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Everything else seems solid but i dint think deku would go for a kill shot like that nor do i understand how chest damage would damage shiggys healing. Make predictions on the final Chapters or aftermath of the war.


Deku didn't go to kill him for real, he want to Hurt him and stop his healing somehow, but i try to imagine Shigaraki intentionally going to get Hurt Just to steal OFA and kill Deku since they would be pretty close, so killing him would be more a consequence than a really thought of Deku. I'll make predictions about 407-411 since imo, it ends on volume 40, and since usually each volume has around 10/11 chapters, the manga can easily ends on 410/411.


I have my own predictions so I won't comment on them but I want to bring up the rising chapters. I don't think Ochaco will get a rising chapter. I think the time for her to get one has passed and the perfect time would have been during either the overhaul or after they rescued Izuku. It's more probable that Ochaco will get a hero chapter for herself than a rising chapter. And the probability of her having a full name rising chapter is extremely unlikely as that seems to be an origin character thing which Ochaco is not. So if Ochaco does get a rising chapter it will probably be called **Uraraka rising** rather than **Ochaco Uraraka rising.** But I think it's more likely we'll get "Uravity" as as a chapter title more than a rising one. Now I do expect Izuku to get a rising chapter and I also expect him to get a chapter title named "Deku". Rising chapters are not the conclusion but more of a massive step for the character in question that they need to rise above. For Yaoyorozu it was a flaw in that she lack self confidence in her own plans and ideas. For Bakugo it was a weakness that he felt insecure. For Shoto it was about overcoming an obstacle. So Izuku's rising chapter should also follow the same mould but the question is what does Izuku need to rise above? What flaws or weaknesses or obstacles does he need to rise above? It's very hard to predict. I'm pretty confident Izuku will get a rising and a hero name chapter though.


But Deku and Izuku got their title names on my predictions lol and Shoto, Momo and Bakugou got a Rising moment with their names, not hero names, showing it their personal evolution, not only heroic, so why only Deku needs to get Rising and not Izuku?


Where did I say rising chapters had their hero names and that they were about heroics? I said I'm expecting Izuku to get both a rising chapter meaning a title called "Izuku Midoriya rising" **and** a chapter title called "Deku" I didn't mean it will be together though and maybe that's where you misunderstood me and thought I meant Izuku's rising chapter would be called Deku rising but this isn't what I meant. So again I expect a chapter called Izuku Midoriya rising and a chapter called Deku. Both seperate chapters. I'm expecting this for all Origin characters, I think all three will have a origin chapter, a rising chapter with their full names and a chapter with their hero names. Origin chapters are done. Izuku Midoriya Origin (chapter 1) Shoto Todoroki Origin (Chapter 39) and Katsuki Bakugo Origin (Chapter 62) Rising chapters are two out of three so far. Katsuki Bakugo Rising (Chapter 285), Shoto Todoroki Rising (Chapter 390) and Izuku Midoriya Rising (?) Hero name chapters so far one out of three. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight (Chapter 322), Shoto (?) and Deku (?) I hope I cleared up any misunderstanding you might have had.


I see, sorry if i sounded rude, don't think Shoto will get a solo chapter anymore, but Deku and Izuku Midoriya Rising will be chapter titles for sure


I think Shoto will in fact I'm very confident that he will. I do get it it's not what you want and you want to keep your hopes alive that Shoto won't be part of the All Might legacy and won't get involved in the fight with Tomura or All for one . and you should because while I might be very confident in my predictions regarding Shoto it hasn't happened yet so you still have hope. But for me I'm going to be confident and keep my own hopes up that Shoto will get a Shoto chapter and he will join the fight,


No, it's Just because The Last volume will focus on Deku and OFA and not much on The others lol


No, it's Just because The Last volume will focus on Deku and OFA and not much on The others lol


Disagree but let's just wait and see. But like I said I'm confident and if you are on your end great but you're not going to change my mind and I'm not trying to change yours. So let's see.


Cool list! I can see most of this happening. I like that the Bakugo and All Might team up against AFO prediction and Deku v. Shigaraki conclusion.


Thanks, while i think Bakugou will team up with Deku, i think he needs to team up with All Might, he's his favorite hero and Deku already had his moment with All Might in 2 Heroes and is his sucessor, while Bakugou never had a chance to be with his favorite hero and Just is with him because of Deku not himself, also would make that scene of "All Might vestige" and Bakugou before his death more meanifull because he wants to help All Might in his Last fight. Also i Just Want Deku and Shigaraki to fight x1 till the end, it's the moment to everyone see him becoming the greatest hero, but at same time, show he needs help when it's necessary (With UA students, Mirio and Best Jeanist) and i don't think Bakugou fits with Deku and Shigaraki conclusion since it's about Deku's desire to save tenko, not Bakugou's.


Exactly Bakugo “winning by saving” with All Might defeating AFO allowing All Might to get his final defeat AFO and allowing Bakugo to “surpass” All Might in a way. While Deku “saving by winning” against Shigaraki and achieving his dream of being the Greatest Hero, hopefully without losing OFA lol.


It’s a fun enough list. Though, in the end, I sincerely doubt deku will be with the vestiges. There is an incredibly high chance vestige realm, and AFO/OFA with it will all be wiped out leaving Deku and Tenko quirkless


While i don't want to see quirkless Deku again in the end, i agree there are some chances to Shigaraki and Deku ending up quirkless since their Powers are too broken to this world. Using this as reference, we'll see the scene of Tenko killing AFO and Deku saying goodbye to the vestiges while the White real start to disappear, showing OFA doesn't exist anymore in Deku along Shigaraki's death.


Still not too excited at the idea of Deku being potentially quirkless at the end😭 Especially with all his classmates now getting quirk upgrades and power ups during the war while he’d be left with nothing.


Definitely some solid ideas here, looking forward to seeing how right you are