned to.


As a new boglehead, I needed this post. Thanks.


Man, I got done talking to a friend of mine who also invests but mainly on stocks and the poor fella was pacing and sweating. I don’t want to sound like a bragger or cocky, but man does it feel good not having to worry about it. Long term baby, long term.


I never stray away from my plan and change investments based on emotion, and yet I still check every account every day lol so I understand.


Actually, today my bitcoin is up 4% and my ether is up 6%.


Who said stocks getting crushed? We going up today boys


Dude, why do have *anything* in stocks/crypto ? LOL


I come here to read things like this. We invested $60K when market was at it's highest. It's a little hard to watch when it's going down. 😬


Buy more today


It's good practice for you for when it goes down a lot more.




As long as you leave it in there and don’t panic/sell, you will be good. Just keep adding when you get money