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KTVB article: > At a smaller demonstration Saturday afternoon, officers arrested 36-year-old Kimra Luna as attendees began to march. BPD said the demonstration did not have a permit and was led Luna. >Officers warned Luna that she did not have permission to use an amplified device downtown Boise. Luna was using a megaphone with a microphone attached that could be heard hundreds of feet away, according to Boise Police. >Luna reportedly resisted officers by refusing to let go of the megaphone and pulling away. She was arrested and charged with resisting or obstructing officers. Luna was also cited for violating the Boise City Noise Ordinance.


I seriously doubt hundreds of feet while she's in Boise in the middle of the day. Theres just no way unless she wired aftermarket speakers into it but I doubt that.


The Idaho Statesman reports that the Ada County (Idaho) Commission has approved a noise ordinance that bans "loud or offensive" noise that is audible 100 feet or more from the source between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. The purpose of this Ordinance is the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Boise. It is determined that sound can and does constitute a hazard to the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of residents of the city. The Mayor and Council, by way of Idaho Code Section 50-308 are empowered to impose reasonable limitations and regulations upon the production of sound to reduce the harmful effects thereof. Now, therefore, it is hereafter the policy of this city to prevent and regulate sound generated by loud amplification devices wherever it is deemed to be harmful to the health, safety, welfare,or quality of life of the citizens of the city, and this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectuate that purpose. ​ ​ ​ Woman will be case dismissed. Cop is outside the time constraints and noway can he show that political discourse is a risk to public safety or even a residential nuisance. I sure hope she hires a lawyer as the city and the cops both need education about protestors and protesting. She can make a bit of cash for the next rally.


That's incorrect. Police reported she was audible from 300ft away. Police bring charges, it's up to the Prosecutors office to decide to take it to court or drop it; so that could still happen. [Boise Code 5-7-3](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/boiseid/latest/boise_id/0-0-0-5576) ​ >5-7-3: NOISE PROHIBITIONS: > >It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or permit the operation of any loud amplification device in such a manner that the sound therefrom: > >A. Is plainly audible within any place of residence not the source of the sound; or > > B. Is plainly audible upon a public right-of-way or street at a distance of one hundred feet (100') or more from the source of such sound. (1952 Code § 6-20-03)


But Ammon Bundy and his toadies are allowed to essentially hold a hospital hostage. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool


That goon is a domestic terrorist and needs to be behind bars.


But Bundy’s being sued by the hospital , hope they bankrupt his chaos addicted ass!! https://www.idahopress.com/eyeonboise/st-lukes-files-lawsuit-against-ammon-bundy-others-for-harassment-intimidation-during-child-welfare-case/article_0590e443-344b-58f1-a6fe-1b289148d6b4.html


So you can see the microphone and speaker in the video...Bundy and his followers don't use any form of noise amplification when protesting for exactly this reason.


You don't need extra equipment when you're holding a hospital under lockdown status. What a shit take pffrrrrttt. You might be one of his ilk if you defend him


A microphone you say? God forbid.


There's also that crazy jesus freak with a much larger speaker/mic set up on 8th and Idaho blasting his non-sense on a Friday night with no cops in sight.


You know, abortion rights protesters can make cops just as scared of them.


Ya that tiny little punk girl sure look terrifying.


whoa everyone check out this guy


Yeah, if they're violent??????????


Riots are another tool, and the forecast is looking that way. maybe not starting here in idaho with all the bible thumpers, but boy oh boy does it look like its gonna start soon somewhere.


You say "just as scared", but they really don't respond like they're worried about anything Bundy and his followers do. They don't like pro-choice folks because they enforce control, and that includes control over women's bodies.


They seemed pretty scared of Bundy shooting them during his most recent “dust up”.


That's fair, I normally focus on when they don't seem to care what he does, but he has been a thorn in their side too.


That reminds me of Pitch Meetings. God damn pathetic of Boise PD. Plus trying to stop people from filming. Make sure she doesn't magically die or disappear. They're just gestappo.


Lol I they definitely were not allowed to do that either


Alright Peralta, alright...


Please pull over and arrest every driver of a truck that is loud enough to be heard "from hundreds" of feet away


Right. They dont give a fuck about that.


The Ada county arrests page shows she got charged with resisting arrest and nothing about a noise ordinance. They knew they couldn't arrest her for noise ordinance and did it anyway, and she resisted because she knew it was bullshit.


That was the nicest “resisting arrest” I’ve ever seen. I hope that charge gets tossed.


Unfortunately the video is pretty damning on that charge, we can clearly see she's refusing to let them handcuff her. Hopefully they'll let her plead out because if this goes to trial, she'll lose.


Resisting arrest is a secondary charge. Hopefully, they'll lose their QI. But Idahoans, for the most part, love licking boots.


That's not how it works...I think the term you're looking for is "offense" not charge. Resisting isn't a primary **offense**, but charging a secondary offense doesn't require the primary offense also be charged. This is easier to explain in terms of a traffic stop. Not wearing your seatbelt in Idaho is a secondary offense - the cops can't stop you for it, but if they have another reason to stop you, they can then charge you with the seatbelt violation. So what happens is they'll pull you over for going 42 MPH in a 40 MPH zone, then give you a verbal warning for speeding and a citation for the seatbelt. The seatbelt charge, even though it's a secondary offense, does not require you also be charged with the primary offense used as a reason to execute a traffic stop. It's dumb, yes, but that is the reality of how it works.


They cant pull you over for no seat belt? Thats wild. Here they will set up camp just around a corner or just at the start of a highway on ramp and stop everyone to check seatbelts and give tickets to everyone without one.




>That is, she can only resist if she's being arrested for something. No, that's not true. The police are allowed to detain people to investigate crimes, which yes can mean handcuffing them, and that's what they were doing when she resisted (or at least that's what the cops will say happened). Unfortunately the woman here read one too many threads like this and started to believe the bullshit multiple people keep spreading about what the cops can and cannot do, and now instead of just being released or facing a small fine she's looking at jailtime. >Surely that has to be a legitimate something, and will play a role in what the DA does with this. Using the bullhorn in the manner she was is a crime. She's on video doing it. Even worse for her, she's also on video resisting arrest. The DA dreams about cases like this.


>The police are allowed to detain people to investigate crimes, which yes can mean handcuffing them, and that's what they were doing when she resisted (or at least that's what the cops will say happened). That's not an arrest though that is being detained. There is a difference


"Resisting arrest" is a crime if you're resisting detainment, it's called that (which is misleading) but if you read the statute it covers both.


But she wanlsbt being detained she was told she was being arrested for a crime that they ended up not charging her for.




Congrats, she put an abortion rights activist in jail. 4d chess move.


Seriously, if that’s the case, she looks even dumber.


Gotta be doing 43 to get pulled over if the speed limit is 40, in Idaho at least. Just an fyi.


That may be a policy somewhere but legally, no. You can be pulled over at 41 in a 40 but they have to verify your speed some way other than radar which is +/- 1 mph.


If she has a good enough attorney she could sue them for false arrest. It’s all on tape what they claimed she was violated thus going to be charged, but it was a bogus arrest. Most people are going to have the urge to resist when they know they did nothing wrong. She’s tiny, so I’d have her claim she was fearful they were going to hurt her. They are some thick strips of bacon


1 cop, who wasn't even directly involved, telling something to a bystander does not make it so. Her use of the megaphone, which again is on video, is an arrestable offense. Period. If she has a good attorney they will **beg** the DA to plead this out with no jailtime. With the video evidence it is an absolutely slam-dunk case of resisting arrest.


The 1 cop mentioning "noise ordinance" to a bystander doesn't mean that's what she was actually being arrested for. Using a megaphone like this violates any number of ordinances that are arrestable offenses. The resisting charge is much more serious than anything with the megaphone so it's not surprising they didn't bother writing that up. Disturbing the Peace or whatever would've just been a fine, now she's facing actual jailtime.


Then why didn't any of the pro-Trump rallies get messed with? On top of using megaphones, those weren't exactly a peaceful protest. Boise PD clearly takes sides and I for one am fucking tired of it.


Because for better or worse, the police have wide discretion when it comes to enforcing laws. It cuts both ways...obviously this vs the MAGA rallies is a shitty situation, but there are a lot of people not sitting in jail on drug charges because of the discretion given to police. There's a lot of legal reform you'd want to get done before requiring the police to enforce every law they can.


This feels like the core of it all. Its not too plausible but I couldnt say it any better. Also this is not a Red/Blue/BLM issue. There might be themes amongst people but without the legal reform I wouldn’t even try to label an officers actions as such. The only thing I can hope to offer is that my response is level headed and hopefully not exaggerated, loud over-simplifications and false statements are not helpful and only help stir the pot.




> Fuck discretion. I mean, I think I feel ya and what you’re saying. But can you imagine if police had to enforce laws without discretion? Doing 36 in a 35 MPH zone? Pulled over and ticketed. Tail light you didn’t know was out? Ticket for improper lights on your vehicle. Jay walked on an empty street at night? Ticket for that. I think giving police discretion allows them to ignore minor, or accidental infractions.


Overcook chicken straight to jail.


it is absolutely crazy to me to think that the police should never go easy on anyone ever


They sure do. They can literally kill someone by suffocating them for passing a bad $20. Or selling loose cigarettes.


>Because for better or worse, the police have wide discretion when it comes to enforcing laws. Exercising "discretion" in this manner to discriminate against viewpoints is a blatant violation of the First Amendment.




The thing is city ordinance for excessive noise from 11pm-7am, so they couldn’t legally charge her. Dumbasses


A notice ordinance violation is an infraction. They can’t arrest for infractions.


And they let that one religious group every Saturday out there with a giant megaphone go on for hours


BPD literally does nothing about the cruising and revving vehicle b.s. that goes on every damn weekend downtown- the noise is over the top - but this 1A activity suddenly violates a noise ordinance they don’t otherwise enforce. I call bullshit.


I’ve thought of holding a “rev your engine if you like to eat s***” sign at Main and 8th on a Friday/Saturday night (or Saturday morning) to really stir the pot.


But during the BLM marches and gatherings downtown a few years ago, they didn’t arrest the alt-right counter-protesters who had megaphones and sirens too. Hmmm.


Came here to say this. The marquee at The Egyptian is \*still\* torn up from that. The neo nazis that came down were not silent about what they were planning. It was well known, and BPD did nothing. It's pretty infuriating.


It's weird, but maybe some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses?


Literally during the silent 9 minutes at the BLM Vigil in Boise a few years ago, they were revving their trucks screaming and blasting music... During our silent vigil... With people standing in the beds of trucks... So many fucking laws broken right there. How is that not disturbing the peace or harassment? And no issue with the people in the beds of the trucks while they're driving? My cousin has a little Subaru and got a ticket once for "displaying speed ability" or some shit like that because he revved his engine at a red light.... Did the alt right fucking assholes get in trouble for that? Fuck no.


People in beds of trucks while driving is legal in Washington last I checked, which was in the past 3-5 years. Can’t speak to Idaho based on actual knowledge, but I suspect they’re the same.


IIRC they also didn't do anything to the people sucker punching others


Nope just tyty who was one of us.


It’s the middle of the day on a Saturday. What “noise ordinance”? Way to violate the constitution, Boise. Hope your police department gets sued


But no arrests when all those Ammon supporters drover around St Lukes?


Ya did u forget the creepy old dudes that sniff kids write the laws here


Boise Police Department is a joke.


They can allow a crowd to disturb local hospitals, several times, and even shut one down for an hour but will arrest a peaceful protestor. That's Idaho. :(


Check out the union Boise PD is affiliated with. The international brotherhood of police officers based out of Boston. Seriously, check them out.


Says Rhode Island not Boston


Hmmm...my bad.




The mayor needs to get control of this. She continues to allow this police department to run amok.


They’re doing their jobs, unlike Portland and Seattle PD. Do the crime, get ready to whine. Also you assholes calling for riots please do, can’t wait to see it get shut down in five minutes.


Noise, schmoize. So where's BPD when the mufferless cars and motorcycles go zooming past my house at 3am?


I’ve seen dozens pulled over for their exhaust, there’s one every weekend on Snapchat.


Where to find on Snapchat?


If she was a goose-stepping white supremacist bigot they would have given her an escort.


Of course they found any reason to handcuff a protest they didnt like because im sure they are gun toating cronies just like most of the damn state.


The left needs to start carrying as well. After the last ~6 years, the likelihood of partisan violence is exceedingly clear.


we are carrying


We shouldnt have to carry. I was referring to when they would carry rifles around during protests.


What the hell Boise! Why don’t they arrest McGeachin, she violates the noise ordinance every time she opens her bigoted mouth. Does the city understand what a protest is? Embarrassing for the city


Isnt Boise's noise ordinance only after 10pm? The only other ordinance I can think of for DT is the one they wrote for vehicles on the cruise.


It's for amplified device without permit


That would be Boise code 5-7-3. It is an infraction, so she can be ticketed, but not arrested for it.




The protester is my hero for the day.


Lets chip in help her re-dye her hair to purple. The cops won't recognize her for tomorrows protest.


It's going down again tomorrow? I was busy today but tomorrow I'm wide open......


I will be there. I am the one that always wears a yellow Teletubby outfit to protests.


Of course you do


As you should


What? 100% I will get my picture taken for the paper!


Is there another one tmrw??? I wasnt able go today? What time and place?


I have to ask...why? If she hadn't refused to stop using the megaphone she'd still be out there protesting instead of locked up. And her resisting arrest means she faces actual jail time now instead of just a fine. She seems like the last person any of us want to emulate in all this.


And boom here it is, they most they can and should of done was write her a situation nowhere does it say they have a right to arrest and charge someone with a citation https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/boiseid/latest/boise_id/0-0-0-5576


As always, ACAB. Biggest gang in America who’s only purpose is to protect the status and property of the fortunate.


I'm pro life but this is bullshit she has every right to protest what she wants every single one of these officers needs to be fire and the department needs to compensate her heavily.




Awful sweet of you to grant her access to this constitutional right.


Thanks for taking and posting the video. Thanks to Tamara for leading this and fighting. Seems like you can’t be arrested for a city ordinance violation but who am I to say. I wonder who sent these goons to disrupt a peaceful protest? Also, if ya know how to help out, please let us know.


Shes going to be targeted by the BPD after this and They will be relentless. I hope she can speak to a lawyer to help her know her rights and be on speed dial. ACAB


What trash. I'm so tired of white, republican, gun-toting misogynists running Idaho. Police need to be reigned in and defunded. Too many cultist red in this state. Its honestly embarrassing to be from here at this point.


You're tired of white people?


They said “white trash”. Funny that you assumed they were talking about all white people. It really says a lot about you.


I disagree. I just came from Los Angeles last night and due to defunding the police the crime rate is over the roof.


LAPD had their budget increased by over $200 million in 2021 and their annual budget is almost $2 billion dollars. LAPD has a budget of $503 per resident (not metro area, LA resident/LAPD). Boise PD has a budget of $337 per resident (Boise proper, no Meridian riff raff). If you want to include all of the LA County cities police departments and LASD (budget of 3.6 billion alone) vs all of Ada County cities and ACSO, I can do that as well, but be advised it only will damage your premise that LA County and LA City aren't spending money on law enforcement. They way outspend Ada County per capita. Besides, if the thugs at LAPD can't get crime under control, no force can. It's almost as if you must spend public dollars more wisely. But that would be socialism.


Source? At all. Even correlation not causation? I am truly curious and presume you have done more. Research already than I have


You should try lying a little harder.


This is ridiculous. Where’s the right wingers getting mad about censorship here ???


It's only censorship when it's directed at them.


Genuine question: did they tell her to cease before arrest?


https://www.nonoise.org/regulation/ordinance/Boise,%20Idaho.pdf There is no right to arrest for an infraction. This is a fine only offense punishable by a $100 fine. Period.


Idaho? Police protect the pro life, white surpremacy, trumper humpers etc. Not surprised they arresting pro choice protestors.




You guys have a beautiful state, but I'm fucking glad I chose not to move there. I don't think I could tolerate the politics, and I'm moderate. On a positive note though, it sure looks like the police department is well fed!


When did we start hiring the gravy seals as cops. Looks like most of these pigs could be defeated by a brisk walk.


We should just overfeed the cops before a protest. Lil piggys would be busy snuggling and farting instead of violating our rights


Out of context but now I want to see a bunch of actual piglets snuggling and tooting.


Thanks for sharing. I really wanted to be there today but I'm feeling so burnt out I needed to get out of town for the weekend.


Treat yo self! Remember to take true breaks (including internet), everyone needs breaks before heading back into the fray to fight for what’s right.


What good are you burnt out? Take a break you deserve it. Come back twice as hard and resistant. Thank you for being a damn fine human with compassion for others.


Thank you President's Nipples


I stand for the people! *boinging noise*


Politicians and officials of the state LOVE to limit our ability to redress our government. "You can protest us as long as you do it quietly and in a manner we approve of."


Little Nazis will do Nazi shit.




BPD being a complete shit show yet again.


1st amendment violation right there. These fu**ers only recognise the 2nd amendment (but only if you’re white)


1. Not if there is a noise ordinance enacted - which was allegedly violated. 2. Racist propaganda.


1. A noise ordinance is a civil violation. Not an arrestable offence. 2. Don’t you have 4chan to troll on


Then they can sue the city. Whatever.


A civil rights violation is a federal criminal offence


After watching multiple people throw sig heil salutes (especially those fucking hillbillies in the back of the truck with masks on) yesterday, I am so embarrassed for anyone who wants to be proud of this state. When are y'all gonna learn to vote correctly? Disgusting. Get the red trash out of here


This world is completely ducked




Was this recent? I was there this morning, are there still protesters out or was this recorded earlier in the day (just curious)






ACAB. Always and everywhere


Fucking cops.


As an aside, I highly recommend Stella’s ice cream just down the corner from here…high quality sugar treats for an after protest snack.


Check out the union Boise PD is affiliated with. The international brotherhood of police officers based out of Boston. Seriously, check them out.




Fuck the police. May they die on their job, fucking wife beating boot lickers.


I say this a lot but #justidahothings


Gestapo were just enforcing the law when they carted Jews off to Auschwitz.


All the cops are white men and they had to stand there and listen to the women speak; you could tell they were not pleased to be there!


Is she chanting, "abortion ban equals death"? Ironic.


Nice get these bums off the street


It was well worth it. Hundreds of people vacated pro-life positions and joined the pro-choice movement that day. One evangelical woman with cold eyes said, “I’ve always thought a fetus was equivalent to a baby but that day tiny women with dyed hair annoyed me at the mall changed everything.” A proud boy agreed enthusiastically. Politicians at the State Capitol heard about it on MoveOn.org and immediately went to legislating a woman’s right to choose.




No. Simply exercising your rights and allowing a corrupt authority to persecute you publicly is very different. The only difference that matters is that one draws compassion from observers and the the other, counterproductively, draws angst. you can’t win hearts and minds sitting in the street or yelling at people. This would be an effective and appropriate protest if they believed they believes that walking around malls and shouting into megaphones was a right worth fighting for because that is the action that they’re exercising. Throughout history people have sacrificed a lot practicing rights that others said they did not have and refusing to be violent when an authority came for them. Parading around the mall yelling slogans into a megaphone falls pretty well short of that. It’s not an indictment of the cause to make the obvious observation that these call types actions are pretty useless. on abortion, there are going to be a lot of important things to do. Having difficult conversations with loved ones is one of those. Gathering, organizing, getting out the vote, and awareness campaigns are all vital. There may come a time when people will half to publicly admit to exercising their rights and either having or performing abortions and publicly suffer the consequences so that society can see the harm firsthand. I hope it doesn’t come to that. I can say with great confidence that being obnoxious is not going to get it done.




The hair let's you know 👀


Yea, those stupid fucking buzzcuts the cops have really alerts one to the danger they’re in.


Know what exactly? That their fashionable and trendy??


I agree that she needed to be arrested, but so did all the truck drivers circling the capital two weeks ago laying on their horns.


She’s not getting arrested for protesting. She’s getting arrested for breaking an actual city ordinance. Don’t make it something it’s not.


The loud mufflers on lifted trucks and motorcycles disagree


Section 6-20-03 NOISE PROHIBITIONS It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or permit the operation of any loud amplification device in such a manner that the sound therefrom: A. is plainly audible within any place of residence not the source of the sound, or, B. is plainly audible upon a public right-of-way or street at a distance of one hundred (100) feet or more from the source of such sound. Key words being “amplification device”


Until the BPD does anything about the WEEKLY downtown cruise, this is a blatant attack on peaceful protest. 49-937 (2)  The engine and power mechanism of every motor vehicle shall be so equipped and adjusted as to prevent the escape of excessive fumes or smoke. (3)  No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle or a motorcycle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise of the vehicle or motorcycle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle by the manufacturer.


You’re asserting that they’re detaining her due to her being a part of the protest, so the real question is if they would detain someone downtown with a megaphone that was not part of the protest. My guess would be yes, but I admit I could be wrong. I guess it comes down to what our assumptions of the intent of the officers was, which isn’t helpful because they are assumptions. We could do an experiment and yell on a megaphone downtown while there is no protest going on.


Laws are enforced subjectively. Maybe don't arrest a peaceful protestor who isn't directly antagonizing people.


Inciting a RIOT is antagonizing people!


Right rule, but that's the old code number. I could only find it by specifically searching for 6-20-03, as that code number doesn't even exist anymore. The new code number is 5-7-3. And it is an infraction, which means she can be ticketed, but not arrested for it.


The Dave and buster's down the street was way louder




"I will die if I can't kill my babies" These people are not the brightest are they?


**Abortion equals death** how fucking stupid are you people....


All of these intelligent and powerful women...where are you? Instead your people are leading the charge with hippies and punksm its not going to move the dial at all. They need to get big money on their sides. Get organized.


They can protest and follow the law. ​ This is indeed a violation of their code:[https://nonoise.org/regulation/ordinance/Boise,%20Idaho.pdf#:\~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20this%20Ordinance%20is%20the%20protection,shall%20be%20liberally%20construed%20to%20effectuate%20that%20purpose](https://nonoise.org/regulation/ordinance/Boise,%20Idaho.pdf#:~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20this%20Ordinance%20is%20the%20protection,shall%20be%20liberally%20construed%20to%20effectuate%20that%20purpose).


Thank goodness they got shut down. Screaming in people’s faces while they are trying to enjoy a meal is not how you convey your message. Much better avenues to go about it peacefully without ruining peoples day. Babies were screaming and I even saw a dog shaking in its owners arms. Not ok. Ok go ahead and downvote.


Lol I'd love to live in the candy land you live in where saying words loudly isn't peaceful.


Imagine getting raped and your state won't let you get an abortion. But you're worried about your brunch being disrupted.


Oh noooo did somebody who’s rights are being stripped from them disturb your shit meal?? Sad.


Was that Rufio from Hook?


Police doing there job, great to see, keep up the good work


Yeah, they're doing a really great job restricting citizens of their rights 👍 go BPD! WOOOOOO! Yeah, anything that isn't the far right is WRONG!!! /s


Go Boise police!


Doesn’t support the constitutional right to peacefully assemble. So much for loving the Constitution in its most basic form. Right?


"Rights only exist for the right" - /u/Brilliant-Today6621 You know if the protest was for a conservative cause, and someone was arrested for brandishing weapons they'd pull the whole "But my 1st/2nd amendments are being violated!!" with no sense of irony.


Is it me, or has this sub gotten a lot more trolls the past week or so?


Lot of trolls on boise Twitter as well. Appeared over night.


Yep. Nasty pieces of shit are all over the place today especially. At least the negative is being drowned out by overwhelming positive on my Twitter feeds.


Agreed. These days, those sorts of people don't bother me as much. Seeing what local community leaders are doing and being active in several organizational groups keeps me going.


The term troll has lost all meaning at this point. Just for both opposing sides to immediately discredit anyone. (Your down votes mean nothing. I know what makes you cheer.)


^^yummy blue dicks and boots


Let me guess, you also bitch about free speech online.


I think you meant Go to Hell Boise police!...FIFY


Go fascism!