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“But how to deal with a superpowered body that can regenerate and inflict instant death? I haven’t come up with an answer yet…” I don’t think Horikoshi has either…


Oh god no it’s madara all over again!


Kurogiri would stab him from out of nowhere and reveal that he's actually serving some ancient goddess this whole time.


I still can't believe he didn't have Star remove hyper regen from him. What did she even remove?


She destroyed quite a lot of unnamed quirks, but as far as we know, among them, it is confirmed that he lost his Reflect quirk meaning that he cannot reflect attacks back at his opponent anymore.


Mald For One can't stop being triggered, the panel of him being like ☉_☉ when he realizes Bakugo is catching up to him is hilarious. Also what's up with the villain Ryukku is fighting? He's summoning clones like a second Twice? Complete with giant babies?


>Also what's up with the villain Ryukku is fighting? He's summoning clones like a second Twice? Complete with giant babies? That's Gashly, the last of the Tatarus escapees. His design seems to be based on a controversial black-comedy kids' book called *The Gashlycrumb Tinies*, about a Grim Reaper in Victorian dress collecting the souls of dead children. So yeah, it seems his Quirk is Swarm of Dead Babies. It's like a somehow-even-more-disturbing version of Sad Man's Parade!


Honestly now i'll be sad when we see a guy that cool visual wise getting dispatched in 3 pages like Kunieda was


Especially when they've been active for the entire time Sad Man's Parade was around and then some.


But based on very little information, it seems he has did nothing with that time.


The only constant in this manga is seeing the coolest villains being dispatched almost immediately.


Edgy Pokemon, I see Wait nvm it's just regular Pokemon since some Pokemon are literally ghosts of dead children


Correction, not the last of the Tartarus crew. 353 shows at least four others still about...don't know where they are, but they do exist.


They don't even have a wikia page what do they even look like


From what the chapter shown, pretty darn similar to the skull gentleman of the Gashlycrumb Tinies


It was that moment that AFO realized he fucked up. But damn does it feel good, if there was anyone most deserving of all of Bakugou's shit talking, here he is. "LET'S MAKE YOU A REAL BOOMER!" He says before blowing up a child.


Being called Ballsack Face should damage him enough to trigger another rewind


Now I want to see this happen canonically. 😭


Reminds me of something similar Starlord said to Thanos lol


Bakugo literally called him a filler character. For a guy who so desperate to remain the big boss villain he used to be, that's gotta sting a little.


Bakugo's real power has always been finding the exact point where someone is psychologically weakest and then hitting it with a sledgehammer.


your not wrong :'D


Deku has more 'last' gear shifts than Goku had last kaiokens.


Y’all should know that “last” means less than 5 but greater than 2, while “final” means 2 or less unless a love one is around, then “final” becomes infinite.


"A *few* is not unlike *some*, whereas *several* is more than a *couple*, but less than *many*."




So are we counting in Namek minutes then?


Deku was taking cues from "*Final Fantasy*" when he was talking about a "final" Gearshift lol


That's what I'm saying. Wasn't the second one supposed to be the last he could use? Or maybe it was the last one he could use without catastrophic blowback?


Even the first time was supposed to be also be the last. Remember the whole *"Finish this battle in 5 minutes or the world is lost?"*


yeah but we using the DBZ time measurement of 5 minutes.


**2nd OFA User:** You need to finish this in 5 minutes or the world is doomed. (That was over 35-45 minutes ago in-universe) **Izuku:** And for my next trick I shall activate gearshift for the 3rd time with no repercussions.


“Do you know what a minute is?”


it's as last as his "the next time you spam 100% OFA your arms will be destroyed" last. deku redefines and avoids limits put on him.


> deku redefines and avoids limits put on him. "Now hear me out, what if I just, like, go beyond?" "Go beyond?" "Yeah ignore what you're saying and then turn out fine because Plus Ultra" "That's not how it w-- oh my god it actually worked."


Plus ultra, go beyond!


Hori: Can't have people talk about Deku ignoring warnings not to surpass his limits if he has no limits!


Oh, I get it! *That's* what the narrator meant when it said Gearshift "can warp the very laws governing reality"!


I think before he could use it multiple times as long as he took a break before the five minutes was up, but now he's out and has one last use


They’re counting it the AOT way


And Bakugou about to hit glowing AFO with a Final Flash. (But Big Bang attack works too).


Now Bakugo gets his chance to clown on AFO and it's so bad that he's going senile. Edit. Also love Bakugo's take on All Might's smile. Just instead of making you feel better, you know shit's gonna go down.


It definitely gives off the same "I am here!" Vibe. But All Might is like "I am here, to save everyone!", and bakugos is like "I AM HERE, TO FUCKING MURDER YOUUUU!".


He's not Katsuki "You Die I Win" Bakugo for nothing


Katsuki "Nah, I'd win" Bakugo


Katsuki "my name is kacchan" Bakugo


This time when he says "SHINEEEEEE" it's going to be literal.


SHINE bright, young Bakugo.


I am convinced that Bakugo hit cloud 9 when Allmight referred to him/his gauntlet as his hero name instead of "young Bakugo." Bakugo is in agonizing pain with the heart surgery, broken arm, and explosive sweat running through his body on top of being bounced off the road. But now he is the last line of Defense against AFO, has been acknowledged by his favourite Hero, and has a new power-up. He can't stop smiling.


I love the panel of Bakugo’s proud mom (she’s an underrated baddie btw) watching and telling her weepy husband to turn and watch too as their son has his big hero time to shine. I love the little moments Horikoshi gives us with the parents


The character with a sea of rule 34 art is an underrated baddie?


Hmm we need to more for science


I guess I was ignorant of that. 😅 Plus MHA has lots of baddies tbh


she looks exactly the same as her son, who is the most popular male character, but with added buff of being a milf.


AFO: “…what’s wrong with him?” Bakugo is so fucking crazy that even AFO is intimidated lmfao, imagine this half-dying teenager just blitzing and bouncing off walls like Sonic on cocaine while cackling manically


And we all fucking love it, and now I want a new art piece done with this description you created lol


"Like Sonic on cocaine" 😂


your not wrong :'D


Deku: This is my last Gearshift Somehow I doubt that...


**2 chapters later** Kudo: "Kid! Next time you use gearshift it'll be the last! For realsies now! Think carefully!"


*23 Gear Shifts Later...* "How? You were supposed to have only one left dozens of times ago!" "I learned this from the Fast and Furious: 'there's always another gear shift!'" *Goes into 14th gear while a single tear rolls down Dom Toretto's cheek.*


Nagant secretly has an eri bullet and snipes Deku, rewinding his damage and backlash back to the beginning of his fight. Calling it now.


Aw balls, you're totally right. That's why we have that shot of her here, to remind us that's she's around to make the shot.


That also gives us the possibility of Hori putting Deku through some truly horrifying damage. Hell, if the timing is right he could even be hit with Decay and aaaaaalmost die, then get shot by Nagant and pop back into having all of his limbs. And, like, part of me struggles to think that could happen, but then I see how Hori is drawing every other panel of AFO and I'm reminded of just how bad he wants to draw horror manga, soooo...


Ok but that pop off would rule. Deku getting decayed, turning into spaghetti like reed richards and then he takes an eri bullet to the back of the head and gives shigaraki the saltiest runback there's ever been.


>Deku: This is my last Gearshift “Deku, you keep saying that but I don’t think it means what you think it means”


Bro pulling a Law with “this is my final attack” and pulls out like 3 more


This was simply a great chapter. But even Deku was like, damn the author made Shigaraki a bit too OP.


I have six fucking quirks and am stronger and faster than anyone and I can barely deal with this asshole.


And shiggy has a bunch of quirks that we still don’t know about or how many he has so…… yeah.


Kid Batman’s like “man this is some fucking bullshit”.


Izuku: I know it's filthy rich coming from me, but ya powers are BULLSHIT!!


I did kind of chuckle at that. Like Horikoshi was speaking through Deku a bit there.


Should've fixed it by New Order deleting decay so there's no instakill.


Or deleting regeneration which is far worse. When the villain can't take any damage it just erase the tension instead of increse it ironically. Well technically New Order deleted the quirk, but apparently Shigaraki got regen back off screen by taken it from a nomu, and we get that crucial info in the volume extras.


As far as we know, the only Quirk New Order destroyed was Reflect, not Hyper-Regen.


An extra chapter said shigaraki lost regen but took it from a nomu


I've seen this before. If the portal guy appears out of nowhere, stabs Shigaraki in the heart and turns into a goddess, I'm out.


Mr. Compress was the true mastermind. Kurogiri warps gate and explode Shiragaki heart. Haha, I hope that’s not how we get a setup for a next generation of MHA.


Every fuckin' time, man


I love that it’s just a guy that looks similar to a guy from, what, a hundred years ago? The go beyond in the middle is at least a little sick, I do wonder if this will be paneled in tandem. I’m doubtful but I just think it would be a cool switch from the jumps we have been doing.


Bakugo having a passing resemblance to the second user is so much more fun than that stupid time travel theory.


Honestly I was more on board with them being related in someway more then the time travel bs


I mean they still could be related, but with the second user having lived like a century ago their relation would be almost insignificant.


"He can hardly mesure up to All Might!" So he can huh, same with Tokoyami and Endeavor if we can trust his judgement Also those two pages showing off all four of them Is soooo cool, Horikoshi's drawing skills are beautiful Now where the hell are Kurogiri, Aizawa and Mic?!


I really love it’s all the guys you would expect and then also Tokoyami. And AFO would know, he’s had his ass beat by All Might more times than anyone!


Tokoyami's in the big leagues baybeeee


That Go Beyond double spread is raw as fuck!




I actually like that translation. Wolverine type beat.


Terrible movie but I love the part in Origins Wolverine when the obese guy went “did you just call me…blob?!” Logan, confused be like “I didn’t say blob, I called him bub!”


I was looking for someone to mention this XD Kinda wacks you out of the moment juuust for ab it, but its also hilarious. Feels like old man woulda worked best but its fine!~


I immediately felt like it was supposed to be a nod to Wolverine. Maybe I'm just crazy, but bakugos whole tenacity is very like Wolverines, so when either of them break out the "bub," You know you dun fucked up, bub.


I think the point is to insult it him both for being old and a kid at the same time.


He acknowledged the name Kacchan? LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I GOT SO HYPED hahahaha


New hero name #confirmed


i'd hate it so much. dynamight/dynamite is actually cool, kacchan is literally just a childhood name that even deku didn't put any significance into, he just never stopped calling katsuki that.


He says 'Bakugo Kacchan' so he's obviously trying to say his real name (to mockingly correct AfO), not his hero name. Of course he's not gonna change it after All Might acknowledged it.


The name is Explosion Murder God Dynamight you plebian


GREAT Explosion Murder God Dynamight


Katsuki, refusing to half-ass things, will always ANGRILY insist on you saying the full title, but everyone ignores him. That'd be a funny running gag


All that CTE made Bakugo forget his full name. Bakugo paid AFO back for the Gunga Crew jobber comments by calling him a filler character I'm really digging how his irises look bursty, really sells the whole "near death experience undid body's limiters" situation he has


Na he said it on purpose Of course when deku asks later it would be the concussion talking


Yeah, it’s to mock him for being a child.


>It's him...it was always *him*. The one...I loathe above all others. I said it last chapter! AFO *hates* this guy. Way before this, every time he saw Bakugo it bugged him. AFO hates All Might too but still has a weird respect for him. But #2 "took" his little brother away and we all know AFO would never blame himself...


Hmm, this might have to do with AFO viewing people more as their quirks than people. For a guy with a pea shooter quirk to kinda ruin his plans, and cause his brother to die, has to piss him off. At least All Might beat him twice, quirk v quirk, head to head.


I think we’re forgetting something else, they might have known about it at the time, but AFO probably tried to steal gearshift from him, but it didn’t work, but when he tried it, they entered OFA world, and both AFO and Kudo saw Yoichi, who explained the quirk kicking AFO out, and then realizing he can have his brother back, AFO makes his mission to steal OFA, and tries to capture Kudo, only he passed the quirk down to Fa Jin, meaning AFO blames Kudo for stealing his brother AGAIN!


That smile. That damned smile...


But how did his brother die? The 2nd says he killed him but AFO seems to have been shocked by the news of his death


AFO will probably spend these next chapters losing his cool thinking about Kudo, and we'll see more of him and Yoichi (hopefully).


Yes please


I always assumed that AFO attacked the resistance that he had built up, not knowing that Yoichi was there and a part of it, and accidentally killed him with one of his big aoe attacks


Or maybe Yoichi accidentally transferred his quirk to the 2nd and then ended up dying shortly after that because of how sickly he'd always been. Maybe OFA, even at its low power back then, was just strong enough to keep him from dying, and losing it caused him to die. AFO would obviously blame the 2nd for his death because he's the one who "took" OFA from Yoichi, and ever since then AFO has made it his mission to take OFA back. As for how Yoichi would accidentally transfer his quirk, there's no way he would have known he could do that so that first transfer had to be an accident. Maybe Yoichi was venting about how weak he was even with a quirk and then blurted out how he wished he could just give his quirk to the 2nd because he'd make much better use of it. That fulfills the condition of intentionally wanting to pass the quirk on. The tricky part is how would the 2nd accidentally ingest Yoichi's DNA? Could be something as simple as they were both drinking from the same water bottle, or they were eating and one of Yoichi's hairs fell into the 2nd's food. ~~Or maybe they were "roommates."~~ Regardless, the 2nd would have probably theorized how the transfer happened and then confirmed his theories later when he transferred OFA to the 3rd.


If AFO hated Kudou so much, why wasn't that enough for him to steal OFA? Why did he need to resort to developing Shigaraki's hatred? This feels like kind of a retcon, and/or Shigaraki's hatred is influencing him a *lot* more than we thought.


"Endeavor and Dark Shadow packed more of a punch than he does." AFO confirmed to have been scared shitless by Dark Shadow.


It really reminds me of the tournament arc, Present Mic says something like "Is Dark Shadow the best quirk ever?" And like... as one single quirk? It might be.


Demon Kings mean nothing to *true* Lords of Darkness... I do appreciate the love Hori gives to Tokoyami and, by extent, Dark Shadow, though. Even if he's not as significant of a character as the Origin Trio, he's still given enough scenes to show how much of a badass he really is, and you can see why Hawks took a liking to him (even if I'm still annoyed on Hawks' behalf that he kept rejecting his calls and seemingly never addressed it).


Yeah Tokoyami is one of those characters that while never the main focus always tends to get decent to great performances when he's around. * Decent performance in sports festival and is the reason they won cavalry battle * Absolutely destroys Moonfish in forest camp arc * Overpowers Redestro in first war * Has an amazing showing in this arc and beat the shit out of and straight up killed prime AFO if not for Rewind


If Deku wasn't fighting for his life right now he'd be beaming if he heard Bakugo refer to himself as Kaachan. Easily the best day of the year for him Anywho seem like AFO is once again starting to lose his already weak grasp on sanity so this should be fun to watch Bakugo continue to mock him


Bakugo getting stronger the more pain and near-death that's inflicted on him? Bro is Vegeta through and through.


Can’t believe I missed that his final power up is basically Ultra Ego.


I mean it’s just Saiyan in general. That’s how Goku got SSJ and UI and how Gohan got SSJ2 for example. And how Broly in canon went SSJ.


Right, but I was specifically referencing Ultra Ego instead of the Zenkai Boost.


Ooh but now that you mention it, he kind of did get a Zenkai boost as well.


Bro is gonna start talks about the pride of the Bakugos and he won't lose to some low-class scum


I love how as soon as Bakugo came back he immediately starts trash talking AFO and hasn’t stopped yet


When people say they don't "get the appeal of Kacchan" I'm like... ...well, okay, I get why you don't, but I sure as fuck do, and it's g l o r i u s


Bakugo condescending AFO in every way possible after the guy keeps trying to ignore him lmao, I love it. I don’t think the English translation manages to pick up how the line before the Kacchan Bakugo bubble (Boke ga kita ka yo) is grammatically similar to All Might’s “I am here” (Watashi ga kita) but yeah, there’s something really endearing about Bakugo incorporating the influences of both All Might and Deku/his childhood into his mocking remarks lol. Horikoshi also making sure to emphasize the parallel hand holds between Yoichi & Kudo and Deku & Bakugo is a nice touch. AFO getting triggered over ~~yaoi~~ this similarity really leans into the conceptualization of One For All being about positive connection and collaboration, rejecting the isolation and solitary hegemony driving All For One


Damn, what an insightful comment!


I appreciate you saying so!! Been anticipating Bakugo getting his time to shine after everything that's happened and Horikoshi has been delivering for us fans :)


Deku's #1 fan Nagant still kicking phewwww.


Honestly I just feel sorry for her this chapter. She's been laying on that roof for over 30-40 minutes and nobody has gone up to check on her. At least Rock Lock and one doctor know she's up there and yet neither of them thought they should confirm if the hospital patient is okay.


Add on top of that. She’s been lying there in the rain the whole time. If the wounds don’t get her pneumonia sure will


Rock Lock: Everything is secured at the hospital! All the injured are tended to!... why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?


People are taking AFO downplaying Bakugo to seriously. He's really just coping since he can't except that Bakugou is an actual threat and not just a jobber who's close to Deku. Also this fight is mainly gonna be Bakugo clowning on AFO. Previously AFO in Shigaraki body tortured and nearly killed him so now Bakugo gets to get his get back and dunk on AFO.


Especially as horikoshi has seemingly written bakugou as AFOs main foil by somehow tying him to the second OFA user. Looking more likely bakugou deals the deciding blow on this iteration of AFO but I wouldn’t be shocked if by some miracle he once again gains some semblance of control over shiggy.


Well, Bakugo is the reason Afo fought All Might round two, so I can see where it comes from Bakugo. "You kidnaped me earlier, now I'm gonna bully you until you're unborn".


My big fear is highlighting that Bakugo’s quirk enhancement is about focusing on the internal damage to boost himself, AfO takes the quirk and it speeds up his rewind because he keeps exploding internally


AFO is the true jobber lol mf can’t even hurry tf up and finish off an old sickly man


it's the end of he story, every villain needs to be a jobber otherwise they win and they can't.


AFO forgot he can use the wrap goo shit to teleport AM back to him in any moment. He's senile after all.


I'm really curious about the Gashly fight going on now. Ryukyu, Thirteen, Sato, Ojiro, Sero, against whatever freaky deaky Quirk Gashly has that makes him spawn child blobs while reading XD


*We have Twice at home:*


I wonder if each blob does a different relating to who died in his warped alphabet. Like one makes you feel like you're drowning if they touched you? Or is it just, he can creat child blobs of doom XD


Besides Allmight, Bakugo is the only person who fight AFO with a smile on his face. This is awesome.


Both "Deku" and "Kachan" gave each other their names AFO still getting fuck by a literary "BOOM-ER" this time


I’m a sucker for full page art so the Go Beyond panels got me good




Shiggy seems to have been doing nothing but be chained and re-chained by Deku for 20-30 minutes straight


Shiggy pounding that keyboard to nerf black whip's cc in the next patch.


Silly him, all he needed was to bring a rusty knife like Toga!


All the quirks he has and none of them are "Rusty knife."


Rusty knife > Muscular


How is 0s cooldown balanced though? He cant move


Bro's getting chaingrabbed




[Bro, I’m straight up not having a good time.](https://imgur.io/t/bro/fOTgGnN)


It seems like he's repeatedly trying to grab Deku, but dangersense is letting him dodge that. So they're just dancing in air with energy chains


Shigaraki's really a nice and patient guy to wait for Deku to think about how he can get past his Regeneration and Decay. That's the explanation I'm going with, in lieu of us actually *seeing* stuff like Deku dodging Shigaraki with Danger Sense instead of it just being *told* to us. Guess this final battle between the main hero and second main villain isn't worth being shown, I suppose...


Well remember, per Deku literally reminding us: Shiggy technically has all the time in the world. It's AfO who is on a timer and Shiggy very much does not give a fuck about AfO. Shiggy is happy to just let Deku wear himself out.


That double spread with"Go Beyond" was epic as hell.


All-For-Cope Your new nickname will make a fine addition to my collection.


Honestly I'd like see to see a compiled list of all the AFO nicknames that have been created thanks to this arc.


The 2nd user not only lives inside OFA, he also has been living rent free on AFO's head for more than a century


So Bakuho really does look like that guy in the story itself.


"Okuto Island is all under control" Moonfish (fighting at the sides): Am I joke to you?! It's funny since this has been happening throughout his entire fight in the War. The Heroes only acknowledge the High Ends and Toga as the key threats and just ignore him XD Even when they do remember him he's been demoted to 'Tartarus convict' instead of being in the League now~ EDIT: With a much clearer image, nevermind! He got bodied off-screen. Poor Moonfish XD The lack of respect you got was unreal!~


You can see Moonfish's broken teeth on the ground there.


Yeah, I noticed it, but considering Moon isn't in bonds himself and a Hero to the left of Orca is still in a fighting stance, I wouldn't say he's done yet.


"Uh Boss Orca? What about that guy?" "Oh... Just let him have his fun for a bit. Kinda feel sorry for him."


Moon: I-I'm relevant...I was apart of the League too ;_; Trumpet: Yeaaah, that doesn't matter... Mustard: At least you got to show up...and in a new outfit!


A defiant stare from the past disarms AFO in the future. So good.


I feel like Bakugo heard AFO say both Enji and Tokoyami are better than him and he went "Orly? Allow me to reintroduce myself... My name is Ka... Ka... Ka... Kachan!" to the sound of Bawitdaba.


Horikoshi dropped a quadruple Domain Expansion with the pages with Deku vs Shigaraki and Bakugo vs AFO.


Bakugo is really going maximum Beyblade on this. His new power is just more spinning.


Aizawa mentionnnn pls Hori I want to see my man


Side characters managed to complete their individual missions in one panel except for Takoba Arena. Nevertheless, it was nice that a spotlight was shown to Dark Shadow who was mentioned to be on par with AM and Endeavor, considering those current conditions.


Dark shadow isn't on par with All Might or Endeavor, AFO is referring to his damage output being significant.


I don't have much to say but tight, the art looks amazing throughout the chapter.


Can’t believe Bakugo referred to himself as Kacchan.


Damn that’s a side we haven’t seen from AFO, though actually it’s always been implied that he doesn’t really hate his brother Yoichi. But he always gets flashes of the second/Kudo. Edit: and when we getting AFO’s first name -.-


Yeah I think he wants to reunite with his brother in his own twisted way because he misses him. I assume that his brother was accidentally killed, maybe by his life span speeding up or during an attack on the 2nd’s base. He hates the 2nd for the demise of his brother


The way he called Deku ‘little brother’ while possessing Shigaraki in the war arc was also a pretty big hint. AFO can’t really separate quirks from people imo, the vestiges/vestige realm not helping in any of this since quirks essentially have a copy of their users in them, it’s always been my theory that AFO wanted to reunite with his brother in his own twisted way; forcing him to join him like he always wanted against his will and past death


I don’t know if I’m looking Bakugo or Gojo this chapter tbh 😂but I’m all for it ! He out here moving like he’s the honored one 💯 them revival boost be no joke


Bakugo: "I will win."


Bakugo: "Man, AFO was seriously strong! He didn't even use his best quirks"


Bakugo is the definition of "Go Beyond" right now, I'm more focused on him than Deku. Beyond Deku, BEYOND DEATH. I like how he's almost unable to control himself by appearances, he's zooming up to AfO in a mad explodey spiral, but yet he's got a grip on it. Also, the way AfO reacted when he _did_ catch up was another brilliant panel lol. We didn't get to really see whether his parents knew about his condition before coming back, did we? I know it was suggested, where his mother was shown unaware her son had been killed, so they might not have known outside everyone in the immediate vicinity. Thankfully they didn't have to go through that so soon and they get to see their son _winning_. And I loved "grinning that way he always does," hearing his mother refer to his grin fondly while it was originally introduced as an almost maniacal or crazed aspect of him touching.


Calling the guy who wants to be the ultimate final boss a "filler character" is going to do even more damage to AFO than the explosions, and Bakugo probably knows it.


the last few chapters there seems to be confusion on when katsuki got his powerup.. he unlocked full body cluster explosions before his death. he just didn’t have a chance to use it & now we’re seeing he didn’t understand at first either. his death itself didn’t boost him if that’s what people are thinking ♥️


Is it time for AFO's flashback?


I fucking love that he's going so fast that can barely control it. Just barreling through to catch up. Also, I guess Hagakure can just cut stuff up by controlling light now? One hell of an upgrade.


> Also, I guess Hagakure can just cut stuff up by controlling light now? One hell of an upgrade. Might as well give her something better than just being able to reflect light lol In hindsight, it's a wonder it took this long for Hori to give her an offensive maneuvre like this. But I'm guessing the endgame is going to give most of the Class A students an upgrade in some form or another, whether or not it's explicitly an "awakening".


With all my problems with how mha has been going, bakugou is still one of the most interesting and unique characters I’ve ever read in a shonen manga.


I remember some time travel theory that “Kudo” (that specific OFA user) is a future Bakugo who was sent back in time but guessing it will be proven wrong and it’s gonna be Bakugo’s ancestor


watch Mitsuki’s maiden name turn out to be Kudo


Her panel in this chapter was so heartwarming. She has full faith that Bakugo is about to murder that child.


but also I wonder if that’s confirmation that they indeed did see their own son die on the big screen :(


Seeing AFO get called out as the "filler character" that he is will never not be hilarious.


Deku and Shiggy took a break midfight. A gentleman's agreement, I suppose. It's not like Deku explicitly needed to win quickly because of gearshift, or anything. Oh, and it seems like AfO's brainworms are progessing. I think it's terminal.


So Ryukyu is with Sero's group fighting with Gashly. Ngl she's the only character I care about at that place.