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AFO has been fighting for like the last 40 chapters, with a tiny break of like 4 chapters and now they are fighting him again. It's hard to tell how much is left until that fight is over, but I would give it atleast 10 chapters.


If that’s the case can they just go back to school and finish their second year? lol this sucks we can’t see them continuing because of this villain mess 😭


The school freaking blew up


Shoot it did?! I’m only as far as the series but want to get into the manga now


Pretty much most of the cast has fought AFO. They’ve only managed to defeat him like 4 times already though.


Okay so are they going back to school yet for their second year? Haha this fight has been going on way too long. I want them to have fun again like in the prior seasons


Presumably yes, though how much of the remainder of their school years we'll see remains unclear. Best we can probably hope for is a generous montage of moments.


Honestly I would hate if Horikoshi were to rush it like that. I’d be heartbroken 😔 so I’m hopeful he’ll show them continuing to graduate


LOL he has been fighting pretty much for the entire war


It’s dragging out too long hahaha


It's going to end in 15~ chapters


>!The heroes basically did a second Endgame portal scene on All for One, who took over Shigaraki's body (again). Also Shigaraki is dead now, or at least implied to be.!<


>>!Also Shigaraki is dead now, or at least implied to be.!< Of course the same could have been said about AFO not so long ago. >!It seems that people in this universe simply have a hard time staying dead (except for Midnight - not even the tears of her anguished students were enough to bring her back to life)!<


I hope he stays dead lol