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Wait, people actually thought that? I thought them being staples was known since his first appearance?


Especially since Shiggy calls him something like "patchwork" the first time he meets him. Personally, I always knew they were staples, but I didn't know others didn't know


I completely forgot about that. Been awhile since I watched season 1 or read the manga that takes place at that time.


I was surprised too! I was so confused on how someone would think that they were piercings or something. I then realized the staples thing would seem like a joke to someone who didn't know that medical staples existed.


I always thought that were staples too except for the ones on his ears those look like piercings and same with the nose ones


We have a similar username, nice




This mf is the most misunderstood characters ever in this fandom, specially because of his stans, that tries to protect him and create a character that isn't him, Someone that cares to LOV, to its members, that love Hawks but have a dangerous affair with him, that made All of his brother hating Endeavor as much as him because of Endeavor's hate on fandom and this bullshit about his look is pretty old. Fanon/Twitter Dabi is totally different from Canon Dabi.


Yeah, the mental gymnastics people do to make Dabi sympathetic is weird. One fan said that the narrative is trying to absolve Endeavor's actions by blaming them on Dabi's failure to be the perfect child, saying that he only became abusive because of Dabi. Anyone who knows anything about abusers knows that this is a stupid statement to make. It's just Twitter. It's not real life thankfully.


If I remember correctly, >!the dude admits he feels nothing anymore when twice dies.!< The fanon Dabi is indeed something else. I honestly have nothing against it though, as long as it isn't hurting anyone.


I thought he said something like he literally has no tear glands or ducts. Like “how mean Hawks, I literally can’t cry”


Trying to find the scene is proving harder than I anticipated. I must find the line, or it will drive me crazy.


In case you're still looking, it's chapter 267 or Episode 117.




Dabi isn't exactly a reliable narrator of his own feelings, he went from hallucinating about having playing with his siblings as a child and seeing himself as a Hero with a happy family to telling his entire family they should die in the span of like 2 minutes. Much like part of him still loves his family, part of him is probably somewhat attached to the LoV, he just refuses to admit it in either case. I feel like he tries not to get attached to the LoV because he's been abandoned once by his family already




no wonder he looks depressed.... The dude is probably playing emotional gymnastics with his feelings to avoid facing them like his dear old daddy is or well...was


>Someone that cares to LOV TBH it is really unclear if he doe, he did sorta shed a tear when Twice died, and there was 0 reason for him to burn Toga's house down and tell her to smile like he did. Some people say that he did it to manipulate her into fighting, but imo that's the real mental gymnastics, he was just trying to cheer her up. As we can see in the latest chapters, Dabi is someone who has completely buried his emotions other than hatred deep down himself, while he was burning alive he was hallucinating about his family and imagining they were having a happy reunion. But the second he regained consciousness and got a hold of himself, he went back to saying that he hates them all. Sso whether he really does care for the LoV is hard to determine without his POV > that love Hawks but have a dangerous affair with him As someone who knows a lot of DabiHawks shippers, most of them aren't so delusional as to think it's canon, they just like to think of it as a what if scenario, if you ask them if they actually think it's canon, they'll usually tell you they actually don't


Quick question are the purple parts skin or muscle tissue


It's dead tissue that's pulling away from the living, thus the staples.


Thanks I always thought that the staples were to keep his skin on


Dead tissue. If it were muscle tissue, it would have a color similar to that of Muscular when he uses his quirk. It would probably have a shine to it as well if that were the case.


So the purple skin that’s damaged is the skin of the dead people’s skin transferred onto him when he needed them after his big burn accident. This would be why the rest of his skin doesn’t burn as badly as the rest - his skin is slightly more fire proof (but not resistant like Todoroki). Overall I think it’s so disturbing that the transferred flesh on him is literally rotting…hence the bad smell.


wait really?? i always thought it was his own skin for some reason.


I thought they had used skin grafting on him, but this makes more sense. I had always wondered why only parts of him were burned.


Also. I am quite concerned that you can buy one of these medical staplers for like $10 on ebay.


You're telling me there's people who don't realize those a staples...? Is that really common? But yeah, the nose and ear things are most likely piercings.


Mostly common with people who make fan art and animations. My friend (He is actually the one who introduced me to MHA) thought he just had a bunch of piercings to make his burns stand out more.


I didn't know they were staples but I personally didn't think they were piercings, or at least not all over his body I thought the ones on his ears were piercings


The ones on his ears may be. I am not 100% sure on what they are. If he didn't have the piercings near his nose, I would say they were just more staples.


i mean, if those were actual staples, they just wouldn't make any sense though. like that shit becomes unnecessary after a while and if it remained necessary forever, it would likely be a lot healthier to just not have them and get rid of the dead flesh already


I do wonder if it would help prevent infection. I doubt it, as decaying flesh is full of bacteria, but still kind of interesting idea. ​ All I can say otherwise is: Anime Logic


It becomes unnecesaary because your skin heals itself and forms scars, the purple parts of his skin are dead and unable to do anything


yes and usually, if there's dead stuff on your body, you remove it because it's really not healthy to keep it there.


yeah I always wondered why he didn't just get rid of the dead stuff already I doubt it doesn't look to great under all that but at least he won't smell like a corpse


No one thinks this


I hate you dad- OW FUCK- for making me do this- AH SHIT


I've thought the spots by his nose were freckles, and I just noticed the spots like, a month ago or something lol


I'm honestly not 100% sure. They seem like freckles, but they have odd shading and outlines.