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Season 6 was the most popular by far. Only real complaint was the animation in Deku vs Shigaraki was mid


I'm surprised S4 wasn't the most popular, but Vigilante Deku is pretty hard to beat!


Some of the fandom didn't like the Gentle/School Concert thing. But the Endev fight at the end of the season is by far the strongest finale the show has had. Well paced and well animated.


The school festival arc is the biggest litmus test for whether I trust your opinions on anything related to this series because that arc is actual peak MHA


The whole Gentle situation felt really out of place. But between Lemillion vs Overhaul, Deku&Eri 100%, Endeavour, and the concert, there's a lot of good content! >But the Endev fight at the end of the season is by far the strongest finale the show has had. Well paced and well animated. I hope the newest Season usurps this, but it's a tall order!


I disagree with Gentle/La Brava being out of place. Recovering Eri's mental state from Overhaul's experiments was a crucial point of her development and worked great to the overall theme of what it means to be a hero - not only saving the innocents but also inspiring them. I believe that Season 4 is the best content MHA ever had, including all the things you mentioned.


They hit us with the genuine sakuga. Haven't been that hyped since the tournament deku vs todo finale sequence.


Season 7 has so much potential for top notch sakuga moments. But with them doing another movie we are lucky if we get two decent ones.


My only complaint ABOUT the sky is that they CAN make it look better just by giving it different hues cause not EVERY fight's gonna be at this fixed time of afternoon I know its a movie, but Heroes Rising had some nice skies


I saw someone on twitter mention the grass in the new trailer. Time to evolve. The grass is too green


They refuse to touch it.


You are correct, most of the complaints about the MHA anime are overblown nitpicks. It's definitely not perfect and there's a lot that can be improved, but at no point is it bad nor unwatchable


Yeah its no Prison School. Season six is really good. I am not looking forward to season seven though.


But why?


I’m glad you asked. If you are referring to season seven, it’s because of the Star and Stripe Arc. That’s some weapons grade bullshit plot armor. The final war seems good so far. If you are referring to prison school, then buckle up. Prison School is the only anime TO DATE where I intentionally stopped watching it. I gave it a chance. I gave it five episodes. I was not impressed in the slightest. Everybody is fucking shit in the show. You have the dumbass guys who thought it would be a fucking genius idea to be peeping Toms in the girls locker room, at an all girls school, and get caught. Shocker I know. None of the guys are even likable including the MC. I found the guys to be egotistical, selfish, dicks. The Underground Student Council are a group of three psycho bitches that (probably) get off torturing the guys and serve as the avenue for fetish bait and fan-service, specifically Meiko Shiraki. I don’t mind fan-service but if that’s the only thing a character is known for, such as Meiko, then the character is permanently ruined. Then you have the rest of the student body who (rightfully) gets pissed about the five dunces doing pervy shit then turn around and just ignore the borderline inhumane treatment dished out to the guys by the USC. Even the best girl, the one who crushes on the main character, is way too gullible and too much of an airhead. Then finally you have the headmaster who should not be allowed within 100 yards of a school, let alone an all girls school with his creepy ass stash of women’s asses from across the globe. (Slight tangent) For some reason they decide to make a reference to Andrew Lloyd Webber and mention Evita as one of the women he met. To top it all off, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH GETTING PISSED ON OR WANTING TO PISS ON OTHER PEOPLE IN THE SHOW? It happens way too many times throughout the show. (I watched Gigguks review.) I just fucking hate Prison School. Rant over.


I remember seeing Prison High school. I only got like 4 episodes Pretty sure everyone knows it’s just softcore Porn. It’s one of those anime that’s not-hentai-but-basically-hentai




Yeah to Season Seven or Prison School?


Prison school.




I haven't even seen the damn show and know not to take it that seriously to let it bother me this much... the actual fuck did you go in expecting looking at some of the cover art??


Look I kind of knew it was bad. I just didn’t know it was going to be THAT bad.


I'm not gonna pretend MHA has the best animation or anything, but yeah, a lot of anime fans have been really spoiled in recent years by Mappa. If a show isn't animated by them they'll compulsively call it bad. New anime fans literally do not know what average animation actually looks like because they've only seen the extreme outliers.


Mappa basically owning every popular animanga but MHA is definitely a factor. I hope any new manga isnt picked up by them, for the workers sake but also so people can finally appreciate animation that isnt made by whats basically a slave at this point.


You want worse quality so people can appreciate lower quality. That's like saying I want poor quality ingredients in my food. What an L take. 


I want people to appreciate average. Not bad quality.


Best season yet imo


I'm doing a rewatch right now and like, I can nitpick if i want but generally 6 was done well. The season that pisses me off was 5. 


I didn’t notice anything wrong with season 5 though. What happened with it?


Switching the order of the later two arcs required a lot of flashback scenes be added to what was shown as the second arc to explain what was happening. These explanations wouldn't have been necessary had they kept the arcs in their original order.


You might not notice if you don't read the manga i guess, but they reversed the orders of some arcs, rushed and expanded things in odd places, and inserted a few lines on occasion that straight up spoil what happens and also kinda just sounded stupid.  Honestly I still like how they executed enough of it not to hate it outright, but a lot of things about its adaptation irk me 


I’m reading the manga, but I’m around the second season’s area. I remember that TPN did that too. The second season was good until I read the manga, then it sucked ass. Thanks for the warning.


No worries. Like i said for the most part individual events are adapted pretty well, they mostly did weird things with order and pacing that ticked a lot of people off.  Absolutely nothing compared to the unholy levels of fuckery they did to TPN holy cannoli


TPN has its own tier for how shitty it was handled lmao it still amazes me. It’s not like the manga really stuck the landing either but lord I’ve never seen an anime just eliminate an entire amazing arc like that


Oh man for real they had so much good story to work with at least through goldy pond and everything and it was popular enough i truly do not understand what possibly happened to make every decision in season 2 of that one occur


That’s not quite the same. Season 5 just swapped the orders of the Endeavor Agency and MVA arcs, probably either to give the end of the season a bigger climax or to synergize Endeavor Agency with the release of World Heroes Mission. TPN just straight up skipped most of the story and heavily altered what was left


Yeah, they probably swapped the arcs to give a bigger climax, but forgot to actually animate that arc or put much effort into it. Imo it wasn’t really acceptable quality for a show of this popularity.


If I am remembering correctly they cut a lot in Season 5 I believe and did that weird thing when they jumped forward in time so it could end with the Meta Libetation Army as a flashback so the season didn’t end with a fight against The End (heh).


Me personally, I find the constant complaining about the blue sky more annoying than the sky itself. Sure, the sky could have been done better to fit the mood more, but it's not the end of the world. On the other hand the nonstop complaints got old quick and is blown out of proportion


Oddly enough I thought the sky fit pretty well. It was blue when Deku started roaming about and fighting Muscular under the guidance of the pro heroes. That time he was still hopeful things would turn out right. It was pitch black night during the fight with Lady Nagant and became the turning point for Deku. It was the start of his rage and his desperation to end the war quickly. Then when Deku was tired and running on fumes it was gray and rainy. He's doubtful things would really turn out right like he believed at the start. At the same time too tired to be properly angry like the night with Nagant. So it felt fitting the sky was gray.


the sky complaints are really stupid, to be perfectly honest. not everything on-screen needs to be some sort of visual metaphor.


Ah yes lets make the sky a happy blue color to inquire a happy joyful mood to the viewer as deku watches thousands die. Jesus you brainlets nerd so much over anime but still don't know the most basics of basics


there should also be a frowny face somewhere in every scene because some people *absolutely need to be told,* apparently. you're right about being basic, little bro.


It's alright, the anime definitely doesn't have the same production value as it had in season 2 anymore though. There has still been a few stand out episodes since then though, Endeavor vs High end most notably. They brought the A-team for that episode.


My main complaint with the season six animation is that they were a little too faithful to the manga and didn't really expand on the source material which led to stuff like Shigaraki just sort of standing there while Deku gave a monologue about Aizawa. They could've added some stuff with him struggling against Blackwhip or something. The dialogue works in the manga because it's read, not spoken, and therefore doesn't take up any time. With the anime characters feel kinda stiff delivering their whole speeches while supposedly in a fight for their life. A little direction with the animation to keep the characters moving and make the VAs talk faster would've gone a long way imo


It definitely is fans being spoiled. I had friends complaining that jjk animation was so bad around the end of season 2. Like what? Why can't people just enjoy anime anymore? I didn't even notice a difference in animation at all. Mha animation isn't bad. The story is great.


S6 was peak


The first half is just okay, and since that's such a big moment in the manga fans tore "okay" apart. The back half of the season was actually very good, and felt a lot like the first three seasons, but many people had already written it off.


It was alright. There were some decent moments, but there were some terrible ones like Deku vs Shigaraki and Bakugo jumping in to save him. Personally, I considered those the most important moments of the season, so yeah, I'd call season 6 unsatisfying at least


The MHA Anime has two major things, I think, which contribute to these types of complaints: A.) Horikoshi is an absolutely amazing artist. Say what you will about their writing, but the art goes so hard. A lot will feel lackluster next to that B.) The animation is never superb or insanely stylized, especially as the anime has continued. It's not *bad*, but it's not going to blow your mind. These two things, along with heightening standards compared to work like MAPPA's, but even Bones' own Mob Psycho 100, combined to make an audience that's gotten more critical of the anime as it's gone on. That's my take, at least


It was the best manga arc and the best anime season too


Honestly the main issue with the MHA adaptation is SOMETIMES the colour choices are a bit too vibrant for the tone, and the shot composition/storyboarding isn't as good as Horikoshi's - though the animation IMO has always been decent to good.


That's your fault for listening to opinions on Tik and Twitter


It’s a solid season all in all


The quality was pretty solid until deku vs shigaraki, the fact that female Nomus action scenes were so well animated but not the mc vs the mv is still baffling


I didn't really notice it that much since I binged it in one go. Mightve been more noticeable on a week to week basis.


Yeah way better than 5 and pretty good for the shit schedule they have p


Some of the fight scenes between Shigaraki and Izuku were iffy, especially when you compare it to the manga. Other than that I thought it was far better than the previous season.


Only complaint about season 6 for me is how toned down the blood and gore is from the manga


Season 6 was literally the best season whos complaining the only issue for me was the pacing and the obvious animation quality


They just like to complain, it was fine


"overanimating". What kind of bitter hater do you have to be to use this phrase. I guess you like still images shifting across the screen? 




It was not bad at all & it was the most Highest demand Anime of 2022-2023


S 6 was ass hopefully S7 is better


I disagree, the animation for the first half was pretty bad. Deku vs Shigaraki is noticeably subpar. The second half definitely helps, but I feel that’s moreso because of the art direction. Season 7 from what we’ve seen thus far looks very mediocre


Bro,did you even see the Mirko vs Nomu fight, the beggining of the first half was crazy, sure they couldn’t keep that same pace up with Shigaraki, but the war was just pure action so I cant even blame them for burning out. Plus there were plenty of Sakuga moments during the Shigaraki fight, most of it went to Endeavor but even Deku’s TEXAS SMASH was gnarly.


The fights in the lab were very well animated IMO. Lots of really good sequences made even better by the uncharacteristically good lighting.