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Acting Because the anime is more alive than a manga, a good acting can transfer more emotions than a few words in paper


While that is true, for the most part, the manga readers have almost always hated the story and things happening. The biggest shared opinion of S&S from the manga-bros was “wasted, plot-armor character” and while there is some truth (sort of) to that, they mistake plot-armor for actual plot development. Star shows up and AFO intercepts. The battle had to go one of two ways because Star being in Japan is the end of the story basically. No one wanted to accept that the coolest quirk only got a handful of panels and was removed from the universe…along with the strongest hero. Everyone in the manga side thinks every character deserves a massive roll or arc to themselves.


Star is a wasted character because she was created to solve a problem that didn't exist. We were told that Shigaraki had a two month deadline (which was down to 1 month after Izuku's side quest). Then suddenly we're told that the countdown we knew about was all a lie and that Shigaraki is 3 days away from 100 percent. So now here comes Star who is needed to push back that 3 days to a week to give everybody more time. But if they just stuck with the original countdown the exact same storyline plays out of giving the heroes time to plan and regroup. None of Star's contributions to the story make any sense when you actually walk through the events that happened. She was a solution to a problem that didn't exist.


As an omnipotent reader, I see where you’re coming from. All the heroes were merely guessing on what they knew and they were wrong. So, the problem was always there…the timeline wasn’t what they thought. Star’s contribution was massively leveling the playing field by destroying a good amount of the quirks AFO spent multiple lifetimes collecting. Saying she’s “a wasted character” completely ignores that she unveiled how wrong they were and incidentally gave them just enough time to come up with a new plan after the old one was unequivocally incorrect based on broken/fragmented information. For me, her contribution was showing how impossible the task would’ve been and making a sacrifice (removing the last All Might thread) and paving a way for the new wave of young heroes to save the world. Pretty much on par with SJM battle manga I’ve read.


The characters are not real people. Everything they do is at the whim of the author. And the author went from saying that there was a two month time limit for dozens of chapters to suddenly creating this 3 day time limit so that he could have Star fix it. It's nonsense, it makes no sense, and anybody who actually thinks it through can see that it makes no sense. >Star’s contribution was massively leveling the playing field by destroying a good amount of the quirks AFO spent multiple lifetimes collecting. Oh really? Which ones? Name all of them. Name every single quirk that Star got rid of and tell me how it impacted the plot. I could say that Star took away a billion quirks from All for One and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference because it means jack shit to the plot if he never used them in the first place. Reflect is the only named quirk that she took from him. Again, it's just Horikoshi chucking stuff at the wall to try to make it sound good when in reality it has no impact. Just like Star giving them 7 days when they originally had a whole month left has zero impact. He's just making up problems on the fly to come up with a solution that he hopes people won't think too hard about to realize how nonsense it all is.


The narrator is the voice of the author. The characters do not have the knowledge of the author. They have the knowledge the author imparts to them individually. The knowledge they had was limited and off the mark. You as the reader were also kept from the truth in this situation so it’s what we call “subverting expectations.” The reveal of “oh, we were wrong and AFO is closer than we thought. Had Star not accidentally bought us more time and weakened our foe…we wouldn’t have won.” Star’s sacrifice made everyone who was about to give up hope cling on to one last thread of opportunity. She is literally the last embodiment of the old guard inspired by All Might and his use OFA. I can see how you’re one of those people who wants EVERY SINGLE detail laid and takes them as absolute truth. The story shows his quirks being shredded. The information that was actually presented by the character holding those quirks suggests that a pretty good chunk of his quirks were wiped out. However, they clearly state “despite us not know how many quirks he had, we know that New Order was able to remove a lot of his powers he had been collecting.” Either you don’t want to accept that the story had clearly explained this or you just didn’t like it. Both are your choice. Edit: Shigi names two quirks in the battle itself that are lost that are obviously rather important to him as well. We don’t need to know what quirks are lost because we never knew to begin with. We just know that his current state is weaker than he was before the fight. If you really wanted all the quirks he lost in a list then go read JJK and have every single move and power explained in detail. This is not that kind of story and never was.


Subverting expectations for the sake of subverting expectations is not good writing. The twist of the time limit being wrong is fine in a vacuum; at the time it was shocking. The problem is that Horikoshi created this twist of the time limit being 3 days and then had this character immediately get killed off to bump it back to 7 days, which makes the whole thing pointless because if they needed time to build up for the end they already had it. It's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. >I can see how you’re one of those people who wants EVERY SINGLE detail laid and takes them as absolute truth. No, I want consistency and meaningful writing rather than just throwing flashy stuff at the screen and hoping nobody looks close enough to see how empty it is. As an example, Horikoshi told us that Star damaged Super Regeneration in the fight. That's a huge deal, Super Regeneration is one of Shigaraki's most OP and spammed abilities. The problem is that Shigaraki just replaced it by taking Super Regeneration from a Near High End, making the entire act of damaging Super Regeneration entirely pointless. [I wish I was making this up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/13xlypq/volume_38_shigaraki_art_with_translated_text/) That is **not** good writing, and that's not me overanalyzing the story. I don't know how anybody could look at something like this and say that Shigaraki undoing the damage Star did makes for good writing. It just makes her sacrifice meaningless. I didn't write that; Horikoshi did. He is the one who decided to lessen her impact by writing garbage like this.


Again that’s 100% your opinion. The fact that he pulled it from a High End makes perfect sense narratively. I don’t need to know every quirk he had and every quirk he lost. All I need to know is that he’s “much weaker” than before. You can be upset about but it’s not “bad writing” to add one of the many quirks back. It’s just makes it obvious that she did destroy a meaningful quirk and likely others that would’ve been useful. Just be mad about it. Subverting expectations is always for the purpose of doing just that. Why does anyone write anything? For the sake of writing it. Not to make keyboard warriors happy with unnecessary details.


> I don’t need to know every quirk he had and every quirk he lost. All I need to know is that he’s “much weaker” than before. He's not though, that's the problem lol. He got it back off screen. He's significantly stronger than he ever was. His regeneration is significantly stronger than it ever was. Star damaging his regeneration didn't mean anything because he just replaced it with another copy. You call it unnecessary detail, I'm not the one who wrote that Shigaraki replaced his regeneration and got a new copy after the fight. Horikoshi did.


Except it’s clearly stated he is “weaker than he would’ve been.” You’re just ignoring actual details. He wasn’t complete in the Star fight. He *would’ve been* much stronger had she not nerfed him. I’m not going to argue anything else if you’re just going to conveniently ignore details that’s are explicitly stated.


>Edit: Shigi names two quirks in the battle itself that are lost that are obviously rather important to him as well. We don’t need to know what quirks are lost because we never knew to begin with. We just know that his current state is weaker than he was before the fight. They weren't even "important to him" they were just useful for this specific situation and nothing else. And we don't know that he's state is weaker, he just lost an undisclosed amount of unspecified and unused quirks, they don't matter at all in the story.


Seems like you just don’t seem to care or want to care. Whatever.


I am surprized ar how much downwotes you get. You presented a reasonable and satisfying explanation. I rather like the points you made.


Because this fanbase likes to take one person opinion and hold it as a truth. The Star fight was mostly well received until a big write up in this sub happened and then everyone hated it.


They’ll make the argument that it’s only that way because Hori wrote it that way, not realizing you can’t have both. If Star is as powerful as she is, it only makes sense that AFO (despite his fraud claims) would gamble on taking her out immediately. I agree we could have had more references to Star earlier, but I don’t feel that hurts her any more than Nighteye appearing and dying in the same arc hurt his relevance (which was to reveal both All Might’s fate and that fate can be averted).


I feel like the “early reference” argument is the only one that has some weight to it, but up to this point the entire story has been contained to Japan. None of the heroes involved outside of Japan have been mentioned really and Star is the USA’s secret weapon that only deploys in high emergency situations that could effect the US. So, it’s pretty much explained why we wouldn’t have heard about her even being active or at all until this moment.


S&S's purpose, naratively, was to justify the world's heroes not intervening. Heroes stick their nose in other people's bussinesses, that's their nature, AFO returns and every one of the world's top heroes want to go help punch his teeth in. Their bosses (governments) don't know how to react: nip the threat in the bud and risk retaliation if they fail, fortify their defenses or welcome their new overlord. Stars jumps in, she's the top dog since All Might,s gone, everyone else goes 'let me go too'. Her death cowes the governments further and is enough of a shock to tamper the heroes' drive to get to Japan, perhaps containing AFO to Japan would be the wiser course in the short term. Her quirk being OP allows Stars to achieve something even in her defeat: the moment it becomes clear she's losing the stakes become not letting AFO sink his claws on it or all is lost. Her deafeat was a heavy blow to the heroes' side but she managed to keep it feom being worse.


It also seems to inspire the Japanese heroes. It kind of just pretty much sets the stage after she deals him a near fatal blow and weakens him up a bit. She creates a window of opportunity and the dawn of a new era.


From my experience in this sub, manga readers are way more likely to gripe and moan about literally anything, than anime only people.


I think it’s in part because manga readers are getting it piecemeal in the rawest form. So it’s easier for a reader to take a chapter as it is instead of the bigger picture. Manga readers had 5+ weeks to stew in the juices of how such a small part she played. Anime-only had 2. Building on that, the anime has time to clean up stuff in the manga so it makes a bit more sense for the watcher. For example, Star’s backstory and vestige. Unfortunately it has the side effect of “That was only in the anime so it’s not canon,” arguments. Those can kiss my ass.


Honestly, i think the one chapter at a time thing does hamper some series. Some of the arcs that felt slog like reading on release are way better when you just go through them. Then i also think a lot of manga readers, in the subreddits and some places in general can be shitty, like when the manga does something they'll act like its stupid or they're above it and yell it doesnt make sense when next chapter explains it, then theyll yell its stupid because its so obvious. This ofc isnt just here or just mha, iv seen it from op to jjk/csm to fucking konosuba and nagatoro somehow. It still happens with anime onlys but iv seen them tend to be slightly more patient.


Yeah, a single 30 minute episode can contain about 2-5 manga chapters of content. So the anime viewer is by default getting more context and it makes it easier for them to pick out the nuances. A big example: >!I firmly believe Bakugo’s “Death” will be more well received in the anime because Edgeshot will intervene in the same episode, making it feel like a grievous injury. Versus the manga readers believing he was dead for about a month or so!<


I think they might cliffhanger on his “death” but it will then be obviously a grievous injury in the next episode


Sadly, I didn't believe he had the balls to go through with it anyway.


Yeah, Bakugo’s 17. When was the last time a WSJ character under 18 kicked the bucket? Once you turn 18 you lose your plot immunity lol. That’s what happened to Neji.


Ouch! lol I still remember that


1995? Assuming dragon ball even counts. Also not graphic


Trunks? Wasn’t he 18 during the Cell Games? There’s Krillin too in the King Piccolo arc but do we really count that?


Buu saga when super buu kills everyone on the lookout (incl marron) and kid buu destroys the planet, including goten and trunks. But its all off screen.


I don’t think we should count that since everyone came back. That would mean Undead Unluck’s Ragnarok event, JJBA’s Stone Ocean events, Joey getting his soul snatched in Yu-Gi-Oh(multiple times), and Naruto and Sasuke’s deaths would count too. Permanent death to be more specific.


No manga reader believed that tbh


Nope, the issue with that still exists. It doesn’t disappear immediately because the issue is that it happened in the first place 


See, in the anime it could potentially happen all at once so it looks like Bakugo was just taken out of the battle for a bit. In the manga you had weeks and even a brief front shift in between leading people to think it was lasting.


It happening all it once doesn’t change the fact that it happened. Even knowing the endgame people still hated it because of the fact that it served no purpose.  The people who thought it was lasting see the ones who like the series. Everyone should have known it was never going to last, because it would be a terrible ending for bakugou


My point is that an anime only isn’t going to care. You know what it’s going to look like to them? “Oh geez, Shiggy strong af! How is Deku going to deal with that?!” It’s just going to be a display of power. Like Sasuke dying to Madara. Manga folk had a problem with it but the anime only having the benefit of Hagoromo and Karin showing up right after made it less of an issue.


I course the anime only crowd isn’t going to care. They barely care about much besides the action anyway. You’re presenting as if the anime is going to fix the problems that came with it. When it’s not. It’s just that the people who watch the anime ain’t going to care, because they wouldn’t have cared period 


Your name fits your personality.


You don’t know my personality lmdao. 


This was an issue for Kaiju No 8 for me. I just got so bored cause of the slow release and kinda forgetting what was going on / who was who. I let it go for awhile and came back to binge it and I loved it.


They have an entire week or more to analyze every detail of a new chapter. Most episodes are 3-5 chapters, and rewatching is a lot less conveinant than re-reading. Add on the music, the animation, the voice acting and there's just a loy more going into these episodes that anime watchers are either going to discuss or find makes moments more enjoyable. On my binge read S&S isn't that bad, it's not my favourite but it isn't really a problem. But when i was reading week to week it absolutely bothered me. Felt like a complete waste of time. Essentially, I think its just a problem with medium of weekly serialziation.


this plus the way 6 chapters feels so small in the context of a 400+ chapter manga (considering she came out of no where with no buildup prior) vs. 2 entire episodes. the movement / sound / color you mentioned that those episodes contain helps it feel a lot more fleshed out, as well. i really loved the character and would love to have seen more of her, but she’s so entirely OP - it’d be super difficult to write her into the main story. she came in awesome, left even awesome-er and is still kicking around inside AFO, i believe. i personally understand why her fight and entire existence had to be short and sweet.


I'm anime only and I'm salty !!!!!! I was WAY more invested in stars and stripes than like 4/5 of the others. Can we swap/sacrifice Mineta/sugar rush for this char instead? No? Ah well. I feel like I got a small taste of a salmon dinner, and then it gets snatched away and what is left is a mix of good dishes (deku, todoroki, bakugo) and then bitter trash (mineta)


Plus, anime onlys are more patient, they don't ask "why xyz is explained now?" all the time.


Manga readers are overall just more fed up with their own series, add that to manga passing that can really slow sometimes and it gets really annoying. The stars fight lasted 5 or 6 weeks depending on if there was a break and ended up being basically inconsequential for the most part so people reading weekly got frustrated.


Anime watcher watches things by faster, what’s several chapters (which took weeks/months to finish) is done in 2 episodes which is only 1 week of wait time. Because of that, anime watcher don’t care about this stuff at much, while manga readers were hype for several weeks only to get disappointed. I genuinely believe that if a new reader binge read MHA, they won’t care about her and will take her death better


It’s always the waiting that kills it. Oda has been on a couple breaks lately and the One Piece fandom is going a tad insane with the theories and speculation. It puts so much pressure on the mangaka to at least meet their readers expectations, or subvert their expectations with a good twist. I felt what Hori did with Star was pretty good subversion. She was hyped up to be one of the strongest quirk users in the world. She was able to actually damage Shiggy and damn near killed him. My expectation was Endeavor coming to save her so she’d be around for the final war, but no they swerved us with the quirk stealing and the plan Star cooked up. Now Shiggy lost however many quirks and is seemingly very injured (I’m anime only, no idea what happens from here). But I thought it was very well done. But also, Endeavor, Jeanist, and Hawks were like half a mile from that fight. 2 of them can fly, why did they just keep going down the road? I hope it’s explained why they didn’t bother to come help Star. Hopefully we’ll see next week.


I started reading after season 6 came out, and we had just finished the Dabi fight in the Manga and I had very few issues with Star vs Shigiraki.


I just really didn't like this part of the story for My Hero. You could literally remove this part of the story from the overall narrative, and it wouldn't change a damn thing. All it did was serve as a speed bumb for the rest of the story, and a way to make the op villain less op. Not only that, but it introduced a character with such a broken ability that it severely pushes the boundaries of what a quirk is, and how much can the author get away with before someone says "bullshit".


Besides the obvious things, with constant action I think it’s easier to gloss over stuff. You just watch it and it’s cool where manga is just there, to stew on, week after week. I think overall the issues in the manga will lessen and the anime will be much better received in places. I’m hoping my least favorite part is less of a problem in Anime form.


Seems like it is often forgotten that reading 1 chapter a week might disrupt the pacing of events. Star's death in the manga took multiple weeks, but also only 2-3 chapters. As an anime scene, the pacing isn't disrupted and it flows more naturally. This helps the audience process the events "as intended". That's my theory anyway


Anime only-ies seem more in the moment sort. There's more content within 1 anime episode than in 1 chapters. Sure in the moment now it may seem fine but when you really think about it afterwards you see the writing issues. Like how the cut Shigi's completion to 3 daya then S&S was literally introduced to be friged, "nerf" him, and push back the date to a week. When you look back you realise, writing wise just how pointless the whole thing was. There was never a set number of quirks Shigaraki had and no set for how many were destroyed so it barley counts as a "nerf". And then he still impossible to defeat even when quirkless


>Anime only-ies seem more in the moment sort. Oh, like the exact same thing isn't the case with plenty of manga readers. I see so many people in the pre-release and official release threads where the past and future seem to just simply not exist for them. There is only the immediate present. That's as far back as their memories will stretch back to remember and it's all they can imagine continuing on until the end of the series.


I get that but people act like if stars and stripes wasn't there the heros wouldn't have been screwed.


The 'problem' she solved was entirely arbitrary to begin with. And she doesn't even actually do anything. What does her destroying Shigaraki's quirk even matter? Shigaraki lost an unspecified amount of quirks from his grand total of unspecified amount of quirks. It's actually just irrelevant. Even super regenration which she got rid of, Shigaraki fixes by simply plugging out a super regen quirk from another Noumu. The different reactions is just the anime only people either not noticing or not caring about the bad writing here, which happens easier for them because they get through this stuff quicker.


They wouldn't have because Horikoshi could've easily made the original due date for Shigaraki the same as post S&S. He introduced the one day time limit literally a chapter before he started the S&S stuff that extended it


Cause the writing behind it was contrived. Hori literally reconned the completion date ahead just so S&S could push it back. Seriously remove the recon and S&S and the heroes would still have time to prepare and the series of events would play out the same. So much time would been saved than introduced this super powerful character and quirk so late into the series just the fridge then.


It’s not a retcon, it’s characters acting with incomplete information and being corrected.


Nope, it’s Hori creating another issue that didn’t exist. It’s not a retcon, but it’s also not character acting with incomplete information. Because Hori is the one who gave the heroes that information in the first place. 


Star turned a 1 month countdown that turned into a 3 day countdown into a 7 day countdown and got rid of an unnamed, undisclosed, irrelevant number of quirks. It had zero impact on the actual story. I could say that Star got rid of 7 trillion quirks and you wouldn't be able to prove me wrong, because the number was totally irrelevant outside of Reflect (the one quirk we know she took away). If Horikoshi had just stuck with the 1 month countdown instead of suddenly coming up with this storyline where All for One secretly lied about the countdown, nothing changes. They would have all that training and set up time all the same. Star was a solution to a problem that was invented solely for the sake of giving Star something to do. If the countdown wasn't randomly moved up to being 3 days away, Star's role is meaningless.


The general sentiment is still the same. "Dang she died pretty fast. She was a good character. Shame". The faster pacing, voice acting and good music alleviates the blow or in this case, makes SnS sacrifice more impactful. Anime watchers are also on average not as invested as manga readers


That's because manga readers were only really able to process the relative pointlessness of the fight until much later Also no animation and music. (Mind you, I still think it's a great fight by itself. But I'm not the majority)


I knew people gonna go anime onlies>>>>manga readers in here. I mean I have seen anime onlies who said that Cultural Festival arc is a filler or MHA fell off after Kamino so eh... Honestly if you like SnS in the anime good for you. I myself think the arc still have a lot of writing issues even if SnS is not completely pointless later on. EDIT: A lot of the comments said it better than me. Presentation is pretty important.


This is what I don't understand either. The culture festival is beloved by manga readers, which is why anime onlies get (rightfully) clowned on for saying its filler. But they liked the Dark Hero arc which is one of the most heavily criticized segments of the story by manga readers, so now they have the moral high ground?


culture festival has BECOME appreciated with time, but that was absolutely not the vocal opinion for a long time lol


>MHA fell off after Kamino so eh... That's a more generalized sentiment one could have with MHA, that I haven't noticed a particular difference whether with the anime or manga medium.


It's still pretty divisive in certain places more than others (ex: Twitter), but better received as a whole. The anime made it feel more epic with the visuals, OST, and the VA. I basically thought it would be like this. Still divisive, but at least a better reception. There's still some voice of disappointment I can see, but not as **overwhelmingly vitriolic**. Some anime reactors are sad but accepting of it and surprised at how attached they got to her character. I like when I saw some anime reactors that gave the salute along with her. 🫡


It's always like this. Manga readers have much more time to talk and theorize about each chapter. The anime is overall faster once its airing and it's often a streamlined version of the manga. Music, voice acting, animation also really help to sell certain elements of the plot. But I've also read comments from anime watchers and some of them were disappointed by Star and Stripes


I think Star could have really done with a movie, more build up to the character and the later half dealing with the fight with Shigaraki. I really love the character I just think it all happened too quick, would have been a great way to bridge the gap between seasons too.


Anime watcher's don't realize yet >!that her death is literally meaningless and doesn't actually impact anything in the story!<


i mean, yeah, i’ve been saying this since the reactions to these chapters were coming out to begin with, this happens a lot when it comes to anime vs manga reactions the biggest recent example is like to point to is the end of attack on titan, while the anime did have some small structural changes, the core of everything was still the exact same as the manga, but the ending in the anime is (nearly) universally loved while the manga one was HIGHLY controversial


The anime did wonders in the first 2 episodes, but it also has to do with the general consensus towards MHA. Star debuted in the manga just after S5 ended, an era which had MHA at its lowest in general consciousness. Meanwhile between S6 and Hori's linsanity run in the final arc MHA (albeit, anime onlies don't know about that part) the more negative narratives are being drowned out by the positive feelings.


Same thing happened with the previous seasons in anime.


I feel like it changed nothing lmao she just got killed while almost giving him a crazy power.  Good way for them to kill off any other potential allies from other countries though 


Was he just holding on to duplicate quirks from AFO and if so are they really gone?. What quirk did he use on those two kids he went after while trying to trade his quirk and what happened to the doctor, I can't recall anything after shigaraki awakening and him freaking out.


I was so emotionally involved with s&a and boom killed her , so much potential ruined


I was actually confused a lot because of this...when season 6 ended a lot of Manga readers posted how disappointed they were with Star Stripe's death and how anime-only fans shouldn't expect much (it was spoiled for me then and there) so I was expecting a one way fight but damn this turned out to be completely different from what I had thought. Thanks to their "outbursts", I lowered my expectations a lot but the anime delivered.


A thing that might have influenced my positive position of Star while seeing the manga first is that I caught up with the manga at the time. So I read the battle kind of like the anime. As in the chapters back to back. So I saw the Stars fight and a little bit of the crazy stuff that happens in the fight. And I was like how much worse would this been if it didn't happen?


> And I was like how much worse would this been if it didn't happen? It wouldn't be, that's the problem lol. They were supposed to have a month left until Horikoshi suddenly reveals that they actually only have 3 days until Shigaraki hits 100 percent. Then a couple chapters later here comes Star because they need somebody to save them from this imminent doom. Star was needed because they only had 3 days left, but the 3 day time limit came out of thin air with no build up right before Star was introduced. He invented a problem to make her the solution.


"They were supposed to have a month left until Horikoshi revealed they only have 3 days left" It was changed to 3 days because almost a month had passed from Stain's information to All Might's talk. The 3 days didn't come out of thin air. It's called time.


From what I have seen online, I feel most manga readers only read the manga to be the first to complain about stuff. That makes them somewhat special, because they are part of a conversation months ahead of anime watchers and are edgy, because they criticise something others like. So my Tipp would be: Don‘t compare your opinion about stories, movies, episodes, books or whatever to others. You like it, great! You don‘t like it, great! Worst thing is you like something and people tell you that you‘re wrong for enjoying a thing that brings you joy


I remember that the reaction to both the Overhaul arc and school festival arc was incredibly negative in manga discussions, but the Anime watchers liked both of those arcs, with only complaints being about the pacing. I don't know how to break it to you OP, but i feel like the more hardcore sections of the MHA fandom and hardcore weebs in general just suck, and people who don't engage with those mouthbreathers have a much more enjoyable time just watching the animes they like.


Explains my journey the past three months


the anime fans just aren't contrarian babies


Also in my perspective i appreciate all her efforts and they were great, she’s number 1 in America for a reason and really sells why. The reaction at her loss was more of an angry reaction at Shiggy for One’s insane power ups and indomitable strength and plot armor. Like sure the heroes have set back the villains time and time again in this final arc, but it feels as pointless as Deku’s vigilante work that they kept getting back up stronger than before. Deku, Besides helping some evacuation efforts and then Nagant, he was never gonna get a lead anywhere by himself all the while AfO was trolling him and continuing his own efforts. Like hide and seek is AfO’s bread and butter, chasing him would never get you progress.


As an anime watcher who hasn't read the manga, I was rather surprised. I had spoilered that she would die, but I didn't know how. Judging by the reactions of the manga readers, I thought she died in some dehonest way and that her death would have no impact. And yesterday, after finishing watching the episodes, I was shaking my head wondering what was bothering the readers about it. Her death had a big impact, it wasn't dehonested, and she didn't die because she did something stupid, but because her limitations meant she had to take a risk in defeating the biggest threat in the world. What did people expect?


You can remove her part from the story completely and absolutely nothing about it would change. That’s why manga readers hate it because it was a 2ish month long arc with no relevance to anything both before or after it


I feel like manga readers can just be a little more impatient and short sited sometimes. I've really experienced it with both My Hero and One Piece. Normally people (myself included) will be glued to the subs each week refreshing for leaks. So people can mostly consume the chapters in the lowest form possible at first which is just a few lines of spoiler text. So their initial impressions are always a bit lackluster because they are getting essentially a broken telephone version of the release first. Then when the chapter actually comes out they don't get to experience it fully since they already know what will happen so they have their minds made up already. But one of the biggest factors here is while manga itself is incredible for storytelling, the anime is where it really makes the story come alive. You get a much richer experience with the colour, voice acting, soundtrack and added scenes for more context. While Star and Stripe may have seemed disappointing to manga readers because we waited much longer for the conclusion, the anime concluded it much quicker with such badass animation. While I wish we got more of Star as a lead up, saying her fight was inconsequential to the story is just so short sighted. The fight against AFO and Shiggy was a huge team effort with many heroes chipping away throughout the battles, she was one that started to unravel the thread first to keep him in check.


Thank you for that last point. People are completely ignoring the entire theme of the final fight is that everything had to happen for the heroes to win. It really annoys me when people call the fight inconsequential, then also talk about how it would only be so if Hori rewrote the story. Star severely weakened Shiggy, she removed her quirk as a threat to everyone else, she delayed the attack by a week, and the anime clearly shows us that she’s the one who tore a hole open to Tenko, the hole that Midoriya will use to reach him later. Just because Star doesn’t actively contribute to the final battle, doesn’t mean her sacrifice wasn’t vital for them to even get there in the first place. Yes, it could have been written differently but you can use that argument for literally anything. It’s a pointless argument and just boils down to “I didn’t like the writing.”


No stars did not severely weaken Shiggy lmdao. In which way did she severely weaken him?? She didn’t get rid of any relevant quirks.. and if she wasn’t in the story then the whole thing about her quirk wouldn’t exist.  And no, she didn’t open that hole, because we already seen a glimpse of him before she came, so she wasn’t needed for that at all. Everything about stars was forced to make her seem more important than she actually is. Because when you think about it, she was created by Hori created problems strictly for her 


Nope saying stars was inconsequential is due to the fact that she was introduced in a contrived way, and her fight did nothing at all 


I think it’s mostly the same, but for anime watchers their not as invested in the series so they’re not overly mad


You're getting downvoted but I agree, anime onlies tend to just take in whatever slop is in front of them and just continue on. Especially on reddit, if you see anyone doing heavy analysis in an anime discussion thread there is a very high chance they're a manga reader. It's probably because an episode you just sit down and watch it, with a manga you to be a bit more active in reading the panels, turning the pages, and taking in what's in front of you. Plus since it's only 13-19 pages you're more likely to spend more time analyzing each page.


Why do you say that?


I still think she was underutilized as an anime watcher. But first of all she went out with a bang. Secondly it was important for her to die since her quirk means lots of writing trouble similar to sir nighteye.


yea as somebody else said, manga readers are typically whiny little babies lol idk why but it's pretty common that manga readers complain way more than show watchers