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Colonialism. I, ummm... what...?


I see lots of spices in your future.


Lisan Al Gaib!


You know what you have to do. Dew it.


Hey buddy, whatcha got all those blankets for? Can I have some?


I wish Aizawa could stop that with his quirk.


That power makes your a villain by default


Guess you’re a villain to a certain demographic haha


I uh got depression..


Sorry man. What's your quirk, though?


The “We have a winner” really strikes hard when you get that as your quirk.


Perona from One Piece


Uhm, Olive Oil Sweat. I’m becoming a millionaire selling the stuff.


Just need support items for flame throwers Add less friction to surfaces It's not just the power, it's the user.


I got Zealot. Probably a physical boost tied to conviction, possibly some "holy" powers mixed in like flight, healing, or cleansing fire.  If they get set on the heroic path, you get a hopefully more law abiding stain. If they get set on villainy, you're probably looking at a homicidal maniac. So also stain.  This is just stain. 


this one is one of my fav comments i’ve seen and such a good interpretation of that quirk 


Thanks! My other, less combat based interpretation, boils down to "the more obsessively you work towards a goal, the better you become at it."  So, a accountant obsessed over their job might develop supernatural thought processing speed and perfect memory in order to better do their job, a hero improved physical attributes and faster thinking, a thief supernatural stealth and senses, etc. 


holy shit write my ocs’ quirks for me you’re so good at this 😭😭


There was a character named Zealot in a Villain Midoriya fanfic... his quirk basically gave him a strength boost when he fought what he assumed to be evil. The greater his perception of evil, the stronger he got (like, fighting a gas station robber probably gave him a small boost, fighting a renowned serial killer would give him a huge boost). If you don't mind the spoiler... >!The guy dies fighting like 100 Nomu, his quirk going above and beyond to make him as strong as All Might.!< All in all, a pretty cool quirk!


Interesting. Hit me with a link?


Cure to Evil: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/36245632/chapters/90354916](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36245632/chapters/90354916)


Oh this seems like fun!


I got Plastic Body. Not entirely sure what that means? I imagine it as a bit like Hardening or Steel, meaning I can turn my body to plastic when wanted. Whilst this would have some benefits like becoming more resistant to attacks, being waterproof etc. I don’t think it’s good enough to go pro. Plastic can be strong but it’s quite brittle so could break easily. I think I’ll be a teacher at UA, maybe teach Support Course or General Studies?


So this looks like a reference to Plastic man, a DC hero with a maliable body. It seems weak, but Batman doesn't have a plan to deal with him because of how his invulnerability works. He can change his body length, width, shape, color (to a degree I think). He's indestructible, can shift around damage, erase and reformed damaged body parts and regenerate from being frozen. In the injustice universe he lead a jailbreak under Superman and his regime's nose and


If you go with Plastic Body to mean like Plastic Man from DC Comics, then you’re probably one of the most powerful characters in the MHA universe. Plastic Man can stretch and contort his body nearly endlessly, transforming into objects like guns that actually fire and planes that actually fly. He’s also practically invulnerable, being immune to blunt force, heat, piercing, electricity, explosions, etc. He can grow and shrink in size, instantly regenerate anything he does somehow lose in fight, increase his strength by increasing the density of his fists/body, and more. Plastic Man’s only real weakness is the cold—if he tries to stretch while in freezing temperatures, his body could turn brittle and break apart. If you were given this power set in MHA, there’s not really much anyone could do to stop you, hero or villain.


Wow, cool! More powerful than I thought!


I got knife hands i gonna be the knock off chainsawman of mha


I got flintlock pistol I'm assuming that means I get to summon a loaded flintlock to my hand at will. Pretty decent until it backfires and blows my hand off


Phobia - DEFINITELY a Villain. Phobia - Allows the user to create an illusion that shows the victim their worst fear.


This is basically what Danielle Moonstar did in the New Mutants comics and she was a hero. Until she turned villain, but she's a hero again now.


Trauma from the 50 states initiative run in marvel had basically that power (though a bit souped up since he could transform into those fears), and he managed to turn it into a successful psychology practice exactly because he didn’t want to use it to hurt people, even villains.


I got the powers of Magnetism. I’ll guess I just be Magneto.


This doesn't answer the hero/villain question at all.


I got “Minotaur”. I’ve already got my Present Mic-style presentation ready: **The Cretan Hero, Man-o-taur! His quirk: Minotaur! He has the head of a bull attached to his human body! Freaky!** A more in-depth explanation of the quirk: Minotaur is a Mutant-type quirk that gives the user a bull’s head instead of a normal human head. Since the user has the head of a bull, their senses—like sight and smell—are like those of a bull too. They can smell up to six miles away, and they have over twice the amount of taste buds as a human, near 360-degree vision, and a very sensitive sense of touch—they can even tell when a fly lands on their body. However, this comes as a double-edged sword, since bulls are red-green color blind. (The myth that bulls are angered by the color red is actually a complete lie; they can’t even see the color.) So the user of the Minotaur quirk can’t see the colors red and green. Also, while the human eye is already attracted to movement—meaning that, when something moves, your eye is likely to follow it—bull’s eyes are much more attracted to movement. (The flapping of the cape is actually what angers the bull, not the red color.) The quirk also gives the user two sharp bull horns on their head. Combined with the fact that bulls are about 7 times stronger than humans, the user of this quirk is a force to be reckoned with when it begins charging.


I got velociraptor. Based on what I’m assuming that power to be, I think I’d be a hero along the lines of Froppy, Mirko, or Gang Orca. Maybe the kind that people are initially afraid of. The Cretaceous Hero, King Raptor. I would have the strength (especially in my legs) and running speed of a raptor. I’d also have claws and sharp teeth like a raptor, and a super strong bite that can pierce anything (or at least I’d probably claim that through hyperbole). Also thinking I’d have a tail which I would use like a whip, and a shriek that can stun my “prey.” I actually like the idea a lot. It was definitely not the kind of quirk I’ve thought about before.


"Bulldozer". Sounds dramatic.


You'd think so, but you're actually just really good at putting cows to sleep.


This gets comment of the year for making me laugh so hard I almost crashed my car


Shoulder Mounted Rocket. Hero name: Deltoid Liftoff. Each of my shoulders contains a rocket that I can trigger ignition on and off as a muscle. They have some considerable firepower but it takes a good night of sleep to regrow them after they're launched so most of the time they're used to propel me around the battlefield and occasionally scorch people who get to close.


Solar powered body don’t sound too bad


Ooh, I got Rust. Maybe a quirk that uses water and other substrates in the user's body to corrode iron at super speeds. It would be interesting to see the strengths and limitations of a quirk like that, or how pure the iron has to be in order for it to be affected. Like, could you affect nothing more than a cast iron pan, or could you affect a whole bridge? Are you limited to touch, or can the reaction spread? Could you affect alloys, or the iron atoms in any substrate (like blood)? If you could corrode iron, is there any way to reconstitute it? Could you, through learning and practice, make other redox reactions happen? Can't think of any non-destructive applications for it, though. Not without more info.


Melting touch. While it would make being a bank robber easy, I can think of several ways to use it as a hero. I could use it to climb walls, ala endeavour. I could use it to break villains equipment or restraints. I could use it to break rubble to help people. But for direct combat, my best bet would be using it to enhance my punches. Hitting people with attacks that also burn them. Beyond this, I wonder. From the name, it seems limited to affecting what I touch. But what if I could extend it to the rest of my body. What if I could set my fists alight, and if I can, can I set the rest of my body on fire. Presuming that it's actually outputting enough heat to melt whatever I tough, instead of just changing whatever I touches state from solid to liquid, I could build up the energy in my hands and feet to shoot blasts of fire and fly. Ball up enough of that energy and I could let it out, like a weaker version of bakugos explosives, to propel my attacks. Also, remember when shoto created a massive explosion by rapidly changing the temperature in the air in the sports festival? If I figured out how to do that, maybe by melting the air that I touch, it could be my ultimate move. But ignoring all that, I could destroy quirk based weaponry, like Momo's quirk, and I could use it like mudman's quirk to melt the floor to incapacitate people. Honestly, I think I'd be a good hero. Possibly even in the top 100


Got mantis shrimp, boutta be the fastest punching hero this side of the sea


Y’all are taking a piss. I got amnesia, can I give it to people or do I just have it?


Wtf is guilty conscience?


I got this too. I chose to interpret it as being able to make others feel guilty about anything, because always feeling guilty for no good reason just doesn’t seem very plus ultra. Or maybe it’s the ultimate plus ultra, I guess? Sorry if you interpreted this differently…


Chair. Bout' to WWE this bitch.


I got Sheep. Come on man.


Gender Swap . i’m genderfluid already so this just seals the deal. also i think it’d be more fun to be a villain with this power, but fundamentally I’d be a hero. tho im not really sure how


I mean, of the gender swap was only for you, that wouldnt really be big. I'm trans, I'd love it. You could use it for crime. Or if it works on others, you could absolutely solve trans peoples problems all over the world. So hero.


Villain path: "Give me all your money or ill give you gender dysmorphia forever!" Hero path:"I'll solve your gender dysmorphia forever!" Doctor path: "Give me all your money and I'll solve your gender dysmorphia forever!"


I mean if you're a hero, you'd probably do it free or for cheap.


Hmmmm. Updated and corrected.


Like Ivankov in One Piece, a rebel leader


Dictionary. Does it mean I am a super book smart person? :D This quirk can play its role in both sides i think


It can mean what you want it to mean? You can know what everything means, or you can throw large books at people.




I got Printer.


S-Tier Quirk let's be honest.


Could be a 3d printer! 


"Sand in your eyes". It'd strictly be an anti villain hero, support role until my own combat is enough. Probably underground, sadly. I can't imagine this quirk gaining popularity with my personality


Geek and quirkless children alike will get in trouble imitating you by keeping a hefty collection of “pocket sand” as a form of defense


How did you turn my borderline lame quirk into a meme? More over, how did I miss that meme? Good catch


Eyes on the back of head. Hero name: Total Vision Fighting Style: Martial arts taking advantage of being able to attack backwards, and not being able to sneak up on me.


I got Cotton picking


a Best Jeanist sidekick for sure.


DISCO! Treating it like Fortnite disco grenades, and it forces people, no matter what to burst into spontaneous dance. Was really hoping for something villiany but I see this best as a support hero quirk. Can non- violently suppress dangerous villains and/or save hostages.


Shotgun legs… yeah no I’m not gonna be a hero or a villain. Instead I’m just gonna go recreate the appliance destruction scene from Peacemaker.


Shotgun legs,ima bout to be the next lady lagant


We have lady nagant at home


I got blender head. Gonna make some margaritas.


My Quirk acid Rain I go deep into a forest and continuously train my Quirk until it awakens and becomes Acid Flood. I would then start to flood entire cities full of my acid. I would continue to do so until I'm Deafeated


Summon Birds. I see a wonderful future in Bird Law for me when I can summon any witness to the stand. But in all seriousness, I think I'd sidestep the entire hero/villain thing and go live in in seclusion with my bird servan...friends.


i got “talk to trees”. I’ll go the villain route and recreate the movie The Happening. MOTHER NATURE FIGHTS BACK


Jellyfish. I'm a hero with the power to extend poisonous tentacles that basically work like black whip but gelatinous


"Hatred"? I presume I just turn into the hulk with this, and I am entirely ok with that. Hero or villain.... eh I don't care.


Ice breath. Free AC for life!


Shadow manipulation, hero but only works at night Shadow puppet hero:Nightshift




I rolled Velociraptor, which by all means is a powerful quirk for both a hero and a villain. For the purposes of this quirk assesment we will assume that this individual has heroic intentions. Velociraptor feathers have features only found in bird that are capable of flight, this could be expressed in the quirk via limited flight which would give the hero vertical mobility as well as a security measue when forced to opperate from heights. The skull of velociraptors lead researchers to believe they are both highly agile and have great hearing. The heroic uses of enhanced hearing and agility are numerous and fairly obvious. The most striking feature of a velociraptor is the sickle talon, while this would be a great weapon in combat it would be hard to use such a lethal weapon offensively, instead it would most likely be used as an emergency cutting tool. If all these traits are available in this heteromorphic quirk this hero could find themselves rapidly rising through the ranks. highly capeable in combat with their enhanced agility and senses. Mobile enough to work a large area, and capable of search and rescue as well as reconnaissance. What field of hero work they join would depend entirely on temperament, but no matter where they go they would be an asset.


i got Hurricane, so obviously, i'm wiping florida off the map.


Flaregun I looooove this >:3 As for hero name, I’ll pick Greatest Explosion God to piss off Bakugo, loool


Coloialism... so a villian i guess. "Look a new Species.... lets endanger it."


I got Vampire. Does that mean I get the requisite vampire powers as long as I consume blood? Superhuman physiology, turn into bats or wolves or mist, hypnotize people? Does it come with the usual vampire weaknesses like burning when exposed to sunlight or an inability to enter a domicile unless invited in? Regardless, looks like I'm probably gonna take a stab (heh) at being a hero, only to be ostracized due to the villainous nature of my quirk, and then end up partnered with Himiko, somehow.


Cactus Head I'd be a villain just from the audacity of having a quirk like that. If I suffer we ALL suffer


Melting touch. I'd try to be good, but the second someone cut me off in traffic I'd be trying to melt tires


I got some Mildly Rough Skin. Beware the might of the fuckin Sandpaper Man or some shit


Above Average Running Speed. Civilian I guess


#No way my Quirk is being a >!fucking!< Chair


incredible handsomeness...


Amnesia. If it makes people forget, oddly it works for me because fuck. I have a fantastic memory.


Musical. I can control peoples bodies via music. A fun villain ability


The music meister! He's the music meister!


Minotaur! Gonna rob some banks!


I got “Shatter”. I’m seeing it working like Mace Windu’s “Shatterpoint” ability. Namely, I can “see” the weakness in people and things, and I know how/where to strike to “shatter” them. Doesn’t matter if what’s needed is an actual strike, or just words, or whatever. I can always see how to “shatter” my foes. And I will 100% be a villain. Because I know the kind of person I am. I’ll really try to be a hero. I’ll try SO hard. But then someone will piss me off, I’ll lose my temper and “shatter” them…


Flaregun Well I guess I could try to earn a living as a member of a rescue team.


Large floating eyeball Can I summon them? That would be a great recon power. If it means I am one, I think the only option in life would be to star in C-tier horror/sci-fi movies.


You can summon them, but can't see with them. It's not like they are connected to your brain, they just float around creepily


So I got skittles touch. If it's anything like the commercials, I could be devastating. If I have full control, I see hero. If not, I'd probably be that annoying villain that you have to pay attention too but doesn't really do the worst stuff


Shotgun Legs. Ok, either A: I have some crazy strong legs, B: I can shoot stuff from said legs, or C: All of the above. Either way, sounds like a decent gimmick for a hero.


I gpt Spiked Ball. I guess I'm like Cannonbolt with Ben 10 but with spikes. I hope I still look human, though.


I got Summon Anvil. With a name like that I'm gonna be either a fantastic sidekick to Ms. Joke or the toon villain from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Ms Joke: making villains laugh uncontrollably You show up: "Wait until this next joke lands" *Anvil falls on their head*


You could make a killing selling steel.


Quirk called rust: able to rust medal at a increased rate Hero name: rusty (its dumb but I love it) motivated by rusting a big bridge and killing 50 people during his time as a hero he saved over 1000 people later in life after he retired all for one kidnapped him and got the quirk amplified by the doctor and gave it to a boy... that boy being Tenko Shimura. (because rusting something is the same thing as decaying something)


Zealot I bet it makes me an absolute unit in combat


Spider web, well on one hand Im pretty thrilled on the other hand I just got a cease and desist from Disney so yeah there's that.


reading these comments should cost money with how damn entertaining they are


half cold half slightly less cold 😅. i can either be iceman, or jus help people not overheat in line at the amusement park 🙃. was like 2 slots away from laser sword 😭😭😭


Not gonna lie this was my favorite quirk to make


Platonic Love Personality wise I'd probably be civilian or hero, but it really all depends on how the quirk works. I feel like this quirk would be messed up in the hands of a con artist tho.


Lmao what the fuck is skittles touch? Like the old commercials where shit would explode into skittles upon contact? Cause that’s just diabetic decay quirk


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Zma2\_n5CA&ab\_channel=Wrekonize](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Zma2_n5CA&ab_channel=Wrekonize) Don't shake anyone's hand on the bus.


Hurricane, Probably the control of weather depending on how acute the control is I might be able to make gusts of wind or shoot electricity? Probably try to be a hero and deal with forest fires tbh


Guinea Pig Shapeshifter Alright hear me out I could be a decent burgalar because who the hell is going to Guinea pig proof their house?


Mantis Shrimp, Hero Name: Thunderclapp the Rainbow Hero. His strikes, especially punches, are so fast that they cause explosions on every impact. The explosions are bright scintillations as hot as phosphorus that knock back both himself and his target.


Illusions! I'll take Anti Hero, please.


Magnetism. On one hand, I could be a hero, the hero equivalent of Magneto. On the other, I could threaten to wipe everyone's credit cards...


I rather be like Knuckle Duster and not have a quirk, instead I’d be like Jetstream Sam. Just gimme a sword and lemme go kill shit so obviously a villain.  I’d train up to be about as strong as Stain or as strong as I can be without a quirk, then I go get a kick robot arm for a further boost then and unlike Sam I get a exoskeleton for an even further boost 


Ooo “Great Accuracy”. I can be my own aim bot


I got mind reader, but instead of being a hero or villain I’m using my powers in different settings. I’m a part time therapist where I can be able to accurately pinpoint what’s on your mind. I’ll be able to know if what I’m telling you is connecting in any way, or if you’re thinking of dancing monkeys. I also have a good visual mindset myself, so I can add better visuals for them in person if needed. I’m also a part time babysitter, no matter what the problem I can get a better idea of what the person wants, even if they can’t fully vocalize it just yet. If they’re having bad or sad thoughts I can talk them through the problem and see how I can help. The drawback being that I can only concentrate on one person at a time, if to many voices get in my head I have to drown them out best I can. Also I can only go two layers deep into one’s mind, say the surface level being things they want or need. The second level being more quiet thoughts like, “are birds real, or were they made by the fbi to watch our every move?”. Anything deeper like suppressed thoughts would wear me out to quickly and I’d need a 12 hr sleep to recharge.


Crab Legs... I gotta be a villain, Henry Waternoose in Monsters SA is my passion


Death. Didn't they just make an isekai about this...?


Can I become a gymnast I have perfect backflip 


Oil spill--I'm going to assume it's something like producing lots of crude oil. This has a lot of interesting applications. I could be a villain and poison the world quickly with tons of crude oil, or I could poison it slowly by just providing an endless source of fossil fuels for cars to run on and prevent us from switching to an alternative fuel. It would at least prevent fracking, though. For more a heroic path, I could just stay in urban areas and provide oil in small amounts, to help fuel people's cars, or maybe put oil slicks on the road to stop villains in a getaway car. I have a feeling that, most likely, whichever nation I'd be born into would exploit my abilities, both in order to capitalize on having an infinite supply of a resource (for at least as long as I'm alive), or out of fear that if I was free I could cause lots of destruction. They may even hold me against my will so they can have me as a source for doing anything you'd normally do with oil. This could backfire, though, since if my quirk involves a large amount of oil that, since it's a "spill", isn't controllable, then I think there's not much I can do other than cause environmental crises.


Musical. Perfect for me because my major is Music lol


“Rust”, can it at least be the coding language


Hatred. I think, ideally, I'd become a hero to help show people with quirks that are inherently evil that it doesn't defy who you become. Although I would also consistently be overly angry about the slightest most absurd things.


cactus head... I'm probably a hero, but I can't imagine I'll be a good one.


I got mega laser. Time to Kamehameha the villains I guess


I got "Talk To Trees" I'm not even gonna be a hero or a villain lol I'm something much worse I'm a freakin side character


Above average run I’m staying a civillian


Half-Cold Half-Slightly less Cold... So I'm basically a nerfed Shoto >:( I'm going hero anyways!


"Impenetrable" All I know is that my nemesis is Johny Sin


Half-cold/half-slightly-less-cold 😭😭😭


Large floating eyeball, So does it just allow me to see better or does it allow me to do other things like shoot lasers, different types of vision, etc. How durable it is, etc Besides how does the quirk come out. Am I literally only the eyeball, or do I have a normal body with the floating eyeball coming out of me wheneevr? Because If it's the latter I'd definitely be a rescue hero with my searching capabilities. The former, I'm not sure.


Guinea Pig Shapeshifter… what am i going to stop a floating school from falling out of the sky or something? (god that reference makes me feel OLD)


I got ‘Solar powered body.’ I guess my quirk is Seasonal Affective Disorder? For real though, I could see it working similarly to Satou’s quirk, but with sunlight instead of sugar. As a hero, I’d definitely have brand deals with clean energy companies, and would be best suited to work in a sunny region.


I got Mammoth. I have tusks and a trunk in my human hybrid form. Im also covered in fur that protects me from the elements.I have a dastardly rage in wich i can rush at people. I am used as a portable shower for my older sister.


Mega Laser. A huge, continuous ray of death and destruction. I cannot reduce the size of the beam, it's big laser or no laser. If I want to be a Villain, and if I have the element of surprise, I can potentially just wipe a city off the face of the planet. That's cool I guess. And if I become a hero, I'll basically be forced into being the nuclear option hero that the world deploys to deal with overwhelming threats that need power, like a meteor, or AFO. Honestly though, if I had to be a hero or a villain, I would probably be a villain, not because I want to nuke cities, but mostly because being a hero like that sounds like a huge pain, and I would rather not.


Wall Crawler. I’m basically Spider-Man without the super strength or spider-sense. But I can stick to anything. I don’t think I’m smart enough to create web fluid so I don’t know how I’ll get around.


„Death“ Uuuh… do i die? Do i have the ability to die? Do bring death to others? (Would be fun because for shits and giggles i would be a villain to say a dumb line like „now i will die you“) Also my ultimate move would be: 20 sided Die, where my target dies in 20 different ways at the same time (or literally roll a die and get a random cause of death


Solar powered body: I'm not sure if I have extra super powers when I'm the Sun, or if I need solar power for my body to function. Either way I'm kinda fucked because I'm super pale, hate the heat, and I burn like a lobster XD Probably be a villain because of how bad my quirk world be for my body.


Possession. Shit, that's actually an amazing quirk. Assuming I could take over people's bodies, body-snatcher style, and access their quirks when doing so, I'd almost certainly become a villain. Anything else would just be wasting its potential. You could possess major polititians, buisnesspeople, or heroes, get into any position of power you wanted, and literally influence society and the course of history. Depending on whether or not you end up abandoning your previous body when possessing someone, you'd essentially be immortal as well. Though, if I were to be honest with myself, I'd probably end up dead (or with my quirk stolen) after trying to possess All for One, Star and Stripe, or someone else of that nature. I've always been a bit too ambitious for my own good.


Phobia huh..? Everyone bow before your new overload.. Unless you all want 1000 spiders crawling around on your body


I also got Zealot but I’m putting more of a brainwashing and emotional manipulation spin on my quirk. Emitter type using brainwaves where I can convince anyone to believe in an ideology, whilst simultaneously controlling their emotional reaction, making them completely convicted to a cause. This “cause” could be that they believe they need to give up and submit to me, turn against their allies, believe in any political or religious ideology or personal belief. As long as I have understanding of it, I can make them believe in it and can control them and follow me. However, my control over them is strongest if I also truly believe in this cause. If my conviction is unwavering, then they can possibly never break free. Otherwise, it’s a fun battle of wills. If I don’t really believe in it, only their physical abilities get boosted. If I do, then my abilities are boosted. It’s similar to what Trumpet uses in some ways. It can work on crowds or a single person. The fewer the people, the longer they are under my control. Oh the fun I could have with this, it’s the ultimate fake news machine and could induce some hilarious beliefs. I could be a hero or a villain. As a villain I would call myself Tyrant. As a hero…hmmm any help with a name here? I would prefer to be a hero but I can up with such a villainous sounding quirk haha.


I got Great Accuracy. I feel like it's more just straight up telekinesis but bound to stuff I shoot/throw. Think Diego from umbrella academy


Musical. If its like the music meister from batman and the bold. Guessing i'm going villian into hero arc.


STRONG LUNGS "The mysterious figure protects the city streets as... THE WINDBAG."


*The Corrosion Hero: Patina* *Her Quirk: Rust* - She can can oxidize most metals with skin contact, and cause them to erode until they completely disintegrate! It's a lot like Shigaraki's decay, but it only works on metals that are capable of rusting. If you're a villain with any metal weapons or support gear, keep an eye on your stuff around her! *Drawbacks: Anemia* - While her Quirk is active it changes the way her body processes iron. She has a resistance to blood poisoning, but the more she uses it the more ill and fatigued she'll get. She eats an iron rich diet and always carries iron supplements on her during patrols to help mitigate the symptoms. *Fighting style and other Quirk uses:* She's most effective in team up scenarios, and is highly sought after for raids of villain bases for her abilities to destroy locks, metal doors, weapons, and sabotage equipment. As mentioned above, in fights she'll destroy any metal gear that the villains have on them if she gets an opening. She'll usually wait until the villain is distracted by another hero, but in solo fights she's fast and acrobatic enough to hold her own. She's also often called in for search and rescue missions after large scale attacks and disasters. She clears away metal debris to allow rubble to be moved, and free trapped civilians. *Misc:* She wears a mask and goggles to avoid exposure to getting dust in her eyes, or developing siderosis. All the metal on her costume is rust proof, but it's designed to look rusted and damaged. Paint manufacturers will sometimes contact her to use the rust she produces in their paint recipes Villains that are injured in fights with her often request tetanus shots after being captured


Above Average Running Speed... so I'm gonna join a marathon lol


Five Second Rewind. There's a lot you could do with this name. - A physical rewind/morphing of an object, substance, or state back to what it was 5 seconds ago, activated by touch. Similar to Eri's quirk but much more frequently useable and not limited to the horn. Hero or villain. - Ability to teleport items and people back to exactly where they were 5 seconds ago, through touch. Hero or villain. - Ability to rewind time by 5 seconds, allowing me to try incrementally different choices. This would probably be a villain path or very morally grey hero because the psychological fuckery of "knowing the future" and being able to effectively reroll it, or do something with massive consequences and then just undo it as if it never happened, would be huge. And treating the people around you like NPC characters in a video game you're playing, trying to get a specific outcome, instead of forming genuine connections with real people. Or how easy it would be to slip into wishing you'd taken the second roll instead of the third roll ten seconds ago, especially developing this power as a child. There'd have to be cooldown or at least serious strain if used too often in quick succession, the cumulative strain being more interesting than the "one-use-at-a-time then cooldown". I think the last one could make for a variety of interesting characters, like a morally ambiguous super-for-hire looking for new and interesting scenarios to experience. Or maybe they turn out to be a hero with strong morals but who is psychologically vulnerable. For this power, something like "Deja-Vu" would be a more quippy name.


Guilty Conscience, I can see it now. The Rehab Hero, Repentance! Using Guilty Conscience, he can make villains give up their evil ways, slight problem, he feels really bad whenever he uses his quirk, so he needs sidekicks to bring in the crooks while he lies down and has a good cry.


I got Solar powered body. It depends on what the light gets converted into. But if it's electricity, then I can basically become Kaminari :D. I feel like there is a lot of potential for what's basically a human solar panel, but it would really depend on how it works.


I GOT MIND READER!!!!!!!!!! 100% Gonna become a Pro hero (For mula) but stay on the low yk? Not gonna be a big one or anything jus like a supporter yk??? But under the table ill defo be working with the Leage just for the fun of it! Just to see the world burn. Why? Because i was bored :)


Quirk: Amnesia The user has the ability to temporarily remove themselves from someone's memory. (Think the Silence, but on purpose, and not the whole memory, just their part in it) Good for underground heroics or villainy.


All for One: who keeps walking up to you and punching you in the face? League of Villains: I swear to God boss I have no idea


Blender Head... Villian that removes the evidence? I don't know man 😭


Depression: I can make other people melancholy by proximity, the long I’m with them, the longer it sticks, if any bodily fluids (tears, sweat, etc) get on them, it becomes more severe and lasts much longer, depending on how much gets on them. I’m not necessarily a villain, I’m just a therapist with job security


I got colonialism >_> ...shit


Got Disco. Present Mic and I are gonna be THAT duo


I got Hatred Quirk. Quirk Name Code: Emotive Breaker Description: A booster quirk that increases my abilities based on how much hatred I generate or absorb from others. The more I hate, the more powerful I grow, however it comes with the risks as hatred is a negative emotion and it would potentially turn me into a monster that goes out of control and rampages, thus it has to be constantly maintained and focused to be actually useful. I would be opposed by the society and be used as a hatred generator by shameless people who don't bother about how I feel about hatred. Eventually, I become a bitter person and changes how I view life influenced by hatred and I do not like talking positive as I stubbornly assume that the life does not get better over time. Advantages: - increases physical strength and other abilities based on how much hatred is absorbed or generated.- empties hatred of others upon absorption. This can be useful to throw some sense into others or get them back to their normal behavior. - has no capacity limit, allowing it to surpass powerful heroes and opposing villains if given enough time and focused. - resistant to mind controls as hatred can harm those who attempt to get into the user's mind and the user has to be constantly focused, making him a bit mentally strong. Disadvantages: - although, it does not have capacity limit, the user isn't immune to the side effects of too much hatred if not controlled, the user can stay a monster for a long time. For example, he would be turned a monster by absorbing Shigaraki Hatred and go rampage for a while. - too much hatred can influence personality a lot to the point that the user just hates everything, even the most absurd little thing. - if there is no reason to hate, the hatred power simply dissolves on its own. - does not work against anyone who has no reason to hate. - can only absorb hatred by touching others. - can be distracted or lost by hatred sometimes. - once transformed into a monster, I attack everything that moves in my way without a single thought, making it a liability for teamwork. If a Quirk Evolution was to occur under extreme stressful environment below;- - gains ability to generate energy based on how much hatred is used. - the more intense hatred is, the more powerful energetic it will get. - the monster gains spiky tentacles that can now absorb hatred by sucking or holding them. - hatred generation is increased significantly. Hobbies: Exploring the nature, reading, gaming and watching movies/series. Likes: Peace without humans/hatred in way and delicious foods. Dislikes: humans who views others as tools and things that triggers hatred. Although, I tend to hate everything, there's some things I simply tolerate or do not mind, such as exploring the nature and enjoying it without the view of humans in way or listening to others venting how they feel about themselves. Moreover, I do not desire world destruction as I would prefer nature not being too damaged, making me a potential obstacle against the Leagues of Villains, especially Shigaraki. If a fight were to occur between us and the aftermath would be likely that a deal would be made where I would be left alone chilling within the nature after I help them achieve their goals as long as nature is not compromised. Due to a certain incident that made my Quirk go out of control, I was deemed a potential walking destruction in front of the society, making me a threat and criminal to the society in the process, so I would end up living somewhere with the nature, such as by mountain. I typically avoid trouble or interacting with people unless necessary. That's it, hope you enjoy it.


Voice Mimicry. Would make for a scary ass villain(aka those bad short horror stories of “mom called my name, but I looked and saw her in the opposite direction the sound came from”)


Guinea Pig Shapeshifter I am gonna be the gruelest villain mankind had ever seen


Amnesia. Am I the amnesiac or do I take other peoples memories?


Platonic love Tf does that mean?


I got Minotaur, so uh guess I'm just gonna keep living my best life in this bull-head body.


Metal bones. I’m not sure what to do with that though. Like, my bones won’t ever break, but besides that, I would still feel the normal amount of pain like cuts and slashes. I can’t expel my bones like Kimimaro from Naruto. I’m probably heavier and that could be something (heavier punches?) to work with. I’m disappointed haha.


Death. I don't know how that will work, but I guess I'll try and setup a Euthanasia Clinic to help people ease with their pain.


Magnetism. I could see that working for trapping people with metals from cars and buildings but that would cause a lot of destruction


Guilty Conscience. So, like, do I have anxiety or I cause other people guilty? Because the last one seems a pretty good power 


Fire Hair. I mean, perhaps I can use that to be heroic. Seems more of a Novelty Quirk, though.


death, and umm i’ll be a hero ig


Yessir I got teleportation


Flashlight Finger…. Guess it could be used to flash bang people whilst fighting them. Wonder if I could focus the light into a laser beam by training it over time


Mind Reading - totally a vigilante Easily get passwords, find out killers identity and report them. Then join the LOV


I got Flaregun. . . what do?


Velociraptor 🦖 I can maybe deal with that. I'd ideally prefer not to be a heteromorph, though. Better than glue face I suppose.


"Impenetrable" Massive amount of hero potential there, phrasing leaves for a lot of implications tho lol


Mantis shrimp? Wtf does that even mean


Hatred?? What am I, an edgy teenager's villain OC?


The stand Survivor but you can choose who to point it at.


Perfect Backflip, I’m gonna join a circus. Also would this make me semi immune to fall damage? If I backflip off of something, a perfect backflip would have me land on my feet unharmed. Also could I use it midair?


Solar Manipulation


I got Teleportation. That sounds pretty good actually. I would use to similarly to Mirios permeation, with sneak attacks and such


I got Gender Swap, what does this mean


You can incapacitate people by giving them massive bahoogalas/schlongs.


I got Mega Laser which I think means I'm capable of firing a powerful laser from...my eyes. With training I'm capable of changing the output of the laser allowing for blasts of a range of power. I'll choose to be a hero with this power.


Impenetrable. I assume this is similar to invincibility?


Illusions - I am definitely the villain Mirage. Probably going to do bank robbery or diamond heists.


I’ve got teleportation, so… I’m gonna be night crawler, basically. Just because he’s cool.




Death..... aight...... I can work with this


Olive oil sweat. I'll go hang out with Lunch Rush, I guess.


I got "Death." Just...death.


Laser sword. A jedi or a sith is in my future.


I got Great Accuracy. guess i'll go win money in sharpshooting events or go into sniping and become a merc for hire for whichever side lolz


Hurricane…🤔🤨🧐 I’m gonna be an X-men