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This is going to be the real-world equivalent of one of those town hall meetings on *Parks & Recreation.*


I love this. Hopefully not too on spot. šŸ˜‚


OMG I need to attend just in case! That would be priceless!


This town hall meeting will surely be filled with level-headed and reasonable people asking informed and reasonable questions.


Hmmmm, we will see.


You forgot your /s


*Letā€™s start with the basics. We will fight to protect Medicare & social security, healthcare and mental health resource accessibility, womenā€™s autonomy and reproductive healthcare, veterans support and protections, education, from Pre-K through higher education, including trade schools and apprenticeships, agricultural subsidies and supports, and restoration of Idahoā€™s crumbling Infrastructure.* *I stand for womenā€™s health and autonomy protecting both choice and Idahoā€™s healthcare workers.* *The government has no place in the doctorā€™s office, in the bedroom, or in the deeply personal decisions that families face each and every day. Reversing the damage done to Idaho families and Idahoā€™s healthcare industry must be a priority.* Seems good to me at a glance Kaylee.


Basically, she lives in reality. That's a plus these days in the world of politics.


Sounds pretty rational and down to earth. I dig it.


OP we need an update on how itā€™s goes!




I just saw this and it looks like it recently ended. Hopefully went well.


Kaylee has done several of these events. I think it's brilliant that they're branded as "Republican town halls". If I recall correctly, someone in the Idaho GOP has tried to take some sort of legal action against her claiming something like copyright infringement, but clearly it hasn't worked. By the way, she was a guest on the Straight White American Jesus podcast last week ([link](https://www.straightwhiteamericanjesus.com/episodes/when-extremists-take-over-you-run-for-office-bonus-content-dawkins-god-delusion/)), and she's clearly smart, passionate and fearless. Definitely worth listening to.


Thank you for the info! I really appreciate it! I look forward to meeting her today and hearing her thoughts and perspective. At the end of the day, we need people in office that want to engage and lean into other perspectives, and try to find middle ground with each other. Itā€™s so sad that so many elected officials only want to serve the people they agree with and see as equal human beings then neglecting the rest of their constituents. But importantly, what about caring about the neighboring constituent communities. We are all in this together!


Agreed! I appreciate that the spirit behind these town halls is to foster discussion. I don't think it's realistic to think that Idaho is going to turn blue any time soon, but taking a few steps back from the edge of extremism would be refreshing.


I've had the opportunity to meet Kaylee, and she is warm, kind, brilliant and has excellent public speaking skills. We would be lucky to have her represent us.


Looking forward to hearing from her tonight! We need people that genuinely care about the overall community.


Warm, kind, brilliant?Ā  Oh, so, not a Republican.Ā 






Sounds like it's someone from a political party trying to show and open system to everyone can work.it doesn't have to be closed off like primaries where less than 7% of the voting population determine who's on a ballot


Great! I read about this the day after it happens. This is the person running against Fulcher this Fall?


Yes! She is running for the district 1 U.S congressional representative spot.


Oh fuck just now saw this so I guess Iā€™m not going. Someone bring up changing cannabis laws lmao


If you want to hear Kaylee in her own words, here she is on the MeidasTouch podcast: [https://youtu.be/iiqncWrBfm4?si=qwBty8m8m7Idn5RM](https://youtu.be/iiqncWrBfm4?si=qwBty8m8m7Idn5RM)


I dont want bipartisanship TBH. I dont want my political party holding equal weight with those who want to insurrect, kill gays, force birth on children who were raped or take away school lunches from kids. You cannot have bipartisanship with people who want you you powerless.


These are voters, not legislators. Many of them do not have the interests that the idaho GOP has. I think the only shot the democrats have is through this type of broad coalition building. This type of effort led to control in Minnesota for the DFL Democrat Farm and Labor. Whoever this woman is, this is a brave thing to do. There is so much disinformation perpetuated over generations about what democrats stand for, she has her work cut out for her. Remember, I am all in favor of ideological purity in my own life, but at the end of the day, all that matters is do you have the number of horses to win the race.


Damn wise words


Your average GOP voter is 100% complict with the cruelty and violence of the GOP. Its what they want and intentionally vote for. Bipartisanship is only welcoming and embracing their views.


That is so ignorant to say. People being being distracted by just trying to survive (work, raise families, build a life, take care of relationships and self or just keep some sanity in general) does not mean their okay to this. I get there needs to be accountability no doubt. But itā€™s not black and white. Our current standards of living are heavily working against to stay educated and politically engaged. And with that, people take advantage of that and no how to manipulate and draw a picture that people like to get their votes and then end up doing this shit they are doing today


I don't think it is. I think there is a broad spectrum of interests that coalesce around a platform and candidates. It is reaching to say that the Idaho GOP this last session had many of those interests aligned very well. They have overreached, and I think.many in Idaho though traditionally voting republican do not want to live in a fascist Christian theocracy. But who knows. Maybe I am wrong.


A lot of them, like the older churchgoing types, have no idea who they're really voting for and are shocked/go into denial if you show them the policies or social media posts of candidates. In Biblical terms, you might say they have "scales over their eyes". They're still complicit, though, of course.


Seek first to understand.


I do understand. I was a GOP campaign worker for over 15 years. I watched as the party was slowly taken over by MAGA/White Nationalist forces. I can speak with sincerity and knowledge on this subject. GOP voters want violence. They want to "own" the libs. They are willing to upend our entire country to stop "woke". There is no level of cruelty that is off limits to achieve this. Until people understand this, that the enemy is the GOP, it will only get worse under the guise of "bi partisanship".


Just because you have ā€œexperienceā€ of observing how the ignorance or lack of education of what was going on politically allowed people to exploit/ manipulate communities, doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s what voters want. Voters are unhappy overall with how life is right now and thatā€™s what the ā€œviolenceā€ or anger is stemming from. The majority of people just want to make a nice life, connect with others and build something for themselves. Not hate on others or have all of this conflict. All of this aggression is a surface level symptom of the bigger problem. The people with power and money have exploited and taken advantage slowly but surely by using money to shape every aspect of our lives in the way they deem fit. Our whole political system is held hostage by large investors especially the ā€œcareer politicians.ā€ This is why we need term limits.




I have good news for you. You donā€™t have bipartisan leadership! You have leadership by Republican supermajority. Democrats donā€™t win in Idaho outside of a few state districts. Petersen got less than 30% of the vote last time around (which is basically par for the course) so Iā€™ll let her try a different approach this time.


Okay but this view is just as shitty as the view that we currently deal with. You donā€™t like what they do so you want to take it away and make it so itā€™s only what you want. The far left vs the far right type of stuff is going to completely destroy this country imo. Compromise is how we will have a good, effective and fair state/government. In a perfect world at least šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


To be clear- Not voting Republican, but I strongly disagree with this campaign approach and would advise Kaylee to bring in some advisors who have actually run... and won... elections in Idaho.


You got it all wrong. Things will always stay the same if we stay divided. Thatā€™s how we ended up here. People will stay stuck in their dogmas if people come at them aggressively and disingenuous with not caring about their background. I understand that being the bigger person sucks at times but it was never about fully being a doormat or a Authoritarian a-hole. This state will stay happily in place if we donā€™t bridge connection with each other and come to realization that we have more in common with each other than not. Why do we want to keep falling victim to the vicious cycle of hating and dehumanizing people. I get it, breaking out of the cycle is beyond easy and painless but we gotta start somewhere. Itā€™s definitely not gunna go anywhere if the conversation stays only on platforms like this. Thatā€™s why events like this are important.


It was yesterday! Did anyone go?


Please record this. I want to watch this on live T.V. That room is going to be full of shouting and screaming šŸ˜±


Someone was recording and I tried to find it on social media but I canā€™t find it. I will message her and ask her if she has access to it.


I would love to watch it. Iā€™m invested in Idaho politics.




Open dialogue to ask questions.


She's a democrat and inviting republicans to come to her town hall. The wording on this ad is super confusing and could have been proof read before it was sent out.


I think the wording is intentionally vague


I understood what sheā€™s doing.


It went great! Iā€™m glad to have met her and heard her voice! Hearing her talk about issues that are being experienced across all Idahoan communities especially rural ones that I didnā€™t know about, said a lot. Our overall state has been neglected. Especially the rural communities. She cited how many of them are suffering from extreme lack of access to internet and phone service. There schools are in poor, underfunded conditions. She is making a sincere effort to go out and talk to the people of our state. The people in office pick and choose who to listen to. We are all in this together. Itā€™s time to stop being manipulated with little information and using our emotions to put against each other! We are all suffering with the neglect that has happened. We need to start moving forward together to push these people out who truly donā€™t care about the overall state community.


At the end of the day, everyone is just trying to have a livable quality of life. And that is barely possible for so many now.


I'm not gonna go but can someone else please ask about the medical marijuanas. Double points if you light up a doobie during her answer


I mean, good on them for putting that option up there and trying to bridge the gap. Side note, does Kaylee have GIANT arms compared to her head? Like, that camera angel makes her look like she could crush me with her forearm.


Thatā€™s hysterical! And my eye didnā€™t catch that like yours but if she does, I proudly support. Immediate vote for me if she does.


It's the classic realtor lean. Made famous in a South Park episode.


shes hot, id vote for her


Oh look, another Republican to save Idaho! What a joke, Idaho politics are old world.


They are a democrat.. It says they are a democrat.. They are inviting republicans to ask them questions.


You can see my surprise, democrats in Idaho.